The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff
The internet delivers lots of things you don't seem to post. How odd. :rolleyes:

Anyways, I'll get out of your hair so you can keep laughing about dead kids. :cheers:

I'm fairly certain that that picture is about the inevitable brilliant idea that will follow after a teacher shoots his class full of kids.


But of course, me making fun of something preventable is a lot worse than doing nothing to stop it.
I'm fairly certain that that picture is about the inevitable brilliant idea that will follow after a teacher shoots his class full of kids.


That one admittedly flew over my head and I apologize.

But of course, me making fun of something preventable is a lot worse than doing nothing to stop it.

I fully support increased regulations, so not sure what you're on about here.
I'm fairly certain that that picture is about the inevitable brilliant idea that will follow after a teacher shoots his class full of kids.


But of course, me making fun of something preventable is a lot worse than doing nothing to stop it.

What are the exact prevention methods though, I didn't see a clear concise set of ideals in the other threads you talked about on this. And since this thread is also for debate as much as it is for humor, I think it's fair to ask. Most people here support regulations of some sort.
I fully support increased regulations, so not sure what you're on about here.

That wasn't directed at you personally.

What are the exact prevention methods though

Start with :

Keeping guns away from irresponsible morons. Actually enforce the laws and regulations that are already in place and toughen them up for current times. They can always be relaxed when people show that they can be responsible.

And stop inventing ridiculous ideas like arming teachers. It's almost as if the glue eating kid got a job as a representative. A country that is as mentally unstable as the USA doesn't need more guns. Or more people with guns. That's for when the rules and regulations actually work.

But as Trump said, the politicians are afraid of the NRA, and losing their support means losing money, and probably your plush cushioned job. The NRA hears the word change and they're foaming at the mouth screaming that they're coming for your weapons. That's not how you have a discussion. That's not how you go about in a developed nation like the US.
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Start with :

So then why are you claiming
But of course, me making fun of something preventable is a lot worse than doing nothing to stop it.

When no one is saying that, two people are asking to prevent it, couldn't tell you how many petitions have popped up, letters to congress and so forth, people can only do so much, if reps aren't willing to tow the line because of lobbies...then nothing gets done for the people who want said something.

People are asking for laws that are already existing to be regulated better, that people who have violent crimes against them that shouldn't qualify for weapons to be reported by local authorities to the FBI, so they fail background checks when buying from FFL dealer. Checking for more mental health issues, if that is the biggest issue. I don't always believe that mental issue is the problem, more so people just wanting to use it as an out for making such life altering choices to others.

I too don't see a point to arming teachers since there are other methods that could be done, and let teachers focus on teaching like they signed up to do. As for the U.S. having more people armed, that isn't really supported by stats since the amount of gun owners hasn't increased, and rather those owning weapons is far more concentrated to those who already own weapons to begin with.

I understand you're making a commentary, but people are going to (and are afforded that) question the motive.
I understand you're making a commentary, but people are going to (and are afforded that) question the motive.

I'll make my motive about the whole situation clear.

I find the current weapon debate (and the non working/regulated regulations) ridiculous. It's something from a bad Monty Python episode, and therefor subject to the most mockery a man can find. And as it is a "trending" subject, sites filled with funny pictures will have more of these than let say, people dying of hunger in Africa because that hasn't been trending since a bunch of people came together and kumbayaad "Heal the world".


And just as proof, I've been scrolling 9gag until this edit (14 minutes on the clock). And the only political post that popped up was this one, from 2013 and yet very up-to-date :


This isn't that actual post because apparently 9gag now uses webp as an image format?
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I'll make my motive about the whole situation clear.

I find the current weapon debate (and the non working/regulated regulations) ridiculous. It's something from a bad Monty Python episode, and therefor subject to the most mockery a man can find. And as it is a "trending" subject, sites filled with funny pictures will have more of these than let say, people dying of hunger in Africa because that hasn't been trending since a bunch of people came together and kumbayaad "Heal the world".


And just as proof, I've been scrolling 9gag until this edit (14 minutes on the clock). And the only political post that popped up was this one, from 2013 and yet very up-to-date :


This isn't that actual post because apparently 9gag now uses webp as an image format?

Proof of what? I never said i didn't believe you, all I have to do is go on google news in general, and I get 50 articles interspersed with what I actually want to read about (F1 news, comics and science). I'm not surprised it's a popular thing to make cartoons and jokes about, because that's how people deal with trending situations best it could be said.

My point is I see the vague "this problem can be solved easily" and typically (thus not you) people haven't a clue on what they know or think they know when contributing to their ideal of how to fix the situation. I wanted to see yours, and I agree with it more than you may realize.
That most of the political posts I encounter on 9gag, are currently about Trump or shootings, and thus that kind of post will find its way into this thread.

