- 18,637
- Grea'er Laandan
- UKMikeyA
- UKMikeyA
In what context?
We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable Rights, that among these are Life, Liberty and the pursuit of Happiness.
I only ask because the simultaneity of freedom and equality was kind of the foundational principle of our country, which seems contrary to what you posted
So what does equality mean to you?
Deflection at its finest, folks.I kinda see that as a nonsensical question. If you ask what it means that’s one thing.
If I’m free to define anything anyway I choose then isn’t communication impossible in a sense?
If we can use the same term and it means one thing to me and one thing to you that’s not communication that’s me speaking German to you who are only a Russian speaker or vice versa ::shrug:::
I think the word capacity is important in the quote I put up relative to what you are saying. I do not see the two concepts as incompatible.
I kinda see that as a nonsensical question. If you ask what it means that’s one thing.
If I’m free to define anything anyway I choose then isn’t communication impossible in a sense?
If we can use the same term and it means one thing to me and one thing to you that’s not communication that’s me speaking German to you who are only a Russian speaker or vice versa ::shrug:::
I feel like you are using the word equality when you mean ability, which is why I'm asking. I don't see equality and freedom at odds with each other at all
The whole situation is pretty sad. Even if he is innocent, the kid's life is probably ruined.
While he might've been defending himself, Rittenhouse isn't even close to innocent. He purposely went to the riots brandishing a firearm and from what I've seen he wasn't even from Kenosha, let alone Wisconsin. He wasn't defending his property and that's a huge issue. If he'd lived in the city and shot people in front of his house, it'd be a far different story than traveling to dish out some vigilante justice.
I'm not sure what charges fit for him, but he shouldn't be getting off scot-free.
I guess my first question is: where were the parents.
Who cares that Anthony Huber died
No one was hit with the skateboard if you actually watch the video.Is Anthony Huber the guy getting hit with the skateboard?
View attachment 953415
The Whale must sell out quickly (in the good way) as he seems to be down to his last three or four pieces of reimagined-meme-based merchandise. Wish he had an archive of designs.Also, credit to Wheat Whale for this one. If you like unique beer glasses, check out his website (use Google, it's not really linking appropriate).
What a bunch of disgraceful folks VBR, Chrunch & ryzno are. Who cares that Anthony Huber died, Rittenhouse is a goddamn American hero for killing a pedophile.
Of which actual protesters & Democrat leaders have condemned. I've posted proof of this, but it's information that contradicts you sharing stupid pictures.The only disgraceful folks here are the ones rioting, looting, beating/killing innocent people, & those who support them from the sidelines in any way shape, or form.
Ah, so we're gonna double down on being a pathetic example of a human being.If you're dumb enough to allow 'Socialist **** Stirrers' to manipulate you with Appeal to Emotion fallacies, whip you up into a mob, & aim you at the system they wanna takedown, then more fool you. If you get yourself killed in the process because you're part of a destructive mob chasing down someone who was there to defend private property, I have no sympathy for you whatsoever. If you wanna sign up with a bunch of 'Micky Mouse Marxists' & join in their cheap plastic revolution, go right ahead, but people are going to get hurt & it's gonna be your fault.
Ah, triple-down on it.The fact he turned out to be a Nonce makes no difference at all to me, & I'd feel exactly the same way even if he was a 'kindergarten teacher who cared for rescue puppies in his free time'.
You're over there dog whistling about others being "socialists" & "Maxists" whilst advocating it's perfectly fine to kill folks with opposing view points.Kyle Rittenhouse should get a medal IMO, along with all patriotic Americans who are bearing arms in order to defend their country from the hordes of mindless ideologues infected with the utter garbage that is Critical Social Justice Theory™ who wanna tear it down.
I think I'm gonna be sick...I'd feel exactly the same way even if he was a 'kindergarten teacher who cared for rescue puppies in his free time'. Kyle Rittenhouse should get a medal IMO