The "Rate My Photo" thread! **Read the OP Before You Post**

  • Thread starter MSD Drifter
Here is my S2k pic, no photoshop here. Tell me what you think.

It is very nice, though i'm not sure on the rims and bodykit personally. Nice picture. :D


The plane in the background works well and the orange looks really good with blue lighting 👍
Shame about the palm tree :(

7/10 (9/10 if you can do it again without the palm tree ;))

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7/10, nice photo, but I find the "Partial colour" filter works best on stationary photos, also, you could maybe zoom out so we can see more of the scenery and the smoke trail.

7/10, nice photo, but I find the "Partial colour" filter works best on stationary photos, also, you could maybe zoom out so we can see more of the scenery and the smoke trail.


Is that done in the wet?
How did you get it to do the "tunnel vision" effect?
I think a lower angle would work a bit better but not sure you can with the bank of the corner.


How about this one then? A bit more zoomed out
Its hard to shoot a photo when you want 2 things in view and one is in shadow.

HDR photography is your friend in these types of situations.

As far as properly exposing cars in high contrast environments, the exposure lock works wonders. Simply aim at what you want to be properly exposed, lock the exposure, and then proceed to compose the shot.


Love the realism and the sense of speed. maybe have the car going into the sun a bit more, and the tree looks really pixelated. Also the top and bottom, although dont detract from the car, seem a little too dark.

on with the gtr theme

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cut for cleanliness in thread

I LOVE the effect of your blue GTR...only thing I would change is the angle somehow, so that there are no more heads of the people in the background that "pops" over the car bod, expecially the one near the roof, straight up from the door...Other than that' a very very nice shoot

Another GTR (not good as yours, I concour)

Picture is abit dull, could use a little bit more of detail or filtering...

*cut for cleaningness*

You are right, I am still learning what ingame filters do and don't... also, complete photoshop noob, so none in for now, straight from GT5 ;) I just loved the "wavvy lines" I caught by chance...

Your pic on the contrary looks AWESOME, the purple wheels really stand out , and I just don't get how you got so much detail on the car all in-focus...
Elkayem; Good shot, the picture itself is fine, but I feel the 'warm' filter clashes with colours such as purple etc. 8/10

9/10. Love the sense of speed, angle, and color, but prehaps zooming in a bit more wouldn't be better.

300zx, i look at that cluster everyday haha very nice 9/10

heres some of my Ferrari's




for those wondering the enzo is painted matte white with ferrari f40 red wheels.
^^ just PLEASE take the spoiler out of the Enzo... is just looks so wrong, for me lol :D But i really like the shots. Especially the first one of the F10. Maybe you should zoom a bit more out. 8/10
Mine :

Ferrari F40 by Mertx, on Flickr

Welcome any critiques!

(taken from an online race, thats why there is damage on the STI)

8/10. I think the colours and maybe contrast could be improved a little, but if it's taken straight from the game then it does still look excelent, aside from the damage. :D Also, perhaps the angle of the photo should be altered to a lesser extent. :)



I dig this picture. 9/10. I feel like the most realistic pictures in the game tend to come up when you try focusing on specific parts of a car. Especially when you catch interesting reflections, like in this pic. My only complaint...and it's not your that when you get too blurry, it tends to look like a painting for some reason. I'm talking about the blurred area in the background by the way.

I'll submit one of my pictures that is along the same lines as yours.

Some of my shots. These are my first attempts in photomode so still trying to work it out. Thanks for your feedback, looking mainly for positioning and use of the colour palette.




Thanks :)
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