The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff
I don't think this is quite as funny as the Trump video above, but it's still pretty funny.

Biden really needs to master gravity in order to get into the Oval Office, then the nation can move forward with the important task of working out what a begonia is.
Once again, nobody is saying it's special enough to warrant your or @VolkswagenX's valuable attention as it's not all about you personally, but what motivates you to devote so much effort towards disparaging what other people do with their spare time?
Again, it's not what they are doing, rather it's what they aren't.

Since when was police brutality a purely US concern?
I don't really see it as a big problem here (although I'm happy to be proven wrong)
I believe you've said you're from the UK, right? If so, you should probably care b/c your country appears to have a history of it as well.
Hmmm the Vice article starts off by saying how "Black people account for 8 percent of recorded deaths in police custody in the UK," but doesn't mention that 25% of the prison population is BAME despite only making up 14% of the population....

But yes, I will look further into deaths in custody here.
Again, it's not what they are doing, rather it's what they aren't.
My post was in response to your asking why you should protest George's death and police brutality in general. So it's not so much what they aren't doing (which has little to do with the case at hand), but what they are doing that you don't like.

Hmmm the Vice article starts off by saying how "Black people account for 8 percent of recorded deaths in police custody in the UK," but doesn't mention that 25% of the prison population is BAME despite only making up 14% of the population....
Hmm, I wonder whether this has anything to do with the stark disparity in courtroom outcomes in cases affecting those BAME people...
Mask Karen.jpg

Experts Say...

Meanwhile, in Sweden...

INCOMING! Genetic Fallacies in 3...2...1...
Yeah, damn Trump and his beach parties!

Don’t get me wrong Trump deserves to be raked over the coals over how he has handled the pandemic, but I can’t help but feel that not enough blame is being given to idiots that are going to mass gatherings. It’s certainly not just Republicans doing it either.
Is there any evidence that beach parties have had more of an effect on the number of cases than Trump dismantling the pandemic response programme as posted? I'm pretty sure they're getting plenty of blame and deservedly so.

As for Mr. Logic's post above yours I'll pit the long list of sources I posted against his solitary YouTube commenter any day of the week. I'm sure he'd rather cry "fallacy" than address any of them head on, though. Let alone in the appropriate thread.
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Is there any evidence that beach parties have had more of an effect on the number of cases than Trump dismantling the pandemic response programme as posted?

Where did I say they had more of an effect? :confused:

I’m just saying I think ordinary citizens aren’t getting blamed enough for the continued spread of Covid.
Not really.
Don't sell yourself short.

I'm not protesting because I'm lazy and instead give to charities as equally as I can.
But you're not protesting against that which you presume those you've called hypocritical aren't protesting against.

Also, I don't believe for a second that you give to all charities equally, though you may give equally to those to whom you do give. I suspect, like me, there are those charities to whom you choose to not give, either because you aren't sufficiently compelled to do so or because you're sufficiently compelled to explicitly not. This doesn't mean that you don't actually care about the former and it doesn't mean you feel the same way about the former as you do the latter.

The people who are protesting are evidently not as lazy as me, but are choosing (at a high volume) to protest only one cause (wholly based on what we see that is - who knows they could be protesting against modern slavery but it's not making the news).
Wait, you know only of these people that which has been presented to you through media? How do you reconcile having called them hypocrites when you're not actually aware of all that they do?

Oh that's a link to the Independent providing context to what boohoo was found to have done in the UK (since you're American I presumed you hadn't heard of it)
I still haven't actually heard of it because you still haven't cited its contents directly or formed any kind of argument that justifies you having attributed guilt by association.

Ehhh, I dunno.

The same swings back to people who say "All lives matter" and then say we should be turning away migrants crossing the Channel.

Ditto the people who say we need to "protect our Christian heritage" while not recognising what Christ would do in the same situation.
What?! That hypocrisy is at play elsewhere is not itself indication that hypocrisy is at play here. Inane argument is inane.