Personally I could have figured that without proof.

This I see a lot.

Which is why I find it strange that you think people don't want some form of improvement...
Personally I could have figured that without proof.

Which is why I find it strange that you think people don't want some form of improvement...

I'm not implying you're one of them but I find it hard to believe a lot of people actually want change. As a populayion you have a lot of power over this and if americans would find these situtions as disgusting as some of you here it would be a main voter issue.
If a politician took only 1cent from the NRA it should political suicide, yet it isn't and the general populace doesn't cha'ge voting behavior.

This very clearly gives the rest of the world the right to laugh at your nation on this subject. It gives us clear reasons to question if you actually want something changed and wheter ot not as a nation you deserve these drama's.

Not a single person deserves these drama's though and I hope your country wakes up and changes things so children and adults alike aren't slaughtered in mass shootings.

I'm not calling americans stupid, in belgium I hear people complaining about other issues to then go around and vote in droves for the parties creating these issues. Our democracy is dying and we need to get people interested and informed to save it.
Has democracy been better in the past than it is now?

Hard to tell so dying might ha e been the wronf wordchoice. But when if you want to imply we're doing fine I dissagree.

The vote in Belgium has been degraded to who puts out the most (preferably offensive) tweets. Questioning the judicial system completely, putting out 'altered' graphs, who's been on tv the most and who used the most ad homs against left wing parties.

I don't see this as a healty evolution and frankly I lost faith in the 1 person 1 vote idea. When people aren't informed nor interested they should NOT be allowed to vote.
Hard to tell so dying might ha e been the wronf wordchoice. But when if you want to imply we're doing fine I dissagree.

The vote in Belgium has been degraded to who puts out the most (preferably offensive) tweets. Questioning the judicial system completely, putting out 'altered' graphs, who's been on tv the most and who used the most ad homs against left wing parties.

I don't see this as a healty evolution and frankly I lost faith in the 1 person 1 vote idea. When people aren't informed nor interested they should NOT be allowed to vote.
Without trying to imply that we were doing fine I just wondered if it's any worse now than it has always been. I'd be surprised if people in general have ever been particularly well informed.
I'm not implying you're one of them but I find it hard to believe a lot of people actually want change. As a populayion you have a lot of power over this and if americans would find these situtions as disgusting as some of you here it would be a main voter issue.
If a politician took only 1cent from the NRA it should political suicide, yet it isn't and the general populace doesn't cha'ge voting behavior.

This very clearly gives the rest of the world the right to laugh at your nation on this subject. It gives us clear reasons to question if you actually want something changed and wheter ot not as a nation you deserve these drama's.

Not a single person deserves these drama's though and I hope your country wakes up and changes things so children and adults alike aren't slaughtered in mass shootings.

I'm not calling americans stupid, in belgium I hear people complaining about other issues to then go around and vote in droves for the parties creating these issues. Our democracy is dying and we need to get people interested and informed to save it.

We are a country of way over 300,000,000 people. We die in various ways. It may be questioned whether "slaughtered in mass shootings" is statistically significant in comparison to the many other ways death arrives. It may be that we are not prepared to sacrifice our democratic freedoms and rights on the altar of 100% safety. On the other hand, democracy is not the greatest form of government. That would be the wise, benevolent despot. Too bad they are usually succeeded by degenerate despots! My father was very suspicious of democracy. When our voting age was lowered from 21 to 18, he wrote a letter to his congressman objecting, and imploring that instead it should be raised to 31. :lol:
We are a country of way over 300,000,000 people. We die in various ways. It may be questioned whether "slaughtered in mass shootings" is statistically significant in comparison to the many other ways death arrives. It may be that we are not prepared to sacrifice our democratic freedoms and rights on the altar of 100% safety. On the other hand, democracy is not the greatest form of government. That would be the wise, benevolent despot. Too bad they are usually succeeded by degenerate despots! My father was very suspicious of democracy. When our voting age was lowered from 21 to 18, he wrote a letter to his congressman objecting, and imploring that instead it should be raised to 31. :lol:

When some schools have 'shooter drills' (or is this fake news) isn't that enough to act to ensure those kids their freedom to a safe educationsystem?
Isn't that an indication school shooting are to prevalent? Loose from the fact that other caused of death are more prevalent? (Those causes should be adressed too)

And again what democratic freedom/right do you sacrefice? Gun registration and gun control does not infringe on your right to carry guns...
It's a means to regulate and make sure 'only' people 'fit' to be armed can carry. This would not make it 100% safe but way better.
I don't see how this infringes on your rights. And the subtle implication that you americans don't give up their rights like the rest of the world does is getting old. We don't give our rights away in any faster pace then the americans. It implies out government is an effective dictatorship/policestate where we don't have any rights...

