The possibility to save race progress in endurance races

  • Thread starter Gumuz

Should endurance races have a save feature?

  • Yes, thats a great idea

    Votes: 154 71.0%
  • Its a ok idea

    Votes: 44 20.3%
  • Its a bad idea

    Votes: 19 8.8%

  • Total voters
Ya, I want it but, where I live the cheapest Broadband available is over 150 Dollars a month, so that is out of the question

Really?? About how many kilo bytes/sec are we talking about because mine costs 20$ and I have 200kb/sec max speed
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While the PS3 runs on stand by it actually takes electricity, but when it is closed from behind it doesn't(it's all about power consumption). I leave it on stand by all the time. Just remember: if you leave your PS3 on stand by it wont break down sooner

The mains switch is only for disconnecting the power plug, or if your electricity goes off and you want to prevent damage, ive seen friends do the "backswitch" off with PS2's and PS3's and guess what theyre the ones that replaced the console 2 or 3 times, thats why its in the BACK.
Proper way? There is no proper way in single player, it's the player's choice.

You can have as much pride in your Veyron as you want despite the progress of others. You'll only enjoy it if you can dangle it in other people's faces? And what makes you think it will be so difficult to get? How many people got the F1 in GT5P? What's stopping people from using game saves?

Quite honestly, if I were ever to get anything exclusive in GT, I'd be giving it away for free (as long as I could still keep it myself). I don't play the game to force myself through single player. I want to go online where the real racing is. And I want to race, I don't want to have an art gallery for a garage or travel the world collecting rare items, I want to drive.

Fully agree, there isn't a Code of Play for Gran Turismo titles. Walkthrough's, guidebooks, opinion and advice yes. Bottom line to each his own.

This,ladies and gentlemen, is the spirit of Gran Turismo

Spirit isn't the word, I swore I heard violins in the background and when I got to the 'I want to drive.', there was an uproar and a monstrous applauses. 👍👍!!

👍👍 Exactly what i would like!!👍👍

Yea, only thing that worries me is if PD and Kaz do go ahead and throw it in GT5 is if you can only do that enduro race you saved once the game system has been powered off/on. It would still be good in a sense because it gives you and your system a break. Still I may want a break from driving my Audi R8 racer for another 12 hours at the 'Ring and would like to drive a S15 aimlessly around Grand Valley East for a bit. My guess is if it's a feature included in the game you'll only be able to go back and return to the saved endurance race rather than play around with your other cars for a bit.
Really?? About how many kilo bytes/sec are we talking about because mine costs 20$ and I have 200kb/sec max speed
I have an air card that will get 5kb/sec, but I live 50 miles from the nearest major city so, that is also another problem, I get out of High School this year so that won't be a problem with me for much longer.
I voted "it's a ok idea" because the details of how to properly implement it would have to be worked out very carefully to make most of us happy. No B-spec Bob, I like that alot.

Yeah i went that way too, either way the game's gonna be played as the player(s) wish so in the end it does not make a huge difference for GT mode, and obviously you can't pause online.
I voted great idea becuase really a 24 hour race is a lot to ask of one person, and since you don't really win money, prizes or fame for doing it like you do in real life, it's a lot to ask of 3 or 4 people to schedule back to back. Then there are those who just couldn't if they wanted to (ie you live in a dorm and have to share the TV/PS3, you live at home and parents put restriction on time alotted, you have a job and have to attend to it - especially an on call job where you might well have hours at a time but need to able to drop and go reasonably quickly if called) you have health issues that prevent you from going such long stints etc etc.

I like single use saves (ie you load them and then they are gone so no going back and re using them after a crash) but maybe even better, make it so you can use them again, but make it so you only get a special marker on your time or something if you do it without reusing saves and a super marker if you literally do it continuously (kind of like when you do the unending set in guitar hero and get iron bladder).

This means for those who want to do the races entirely themselves without using bspec but find it too frustrating to race the whole thing without reusing saves, they can, but they dont' get the special medal or marker or whatever.

Do the whole race never re using a save and get a time marked with something special.

Do the whole race never saving and get some kind of insane icon next to your time.

Maybe these could be tied into trophies or something also...

