The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff

Ban me...

I'm seriously getting tired of others and I being talked down upon here just cause I voted for Trump. It's none of your business why I voted for him and I don't care who you voted for. Y'all call us idiots and everything else. There was a period of almost a week y'all were using every trending word to mock us. I'm not saying I have been perfect but I do try to communicate till it turns into a circle of repetitive questions. I know, I know it's a debating style forum. But damn how many times does someone have to say something? That's why I don't waste my time.

I've talked down of him and even said I wasn't voting for him again.
He ain't perfect, I'm not nor are any of y'all.
Just let people live man. You don't like what they say move along. Y'alls post counts compared to mine show how I have no problem not commenting and simply moving on...

I'd say goodnight but it's technically morning 3am. Let's see what today holds for me in the real world.
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That 1st "meme" has to be the defining example of r/therightcantmeme. :dunce:
You mean the meme that started as "the left can't meme" before being repurposed into the (thoroughly cringe inducing) Reddit joke format, thus basically amounting to "no u"?

Let's decide our rulers based on their ability to apply wit over images run through a thousand Instagram filters. That seems like the right criteria!

I often wonder just how much truth there is to the idea that 4chan won the election. they (/Pol/) would certainly claim it. I think there's more truth to it than we care to admit.

As in, it makes absolutely no sense and doesn't adhere at all to the formula that makes that meme work.
It's certainly not well executed but for me personally the point at which not using the right meme format is something worth making a bother about is basically the exact moment it's time to stop caring.

Personally. Just for me.
That 1st "meme" has to be the defining example of r/therightcantmeme. :dunce:
I'm not right-wing. :dunce: The whole 'left can't meme' vs 'right can't meme' retort is an extremely lazy & low-resolution critique IMO, it's also a Tu Quoque.

You mean the meme that started as "the left can't meme" before being repurposed into the (thoroughly cringe inducing) Reddit joke format, thus basically amounting to "no u"?
No. As in, it makes absolutely no sense and doesn't adhere at all to the formula that makes that meme work.
It's certainly not well executed but for me personally the point at which not using the right meme format is something worth making a bother about is basically the exact moment it's time to stop caring.

Memes evolve, they're repurposed, sometimes they're used creatively, sometimes it works sometimes it doesn't, sometimes people get what's being said sometimes they don't. I'm not averse to playing around with them regardless of whether other people get it or not, or like it or not. Just because it "makes absolutely no sense" to you & seems to have gone over your head doesn't mean that other people can't work out what the meaning is.

PS: I'm just surprised that some pedant hasn't stepped in & pointed out the spelling mistake in it yet! ;) :P :lol:
That's the first time I've seen the red button picture with compatible options.

Are we deciding our rulers here or are we posting and discussing political cartoons/images/memes?
TBH it actually makes sense. The MSM seems to be fighting everyday with itself to find the word of the day to call him. On the odd day he doesn't say something stupid they just repeat the same story from yesterday with a different flavor.
TBH it actually makes sense. The MSM seems to be fighting everyday with itself to find the word of the day to call him. On the odd day he doesn't say something stupid they just repeat the same story from yesterday with a different flavor.
That's not how I'd characterise the mass of criticism of the President but I think I see your thinking.
"Repurposing" a meme originally intended to highlight hypocrisy into a one-sided "Wah wah leave muh Trump alone" rant... I dunno, think I'd rather remain "clueless" about that one.


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Are we deciding our rulers here or are we posting and discussing political cartoons/images/memes?
I'm just being hyperbolic. It's worth noting, however, that there's almost definitely at least one person who HAS had their vote swayed by memes. I can't guarantee it but it seems overwhelmingly likely. What strange times.
I'm just being hyperbolic. It's worth noting, however, that there's almost definitely at least one person who HAS had their vote swayed by memes. I can't guarantee it but it seems overwhelmingly likely. What strange times.
I'd assume there are people whose votes have been swayed by memes.
I like that here on GTP we discuss the pictures. Anybody who's watching then has a bit more to go on when deciding which images here might relate to realities in politics.
To help destroy a group they claim to help?People like him are the reason we have a hard time dealing with race relations. I'm surprised nobody called him out for "blackface" though. He's an ass that would deserve the ass wooping he got if someone did see him and get pissed off.
To help destroy a group they claim to help?People like him are the reason we have a hard time dealing with race relations. I'm surprised nobody called him out for "blackface" though. He's an ass that would deserve the ass wooping he got if someone did see him and get pissed off.
Do you think he was actually part of BLM?! I kinda doubt it.
I'm not right-wing. :dunce:
No, of course not. You just espouse far right talking points, fallacies, and views for giggles. :dunce:

Seems to have gone over your head doesn't mean that other people can't work out what the meaning is.
Sadly, the intellect of it isn't quite that high, so you can stop patting yourself on the head.

Why? Because you can be every one of those things. That's why the meme fails; it's supposed to point out hypocrisy, not a list of one's characteristics.
That's the first time I've seen the red button picture with compatible options.
TBH it actually makes sense. The MSM seems to be fighting everyday with itself to find the word of the day to call him. On the odd day he doesn't say something stupid they just repeat the same story from yesterday with a different flavor.
That's not how I'd characterise the mass of criticism of the President but I think I see your thinking.

Spot on. The Daily Struggle aka Two Buttons meme presents two contrary options, a dilemma, a rock vs hard place choice, etc, which is why it's humorous. My altered version only contained one option (which was the joke), namely 'orange man X', where X is always something negative. The one option was repeated a silly number of times to further accentuate the point.

Where Trump is concerned, the left-leaning MSM, unfortunately, seems to be most interested in ephemeral hit pieces, character assassination, & Ad Hominems; the story of the day has already been decided & it's 'orange man bad'. To quote journalist David Wright from the video in my last post, "We don't hold him (Trump) to account. We also don't give him credit for the...things he does do". If they quit with all the low-resolution OMB style critiques, that are here one day & gone the next, they could then focus on doing some serious journalism & really take him to task over his more important shortcomings. Also, giving him credit for the things he does get right would show some balance on their part, & would go a long way to curbing the one-sided outrage addict aspects of social media driven MSM narratives that oftentimes result in various levels of TDS in those consuming such material.

Back to my meme;
...the point at which not using the right meme format is something worth making a bother about is basically the exact moment it's time to stop caring.

Nobody Cares.jpg
Perhaps rather than lambast the MSM for not trumpeting the President's achievements it'd be more productive to actually list some.

Business Insider tried hard and were unable to provide more than one or two which seem to be overshadowed by massive failures such as his handling of the coronavirus pandemic. Perhaps the narrative isn't "social media driven" but facts and accuracy driven?
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