The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff
This seems to be pushing the AUP. Also, wut?
These people out rioting in the streets are that same people that, as kids, that were banned from things like dodgeball, in school, and received trophies, not based on merit, but just based on showing up. Now they feel entitled. Spoiled brats.
The ones in the Spanish speaking country that photo was obviously taken in?
I am glad you pointed out that that was not a photo from the USA. I am all about defending the cops, but that seemed a little hard.

But I stand by my other posts.
I am glad you pointed out that that was not a photo from the USA. I am all about defending the cops, but that seemed a little hard.

But I stand by my other posts.
That comes across as:

"I've picked a side & will defend my guys. I'm pleased it wasn't my guys that were wrong because that saves me the mental gymnastics required to defend them"

I know that's a bit of a leap but I've recently seen a lot of posts on GTP where you'll seem to distort reality in your mind to defend the POTUS.
There are far more articulate members than me who regularly explain this in reply to such posts yet the gymnastics continue.

I mention it here in the hope that a comparison with this situation can help you question your president a bit more & scrutinise his actions, as the actions of all world leaders surely should be scrutinised.
These people out rioting in the streets are that same people that, as kids, that were banned from things like dodgeball, in school, and received trophies, not based on merit, but just based on showing up. Now they feel entitled. Spoiled brats.

We're to presume that she's a rioter? Can't tell from the photo.

Also, participation trophies are old.

This comes across about like the college indoctrination cartoon you posted, where the joke is made by someone hopelessly out of touch, and clinging to a notion they thought sounded good 20 years ago.

Although the word "Policia" is similar in Spanish and Portuguese (it just changes an accent), this photo was taken in Brazil 2013 :). It was taken during a protest against the increase in public transport tariffs. The protest was pacific, but the police went completely violent on this day, which just increased the animosity on the next days. Ironically this diverged to broad, diffuse protests in the next months/years, starting the fire that helped to pave the situation we are right now.

This also reminds me how the far-right has a fetish for cowardice coming from the state against civilians (targeting only an opposing ideology; "of course she deserves!! Because I want it to deserve"), and a desire for a "Policialiesque" state.
Some fragile macho man posted this on KSL (Mormon Craigslist) and it's pretty funny:

I don't know from US employment law but interview criteria like "what does faith mean to you" seem a bit iffy from a legal standpoint assuming there are any atheists or even non-LDSers in Draper with locksmith qualifications who might need a job from Jared. This is probably why the questionnaire was taken down. Either that or cancel culture. HAW!! :lol:
When was the last time you cried?

"When I got my brand new AR-15 with the gold plated stock featuring an etching of our Lord Jesus Christ ascending into heaven. I was finally so happy that I could carry my new AR-15 with me at all times so I can put a stop to the oppressive police. Upon lifting it out of the box, I saw that the company also sent me a small gift, a mask that was the exact replica of Donald J Trump's, my role model and personal hero. I can't wait to wear it since it compliments my new AR-15 perfectly.

As I wiped away my tears, my incredibly hot wife told me it was time for breakfast. As I sat down at the table, I wept again to see a plate full of bacon, a well-done steak smothered in ketchup (like my hero), two pieces of fried ham, and a mound of eggs with a little America flag stuck in the middle of it. My super sexy wife then presented me a cup of strong, black coffee in my favorite mug, the only saying "salty liberal tears".

I then left my house to get into my pick-up and saw my neighbor stepping on the American flag. I broke down in tears again."

Every other question should be answered with something sexual.

What do you think about guns? Sexually excited
What do you think about the police? Sexy beasts
How do you handle bullies? A passionate kiss on the mouth
What do you like to do in your free time? Men
When was the last time you cried?

"When I got my brand new AR-15 with the gold plated stock featuring an etching of our Lord Jesus Christ ascending into heaven. I was finally so happy that I could carry my new AR-15 with me at all times so I can put a stop to the oppressive police. Upon lifting it out of the box, I saw that the company also sent me a small gift, a mask that was the exact replica of Donald J Trump's, my role model and personal hero. I can't wait to wear it since it compliments my new AR-15 perfectly.

As I wiped away my tears, my incredibly hot wife told me it was time for breakfast. As I sat down at the table, I wept again to see a plate full of bacon, a well-done steak smothered in ketchup (like my hero), two pieces of fried ham, and a mound of eggs with a little America flag stuck in the middle of it. My super sexy wife then presented me a cup of strong, black coffee in my favorite mug, the only saying "salty liberal tears".