That's my idea... keep it attainable for those of lesser skill/devotion/time but build in some kind of recognition for those who go all hardcore.
Looks like we might be seeing some of these features after all.
According to series producer Kazunori Yamauchi, the way that people play games has shifted in the past decade. Rather than devote a dozen undivided hours to a game in one sitting, he says players today now have text messaging and e-mail to distract them. With Gran Turismo 5, Yamauchi says he and his team are setting out to create a game that players can enjoy even if they have a limited amount of time to do so
According to series producer Kazunori Yamauchi, the way that people play games has shifted in the past decade. Rather than devote a dozen undivided hours to a game in one sitting, he says players today now have text messaging and e-mail to distract them. With Gran Turismo 5, Yamauchi says he and his team are setting out to create a game that players can enjoy even if they have a limited amount of time to do so

I don't think I have ever played a single game in 12 hour blocks, at any stage of my life, at any time. And it's not email and text that distracts me, it's the pinched legs, splitting headache, sore hands and dry eyes that come from staring at a screen for that long. Fingers crossed he doesn't go too far like they did with GT PSP.
I voted absolutely for it.

The main reason its needed is I have completed half or more of a 24hr as well as some other enduros, and lost it all, having to start over due to a power failure.

Maybe thats your idea of great realism, but it certainly isn't mine.
You shouldn't have to buy a UPC to run an endurance race.

Also you can't get any A-spec points if you B-spec any portion of the race.
Supposedly A&B spec won't be in GT5, so that may not be a factor.

While I'm on the subject endurance races should be time selectable to complete, starting at 12 hrs.
any race over 12 hrs is strictly an exercise in monotonous, mind numbing boredom and clock watching.
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Pertaining to the topic, does anybody know how many laps a modern LMP car can do? They have to do way more than 9 laps like in GT4.
I don't think I have ever played a single game in 12 hour blocks, at any stage of my life, at any time. And it's not email and text that distracts me, it's the pinched legs, splitting headache, sore hands and dry eyes that come from staring at a screen for that long. Fingers crossed he doesn't go too far like they did with GT PSP.

For me FFIII was a 26 hour stink followed up by a 16 hour stint.

Counterstrike regularly gobbled up over 12 hours in a chunk for years of my life...

Good times :D
what evidence is there for ps3 breaking down by being on for too long? and that if it did it wasn't down to the software making it overload..
i'm pretty sure ps3 could stay on permanently. for years its a been a rule of thumb that electronics last longer left always on than being turned on and off repeatedly.
i also think multiple ps3 cells are used in supercomputing and these dont get turned off.
what evidence is there for ps3 breaking down by being on for too long? and that if it did it wasn't down to the software making it overload..
i'm pretty sure ps3 could stay on permanently. for years its a been a rule of thumb that electronics last longer left always on than being turned on and off repeatedly.
i also think multiple ps3 cells are used in supercomputing and these dont get turned off.

No evidence at all. In fact, the evidence points to the other way around. Folding@Home project bought several PS3s and they keep them running 24/7. No problem.
It doesn't affect me directly, but it makes it easier for them to get the cars compared to someone doing it the proper way. If there is some uber prize car at the end of a 24-hour race, it should be reserved for the drivers that can actually drive a 24-hour race successfully, not anyone who knows how to click Save.

I should be able to take a little pride when cruising around in my Veyron, but where's the sense of elitism when any noob is able to get one thanks to some lame "feature"?
That doesn't hold any water. I can use that same argument against all the folks who bring the race cars to the stock, production car races and just beat the AI down by power. Why should I have to work for 1 car when someone else can exploit the game & get it with an easy win?

Besides, how would you even begin to know how anyone else got their cars?
I just don't get it. You guys seem to have this notion that you know who has & hasn't "rightfully" earned their cars. How will you even know who got the Veyron due to the feature or not? Why do you care in the first place?

