The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff
Which you can do without social media - like by calling them, texting them, or emailing them, right?
Not if they live in a different time zone. Most of my family are in Canada and Singapore and I'd run up a pretty hefty phone bill if I were to phone each one individually every time a birthday or celebratory life event rolled around.

I guess I could text or email them all if I had everyone's phone number or address but Facebook makes everything a lot simpler.
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Not if they live in a different time zone. Most of my family are in Canada and Singapore and I'd run up a pretty hefty phone bill if I were to phone each one individually every time a birthday or celebratory life event rolled around.
I think one could use WhatsApp in that case, then. I don't really count it as social media as much as a communication tool. Or there's IG, but then we're back to square one. To be fair, IG's the only social media I use, and even then, it's not like I'm always checking it.
I think one could use WhatsApp in that case, then. I don't really count it as social media as much as a communication tool. Or there's IG, but then we're back to square one. To be fair, IG's the only social media I use, and even then, it's not like I'm always checking it.
I use Facebook as a communication tool for large groups. WhatsApp is more like small groups or one on one and doesn't tell me when their birthdays are. I keep the politics crap confined to Twitter and that's mostly because people post political tweets on this site which I feel compelled to follow up on.
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I guess you could give up all of your social media, but you might need it to check up on friends and family.
No. You don't. There are things such as texting in which you can keep up on the family. Best yet, call them. I gave up Facebook (the only SM site I was on, except forums such as this) in 2016 and don't miss it a bit. I still keep up with my family, more so now, just by calling or texting.

Not if they live in a different time zone. Most of my family are in Canada and Singapore and I'd run up a pretty hefty phone bill if I were to phone each one individually every time a birthday or celebratory life event rolled around.

I guess I could text or email them all if I had everyone's phone number or address but Facebook makes everything a lot simpler.
My bad, I did not see the above before posting my previous reply. Something like what you have would, indeed, be easier through SM.
My thoughts on social media: I haven't been on social media (besides Strava) since 2016 and it honestly hasn't made me feel disconnected from friends/family. If anything, I feel like reaching out to someone feels more deliberate / more meaningful. I think the connection provided by social media is illusionary and one's social network on those apps/sites is probably a lot bigger than it ought to be. I would never go back to that cesspit. FYI telegram is actually pretty good for keeping in touch with a select group of people and provides free calling.
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My thoughts on social media: I haven't been on social media (besides Strava) since 2016 and it honestly hasn't made me feel disconnected from friends/family. If anything, I feel like reaching out to someone feels more deliberate / more meaningful. I think the connection provided by social media is illusionary and one's social network on those apps/sites is probably a lot bigger than it ought to be. I would never go back to that cesspit. FYI telegram is actually pretty good for keeping in touch with a select group of people and provides free calling.
Good for you. As for me, I'd rather have an "illusionary" connection than none at all.
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My thoughts on social media: I haven't been on social media (besides Strava) since 2016 and it honestly hasn't made me feel disconnected from friends/family. If anything, I feel like reaching out to someone feels more deliberate / more meaningful. I think the connection provided by social media is illusionary and one's social network on those apps/sites is probably a lot bigger than it ought to be. I would never go back to that cesspit. FYI telegram is actually pretty good for keeping in touch with a select group of people and provides free calling.
I never got into social media in the form of sites like Facebook, but even then I can see the value in them and I have to ask what makes you think connections on these platforms are illusory? I'd expect more people to be in contact with each other on such a site just because it's designed to make that easier. That's not necessarily a bad thing. I know I at least have different levels of interaction with different people. Social media sites provide a convenient way to to keep in touch with those you otherwise might not communicate with often. When it comes to those you keep in close contact with, it's a very high resolution form of communication. It's definitely helpful to have the option to be kept up to date with people's lives in nearly real time. It's kind of like living with them.

I can see some aspects of social media culture that are worrying or less than ideal, but I don't think they are fundamental products of large social networks.
I never got into social media in the form of sites like Facebook, but even then I can see the value in them and I have to ask what makes you think connections on these platforms are illusory? I'd expect more people to be in contact with each other on such a site just because it's designed to make that easier. That's not necessarily a bad thing. I know I at least have different levels of interaction with different people. Social media sites provide a convenient way to to keep in touch with those you otherwise might not communicate with often. When it comes to those you keep in close contact with, it's a very high resolution form of communication. It's definitely helpful to have the option to be kept up to date with people's lives in nearly real time. It's kind of like living with them.

I can see some aspects of social media culture that are worrying or less than ideal, but I don't think they are fundamental products of large social networks.
I didn't mean to imply that you shouldn't be on social media, more that if you don't want to be (I didn't want to be anymore) that you shouldn't fear feeling isolated or "falling off the face of the earth" if you do. I still think a lot of it is a cesspit. :lol:

I think its pretty well understood that many social media users either selectively share aspects of their lives or even create personas online that are embellished, which is why I think connections online can be something of an illusion - you are getting a curated understanding of your connections, but if you don't know that person that well offline, how much of it is real? If you DO know that person well offline, than the social media connection isn't as important, you are presumably in touch with them on a more personal level anyways. If social media is the only means of contact with people you would otherwise not be in touch with, is the connection to that person all that valuable? I don't know if there is a correct answer to that question, but for me it's been 'not really.' I've lost all contact with pretty much everyone I went to high school with, save for a select few who I'm still very close with via more direct communication, and I'm OK with this. If I can't be bothered to reach out to somebody directly, and they can't be bothered to reach out to me directly than I think its probably ok for us not to be socially connected.

