The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff
You sure about that?

Since the above video by The AP has been age restricted, it shows footage of rioters storming the Capitol building hunting for Mike Pence, images of gallows being erected in front of the Capitol, and a group of rioters calling for the hanging of the former Vice President.

And don't forget about detain and/or harm (ABC News).

Also, let's not forget that (Forbes) this isn't the first time that right-wing-extremists (aka, the people you're actively defending) have attempted to bring harm to members of the government within the last year (NPR).

But firebombing police stations was mostly peaceful?
Aaand once again, you're twisting around information to create a claim that was never made in order to create a false narrative. Once again, you have shown that that you're totally incapable of discussing anything in good faith if it doesn't match your opinion. You've done this so many times now that this tactic is extremely transparent.
Ok. Got it.

Capitol Damage.jpg

Capitol Architect estimates $30 Million+ in damages following the Pro-Trump riots (NPR).

Seems like those guys did a lot more than take selfies (ignoring the fact that their forced presence on the property was a crime in of itself).
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But firebombing police stations was mostly peaceful?
I don't believe you're so dim that you actually interpret a specific violent act as having been referred to as "mostly peaceful." If you don't, as I suspect, then you're deliberately conflating peaceful protest with violent acts. This is deceitful. This is worse than plain stupidity. I suspect you do this because you don't oppose what the peaceful protesters oppose, and that the majority were protesting peacefully, that violence was rare (albeit very apparent and, sure, "sexy" in terms of ratings), doesn't fit your preferred narrative. Because you can't support what the protesters oppose using rational arguments as you engage in meaningful discussion, you're compelled to use these deceitful tactics. Deceit is all you Trumpkins have.

It wasn't that long ago, in this thread, on the topic of protest and riots, that another of you Trumpkins engaged an individual that appeared to be condoning the violent acts being perpetrated in parallel to peaceful protest. Rather than address the individual's actual [stupid] remarks, @BobK opted to
strawman those remarks and allege a racist viewpoint because the individual spoke of primarily black offenders engaging in irrational behavior. By the way, the remarks that @BobK chose to misrepresent were actually directed at me because I had already been engaging the individual. I called out the deceitful tactics because they do the good faith arguments a disservice in much the same way violence at protests does the protest movement a disservice. @BobK clearly didn't like that I confronted his deceitful tactics and he did almost the exact the same thing to me. He took the thing that I said and twisted it into something [racist] that I didn't say in an attempt to weaken my position, and then indirectly called me racist by alleging Trump would be called racist for saying the things that I didn't say.

Bad faith tactics like these are all you Trumpkins have.
The point of the meme was to make fun of obviously biased media coverage.
But, you guys constructed great arguments with tons of examples, none of which were directed at the point of the meme, or my posts. All I did was point out the fact that dozens of war hardened soldiers armed with machine guns is different from a half naked man with a Viking hat taking selfies while trespassing. (Behavior which was never “defended” or condoned by me”)
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But, you guys constructed great arguments with tons of examples, none of which were directed at the point of the meme, or my posts.
Since the point was to create a strawman, I think it was dead on. You strawman again in that post... look:

All I did was point out the fact that dozens of war hardened soldiers armed with machine guns is different from a half naked man with a Viking hat taking selfies while trespassing.
It's easy to prove that this is a strawman. Because I agree with this statement, those things are different, while disagreeing with your conclusion, because this statement doesn't apply to your conclusion. That's because tresspassing and selfies does not appropriately describe the capitol riot.
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Here’s several more.
I find it weird that right wing weirdos seem to think that Biden’s ice cream stops are somehow a negative?
I think it’s kinda cool the guy likes ice cream…It’s one of the few things I think he gets right…
Because they threw up gallows for the kiddos.
It was a sarcastic gallows. You commies have no sense of humour. Besides, you support burning down cities, and that's way worse because 7% of leftist black people are doing it.

(Back on planet Earth - watch @NotThePrez's video from AP for more gallows and Hang Mike Pence chants).
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Apologies for the double post. It seems we have a case of the Gish gallop in which rather than address the points that were disproved it's time to quickly change subject and post a bunch more unverifiable statements in the hope that everyone'll forget the previous ones. For example:
Can you show us where the media are saying that Biden won this situation which everyone else can clearly see is unwinnable? Or is it more important to bash the Democrats regardless of context?