OK idea since it takes out the 'real' from 'the real driving simulator'
A lot of things in GT take 'real' out of it. It's a game.
going on the argument that GT5 has to cater for the lowest denominator then there should be an option on the home menu screen to "auto 100% game completion? YES or NO" click yes and it unlocks all cars, gives maximum credits and plays the ending movie, gives you all trophy cups and uploads a short film about how special you are to youtube.
going on the argument that GT5 has to cater for the lowest denominator then there should be an option on the home menu screen to "auto 100% game completion? YES or NO" click yes and it unlocks all cars, gives maximum credits and plays the ending movie, gives you all trophy cups and uploads a short film about how special you are to youtube.

I'm 100% for that feature so I can play the game from day 1.
going on the argument that GT5 has to cater for the lowest denominator then there should be an option on the home menu screen to "auto 100% game completion? YES or NO" click yes and it unlocks all cars, gives maximum credits and plays the ending movie, gives you all trophy cups and uploads a short film about how special you are to youtube.

They have to cater to the "lowest denominator" because they are the casual gamers that make up a large amount of the consumer base. Believe it or not but a majority of the people that buy/play GT aren't hardcore sim racers.
They have to cater to the "lowest denominator" because they are the casual gamers that make up a large amount of the consumer base. Believe it or not but a majority of the people that buy/play GT aren't hardcore sim racers.

That's why you give people options. This way everyone is happy. Hardcore and casuals alike. That's why saving the 24h race is needed.

To those thinking it takes away from the realism, yeah kinda, but you still can race 24h straight if you want to. Realism is good, but let's not push it to the point it gets stupid. I can argue we shouldn't be able to pause the game, because surely many people paused it in GT4, went to sleep, came back latter. Not very realistic, is it?

And don't fool yourselves. The guy may be able to save the race, but he still has to race 24h. That alone keeps a lot of people away from the 24h races, saving or not. And if you're worried with bragging rights, remember mission 34? I'm sure something of the sort will be in GT5. So you don't need to worry about that.

Remember Kaz himself said he aims for realism but to a certain extent only. Too realistic doesn't work. His words, not mine. If you want full blown hardcore racing, you're playing the wrong game.
I Think!...

There should be one enduro race in GT5 that has to be done by no other method than mashing X for 24hrs straight. no B-spec Bob, nothing! Even looking at the pause button haults your progress and your back at the starting grid! And for those who complete the gurling task, 101% completion! And a unique purple bmx bike for the garage.

After regestering this amazing feat with PD, a shiny award is then sent to your home for all that enters in can admire. KY himself then penciles a letter of recommendation good enough for any job resume!!! What an accomplishment!

Put a save feature in the G A M E.
I Think!...

There should be one enduro race in GT5 that has to be done by no other method than mashing X for 24hrs straight. no B-spec Bob, nothing! Even looking at the pause button haults your progress and your back at the starting grid! And for those who complete the gurling task, 101% completion! And a unique purple bmx bike for the garage.

After regestering this amazing feat with PD, a shiny award is then sent to your home for all that enters in can admire. KY himself then penciles a letter of recommendation good enough for any job resume!!! What an accomplishment!

Put a save feature in the G A M E.

Thats not a bad feature you got there lol. Since it is GT mode, i don't see why it should affect anyone, those who are saying it isn't realistic, neither is the game, its trying to be as real as it gets but it will never be the real thing. I agree with someone who posted earlier saying that alot of people get put off just from the fact that its a 24 hour race, even with a save feature i doubt very much that they would compete it since they're the type of people who want to drive a few laps of a fast car then move onto another.

The bragging rights should be about beating your rivals and not about completing a 24 hour by your self.
Saving on pit stop, only when in endurance races is the pilot replacing time would be reasonable. For example, on LeMans the max time per pilot I think is 4 hours.

two years ago i did with other players two 24h in ASPEC changing driver every two hours !I-R...

I did something similar, those moments were epic :) Oh, and Kazunori did the same too as said on one interview!
I Think!...

There should be one enduro race in GT5 that has to be done by no other method than mashing X for 24hrs straight. no B-spec Bob, nothing! Even looking at the pause button haults your progress and your back at the starting grid! And for those who complete the gurling task, 101% completion! And a unique purple bmx bike for the garage.

After regestering this amazing feat with PD, a shiny award is then sent to your home for all that enters in can admire. KY himself then penciles a letter of recommendation good enough for any job resume!!! What an accomplishment!

Put a save feature in the G A M E.

