The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff
He may not be a policy genius himself, but he's a shrewd business man and will surround himself with the best and brightest the country has to offer. We don't need a brilliant person in the whitehouse, what we need is a manager who can harness those brilliant people so that we can get the most out of our nation's brain trust on issues like prison reform and sentencing.
And loosing children.
He may not be a policy genius himself, but he's a shrewd business man and will surround himself with the best and brightest the country has to offer. We don't need a brilliant person in the whitehouse, what we need is a manager who can harness those brilliant people so that we can get the most out of our nation's brain trust on issues like prison reform and sentencing.
Reality stars gotta reality.
Just saying...

But, isn’t that a problem? Obama and his presidency was seen as the problem Trump was going to fix...

How is “well Obama did it too” a defence?? :boggled:
It's not a defence at all. It is what it is. Powerful and influential people tend to get more access to the big muckety mucks than us common folk. But all the kerfuffle about Kimkay from the leftest media is laughable considering how they were lauding over Obama doing the exact same thing. Hypocrisy I believe it's called. Push comes to shove I'd be more concerned over a race hustler like Al Sharpton visiting the WH 57 times than Kimkay showing up to advocate for prison reform.
Did they discuss policy?

I wasn't privy to the meetings but given the laundry list of celebrity causes some of these people have I don't think it's much of a stretch that they put in a plug for one of their pet projects.
He may not be a policy genius himself, but he's a shrewd business man and will surround himself with the best and brightest the country has to offer. We don't need a brilliant person in the whitehouse, what we need is a manager who can harness those brilliant people so that we can get the most out of our nation's brain trust on issues like prison reform and sentencing.

Two great pieces of advice I read:

1: Always hire people who can do the things you can't or are better at the same things as you, however much you hate them for it.
2: Don't be afraid to hire lazy people, they often find ways to get the same job done quicker.

The second's Bill Gates, not sure where the first's from.
Two great pieces of advice I read:

1: Always hire people who can do the things you can't or are better at the same things as you, however much you hate them for it.
2: Don't be afraid to hire lazy people, they often find ways to get the same job done quicker.

The second's Bill Gates, not sure where the first's from.

Are you saying that KK is lazy and better at developing domestic policy? Wait... you might be on to something...
I much preferred when the FLOTUS was not a target of the President's critics and political enemies.
"...the equivalent in calories of eating a live raccoon!"
It's almost as though they're using unnecessarily disturbing imagery to paint the target of their comments in a certain light, and perhaps even to subtly suggest that FLOTUS indeed eats live raccoons. I mean...I don't know that there's not a significant caloric differential between live and dead/cooked animals in general, but surely raccoons come in enough sizes to compensate for any differential if the killing/cooking of them has some impact on their calorie count. And why raccoons? Surely there's another animal, one that's generally accepted as a food source for consumer consumption, that has similar caloric value.

But hey, it's not like the clips were from serious sources; just a basic cable "news" network, a talk radio show that's filmed for some crazy reason, and a glorified vlog that needs to sell cheap merch at ridiculously inflated prices to make it a worthwhile venture--they do have their respective audiences, though, and I have no doubt there's a significant overlap between their viewership.
It's almost as though they're using unnecessarily disturbing imagery to paint the target of their comments in a certain light, and perhaps even to subtly suggest that FLOTUS indeed eats live raccoons. I mean...I don't know that there's not a significant caloric differential between live and dead/cooked animals in general, but surely raccoons come in enough sizes to compensate for any differential if the killing/cooking of them has some impact on their calorie count. And why raccoons? Surely there's another animal, one that's generally accepted as a food source for consumer consumption, that has similar caloric value.

But hey, it's not like the clips were from serious sources; just a basic cable "news" network, a talk radio show that's filmed for some crazy reason, and a glorified vlog that needs to sell cheap merch at ridiculously inflated prices to make it a worthwhile venture--they do have their respective audiences, though, and I have no doubt there's a significant overlap between their viewership.

Aside from the arguable racial subtext in the newsreader's comment I find myself wondering if there are so many more calories in a live raccoon than a dead one that it's worth mentioning?
Aside from the arguable racial subtext in the newsreader's comment I find myself wondering if there are so many more calories in a live raccoon than a dead one that it's worth mentioning?
For the life of me I can't seem to find the number of calories in a live animal, let alone a raccoon.

Edit: S'pose they wanted to evoke cannibalism while using racist slang.
I can't so why don't you explain it.
Well, you've got your critics of President Obama--your Fox News, your Rush Limbaugh, your Alex Jones--attacking First Lady of the United States ("FLOTUS") Michelle Obama.

Never would I have expected that correlation to be lost on anyone--maybe I should be more blunt.

The negative comments weren't limited to President and Mrs. Obama, no, their daughters Sasha and Malia were deemed fair game as well.

I mean...the "liberal media" depicts Eric as feeble-minded, Ivanka as having endured inappropriate attention from her father and Donnie Jr. as, well, no; DeeJ is an asshat in his own right and doesn't have to get the backsplash from his dad...

What was I saying? Oh yeah, the liberal media attacks Trump's family now, so I guess it's only fair that Obama's family got attacked by conservative media first, right?
Reality stars gotta reality.

I'm confused on this, and I'm guessing this spewing the norm because of who are involved didn't bother to actually see what was conversed. It would be a stretch to say "prison reform" was the heart of the subject. In reality Kardashian was asking Trump to review a particular clemency case, which isn't all that strange since celebrities, athletes, philanthropist and even other politicians do this from time to time.

This obviously created somewhat of a bigger talking point on drug classification and it's prison issues, which in reality should be talked about, should of been fixed when the last president said he'd do it. And in reality probably wont get fixed still cause of who is in power currently.
I'm confused on this, and I'm guessing this spewing the norm because of who are involved didn't bother to actually see what was conversed. It would be a stretch to say "prison reform" was the heart of the subject. In reality Kardashian was asking Trump to review a particular clemency case, which isn't all that strange since celebrities, athletes, philanthropist and even other politicians do this from time to time.

This obviously created somewhat of a bigger talking point on drug classification and it's prison issues, which in reality should be talked about, should of been fixed when the last president said he'd do it. And in reality probably wont get fixed still cause of who is in power currently.
"Spewing the norm"... how delightful. As the person who wrote the post I'm guessing it was replying to another post whose subject was with the type of people Trump was surrounding himself with. If prison reform wasn't being discussed then his tweet was misleading. That's Trump's fault, not mine.

Just seems like a crazy thing to come after me about.

What was I saying? Oh yeah, the liberal media attacks Trump's family now, so I guess it's only fair that Obama's family got attacked by conservative media first, right?
I'll have to disagree with your position there.
I'll have to disagree with your position there.
You're right to do so; I was being facetious. Responding in kind isn't always appropriate, even in the correct order.

But with the conservative media's vociferous response to jabs at the current first family, one has to imagine their justification for their own remarks directed at the previous one--during the previous administration--is that it was "preemptive retaliation."

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