The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff
Well that's a new one
Sadly, it's not. Here's a piece from nearly a decade ago:
Have you heard? The War on Halloween is on! But, unlike other culture wars, this one could become very confusing for conservatives to decide which side they’re on.
The “War on Halloween” is not as simple as the “War on Christmas,” that package of phony fury O’Reilly and Limbaugh give to the nation annually. The politics of that holiday are clear-cut: Christmas=America. Those who don’t obey the equation are essentially crucifying Christ, nailing Him to the cross with the dozens of flag pins they ripped from the lapels of His tunic.

But Halloween is a trickier matter. Many on the religious right have long shunned the holiday as a force of evil. As a Christian website puts it, “Halloween is based upon modern Wiccan interpretations of pre-Christian paganism and involve occultic rites and practices that Christians should have no dealings with.”

“Halloween is Satan’s night,” Pat Robertson concurs. “It’s the night for the devil.” A now-deleted 2009 article on his CBN website, goes even further, right down to the candy corn: “most of the candy sold during this season has been dedicated and prayed over by witches,” the writer asserts. “Curses are sent through the tricks and treats of the innocent whether they get it by going door to door or by purchasing it from the local grocery store. The demons cannot tell the difference.”

But now Fox & Friends is defending Halloween as a force for all-American good. Because the real demons, F&F has decided, are immigrants and the politically correct elementary schools doing their bidding by cutting back on Halloween festivities.

“It’s an all-out assault on Halloween!” Brian Kilmeade opened the segment last week. “Schools across the country are doing everything from banning costumes to even removing the holiday because it may offend immigrants.” “I’m just sad,” said Gretchen Carlson, “because I have two little kids, and I’m wondering if they’re not going to ever see the American traditions that all of us had.”

There are reasonable arguments pro and con for grade-school Halloween hoopla. But Kilmeade chose to shout “Boo!” at the audience by framing the issue around immigrants. As Mediaite points out, “The commentators appeared to be basing their whole report on an editorial by Todd Starnes who cited one quote (!) to make a sweeping declaration that schools across the country were becoming over-sensitized to the concerns of immigrants.”

Indeed, in “Schools Declare War on Halloween,” contributor Starnes mentions lots of reasons elementary school principals give for downplaying Halloween (kids who can’t afford costumes feel left out, it causes classroom disruption, it’s enough candy already), but he quotes only one principal, Brian Anderson of Buckman magnet school in Portland, OR, who says anything that even touches on immigrants. “There are social, financial, and cultural differences among our families that we must respect,” Anderson wrote in a letter to parents, while he told the Portland Mercury, “We’re pushing our traditions on an ever-changing population…. Halloween is, in many ways, personal to some people and to other people it’s very offensive.”

So it’s a dilemma for the right and its media: Do they solemnly honor the cultural differences of Christian conservatives offended by Halloween, or do they embrace Halloween as another way to drum up contempt for “illegals” and the liberals they say are coddling them?

(Well, for Fox News it would be a dilemma, but Roger Ailes’s producers never met a dilemma they couldn’t make vanish: they’ll simply yank any syllable of any word, any pixel of any image, out of context and twist it to mean whatever they want. It’s magickal!)

Stephen Colbert, one of the good witches, has landed on a more elegant solution to the War on Halloween problem: Jesus Ween.
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Hallowe'en (not "Halloween") isn't "Satan's night". It's Satan's night off - the literal point is that the evil that spends all year tempting you to cheat on your wife has to take a break from doing so on October 31.

In fact it literally means "Saints' evening". Conservative "Christians" should bloody love it, and you'd think they of all people would pick up the actual meaning from their incessant chanting of the word in the Lord's Prayer - unless it's all lip-service, of course.
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FWIW, my wife is an elementary school teacher. Over say, the last 10 years, she's had about a dozen parents object to Halloween celebrations or activities in the classroom. With once exception that I can remember, the parents objecting all did so on the basis that it conflicted with their conservative christian values. And they were all adamant to point it out.

Fox's typical virtue signaling with the dreaded War on Halloween just makes me shake my head. It's a constant mission to stir the pot and get people fired up and angry about whatever they can and from which ever angle works. Even if it makes less sense than usual.
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Got me wondering what other leaders would say though.

