Cursed Political Content

  • Thread starter TexRex
Some people are trying to cancel it because it's supposedly offensive to other cultures.
Who? Where? When?

You say that the war on Christmas isn't a myth, but you don't seem to be able to bring any actual evidence for it.

And again, the only time Christmas has ever been cancelled in a Christian country, it was Christians that did it.

I'm not really interested in the semantics mate.
Of course not. That would be information you could reasonably use to form an accurate opinion instead of the tripe coming out of your keyboard.
You can recognise other cultures, but not at the cost of others
What is the cost to these cultures in recognising others exist?
So do you tell this to all your family at Christmas lunch?
We had ours on December 21st this year.

My family - including my 13-year old - know all of this because they're not in a cult that requires them to reject knowledge and information.

Why is it relevant?

I'm not ignorant.
I said "based on ignorance". Your stupid takes (which are getting less and less well-formed) are based on you knowing very little about what you say. When you learn more stuff and realise your original opinion was indefensible - such as your fit over "they/them" not being singular - you recant. This is ignorance manifest.
Who? Where? When?
The local council district that I'm in never mentions Christmas anywhere.
What is the cost to these cultures in recognising others exist?
The destruction of Christianity
We had ours on December 21st this year.

My family - including my 13-year old - know all of this because they're not in a cult that requires them to reject knowledge and information.
I said "based on ignorance". Your stupid takes (which are getting less and less well-formed) are based on you knowing very little about what you say. When you learn more stuff and realise your original opinion was indefensible - such as your fit over "they/them" not being singular - you recant. This is ignorance manifest.
They aren't stupid takes.
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The local council never mentions Christmas anywhere.
Your local council is who it is that's conducting a war on Christmas? Sounds like a very specific issue rather than something global and intended to cancel a misappropriated celebration.
The destruction of Christianity
While I wouldn't lament that in any way, how is wishing someone who doesn't celebrate Christmas a "Happy Holidays" supposed to destroy Christianity?

Again: only Christians have ever cancelled Christmas in Christian countries.

You okay there, champ?
They aren't stupid takes.
You say something stupid, learn why it's stupid, and change your mind (which is a good thing, by the way)... but then don't think the original stupid thing was stupid?
I feel really stupid now.
... except when you do.

Bizarre stuff.
Oh right, because your takes are never controversial or, as Famine put it, turd tier?

My apologies, I should've done my research.

They aren't controversial. Maybe a bit harsh but I wouldn't call them controversial.

Your local council is who it is that's conducting a war on Christmas? Sounds like a very specific issue rather than something global and intended to cancel a misappropriated celebration.
Yes it is. And several others too.
While I wouldn't lament that in any way, how is wishing someone who doesn't celebrate Christmas a "Happy Holidays" supposed to destroy Christianity?
By removing all meaning from the celebration
You okay there, champ?
I just found your comment ironic.
You say something stupid, learn why it's stupid, and change your mind (which is a good thing, by the way)... but then don't think the original stupid thing was stupid?

... except when you do.

Bizarre stuff.
At least I didn't double down on my take.
Saying Happy Holidays is stupid because it's a generic term that does not accurately describe the celebration, which is the birth of Christ.
Or maybe Happy Holidays is a way of broadly wishing holiday blessings because not everyone (whether the person themselves or whom they're speaking to) celebrates Christmas or believes in Christ.
Why cancel that?
Saying Happy Holidays is not "cancelling" Christmas. This is the issue the right-wing culture war can not comprehend; it is not a zero-sum game.
It's not offensive to say Happy Holidays and those who do get offended don't understand it.
I can literally swap in any other holiday celebration in place as well.
Yes it is. And several others too.
This seems unlikely but we are at least making progress.

What is the nature of this war? Is it this council?

By removing all meaning from the celebration
Again, how does this achieve that? You're acknowledging that someone who doesn't celebrate Christmas exists and wishing them well. This doesn't increase or decrease the number of people who celebrate Christmas or change how they do that. It's literally just empathy.

In any case, the meaning of the celebration is the passage of the Northern Hemisphere winter solstice - a significant event in agrarian societies, as it marks the end of shortening days/lengthening nights and the most dangerous and least productive time of the year. That's why the Romans pasted their own, similar events (Saturnalia and Sol Invictus - the "unconquered sun", with the event named to mark the fact the sun was coming back) onto it, and why they decided that "the light of Jesus" should be marked at the same time when they caught Christianity in the 3rd and 4th centuries.

It was marked by the gathering of families, decoration (usually lights and such green plants as still exist in deep winter), the exchange of gifts, and feasting on stores of meat and wine.

This sound familiar at all? You should probably be interested in the semantics...

I just found your comment ironic.
Irony is the use of words to mean something other than their literal intention. Where did I do that?
At least I didn't double down on my take.
You did, repeatedly. It took 20 posts before you walked it back.

