The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff
Looks like I might have a well paid part-time job.

Sounds like Benny is jelly.

So you’re telling me the guy who was VP when we left Americans to die in Benghazi & lied about it, the guy who was VP when ISIS formed, the guy who oversaw the largest funding of a terror state in history (Iran Deal) - this guy is accusing Trump of not respecting our troops? Ok.
Imagine the mental gymnastics required to claim a terrorist group forming outside your country is proof you don't respect the troops. :lol:

Nevermind the fact a quick Google search for ISIS brings up the Wiki article stating ISIS formed in 1999 under ISIL. :boggled:
Just saw this as I was browsing Twitter. Of course there are toxic comments already saying all the things you know they'll say
Can you think about this for a moment: If you're on the ground and see a young solo guy with an AR15, how sure can you be that the next El Paso/Christchurch/Las Vegas/Columbine/Sandy Hook isn't about to play out? I'm not even saying he didn't act in self defense, but what if he had just started open firing on the crowd?
Come on man! What if? What if? He didn't.
Can one open carry AR-15? (regardless of Rittenhouse case) because I don't think that shooting people who open carry is justified response.
Yes, but he was underage.
What we do know, is that he's a nutjob that went to great lengths to put himself into a situation where he could do exactly what he did. That much we know.
Who's we? You must have a mouse in your pocket.
He was brandishing his firearm the entire night which is in itself illegal but the point is that he was instigating something therefore it cannot be considered self-defense. Also, defending businesses that are not your own is called vigilantism which is illegal.

I have cobbled together some videos of Kyle throughout the night. I only have Windows Movie Maker and don't know how to use it, otherwise I would have commented in the video, but here goes. I have cut all of the shooting out as I am sure you have all seen that before.

The video starts while Kyle is taking a break from hunting BLM and yucking it up with the cops.
Kyle is a lifeguard, and claims to be an EMT. You can see his yellow and black medic bag.

at1:18 Kyle is seen with others guarding a business

At 2:43 Kyle offers aid to someone with an injured foot, and then seems to hang out his shingle and set up his clinic.

at 4:02 Kyle can be seen running with a fire extinguisher
Kyle doesn't put out the fire, but he is standing in the background.

at 4:22 Kyle can be seen running from Joseph Rosenbaum
Rosenbaum throws a Molotov cocktail at Kyle and continues to chase him.

[shooting cut]

At 4:29, after the shooting, Kyle walks back around to Rosenbaum and can bee seen on the phone.

At 4:52, Kyle takes off running, and is chased by a mob. You know the rest.

So basically the violence doesn't start until 36 year old Joseph Rosenbaum goes after Kyle, and throws a Molotov cocktail at him.
Come on man! What if? What if? He didn't.
Yes, but he was underage.

Who's we? You must have a mouse in your pocket.

I have cobbled together some videos of Kyle throughout the night. I only have Windows Movie Maker and don't know how to use it, otherwise I would have commented in the video, but here goes. I have cut all of the shooting out as I am sure you have all seen that before.

The video starts while Kyle is taking a break from hunting BLM and yucking it up with the cops.
Kyle is a lifeguard, and claims to be an EMT. You can see his yellow and black medic bag.

at1:18 Kyle is seen with others guarding a business

At 2:43 Kyle offers aid to someone with an injured foot, and then seems to hang out his shingle and set up his clinic.

at 4:02 Kyle can be seen running with a fire extinguisher
Kyle doesn't put out the fire, but he is standing in the background.

at 4:22 Kyle can be seen running from Joseph Rosenbaum
Rosenbaum throws a Molotov cocktail at Kyle and continues to chase him.

[shooting cut]

At 4:29, after the shooting, Kyle walks back around to Rosenbaum and can bee seen on the phone.

At 4:52, Kyle takes off running, and is chased by a mob. You know the rest.

So basically the violence doesn't start until 36 year old Joseph Rosenbaum goes after Kyle, and throws a Molotov cocktail at him.

