Maldonado was up to his old tricks again also saw that his name is a nickname for an ugly or stupid person in another language, but i did see it on fb so good chance its not true, but still funny though
I'm not flying to Silverstone for British GP, I'll wait for the U.S. GP and GP of America (even though the race is like a 2 hour drive with no traffic for me) anyway that was a good race today bring on Hockenheim 👍
Them two aren't assosiated oagey. You asked if anyone gad objections. I cleared my throat to make one. And I just think wedesdays is better don't look to much into it
Pagey, there's no head start in fugitive btw 👍 and I was thinking maybe we should redo the times from scratch and have some rules, because lots of people have done it under different conditions with different amounts of people in nascars and stuff. also, what's wrong with starting this Wednesday? It's not like its something you have to turn up for so it doesn't matter if not everyone can make it this week.
Spurgy- okay cool I will change the rules. And it can start this Wednesday if someone else is willing to host the room, I can't make it to the PlayStation till 9:30pm.