More like bursting out of the closet with all your kinks front and centre.That's coming out of the closet with a slight detour.
Or how to tell everyone you're thinking about balls.
Man the more I look into it, the weirder they get...
MR. BREAD meet HappyToast.
Mike Huckabee, family friend of former Family Research Council lobbying arm FRC Action executive director and convicted child sexual predator Josh Duggar, can simply say he's the former Arkansas governor to shower with high school girls.
Logic has never gotten in the way of a right wing grievance before.The amount of confidence conservatives have in saying, "She's a man, she has a penis b/c she's super masculine" is appalling.
For reference's sake, her country Algeria has vehemently anti-LGBT laws; you can not be gay or change gender there. You think they're going to let a transgender athlete represent their country when people have been killed just on the suspect of being gay there?
Honestly it wouldn't surprise me if grievance is the only thing that animates them.I wonder if they get exhausted being mad at everything all the time?
They took this seriously.I wonder if they get exhausted being mad at everything all the time?
What the hell do they eat, drink and drive and where do they buy them from?!?