I then left my house to get into my pick-up and saw my neighbor stepping on the American flag. I broke down in tears again."

Every other question should be answered with something sexual.

What do you think about guns? Sexually excited
What do you think about the police? Sexy beasts
How do you handle bullies? A passionate kiss on the mouth
What do you like to do in your free time? Men

I think it would also be fair to try to twist each one of those questions back on topic. So like..

What do you think about guns? Gun locks are usually straightforward to change.
What do you think about the police? Police will often not help people who have locked their keys in their car. That is more appropriately referred to a locksmith.
How do you handle bullies? Bullies should have an upgrade set of locks based on an increased likelihood of retaliation at their home or place of business.
What do you like to do in your free time? I read locksmith magazine and practice with my lockpick set.
What is the thing that causes an employee to stay with the company or leave? Locks with interior access to lock settings such as standard dead bolts will not prevent egress. To hold an employee against their will you'd need to use a double cylinder lock. Kwikset and Schlange for example sell double-cylinder locks available at home depot.
Yea, if I'm analogizing the food crime here - what we're looking at is not a Hawaiian pizza. Well done steak with ketchup is an anchovy pizza. You don't take perfectly great pizza and put disgusting fish on it. You just don't... unless you're a monster.

... or unless you're Neapolitan. Anchovy on pizza is a classic Neapolitan ingredient (I would have to say a little more sparingly applied than in Crunch's version).
Although the word "Policia" is similar in Spanish and Portuguese (it just changes an accent), this photo was taken in Brazil 2013 :). It was taken during a protest against the increase in public transport tariffs. The protest was pacific, but the police went completely violent on this day, which just increased the animosity on the next days. Ironically this diverged to broad, diffuse protests in the next months/years, starting the fire that helped to pave the situation we are right now.

This also reminds me how the far-right has a fetish for cowardice coming from the state against civilians (targeting only an opposing ideology; "of course she deserves!! Because I want it to deserve"), and a desire for a "Policialiesque" state.
Facts are of no consequence in a post-truth culture. What's impoartant is the narrative, and facts frequently get in the way of it.

He's not going to like my 14,16 or 18.
And him not liking your answers makes you a snowflake. Obvs.
Are you implying that the Marines taught them to be religious fanatics? If not I'm having trouble finding the relevance.
That'd be an odd inference to make considering that one of them clearly wasn't a religious fanatic.
Yeah, but I am In agreement with blood eagle here. Whats context and insight is added by saying "two former Marines" if not to say " look at the way those Marines think." Otherwise its just "look at this text message, frightening."
Cause, the way its posed, the context and insight I am drawing here is that Sanders thinks Marines are somehow being indoctrinated to think like the person with the white message box.

I'm assuming per usual with Supreme Leader, he's likely ignoring 2 big issues going on with us conducting more testing than anyone else:
A) The Positivity Rate is key number to look at; more testing is not the cause for more cases.
These data points show that expanded testing is not the reason for surges in cases.

Data suggests that the surge in cases in many of the country's hot spots can be attributed to reopening too quickly. Lessler said "there is no question" that the resurgence is real and that the increase in cases is associated with the relaxation of social distancing measures.

B) We may be doing more testing than anyone else, but that doesn't mean we're doing it right. When you have multiple reports of testing taking anywhere from 5-12 days to report back, we're completely dropping the ball & nearly making testing irrelevant, imo. If I get tested on Day 1, go out and do normal things like work, shopping, whatever, and get my results back on Day 7 saying, "You've tested positive", well , I've probably just spent the last week possibly infecting others. I don't know if testing sites advise people to immediately quarantine following the sample being taken for the best possible safety measures, but I'm sadly confident that if people aren't getting results back within' a few days or know a specific date they'll be told their diagnosis, they're probably going back out.
Yeah, but I am In agreement with blood eagle here. Whats context and insight is added by saying "two former Marines" if not to say " look at the way those Marines think." Otherwise its just "look at this text message, frightening."
Cause, the way its posed, the context and insight I am drawing here is that Sanders thinks Marines are somehow being indoctrinated to think like the person with the white message box.

That's my confusion. I don't understand the relevance unless there was a reason it was brought up. When asked the relevance, I just got a "I wasn't trying to imply that" but nothing else. It reads weird and I basically wanted some sort of explanation. I don't expect to get it at this point.