The PTRA Racing Club

  • Thread starter Pagey279

Do you have Twin Ring Motegi?

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  • Poll closed .
Nice to see Joe join :), i will ask rich beck aswell

Good plan, I think now we have enough people signed up (Rich can still join) I've changed the OP but how do I change the thread name? It's not under thread tools

Edit: never mind, I found it :D
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"Urmmmm oh bollocks I forgot my password.
Urrmmmmmmm oh no mmmmmmmmmmm, Ah I'll go to bed while my son plays Lego pirates of the Caribbean ummmm"
New GTA V screenshots.

Taken from here.

With info:


The graphics certainly do look amazing, let's hope the gameplay is up to scratch. Bring back mega punch, 100ft bunny hopping bicycles, hydra planes and customisable cars!!!
Well I can confirm bmx's are back, so are quads but I doubt they will go back the way of silly cheats.
Oh yeah I forgot about the quads! Trouble is with this game there are sooooooo many fake leaks and stories I don't know what it true and what isn't.
Oh yeah I forgot about the quads! Trouble is with this game there are sooooooo many fake leaks and stories I don't know what it true and what isn't.

The car/bike/boat leak is the only one I've paid attention to as it was "apparently" files from the Max Payne 3 game due to their crossover. I don't really listen to all the ones that spell out half the storyline.
SM- I hope they got the gameplay and fun factor of San andreas/Vice city, looks great so far.

I think rockstar but so much emphasis on the Graphics for IV that the gameplay suffered

Summed up perfectly what was wrong with GTA IV
Right I have opened up a poll, to see who has Motegi. Just to get an idea so I know if we can to dirty nascars and some races there :)
I would advise buying it though, it's only a couple of quid and it's a fun track.
You chaps can still have a race there. I can go for a smoke, Etid can go shoplifting in Spar and Ellis can manipulate himself (while thinking or spurgy's sister) :D
You chaps can still have a race there. I can go for a smoke, Etid can go shoplifting in Spar and Ellis can manipulate himself (while thinking or spurgy's sister) :D

Maybe the F10/F2007FGT would be good on Motegi.