Errrr, I think it can be used to support/contradict as there are numerous studies that focus on shootings to support the notion of racial bias.
Police often shoot in situations where they believe the target of their shooting represents an immediate threat to themselves or others, and race isn't likely to play as much of a role in this action as the individual circumstances. As such, police shootings themselves aren't a reasonable data point when trying to determine the presence of racial bias in policing and/or the broader criminal justice system. It is, however, a popular data point for the purposes of deflection from the notion of racial bias in policing and/or the broader criminal justice system.

As in, what makes BLM so special to draw my attention. Why should I care about a guy in America dying from police brutality.
They clearly are, though, as you've been sufficiently compelled to make an effort to deflect.

That'd be a misrepresentation of the "Karen" pejorative as it's employed in popular culture.

Saying that people should wear masks--when people absolutely should wear masks as they impede the travel of spittle-borne pathogens--is not itself "Karen" behavior. Using one's perceived privilege to enforce mask wearing when one isn't actually in a position to do so, and becoming belligerent in the process, is "Karen" behavior.

You and others aren't providing enough context when crafting these images.

Experts Say...

This is deliberately misleading.

High volume expulsion of vapor isn't quite the same as expulsion of spittle by coughing, sneezing or even merely speaking.

However, while the video was posted with the intent to mislead, it actually demonstrates the efficacy of masks. Note the vapor remaining localized to the mask wearer's own face before it travels upward. In the absence of that mask, the vapor has an opportunity to travel outward in a way that it doesn't in the clip.

If I may, I'd like to use the analogy that @Dennisch used. If you fling your ding around as you piss, you may well get piss on individuals around you or at the very least on surfaces with which others may come in contact. If you're wearing pants, the material inhibits spread so that the piss instead soaks into said material. You may then choose to sit on or rub against surfaces with which others may come in contact, but it isn't without malice that you do so.

I suspect the individual in the clip isn't an expert on this particular subject either, in which case you've misrepresented their station.

INCOMING! Genetic Fallacies in 3...2...1...
This strikes me as genetic fallacy itself, though you've employed it preemptively.

Yeah, damn Trump and his beach parties!

Don’t get me wrong Trump deserves to be raked over the coals over how he has handled the pandemic, but I can’t help but feel that not enough blame is being given to idiots that are going to mass gatherings. It’s certainly not just Republicans doing it either.
I’m just saying I think ordinary citizens aren’t getting blamed enough for the continued spread of Covid.
I think they are receiving plenty of the blame, whether they accept it or not. I know I've posted content that addresses the actions of ordinary citizens and I've seen others do so as well. There's a great deal of ignorance being demonstrated, and I'd argue that much of it is malicious in nature.

Still, ordinary citizens didn't kneecap or completely remove safeguards that were put in place by previous administrations, seemingly simply because they were in place during the administration immediately before his, of which he was relentlessly and frequently irrationally critical.
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Can you please provide an academic study that states we shouldn't be wearing masks or that masks don't work? Preferably one that was published in an academic journal, but if it's a pre-print, that would be OK as well. Also, if you do find one, can you please cite what masks it says are "useless" since there's a big difference between a surgical mask, an N95 mask, and a bandana.
Can you please provide an academic study that states we shouldn't be wearing masks or that masks don't work? Preferably one that was published in an academic journal, but if it's a pre-print, that would be OK as well. Also, if you do find one, can you please cite what masks it says are "useless" since there's a big difference between a surgical mask, an N95 mask, and a bandana.
While I appreciate you tilting at this particular windmill, I'm compelled to note that the image doesn't actually address the efficacy of masks.

What the image addresses, if poorly, is the trend of referring to individuals as "Karen" because of certain actions. It strikes me as a knee-jerk reaction to people being called such after flipping out because they've been denied service at establishments due to their refusal to wear a mask, by establishments that have every right to deny them that service.
Can you please provide an academic study that states we shouldn't be wearing masks or that masks don't work? Preferably one that was published in an academic journal, but if it's a pre-print, that would be OK as well. Also, if you do find one, can you please cite what masks it says are "useless" since there's a big difference between a surgical mask, an N95 mask, and a bandana.
The solitary bloke he does cite is kinda interesting although I'm not sure it's in the scientific sense.

