Soup.What's Hot Cereal???
What's Hot Cereal???
What's Hot Cereal???
So...does this mean that Brietbart has put a fatwah on her head?
Processed cereal grain products typically taken hot after cooking using the absorption method. Oatmeal, grits, etc.What's Hot Cereal???
The ol' Rudy "Hares Youssef" special.It's brilliant. I can think of at least one convicted sex offender who found himself in this position. And old Rudy thought he was back in 1999 doing a random stop and frisk. "Hey you, you're going to get in front of the camera and sequel and tell everybody about the voter suppression you saw or I'm going to make your life a living hell!"
Rudy’s just letting the days go by. Same as it ever was."My god, what have I done?"
Rudy’s just letting the days go by. Same as it ever was.
I didn't think the tweet from D'Souza was real, but it is and not satire either.
I'm certain I've thought, on no fewer than two other occasions even, "it's a shame I'm not on Twitter because I'd follow @Popehat so fast." It's not enough to get me on Twitter, of course; I just need to check the feed more often.
Parler is an FBI Agent's wet dream. Who knew you could convince so many idiots to just openly post their honest thoughts under the guise of a site built on anti-censorship.
Stalin would be proud.
Stalin would say those are rookie numbers and you gotta pump them up.