The "Rate My Photo" thread! **Read the OP Before You Post**

  • Thread starter MSD Drifter
Just what you guys think overall

I'll give this one a solid 7. The subjects look great in matching colors, the focus is fairly well done, and the background gives the sense of a warehouse district old school drag race...I get the feeling of 'daring' when I look at this.

Here's a couple of mine. +/- is accepted all the same. :sly:


Brabus-illac: A European Counterpart.


"Calm Before the Storm: A Play on Power, A Play on Words"


An Introduction: 'Industry'...Meet 'Consumption.'


The Sitting Man: "Il ya une première fois pour tout, et surtout quatre cents quatre-vingts trois km à l'heure."
Thanks i give your first one an 8 could have been 9, but thats the games problem because of the same trees over and over again, i really like the way you got the whole slide in the pic really cool 👍
I'd give the first two 6/10 - they're not that special IMO
No. 3 get's 7/10, nice but the car is too cropped
The last get's a 8/10, only the fence destroys it :(

Nice focus & angle, I like it. Just a little too much blur in the background.
8,5/10 👍

The cold filter it has doesn't fit well with the Orange Rx-7, if IIRC it looks like it's leaving smoke? It gives it a weird look. Also it needs MOAR light!
Overall 6.5 :indiff:

The cold filter it has doesn't fit well with the Orange Rx-7, if IIRC it looks like it's leaving smoke? It gives it a weird look. Also it needs MOAR light!
Overall 6.5 :indiff:

Thanks for the feedback, the 'smoke' is from the wet tyres.
Just a good photo, nothing more, I think you need to edit a photo more strongly, change the angle and make the brightness of less (that there were no flashes on).



First: Few problems with this one. It's a little dark and the vignette is unnecessary. Dig the toning though, it's pretty good. :) 6.5/10

Second: Vignette is again, unnecessary. Composition is not as strong in this one, and the framing could be improved on. Maybe move the car to show more of a 3/4 view. Also, the space between the rear and the frame is way bigger compared to the almost non-existant space in the front. The difference irks me quite a bit. (Forgive my OCD. :P) Photo's pretty bland as well. 6/10

Third: This photo is way better than the previous two, IMHO. Good job. 👍 There is action in the photo so that's a plus. The composition and framing in this is much better. The aperture is just right and the vignette helped in this. The toning's good in this as well, as both of your previous pictures. I especially like how there is a glow in the smoke from the brakes. 8.5/10

Be nice! :D
Good shot, only thing I don't like is how part of the car is cut off, I'm sure some people like it. Again I'm not to keen with the angle, but I like everything else, so 8/10. 👍

I just got Photoshop CS5, so let me know what you think. 👍
Nice angle and nice car. I like the tones but the white is a bit over exposed. I know white is a very hard to take pics. 8.5 👍

Click for HD Wallpaper

I like the Skyline, and the background, and yes, picture looks good overall.
I will give it a 8.5 cause its not the most perfect one I've seen, but its a good picture.

@ MadMoss - 8/10

# Solid overall shot

# Nice reflections on the front left side

# I might angle the car a bit differently as the left side looks a little stretched

In-game settings only & thanks in advance for the rate

Pretty cool photo you got there, nice work with the blur to give it that incredibly fast movement effect.
The composition could be a bit better though as the grass overpowers the car...
It's still an awesome photo though so I would give it a 7/10 ^^

Nice work manciocio.. overall it's a fantastic shot... great composition and sense of speed may be cropped a bit too much and overly gray.. I still give it a solid 8/10

Fantastic photo driftinziggy, it looks like a photo that would be in a magazine or on Audi's website great stuff mate. Nothing that I could critique you on at all. 10/10

Here are 3 of mine.


First photo
It is evident that you intentionally left the car out of focus, but I don't think that works. I naturally want to see the details on the car and I'm left unsatisfied. The car is also too centered in the shot, zoom out and pan to the left for a more dynamic photo.

Second photo
This is a good shot. The car isn't centered, I can "feel" the dust hitting my face, and there is a realistic amount of motion blur. Not much to be improved.

Third photo
I don't think the partial color filter works in this photo. Perhaps it would be a bit more bearable if the exposure was dropped some so that the whole photo wasn't washed out.
On the plus side, the framing of the cars is good and I like the blurry trees in the background.

To rate:
9/10 :) To be perfect i would like to see the complete body of the car. The focus on the front wheel looks very nice and the overall sense of speed on a hot day was well capture. :)