Can you show us what it was about this statement that wasn't intended as a warning to the Republican Party of 63 years ago which Ike was addressing at the time, or doesn't apply more to today's Republican Party than to the present administration? Or is it more important to bash the Democrats regardless of context?
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Sanders said he isn’t “that much of a socialist compared to Eisenhower” and the room erupted as if on cue, like a sitcom laugh track, and the camera turned to a bemused Hillary Clinton before panning out to show the audience cracking-up to the point of elation.

Sanders, who describes himself as a "democratic socialist," has been known to draw this kind of reaction from crowds. But it wasn’t the first time Sanders invoked Eisenhower while promising to increase taxes on the nation’s wealthiest, and the comparison holds true, because under Ike rich Americans paid considerably more tax than they do today.

As Politifact reports, during Eisenhower’s two-term presidency from 1953 to 1961, the top marginal tax rate, which affects the highest earning bracket, was 91 percent. It applied to individuals with an annual income of $200,000 or more, and couples whose combined earnings was equal to or greater than $400,000. Accounting for inflation, in 2015 those numbers would be the equivalent of about $1.7 million for individuals and $3.4 million per couple.

Today, the top marginal tax rate in 2015 is about 39.6 percent and applies to individuals with an annual income of $413,200 or higher, and couples who make $464,850 or more. The equivalent of these earners in 1954 would have been placed in the 72 percent and 75 percent tax brackets, respectively, leaving that heavy 91 percent rate for the mid-century relative-counterparts to our present-day "1%" of wealthiest Americans.

And that is Sanders’s point. Under Eisenhower, taxes were higher for the upper-class, who weren’t as rich as America’s wealthiest today.

Also, historians would be quick to point out, one of Eisenhower's greatest achievements as president was the creation of the Interstate Highway System – a massive civic infrastructure project that cost the equivalent of more than $500 billion in today's dollars. Also, in his farewell address, Eisenhower warned the country about the growth of the military-industrial complex, a phrase now decidedly associated with liberalism.
I'm not sure where the "conspiracy to seize power" bit comes in either. The Democrats are already in power because more people voted for them - enough to win a majority of states. That doesn't seem like a conspiracy to me so much. More like basic arithmetic.

Baby eating paedophile Dems routing Chinese voting machines via Venezuela to steal Trump's rightful majority as a justification to hang the VP? Now that sounds more like a conspiracy to me.

I guess when you're out of positive ideas to benefit your country it's easier to gaslight folks about the immediate past and fling as much poo as you can in the opposite direction in the hope that some of it will stick. It's funny how nobody seems to be complaining about cancel culture, transgender athletes or critical race theory any more in the rush to condemn Biden over Afghanistan.
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The point of the meme was to make fun of obviously biased media coverage.
But, you guys constructed great arguments with tons of examples, none of which were directed at the point of the meme, or my posts. All I did was point out the fact that dozens of war hardened soldiers armed with machine guns is different from a half naked man with a Viking hat taking selfies while trespassing. (Behavior which was never “defended” or condoned by me”)
It wasn't "a half naked man with a Viking hat" - it was thousands of men, many of them armed with sticks, flag poles, bear spray etc. Turning back that many people is an impossible task without major bloodshed. It is, in fact, similar to what police officers faced during some BLM/antifa protests. The difference, which is of real significance, is that the attack in DC was directed against the seat of American democracy in an attempt to overthrow the lawful working of that democracy.
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If you look it up, you will find no charges of seditious conspiracy.
No charges of insurrection.
98 percent of those charged are merely misdemeanor trespassing and disorderly conduct.
Lol no insurrection no intent to do harm at all.
98 percent of them behaved like tourists inside there. Just like I already told you.
Just like I have said regarding truth decay-no matter how many of you hold the OPINION that there was an insurrection the facts of the matter are unarguable and your assertions are merely your opinion, not factual in nature.

Like Orwell said though if the party says 2 and 2 make five you WILL accept it because that is how you’ve been programmed!
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Like Orwell said though if the party says 2 and 2 make five you WILL accept it because that is how you’ve been programmed!
As you so ably demonstrate.

Can you look up who George Orwell was before you attempt to quote him again? If he'd been in the Capitol, he'd have been the one shooting Ashli Babbitt in the face. He literally joined a foreign military for no other reason than because he wanted to kill fascists.
If you look it up, you will find no charges of seditious conspiracy.
No charges of insurrection.
98 percent of those charged are merely misdemeanor trespassing and disorderly conduct.
Lol no insurrection no intent to do harm at all.
98 percent of them behaved like tourists inside there. Just like I already told you.
Just like I have said regarding truth decay-no matter how many of you hold the OPINION that there was an insurrection the facts of the matter are unarguable and your assertions are merely your opinion, not factual in nature.
Ok... um.. I'm trying to be nice here... you have no idea what you're talking about.

