The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff


That's peak early 2000's. Although Donald Rum Raisin is a clever flavor name. I wonder if it was torturous to eat?

And $76 for a gallon of ice cream? What in tarnation? I don't typically buy ice cream, but I did buy some a few months back and I feel like I paid something like $8-$9 for a thing of it, not $19. And if you count for inflation, that makes the conservative ice cream $28 or $112 per gallon.
I don't typically buy ice cream, but I did buy some a few months back and I feel like I paid something like $8-$9 for a thing of it, not $19.
How much was that "thing"? Pint? That comes out to $64-72 for a gallon. Quart is obviously half that.

Looks like all of Ben & Jerry's pints are $7.99 on the website right now, which isn't absurd for quality ice say nothing of B&J's quality. No idea what they were in 2003.


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How much was that "thing"? Pint? That comes out to $64-72 for a gallon. Quart is obviously half that.
It's from a local place, but it looks like their tubs are 56oz which should be 1.75qts.
It's from a local place, but it looks like their tubs are 56oz which should be 1.75qts.
Sorry I missed this. I must have lost track of the alert.

Local place in SLC? What sort of ice cream are we talking about here? $19 for that comes out to...what...$5.50 a pint? And you're thinking it may have been closer to $9 (~$2.50/pint)? I realize deals can be gotten, but I'm having difficulty grasping ice cream at $2.50-$5.50 for a pint from a local joint in any market, much less one like Salt Lake City. Maybe the high end of that, but I'm not sure it would be anything to rave about.

I generally expect a $1-2 pint premium (though higher really isn't a stretch) on quality local stuff over quality supermarket brands unless the place is running some kind of promotion, but I'm also okay with that because I like supporting locals with my patronage and I usually get some kind of interaction with the folks that make the stuff.

I guess this could set off a trend in reimagined album covers even if including Pob in the design is a bit of an easy target :lol:
I didn't realise it, but it's actually the work of a friend of mine - I thought he just reposted it, but he actually created it himself. Shame it ruins one of my favourite albums of all time, but hey...
I didn't realise it, but it's actually the work of a friend of mine - I thought he just reposted it, but he actually created it himself. Shame it ruins one of my favourite albums of all time, but hey...
Maybe it's fortunate that I know exactly nothing of what drove this. I just get to appreciate the effort. It really is well done.

Actually, Spotify recommended for me a Love playlist just the other day.
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Apologies to the moderation staff. I completely missed that.

"But I digest" is a good one but did I also hear Brent say "scarey-o-type" instead of stereotype? If so I'm stealing that one.
"But I digest" is a good one but did I also hear Brent say "scarey-o-type" instead of stereotype? If so I'm stealing that one.
I hear "stereotype," which isn't to say that he couldn't have said something else, but I absolutely lost it (on my first viewing and again on review) when he said "but I digest." It was so perfect.
They really aren't big fans of consequences for speech.
Yeah but they don't much care for free speech either. It's strange, I least it would be if it wasn't for the double standards.
Unsurprisingly the above appears to be sarcasm.

Poe's law? I did a shallow dive and the RTs really give it away, but some of the account's own postings make it hard to tell whether right-wing narratives are being mocked or endorsed:

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Biden Aggravation Disorder.

Edit: I'm not sure whether it's more sad that a guy who cried for years about anti-Trump sentiment is now posting anti-Biden cringe or that there is literally nothing going around in any kind of reasonably detectable range about Biden being on the phone while driving. The closest thing I can find is him joking about running over reporters when he showboated that electric F-150 in May.
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