If there were no downsides to social media, even if all the above were still true, I wouldn't mind being on it...probably. But there are downsides that push the needle for me to staying off.
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It really baffles me that anyone can state on GTPlanet that they don't use social media. GTPlanet is social media. There is no ubiquitousness requirement to be satisfied in order for the term to apply.
It really baffles me that anyone can state on GTPlanet that they don't use social media. GTPlanet is social media. There is no ubiquitousness requirement to be satisfied in order for the term to apply.
It's not really the same but I almost put "besides Strava and GTPlanet" in my original post...
It's not really the same but I almost put "besides Strava and GTPlanet" in my original post...
Yeah that wasn't really directed at you so much as the vague, gesturing-broadly-with-arms-flailing-wildly-in-all-directions everyone who does so. I've commented on it before and was "corrected" because GTPlanet is different from Facebook et al, but it can be different and yet still be counted under the term.
Yeah that wasn't really directed at you so much as the vague, gesturing-broadly-with-arms-flailing-wildly-in-all-directions everyone who does so. I've commented on it before and was "corrected" because GTPlanet is different from Facebook et al, but it can be different and yet still be counted under the term.
This may be getting seriously off topic considering what thread we are in, but I find there are practical and meaningful differences, and they are part of the reason I'm willing to participate on GTP but not conventional social media. The biggest among them being the anonymousness of it and the moderation. Moderators keep things from getting out of hand (thank you to all of them) and the discussion environment healthy. And the anonymity mitigates harassment, which itself allows conversation to be more open, which is a part of the reason I left social media in the first place. I don't think anyone on this board would enjoy being doxxed, but that's the basic setup for most social media.

Reddit does some of this to differeing degrees of success, but the whole structure of Reddit tends to disfavor legitimate discussion and encourage more ephemeral musing and flair fishing.
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This may be getting seriously off topic considering what thread we are in, but I find there are practical and meaningful differences, and they are part of the reason I'm willing to participate on GTP but not conventional social media. The biggest among them being the anonymousness of it and the moderation. Moderators keep things from getting out of hand (thank you to all of them) and the discussion environment healthy. And the anonymity mitigates harassment, which itself allows conversation to be more open, which is a part of the reason I left social media in the first place. I don't think anyone on this board would enjoy being doxxed, but that's the basic setup for most social media.

Reddit does some of this to differeing degrees of success, but the whole structure of Reddit tends to disfavor legitimate discussion and encourage more ephemeral musing and flair fishing.
I don't understand how anything said above would exclude GTPlanet from categorization as social media.

Social media comes in many different forms. Some of those forms attract a staggeringly large user base and others don't. That's okay.

It seems like "social media" is being used as a sort of pejorative, and that's just bizarre.
Like I said above, I tend to use different varieties of social media for different things depending on their suitability for purpose. Going on at length about how evil they are seems to be using a pretty wide broom to smear crap on them all. To me they're just there to take or leave as one sees fit.
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Facebook: whitewalled, deleted about 8 years ago.
Twitter: whitewalled, not deleted. I keep it only because a friend on mine in the UK is active on Twitter so we talk through Twitter DMs. Otherwise I don't use it. I know I said I deleted it earlier, and I did, but I revived it after realizing it would hard to talk to my friend without it. She's trans and unemployed, so I send her money when I can afford it.
Instagram: Ignored. I don't even have the app on my phone.
Here: active.
Mobitog forum: semi-active.
Patreon: active.
Mastodon: recently revived after ignoring it for several years. I post about comics there.
It really baffles me that anyone can state on GTPlanet that they don't use social media. GTPlanet is social media. There is no ubiquitousness requirement to be satisfied in order for the term to apply.
Yes, it is indeed social media, but it is a SM platform that is very, very niche, thus not seen by millions, as is the guitar forum I belong to.

These platforms also have stricter use rules so that they tend to avoid the flame wars you will find in Twitter, Facebook, etc...

I am not saying users of FB, Twitter, Instagram, etc. are foolish, I am merely saying those popular platforms are not for me.
Pretty much the only social media platforms that I'm actually active on are here, reddit and Instagram, and most of that time is spent lurking rather than posting. I do have a Facebook account, but I don't think I've touched my actual account in any significant capacity in at least 3 years, as I pretty much have it only for Messenger.

There's also a few Discord servers that I'm subscribed to (and I do consider Discord social media given a lot of its features), but that goes more into the "utility" category than anything else.
I do have a Facebook account, but I don't think I've touched my actual account in any significant capacity in at least 3 years, as I pretty much have it only for Messenger.
Same for me, I use it pretty much only for Messenger to keep touch with long distance family members and friends, and for the Marketplace, which I've used a few times to buy vintage games/consoles. A lot less crackheads and scammers than on Craigslist. :lol:
Not the wall they were expecting. Did the lady in orange say she had been waiting "on line" instead of in line?
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