The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff
You know, I see that "students for trump" watermark. So this I am guessing was made by a pro Trump group. Did it not strike them as foolish to pointout that the best reason to vote Biden is because of how bad Trump is?
I didn't even notice the watermark, lol. I'm as far from Trump supporter as you could get. Point is though, Biden is so vague and lacklustre when it comes to actual policy that the only reason most people support him is because he isn't Trump, and frankly I don't have a problem with that logic. He was always seen as the most "safe" and "electable" choice, (because he is the most right-wing of the Democrats and also benefits from name recognition) well at least that's what we were supposed to believe. Hence the slogan, "settle for Biden", that is being directed towards young voters. It implies that Biden was never really wanted, and that we should just get in line and blindly show our support for him. And like I said, when the opponent is a demagogue with fascist tendencies who openly talks about subverting our democracy, that logic is not necessarily a bad thing. Do you think that if Bernie was the nominee most of his supporters would be supporting him because he simply isn't Trump? Unlike Biden, of course not. Bernie got as far as he did because all he ever talked about was policy, not these tired old vapid platitudes.
Righties were triggered when the WaPonistas were snarky about Robert Trump's passing while posting a lovingly reverent headline for Abu Bakr.

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So, I'm assuming there's just some feign attempt to be mad/point out "hypocrisy" or whatever over the WaPo's honest headline about how Reinoehl was basically a devout anti-facist, which he openly admitted?
So, I'm assuming there's just some feign attempt to be mad/point out "hypocrisy" or whatever over the WaPo's honest headline about how Reinoehl was basically a devout anti-facist, which he openly admitted?
Trump supporters don't believe in COVID. Or vaccines for that matter. Something about a Bill Gates agenda.

Clearly some of them don't. They also apparently don't believe in people who acknowledge COVID and aren't democrats.

"You're either a full up anti-vax conspiracy theorist, or you're a democrat".
Clearly some of them don't. They also apparently don't believe in people who acknowledge COVID and aren't democrats.

"You're either a full up anti-vax conspiracy theorist, or you're a democrat".
I don't think they believe in anyone who doesn't worship Trump and isn't a democrat, so it probably isn't a stretch over there at TPUSA meme central.

Apologies for the triple or possibly even quadruple negative.
When was the last time they elected a Republican mayor in Jacksonville or San Diego? Asking for a friend.

I wonder who's investigating Trump and his company and for what in @Joey's Fox screenshot above.
I find it quite ironic how many republicans view themselves as "libertarian" and perceive leftism as inherently authoritarian, yet in actuality it's usually the republicans who are more authoritarian and leftists who are more libertarian. There's nothing libertarian about a massive police state, a $740B military/perpetual war, banning abortion/sodomy/certain LGBTQ rights, intertwining religion and state, removing worker protections, etc.
I find it quite ironic how many republicans view themselves as "libertarian" and perceive leftism as inherently authoritarian, yet in actuality it's usually the republicans who are more authoritarian and leftists who are more libertarian. There's nothing libertarian about a massive police state, a $740B military/perpetual war, banning abortion/sodomy/LGBTQ rights, intertwining religion and state, removing worker protections, etc.

The republicans only really come off as anything remotely resembling libertarian when they talk about scaling back government and reducing taxes. Which is not exactly a hot topic at the moment. Basically everything else in the platform is anti-libertarian.
The republicans only really come off as anything remotely resembling libertarian when they talk about scaling back government and reducing taxes.
And usually these are mere talking points. Trump (and George W. Bush too) ran on being "pro small government" yet government spending only increased under their watch (especially when it comes to the military) as well as our debt. And of course, the only group who truly gets to reap the rewards of Republican tax cuts are the wealthy.