And now you're doing the same here.

Remember: only Christians have successfully cancelled Christmas in Christian countries.
I think I've become the punching bag for this sub-forum because all the others who share my views have buggered off...
I think I've become the punching bag for this sub-forum because all the others who share my views have buggered off...
That generally happens when people who want to believe something find that they can't actually defend doing so, and faced with having to justify their mindset they opt to shut out the challenges in order to continue believing.

Anyway, that was a nice victim card instead of a substantive response...

That generally happens when people who want to believe something find that they can't actually defend doing so, and faced with having to justify their mindset they opt to shut out the challenges in order to continue believing.

FYI I'm in this stupid district called Merri-bek, formerly known as Moreland
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Irony is the use of words to mean something other than their literal intention. Where did I do that?
What you mean is that you disagree.
FYI I'm in this stupid district called Merri-bek, formerly known as Moreland
The local council district that I'm in never mentions Christmas anywhere

There's over 20 other different results - discounting the two about how to dispose of real/fake trees.

Seems that they don't know they're fighting this war.
Saying Happy Holidays is stupid because it's a generic term that does not accurately describe the celebration, which is the birth of Christ. Why cancel that? It's not offensive to say Merry Christmas and those who do get offended don't understand it.
You seem to have things very backwards. It's indeed not offensive to say Merry Christmas, though it's exactly as inoffensive to say Happy Holidays. The latter makes a lot more sense when you don't know if someone has a preferred holiday, which would be the default for people you don't know. Happy Holidays isn't a result of people taking offense at Christmas, it's the result of cultural awareness.

If anything, as someone who apparently is concerned over the reason for Christmas, you should probably give more thought to supporting a generic phrase. Christmas is a national holiday for me but as a non christian Christ is far from my mind on the day itself. Pretending that Christmas is the only cultural event of note or that it has religious significance for everyone is ridiculous. Trying to force one particular culture on people is a good way to get them to disapprove of that culture. If instead you let people live as they wish then at least you know when someone says "Merry Christmas" it's not just hollow words.
lol. Amazing.

What's wild is that the end of the calendar year is an observance which is not inconsistent with Christmas and the existence of the two in the same holiday season justifies invoking "holidays" rather than the singular Christmas.

Conservative is when you cry like a little bitch, screaming and vomiting with rage, because someone wished you "happy holidays."
If you think Jesus was born on the 25th December and his birthday is being devalued, I've got some magic beans to sell to you.
If someone knows me and says "Merry Christmas" to me knowing that I don't celebrate, yeah it might offend me. Either way, I'm not going to throw a fit over someone making a wrong assumption. "Happy Holidays" is used as a very safe way to convey wishing a happy festive time to those who celebrate Christmas/Chanukah/Kwanzaa/Saturnalia etc.
If someone knows me and says "Merry Christmas" to me knowing that I don't celebrate, yeah it might offend me. Either way, I'm not going to throw a fit over someone making a wrong assumption. "Happy Holidays" is used as a very safe way to convey wishing a happy festive time to those who celebrate Christmas/Chanukah/Kwanzaa/Saturnalia etc.
But Christians are oppressed and saying "happy holidays" is part of why.

parks and recreation laughing GIF
which is the birth of Christ.
Captain America Lol GIF by mtv


I'm not ignorant.
I'm not really interested in the semantics mate.

Captain America Lol GIF by mtv


I just said Merry Christmas to my sister...

... have not yet been disappeared to a black-site, but if I'm not about later ... I mean, you never know....

Some people are trying to cancel it because it's supposedly offensive to other cultures.
Which people? Be specific. Which people, who have the right to dictate whatever passes for freedom of expression, freedom of association and freedom of religion down under, are trying to 'cancel' it, and what does 'cancel' actually mean in this instance. If you can't answer this, ask the people telling you that it's happening to explain it.
Some people are trying to cancel it because it's supposedly offensive to other cultures.
Scott, IMHO you would do well to listen to what your friends at GTP are trying to say here...

You have it completely the wrong way around - 'Merry Christmas' is not being "cancelled", and nor is it considered "offensive" by anyone.

It's a mark of respect to not say "Merry Christmas" to someone who does not relate the holiday period to Christianity or to a culture that observes Christmas in that way. It's as simple as that.

I work in a group with 6 other people - my boss is Dutch, and the other 5 are from India, China, France, Spain and Cornwall. My Chinese friend is not offended when I say "Happy new year!" to the group, but I don't say that to him personally because his new year is not the same as mine. Similarly, he doesn't say "新年快乐!" on January 29th to me either. In this case, it's not only a mark of respect, but also just common courtesy.

No-one is "cancelling" anyone. It should be the case that one can greet anyone in a meaningful and thoughtful ways as one deems fit. Ask yourself what the alternative is (i.e. being obliged to conform to a one-size-fits-all approach, against your own wishes/better judgement) and consider which is the better option...