Cursed Political Content

  • Thread starter TexRex

Feminism is when a baby's arm holding an apple.
Methinks the gentleman doth protest too much.


In the words of one Dr Venkman:

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Engage bait activated. Surely no one is that stupid and his trollish replies to incredulous respondents seem to bear out this theory.

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Remember way back when people would act dumb just to go, "Haha, I'm trolling them"?

Boy, the internet really has devolved into people not even acting anymore; they really are that stupid to think that passes for good trolling/baiting.
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If bloody Israel in the Middle East can do it twice I guess all bets are off. It was originally for countries which can receive European television broadcasts but in the streaming age I guess that's everywhere on Earth. :dopey:

Isn't that Matterhorn... in Switzerland?
Steve Harvey Reaction GIF
He asked Trudeau if Canada wanted to be the 51st State (instead of, you know, acknowledging that we have 10 provinces), apparently he just laughed. :lol: Which is funny, but I'm not sure if that was the best possible response to a narcissist.

Also, shouldn't it be an American flag replacing the Canadian one? He's such a moron. :lol:

Check the hard drive. Check the hard drive. Check the hard drive. Check the hard drive. Check the hard drive. Check the hard drive. Check the hard drive. Check the hard drive. Check the hard drive. Check the hard drive. Check the hard drive. Check the hard drive. Check the hard drive. Check the hard drive. Check the hard drive. Check the hard drive. Check the hard drive. Check the hard drive. Check the hard drive. Check the hard drive. Check the hard drive. Check the hard drive. Check the hard drive. Check the hard drive. Check the hard drive.
I was just going to post that one.

Fancying a woman is worse than fancying children. Who knew??