"As the saying goes, "da hominem piscem, et tu illum pascis per diem"!" - Boris Johnson
"Now some people tell me that if you buy a man a fish... if you buy a man a fish, folks - and let me tell you we've got the best fish, huge fish... but these people tell me that if you buy a fish you can eat it for a long time, a long time; I don't know, I don't know how this works, but this is what they tell me" - Donald Trump
"If you buy a man a fish it was probably OUR FISH that the FRENCH FISHERMEN STOLE FROM OUR WATERS, thanks to their EU masters in Brussels" - Nigel Farage
"I did not have sexual relations with that fish" - Bill Clinton
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Got me wondering what other leaders would say though.

"As the saying goes, "da hominem piscem, et tu illum pascis per diem"!" - Boris Johnson
"Now some people tell me that if you buy a man a fish... if you buy a man a fish, folks - and let me tell you we've got the best fish, huge fish... but these people tell me that if you buy a fish you can eat it for a long time, a long time; I don't know, I don't know how this works, but this is what they tell me" - Donald Trump
"If you buy a man a fish it was probably OUR FISH that the FRENCH FISHERMEN STOLE FROM OUR WATERS, thanks to their EU masters in Brussels" - Nigel Farage
"I did not have sexual relations with that fish" - Bill Clinton

"After a vote of no confidence and 30 days arguing in parliament, the fish is now Prime Minister" - UK Conservative Party
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Got me wondering what other leaders would say though.

"As the saying goes, "da hominem piscem, et tu illum pascis per diem"!" - Boris Johnson
"Now some people tell me that if you buy a man a fish... if you buy a man a fish, folks - and let me tell you we've got the best fish, huge fish... but these people tell me that if you buy a fish you can eat it for a long time, a long time; I don't know, I don't know how this works, but this is what they tell me" - Donald Trump
"If you buy a man a fish it was probably OUR FISH that the FRENCH FISHERMEN STOLE FROM OUR WATERS, thanks to their EU masters in Brussels" - Nigel Farage
"I did not have sexual relations with that fish" - Bill Clinton
"I've heard that if you pour bleach on fish it will make it taste much better" - Donald Trump
"People ask me how I know so much about fish. They stop me all the time and are amazed by it. It's true! I know all the best fish. I have business contacts in the fisherman, I know fishurey. People say I don't like fish, I love fish bigly. Fish is great! I've written books about fish and given lectures on fish dealings all over the world. There's nobody better qualified to talk about fish than me. I've met the experts and even they don't know how I know so much. Fish from Thighland, fish in Nambia. Nobody could have known that I didn't know the fish. The fake news would have you belive that's their new hoax; Donald Trump doesn't know fish. They say I hate fish. It's just not true! Did you know you can even make fish hamberders? I have never been against fish and I can say that the United States' understanding of fish is better in my hands. It's the future, I own it."

- Donald Trump
You've gifted me a conspiracy theory here;

The original Covfefe tweet was Donald trying to warn us about covid (because, obviously, he's a time traveller from a parallel dimension), but the nasty democrat demon beings snuck up behind him, spammed his hand over the keyboard (which didn't hit much, because it's very small) and hit enter, thus leading to the enigmatic phrase. Donald was unable to give any clarification because he spent the next weeks in intense psychic warfare with, um, I dunno, democrat Cloud People?
This fictional alien not even from earth has stopped supporting Murica.

Get me Joe McCarthy and HUAC.
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Got me wondering what other leaders would say though.

"As the saying goes, "da hominem piscem, et tu illum pascis per diem"!" - Boris Johnson
"Now some people tell me that if you buy a man a fish... if you buy a man a fish, folks - and let me tell you we've got the best fish, huge fish... but these people tell me that if you buy a fish you can eat it for a long time, a long time; I don't know, I don't know how this works, but this is what they tell me" - Donald Trump
"If you buy a man a fish it was probably OUR FISH that the FRENCH FISHERMEN STOLE FROM OUR WATERS, thanks to their EU masters in Brussels" - Nigel Farage
"I did not have sexual relations with that fish" - Bill Clinton
What sort of moron gives a man a fish. Like, for free? A free fish? What sort of message does that send, a world where people are just handed free fish? The man should work like everyone else and earn enough money to buy the fish at a fair market price. The fisherman slaved with the sweat of his brow to catch that fish, like any good, honest, hardworking American would. There will be no fish handouts here. That's communism. If he can't earn a fish honestly then he can just starve.
The never-ending battle continues... for culture war conservatives :lol:

Truth! Justice! Freedom! Reasonably priced love! And a hard boiled egg!