The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff

Pinochet assumed power in Chile following a United States-backed coup d'état on 11 September 1973 that overthrew the democratically-elected socialist Unidad Popular government of President Salvador Allende, and ended civilian rule. The support of the United States was crucial to the coup and the consolidation of power afterward.[8][9][10] Pinochet had been promoted to Commander-in-Chief of the Chilean Army by Allende on 23 August 1973, having been its General Chief of Staff since early 1972.[11] In December 1974, the ruling military junta appointed Pinochet Supreme Head of the nation by joint decree, although without the support of one of the coup's instigators, Air Force General Gustavo Leigh.[12] Following his rise to power, Pinochet persecuted leftists, socialists, and political critics, resulting in the executions of from 1,200 to 3,200 people,[13] the internment of as many as 80,000 people, and the torture of tens of thousands.[14][15][16] According to the Chilean government, the number of executions and forced disappearances was 3,095.[17] Operation Condor was founded at the behest of the Pinochet regime in late November 1975, his 60th birthday.[18]
Isn't that what my link said? I don't see how it's an "other" thing.
I hadn't spotted that that was a link until now.
It looked to me like you were providing spelling because of the other spelling used in the post you replied to.

Ignore me. (not like that)

I know it's a joke but it got my brain rolling so... sorry for this post but... also not sorry.

It's not so much that ketchup on a steak is offensive or that it's triggering. It's that only a truly, and I mean truly, disturbed person would do this. Someone who puts ketchup on a steak shouldn't even be trusted to drive a car, or have custody of children, let alone control a nuclear arsenal. It's as though he murdered someone, or likes black licorice.
This debacle reminds me of a kid I went to kindergarten with who would, nearly every day during snack time, eat Doritos dipped in ketchup. Nasty.
Poupon on a burger is fine tho'.

Yea, if I'm analogizing the food crime here - what we're looking at is not a Hawaiian pizza. Well done steak with ketchup is an anchovy pizza. You don't take perfectly great pizza and put disgusting fish on it. You just don't... unless you're a monster.
Yea, if I'm analogizing the food crime here - what we're looking at is not a Hawaiian pizza. Well done steak with ketchup is an anchovy pizza. You don't take perfectly great pizza and put disgusting fish on it. You just don't... unless you're a monster.
Hey now!
I work for an Italian restaurant company. I work in the office, but if I manage to make it out to one of the stores, I often make a veggie and anchovy pizza.


Sprinkle parmesan on the anchovies and it fries in the anchovy oil. Delicious.


The only thing ketchup is good for is dipping fries. It should never be on a hamburger or a hot dog.
Even Matt Bors is jumping on the "right wing = normal" joke bandwagon.


But I think Matt Bors may be a diviner, because that comic is dated Feb 28, 2017, putting it some 33 months before "Normalgate". That's wild.

I know it's a joke but it got my brain rolling so... sorry for this post but... also not sorry.

It's not so much that ketchup on a steak is offensive or that it's triggering. It's that only a truly, and I mean truly, disturbed person would do this. Someone who puts ketchup on a steak shouldn't even be trusted to drive a car, or have custody of children, let alone control a nuclear arsenal. It's as though he murdered someone, or likes black licorice.
I'm not sorry either. I was giggling as I read it and laughing outright by the time I got to the end.

I think that it's obvious from the subtext of the cartoon that nobody thinks it's either besides the Trumper.
The sad thing is I think most everyone knows one of these people. It's not supporting him because he's in a position to make the policy changes you want to see made; you'd likely have gotten that with Jeb or Ted. It's much more toxic than that.

Poupon, even on a burger, is fine tho'.
Mustard is awesome on a burger. It makes the meat pop. Ketchup is about the worst thing you can put on a burger (within reason, but then I don't actually think it's reasonable, so...), because despite the glutamates in tomatoes, the sweetness masks the beef flavor. Mustard helps to cut the richness and balance the whole thing. Mayo's a neutral party.

Yea, if I'm analogizing the food crime here - what we're looking at is not a Hawaiian pizza. Well done steak with ketchup is an anchovy pizza. You don't take perfectly great pizza and put disgusting fish on it. You just don't... unless you're a monster.
I'm not about to defend anchovies on a pizza, but they absolutely are not a disgusting fish. When utilized properly, anchovies are amazing. The high concentration of MSG means they make meat taste meatier, so I usually put them in marinades for beef or cuts of pork with more myoglobin. Of course there's also a Cesar, where the little guys really get to shine, and I almost always put them in tomato sauces...including homemade ketchup.

That's roughly as disgusting as ketchup on a well done steak.
To be fair, there's little one can do to a steak cooked that much that'll make it worse.