As far as I know, all of the cases that have been resolved to date are cases which did not go to a trial. That, of course, makes sense because cases which do not go to trial will be resolved first, and of course people are still being arrested for the capitol riots. Cases that do not go to trial are being resolved with something called a plea bargain. That's where the prosecution accepts a reduced charge in exchange for a guilty plea in order to avoid dragging out the proceeding into a trail.

Yes, the fastest cases to be completed are those that include a guilty plea down to a misdemeanor. Seditious conspiracy and attempted murder take a bit longer... especially considering that there's very little chance of a guilty plea in such a case.

From your article:

She said seditious conspiracy charges have proven to be a problem for prosecutors because the “burden of proof is quite high” and that failure of such cases at trial would make prosecutors “reluctant to try again.”

In otherwords, they're going to accept plea bargains down to lesser offenses so that they can get convictions.


To put as blunt a point on it as possible... you don't plea bargain down to the worst thing you're guilty of.
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Sorry for the triple negative but just because they didn't arrest everyone doesn't mean everyone still at large meant no harm. The wheels of justice are still grinding as feds comb video footage to identify more suspects to arraign. 615 and counting so far.

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So yet another person in this section of the forum trying to argue that it wasn't an insurrection b/c something wasn't achieved as a result, in this case, a specific charge. Just completely ignore the actual attempt & definition defining it.
Read the social media posts from just about any of these nutbags and it's easy to see that it was a violent insurrection. Their aim was to use force to put an unelected leader in charge of the country. Even if none of them are ever convicted of seditious conspiracy because of the way the judicial system works, their social media posts are enough to demonstrate what actually happened.

Our whole judicial system is not remotely predicated on trying to put an accurate label on a particular crime. It's not journalism, they're trying to protect the public. Screws up prison statistics too because so many offenders are convicted of crimes they didn't even commit, they just plea down to something they didn't do in exchange for admitting guilt.

Since the above video by The AP has been age restricted, it shows footage of rioters storming the Capitol building hunting for Mike Pence, images of gallows being erected in front of the Capitol, and a group of rioters calling for the hanging of the former Vice President.

And don't forget about detain and/or harm (ABC News).

Also, let's not forget that (Forbes) this isn't the first time that right-wing-extremists (aka, the people you're actively defending) have attempted to bring harm to members of the government within the last year (NPR).

Aaand once again, you're twisting around information to create a claim that was never made in order to create a false narrative. Once again, you have shown that that you're totally incapable of discussing anything in good faith if it doesn't match your opinion. You've done this so many times now that this tactic is extremely transparent.

View attachment 1075062

Capitol Architect estimates $30 Million+ in damages following the Pro-Trump riots (NPR).

Seems like those guys did a lot more than take selfies (ignoring the fact that their forced presence on the property was a crime in of itself).

Well then what the hell is the point of the right to bare arms against a tyrannical government if it's a crime. Crazy ain't it.
What you said is gibberish.

Also it's "hanged". Learn to use the right words.
You seem to understand it. Sorry I don't speak the queens english.

Attacking me instead of my point...
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You seem to understand it.
Nope. You seem to be suggesting that 2A is irrelevant if you can't attempt to kill the Vice-President for not unilaterally overturning a democratic election (an action that would class as tyranny).
Sorry I don't speak the queens english.
What do you speak then? Is English your second language? It might explain your frequently disjointed posts where you make nonsensical responses that ignore the comments you've quoted in making them.

In both English and American English, "hung" is the past tense of hanging something not alive (meat and pictures are hung) and "hanged" is the past tense of hanging something that is alive (people are hanged".

Attacking me instead of my point...
Nope. Sending your own words back to you:
Learn to read.
Learn to use the right words.
If you're consistently using the wrong words, nobody can read your posts as you intend.
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Well, they're not the smartest people.

Please explain to the group how Congress certifying an election is tyrannical government.
Then why act like it's such a big threat? It was more like a bunch of dumb kids on dirt bikes during the middle of rush hour. Google it, kills the evening rush hour traffic when they wreck or randomly catch on fire under a bridge.
In both English and American English, "hung" is the past tense
It did happen in the past... Like 7 and a half months ago...
Also "well hung". ;) You know what I mean.

What do you speak then?
Guess I speak redneck...
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