It's an apeal to the superiority feeling about freedom some americans hold.
I'm not implying you're one of them but I find it hard to believe a lot of people actually want change. As a populayion you have a lot of power over this and if americans would find these situtions as disgusting as some of you here it would be a main voter issue.
If a politician took only 1cent from the NRA it should political suicide, yet it isn't and the general populace doesn't cha'ge voting behavior.

This very clearly gives the rest of the world the right to laugh at your nation on this subject. It gives us clear reasons to question if you actually want something changed and wheter ot not as a nation you deserve these drama's.

Not a single person deserves these drama's though and I hope your country wakes up and changes things so children and adults alike aren't slaughtered in mass shootings.

I'm not calling americans stupid, in belgium I hear people complaining about other issues to then go around and vote in droves for the parties creating these issues. Our democracy is dying and we need to get people interested and informed to save it.

It is a main voter issue, there are many "main" voter issues. So much so that the culminate as domestic issues in general, and politicians many times win elections over them. However, it seems many times like many subjects of importance it isn't the defining talking point. Considering that it takes more than a few congressmen, and that there have been various laws before that handled weapons or a type of perceived weapon and shootings still happened...

What you've implied is a population should vote purely based on the topic of guns, and yet haven't even talked about what exactly that line of voting should be. Should they support complete banning of weapons, and confiscation, should they vote for heavy restriction, should they vote for something else? It's not always as simple as people think it to be, so no, making a laugh about it isn't always best, in the same way many who don't know about current events in other nations shouldn't.

Once again it's quite apparent people are awake, or you wouldn't see various petitions in regards to gun regulation with hundreds of thousands of signatures, wouldn't see it a trending thing on twitter, various celebs taking action and making it a trendy thing to get behind. Despite the fact that people have not better clue than you or given clue on how to solve a powder keg situation. Dennisch gave probably one of the more level head ideas even if he has been like a dog with a bone with this topic.
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When some schools have 'shooter drills' (or is this fake news) isn't that enough to act to ensure those kids their freedom to a safe educationsystem?
Isn't that an indication school shooting are to prevalent? Loose from the fact that other caused of death are more prevalent? (Those causes should be adressed too)

And again what democratic freedom/right do you sacrefice? Gun registration and gun control does not infringe on your right to carry guns...
It's a means to regulate and make sure 'only' people 'fit' to be armed can carry. This would not make it 100% safe but way better.
I don't see how this infringes on your rights. And the subtle implication that you americans don't give up their rights like the rest of the world does is getting old. We don't give our rights away in any faster pace then the americans. It implies out government is an effective dictatorship/policestate where we don't have any rights...

It's an apeal to the superiority feeling about freedom some americans hold.
You don't see how this infringes on your rights because you aren't paying attention. Americans have a right to keep and bear arms it's in the Constitution. Gun control and deciding who is fit to carry can and does infringe upon that right. Many Americans I'm sure would see that wording as the slippery slope that leads to the banishment of guns in the hands of law abiding citizens.
You don't see how this infringes on your rights because you aren't paying attention. Americans have a right to keep and bear arms it's in the Constitution. Gun control and deciding who is fit to carry can and does infringe upon that right. Many Americans I'm sure would see that wording as the slippery slope that leads to the banishment of guns in the hands of law abiding citizens.

Not paying attention?

How is it a slippery slope towards a ban?
Americans have a right to keep and bear arms it's in the Constitution. Gun control and deciding who is fit to carry can and does infringe upon that right.

Social history and the history of the constitution itself demonstrates that "being in the Constitution" hasn't worked for the protection of voting in the USA. Why would you think that a material right would be more protected than a democratic right?
Social history and the history of the constitution itself demonstrates that "being in the Constitution" hasn't worked for the protection of voting in the USA. Why would you think that a material right would be more protected than a democratic right?
This is kind of an odd statement, which I do not at all understand. Perhaps you could put it in a different, less nebulous way, please? And what in the heck is a "material right"? Even "democratic rights" has no definite meaning, as far as I know.

In my understanding, when the Constitution of the United States of America was written, we were to experiment with a new form of government, a democratic republic, in which voting rights were not specified, but most states provided for free, white, adult property-owning males to vote. The franchise was periodically expanded by the 15th, 19th and 26th amendments to the federal constitution.

U.S. presidential election popular vote totals as a percentage of the total U.S. population. Note the surge in 1828 (extension of suffrage to non-property-owning white men), the drop from 1890–1910 (when Southern states disenfranchised most African Americans and many poor whites), and another surge in 1920 (extension of suffrage to women).

All hail Chairman Mao Emperor Xi!

On his way to become President for life.
Well that's unnecessary. Xi should be commended for the incredible sacrifice he's made for the well-being of his people, and is a shoe-in for the Nobel Prize for Peace...





So much for keeping a straight face.