Tony Heller.jpg
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This is deliberately misleading.

High volume expulsion of vapor isn't quite the same as expulsion of spittle by coughing, sneezing or even merely speaking.

However, while the video was posted with the intent to mislead, it actually demonstrates the efficacy of masks. Note the vapor remaining localized to the mask wearer's own face before it travels upward. In the absence of that mask, the vapor has an opportunity to travel outward in a way that it doesn't in the clip.

It's a badly fitting cloth mask, so yeah, leaks mostly at the top. Nice four chimney effect! Clearly has some effect forwards though, a huge cloud like that could easily travel 6 to 9 feet otherwise.

I just tried vaping out through a surgical mask, pinching it to my nose ensuring a decent seal (cheating, but I wouldn't be able to see otherwise). Virtually no vapour came out, the mask got really damp, not trying that again! Clearly effective for whatever the particle size of vapour is.

Honestly I can't see why cloth masks are still being recommended when there doesn't seem to be any shortage of proper ones now.
While I appreciate you tilting at this particular windmill, I'm compelled to note that the image doesn't actually address the efficacy of masks.

What the image addresses, if poorly, is the trend of referring to individuals as "Karen" because of certain actions. It strikes me as a knee-jerk reaction to people being called such after flipping out because they've been denied service at establishments due to their refusal to wear a mask, by establishments that have every right to deny them that service.

I mostly added that bit because there is a study out there that vigorous mask debaters like to pull out that shows masks are ineffective. But when you read it, it only says that a few types of masks aren't effective and that most are to some degree. There might be other studies out there that I haven't come across yet though since I haven't read everything.

I do strive to be a professional mask debater. It's difficult though since it's hard not to be a jerk. If I ever managed to pull it off though, you'll have to give me a hand even if it doesn't mean jack.
I do strive to be a professional mask debater. It's difficult though since it's hard not to be a jerk. If I ever managed to pull it off though, you'll have to give me a hand even if it doesn't mean jack.
It seems like most of those guys are flying solo. Judging by the way their arguments seem to be getting spanked online, I suspect you'll end up onan ownin' them. Perhaps they're just out to yank people's chains.
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Can you please provide an academic study that states we shouldn't be wearing masks or that masks don't work? Preferably one that was published in an academic journal, but if it's a pre-print, that would be OK as well. Also, if you do find one, can you please cite what masks it says are "useless" since there's a big difference between a surgical mask, an N95 mask, and a bandana.
Of course not. A biased YouTube channel with no professional background who edits video clips out of context is obviously more than sufficient over some certified virologist.

Psh, you sheep take everything they say without thinking for yourself.
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Of course not. A biased YouTube channel with no professional background who edits video clips out of context is obviously more than sufficient over some certified virologist.

Psh, you sheep take everything they say without thinking for yourself.
That's not quite fair. Heller has a professional background, just not in virology. A BS (lol) in geology and a masters in electrical engineering makes him supremely qualified to debunk the COVID and climate change experts even when he has to retract a statement he made saying the polar ice caps aren't melting. LOGIC!
That's not quite fair. Heller has a professional background, just not in virology. A BS (lol) in geology and a masters in electrical engineering makes him supremely qualified to debunk the COVID and climate change experts even when he has to retract a statement he made saying the polar ice caps aren't melting. LOGIC!

This IS quite a problem. And it's a small example of a much larger issue; an ever growing precentage of people who don't get their news from reputable sources that are screened and verified. They then repost said stories to their own Facebook page or Twitter Feed or blogs or Vlogs, etc. And their statements and posts become viral, often with misinformation. And before you can stop it, it's out there, like a urban legend and people believe it. It's a serious danger to society. This is the reason that legitimate news sites have editors and ombudsman and fact checkers. But these same self appointed spreaders of truth, who usually have neither the professional knowledge or expertise, nor the cognitive reasoning to thoroughly vet these stories have also spread a fear and distrust of the mainstream media. It's a lamentable situation dripping with irony.

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