Cursed Political Content

  • Thread starter TexRex

The DOD shouldn't be headed by Andy Cohen or Anderson Cooper either.


The DOD shouldn't be headed by Andy Cohen or Anderson Cooper either.

Brilyn is a young Republican shill, so I doubt he can recall when "manly man" Watters attacked Biden for drinking a milkshake with a straw & using his fingers because, "man lips" or something.
As James Acaster said about those War On Christmas chumps, it's not that no-one says Merry Christmas anymore, they just don't say it to you anymore.
It's not a myth.
The only war on Christmas is corporations making it more commercialized with each passing year. They switched to Happy Holidays as it allows them to use the Christmas marketing tool for a broader timeframe without making people tire of it. They may say it's to be more inclusive, but it's pretty obvious that the "Happy Holiday's" phrase is centered around 1 specific late December holiday. Just look at the other holiday's during this time frame, the only other one that really gets any attention is New Year's. Everything else is lucky to get a social media post. Hell, as I type this we're in the middle of Hanukkah, but I've barely seen any mentions of that fact.

Nobody is suppressing Christmas, even the evil liberal White House still put up a Christmas tree with the usual fanfare this year.
It's not a myth.
Do go on.

I'd like to hear more about the non-mythical war on the religiousist co-opted solstice festival which every smegging store marks four months in advance and which is so inescapable for almost two months that we literally have a light-hearted game here - which you had such a pathetic tantrum about - about how difficult it is to avoid one (or two, depending on how you want to do it) of its most popular songs if you venture out in public or consume any media.

Seems like it's a pretty one-sided war.
Do go on.

I'd like to hear more about the non-mythical war on the religiousist co-opted solstice festival which every smegging store marks four months in advance and which is so inescapable for almost two months that we literally have a light-hearted game here - which you had such a pathetic tantrum about - about how difficult it is to avoid one (or two, depending on how you want to do it) of its most popular songs if you venture out in public or consume any media.

Seems like it's a pretty one-sided war.
Saying Happy Holidays is stupid because it's a generic term that does not accurately describe the celebration, which is the birth of Christ. Why cancel that? It's not offensive to say Merry Christmas and those who do get offended don't understand it.
Saying Happy Holidays is stupid because it's a generic term that does not accurately describe the celebration, which is the birth of Christ. Why cancel that? It's not offensive to say Merry Christmas and those who do get offended don't understand it.
You're really getting offended by such miniscule things, just like finding they/them stupid.

Chill out.
Saying Happy Holidays is stupid because it's a generic term that does not accurately describe the celebration, which is the birth of Christ. Why cancel that? It's not offensive to say Merry Christmas and those who do get offended don't understand it.
Using a generic term seems pretty fitting considering there's no consensus as to when the person in question was actually born.
So... no actual response to why the "war on Christmas" isn't a myth then?

Why is the "war on Christmas" not a myth?

Saying Happy Holidays is stupid because it's a generic term that does not accurately describe the celebration, which is the birth of Christ.
Christmas is a celebration pasted over Saturnalia/Sol Invictus, which happened when the Romans caught Christianity. Saturnalia/Sol Invictus were the co-option of the pagan solstice festival (sometimes called Yule), which is what Romans liked to do when they invaded: rather than just demanding the population adapted, they joined existing deities/events to their own to aid assimilation without resistance - so it looked like everyone was celebrating the same thing at the same time, allowing the old ways to be gradually leaned out.

The "birth of Christ" - if it happened - likely happened early- to mid-autumn (although apparently many other dates have also been suggested). It's celebrated at the wrong time of year because some dudes in the 3rd Century got it wrong and - given the lack of timings in the source material - deliberately so.

Saying "Happy Holidays" recognises that other cultures... you know, exist and may not celebrate the same exact thing at the same exact time - like the purported birth of a demi-god instead of a solstice festival.

Why do you not want to recognise that other cultures exist and have their own events?

Here's a fun fact: the only times Christmas was actually cancelled in the western world, Christians did it.

For another one: pretty much everything you think you know about and every tradition you partake in at Christmas was invented by Charles Dickens. Those that aren't... are almost exclusively part of the pagan Yule. Even the gatherings, lights, and feasting.

I'm not having an issue with it anymore because I actually use they/them in a singular context.
Yeah, it's funny how you keep on throwing out these dumb takes based on ignorance, then get facts and change your mind about it.

For a New Year's resolution, can you try getting information before saying stupid things, so that they're not said and you don't have to walk them back?
So... no actual response to why the "war on Christmas" isn't a myth then?

Why is the "war on Christmas" not a myth?
Some people are trying to cancel it because it's supposedly offensive to other cultures.
Christmas is a celebration pasted over Saturnalia/Sol Invictus, which happened when the Romans caught Christianity. Saturnalia/Sol Invictus were the co-option of the pagan solstice festival (sometimes called Yule), which is what Romans liked to do when they invaded: rather than just demanding the population adapted, they joined existing deities/events to their own to aid assimilation without resistance - so it looked like everyone was celebrating the same thing at the same time, allowing the old ways to be gradually leaned out.

The "birth of Christ" - if it happened - likely happened early- to mid-autumn. It's celebrated at the wrong time of year because some dudes in the 3rd Century got it wrong.
I'm not really interested in the semantics mate.
Saying "Happy Holidays" recognises that other cultures... you know, exist and may not celebrate the same exact thing at the same exact time - like the purported birth of a demi-god instead of a solstice festival.

Why do you not want to recognise that other cultures exist and have their own events?
You can recognise other cultures, but not at the cost of others
For another one: pretty much everything you think you know about and every tradition you partake in at Christmas was invented by Charles Dickens. Those that aren't... are almost exclusively part of the pagan Yule. Even the gatherings, lights, and feasting.
So do you tell this to all your family at Christmas lunch?
Yeah, it's funny how you keep on throwing out these dumb takes based on ignorance, then get facts and change your mind about it.

For a New Year's resolution, can you try getting information before saying stupid things, so that they're not said and you don't have to walk them back?
I'm not ignorant.