The Project CARS Video Thread

  • Thread starter Ameer67
New video of the series 'Real Cam Effect' with Project CARS, where I've added filters for enhancing the realism and lighting, also flashes and spots on the lens, with a sharper sound to simulate a V10. The video is recorded as if the driver take the camera on the top of helmet, is a lap at Monaco with the Formula A.

New video of the series 'Real Cam Effect' with Project CARS, where I've added filters for enhancing the realism and lighting, also flashes and spots on the lens, with a sharper sound to simulate a V10. The video is recorded as if the driver take the camera on the top of helmet, is a lap at Monaco with the Formula A.

Still sounds like a v12 but wow that sounds nice
Are there any videos against ai showing mistakes they make ie spinning out or out breaking themselves etc resulting possibly with damage so they have to pit .
Also are there many situations where yellow or blue flags are waved .

Cheers and the videos look great keep up the good work !
Hold on. Did I just hear Andy Tudor say that the Playstation would have 55 cars on Lemans? Please tell me he wasn't confusing the PC version with the PS version. 4:20
Why would you have more Than 55 cars when there's only 55 garages.
Lemans is also long so the car density is a lot less
Why would you have more Than 55 cars when there's only 55 garages.
Lemans is also long so the car density is a lot less
I wasn't questioning the car count, I was pointing out that he said you could get 55 cars on track on the PS4, which would be a major selling feature IMO and quite a revelation.
I wasn't questioning the car count, I was pointing out that he said you could get 55 cars on track on the PS4, which would be a major selling feature IMO and quite a revelation.
Its possible that because of the length and the relative simplicity 55 cars may be achievable however on shorter tracks there so many bits of detail it could be a lower count. i find this on my pc; Certain tracks i can run the max for that track and others i have to reduce the number to 24. however he could be airing on the side of caution by saying its possible on this track to have 55 however this track can only have 32.
I don't usually watch controller videos but I noticed he's using the right stick for shifting. That's awesome:tup:👍 What's also awesome is it seems like he did that entire video commentary without taking breath:lol:
What's also awesome is it seems like he did that entire video commentary without taking breath:lol:
A special gift all Spanish seem to posses :D
Word of advice; if you're ever in a full Spanish bar whatever you do, don't pay attention to the voices!
New Comparative Project CARS Vs Real Life Onboard Radical in Donington, hope you like it;)


That looks amazing, Please tell me you are not just playing with us, is that really the game on the right side, wow, what settings are you using to get that type of fidelity?
Wow, excellent racing... with a gamepad!

Thank you!

I don't usually watch controller videos but I noticed he's using the right stick for shifting. That's awesome:tup:👍 What's also awesome is it seems like he did that entire video commentary without taking breath:lol:

Haha thanks, and yes, I've used the right stick for shifting.


This past week Sector 3 Studios launched for RaceRoom R.E. the DTM 1992 car pack, and here a comparison of graphics and sounds with one of its historical cars, the Mercedes 190E Evo II DTM , versus the Project CARS version.
