No, the constitution says the right to bear arms shall not be infringed. It does not say a well regulated militia has a right, that's nonsensical.
So the teacher is ready to join the police force you say?You can arm teachers with guns but that doesn't mean they'll be any good with it. I'd say there's a good chance that in a school shooting, even an armed teacher will cower in fear or run.
Teachers are usually the ones handing out the crayons, not the ones eating them.So the teacher is ready to join the police force you say?
Hell yeah, brudder. Ya'll E-your-o-peans would know that if ya'll had a God-given 2A. Instead, ya leaders give you things like healthcare, a balanced work/leisure life, & a generally happier society.Guns are importanter.
You can arm teachers with guns but that doesn't mean they'll be any good with it. I'd say there's a good chance that in a school shooting, even an armed teacher will cower in fear or run.
I can't believe I'm actually compelled to give this thought, but the notion of arming teachers actually gaining considerable traction on the imbecilic right makes it more difficult to brush off.Asking people who don't want to be armed to be armed is probably not the best idea. People need to train regularly and familiarize themselves with firearms, especially with safe handling of firearms. People accidentally shoot themselves all the time because of poor gun safety practices. They also mistakenly shoot other people. Do we want to say that only people willing to take on this kind of role should teach kindergarten? I think we'd be losing a lot of great teachers if that were the case.
Check the date. I don't say this because the cartoon isn't topical...rather because it is.
The time of year you post bad takes?
If only his bad takes were seasonal…The time of year you post bad takes?
The time of year you post bad takes?
It just gets old, hearing the same old cooperate crap. It doesn't mean anything. All the big corps, doing the rainbow thing. @Scaff are you proud of your sexuallity? I mean really? Would you march in a parade to celebrate it? Really?The time of year you post bad takes?
It just gets old, hearing the same old cooperate crap. It doesn't mean anything. All the big corps, doing the rainbow thing.
@Scaff are you proud of your sexuallity? I mean really? Would you march in a parade to celebrate it? Really?
My sexuallity is part of who I am. But I can't say that I am really proud of it. Not to say that I am ashamed of it. I don't think it matters if you are gay or straight it is just who you are.
Corps do many "things". Christmas, Forth of July, etc. Shouldn't those be just as bad?It just gets old, hearing the same old cooperate crap. It doesn't mean anything. All the big corps, doing the rainbow thing.
If there are people out there calling you an abomination, sin, or some other similar term just because of who you are, I'm sure it becomes much more tempting.are you proud of your sexuallity? I mean really? Would you march in a parade to celebrate it? Really?
It depends if your sexuality has been opressed and persecuted. That would give you a reason to take a stand and be proud of it. Not everyone has had the same experiences as you.are you proud of your sexuallity?
are you proud of your sexuallity? I mean really?
My sexuality has never been persecuted, I've never been at risk of losing my job over it, of being disowned over it, of being imprisoned over it, or being killed over it.It just gets old, hearing the same old cooperate crap. It doesn't mean anything. All the big corps, doing the rainbow thing. @Scaff are you proud of your sexuallity? I mean really? Would you march in a parade to celebrate it? Really?
My sexuallity is part of who I am. But I can't say that I am really proud of it. Not to say that I am ashamed of it. I don't think it matters if you are gay or straight it is just who you are.