The Political Satire/Meme Thread

  • Thread starter Danoff

from your own link:

"In sum, children did account for much of the labor force in mines in the 19th and early 20th centuries, with boys as young as 8 put to work in the country’s many coal mines under grueling and dangerous conditions."

True, that’s not what your picture is showing though. Your picture is showing a studio shot using props, something you can do to this day.

Do you remember when you were in school your teachers made you show your work/sources? Same thing here, just because your conclusion is correct that doesn’t mean you don’t have to properly support it.
Excellent point. Only pro-big government people should ever be in government.

Not only that, somebody that hates weddings and planning could still be a good wedding planner. They can cut out all the unimportant bits.
Like this?

Interesting... so if big government is the answer to pollution, big government is the answer to everything?


I know that you can't see this from any other point of view, but what this graphic sounds like to me is: "Remember every time someone tells you Big Government is not the answer, and business will solve the problem itself, the murder rate in Afghanistan is blah blah blah..."
I'll tell you what they don't have in Flint.

Fixed water pipes. It's only been six years...

The water lines are mostly fixed. There are still a few outstanding ones that need replacing, but the project is slated to be complete by the end of July. It's still a travesty and why the former governor of Michigan, Rick Snyder, didn't end up facing some sort of legal repercussions over it is beyond me. While the city itself is to blame, the state also did it's damnedest to cover it up and simply ignore the problem.

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