Tbh I can’t watch the cut you made I’ve watched what’s available, but I would like to make a couple comments.
1. Twitter makes it super easy to edit a clip, short, and you can make almost any event look however you want.
2. I have to wonder why people assume the worst-on both sides of any of these shootings from limited footage without all the information. JMO it’s all perception.
3. @DesertPenguin if you are truly that sensitive about memes than I extend my deepest apology to you, however if not and you just like to troll me that apology is retracted...In any event, I post memes for a variety of reasons, mostly humor, but many reasons, tbh maybe a little jab at the left IS intentional from me sometimes, but it’s never my intent to truly hurt anyone, in most areas of the net I am familiar with people have a thick skin, and also don’t take memes for much more than funny pictures with captions.
4. I would be more afraid of more conflict if Rittenhouse doesn’t walk than if he does.
The point is we don't know what he was doing. You can fill in the blanks all you want with your own narrative but the fact stands that we don't have all the info so shouldn't be passing judgments.
Tbh I can’t watch the cut you made I’ve watched what’s available, but I would like to make a couple comments.
1. Twitter makes it super easy to edit a clip, short, and you can make almost any event look however you want.
2. I have to wonder why people assume the worst-on both sides of any of these shootings from limited footage without all the information. JMO it’s all perception.
3. @DesertPenguin if you are truly that sensitive about memes than I extend my deepest apology to you, however if not and you just like to troll me that apology is retracted...In any event, I post memes for a variety of reasons, mostly humor, but many reasons, tbh maybe a little jab at the left IS intentional from me sometimes, but it’s never my intent to truly hurt anyone, in most areas of the net I am familiar with people have a thick skin, and also don’t take memes for much more than funny pictures with captions.
4. I would be more afraid of more conflict if Rittenhouse doesn’t walk than if he does.
These aren't memes anymore, it's just bovine manure.
@Groundfish I find it interesting how you were banging on about following laws not too long ago, yet you're going out of your way to defend a person who literally broke the law by showing up to a known hotspot brandishing an illegal firearm.

Also, if you truly find the memes you post funny, than the fact that you find extrajudicial vehicular homicide against anybody, nevermind people whose opinion don't mesh with yours, funny, is both very telling as well as concerning.
at1:18 Kyle is seen with others guarding a business.
Which was illegal.
at 4:22 Kyle can be seen running from Joseph Rosenbaum
Rosenbaum throws a Molotov cocktail at Kyle and continues to chase him.

At 4:29, after the shooting, Kyle walks back around to Rosenbaum and can bee seen on the phone.
This cut is missing pieces. If Rosenbaum is the one who threw something* at Kyle who is running away from at 4:22, how is Rosenbaum now the one dead on other side that Kyle was running towards.


*This wasn't a molotov. There's no fire, it doesn't change any kind of shape during the whole duration of the video. The only folks claiming that are your fellow right-wingers looking for any way to justify the shooting.
Democrats, democrating.

Republicans gonna Republican.
The men were in the city for a Trump rally and "to see proof of the rioting."

Michael M. Karmo, 40, and Cody E. Smith, 33, were arrested at a hotel near Kenosha on Tuesday and charged with illegal possession of firearms, the Department of Justice announced Thursday. According to the criminal complaint against them, they were found with a major cache of firearms and weapons in their vehicle and hotel room that included an AR-15, a shotgun, handguns, a dagger, a saw and magazines.

Text messages between Karmo and the tipster allegedly included a photograph of Karmo holding a rifle with a drum-style magazine in it along with the message, "This is the game changer," the complaint said.

Both men had prior convictions that prohibited them from possessing firearms and ammunition, according to the DOJ.

Karmo allegedly told the FBI he and Smith are members of an organization called the 417 Second Amendment Militia, the complaint said.

Prior convictions?
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Seven seconds in and I turned it off. You can tell just be the way it's shot that's cheap propaganda. This is a thread for jokes. If you want to post thinly veiled comments that say what you truly want to say then just say it for yourself in the proper thread.
This is a thread for jokes. If you want to post thinly veiled comments that say what you truly want to say then just say it for yourself in the proper thread.
Should I kneel and give the BLM fist salute too?

If all I had to go by were your posts, I'd think this was the Complain About Other People's Posts thread.
Should I kneel and give the BLM fist salute too?

If all I had to go by were your posts, I'd think this was the Complain About Other People's Posts thread.
Just trying to help keep some sense of order here that so many seem hell bent on disrupting.