Chapter 6: Brave New World
The room is dark, and the curtains remained to be opened, a small streak of light beaming through the centre, right into the squinting eyes of Jimmy Veraan, again.
“Dammit, now I see why people get blinds, stupid sun,” Jimmy bellowed. He threw his alarm clock at the curtain, and watched it fall to the ground and smash, he laughed.
“Hahaa, that’ll teach you for waking me up to early,” he flopped back into his pillow. “Now what is the time,” Jimmy reaches for his watch. It was his first watch, it works but it has a broken strap, and has duct tape hanging off it in an attempt to fix it.
“1:30, hmmm, wait, it’s the afternoon, damn, I’m waking later and later, soon I’ll be like my sister, and then I’ll be nocturnal,” Jimmy got dressed and walked to the living room.
“Hey Jimmy,” Greg sat there on the Xbox, playing Forza 3,
“weeee, up yours munter,” he shouted. Then suddenly his car flew into the sky and started endlessly rolling for no apparent reason.
“Dammit, stupid game, I knew I should have gotten GT5,” Greg threw the controller at the TV, and it exploded.
“How did that explode? Greg, are you testing with dynamite again,” Jimmy asked, Greg nodded,
“Better than a grenade,” Greg replied. Jimmy laughed,
“Got everything packed for Germany,” Jimmy asked,
“WHAT!!!! Who’s Germany,” Greg jumped up and dived out the window.
“Dammit, that’s the 4th window this month, and it’s only the third day of the month,” Jimmy walked outside to see Greg hiding under the Yaris.
“There is no one called Germany, we’re going there, I was asking if you had your things ready,” Jimmy said.
“Ooooh, right, yeah I do have everything ready,” Greg got out from under the car and opened the boot,
“Get your things before we miss our flight,” Greg demanded. Jimmy walked in to see Greg standing in the middle of the hallway.
“How the hell did he get?” Jimmy was interrupted.
“Another plot hole, I needed to get one last thing, Greg ran into his room.
“Which one, which one,” Greg looked at pictures of himself,
“You,” he said in a high pitched voice.
Greg left the room, and the faces on the photos watched him,
“oooooooh,” they all sighed, except for one who was laughing.
“Hahahahahaaa, ooowww,” he sighed as well.
Jimmy and Greg met at the car,
“Okay, we’re heading to the airport now, let’s go,” Jimmy got into the driver’s seat.
“My car, I drive,” Greg joked.
“But there’s no room in the passenger seat,” Jimmy complained.
*Next scene*
(first speaker is Jimmy, and the second is Greg, it carries on like 1 2 1 2 for this whole in car bit)
“Get off, you’re touching my,”
“It’s not me; it’s the battery that’s in my pocket. HEY, stop biting my leg,”
“It’s not me”
“Then who is it”
“The sandwich on my lap”
“Oh, I see it… Eeeeew, why is it that colour”
“he’s getting old okay.”
There was silence in the car and for the rest of the drive to the airport. They made their way through the mobs of tourists and old people.
“How the hell do people put up with this,” Greg shouted. Jimmy shrugged, and then they reached the metal detectors, Jimmy went through, nothing. Then Greg went through, I said, Greg went through.
Beep beep beep.
“Please check your pockets,” the security guards asked, Greg reached into his pockets and pulled out everything, and this is what the security found:
A compass
A battery
A container of alcohol
A book called, 101 Reasons to Murder flight attendants and pilots
And lastly, 2 knives
“All this in your pockets,” they asked, Greg nodded, they turned away. A big fat security guard approached Greg,
“Sir, why do you have all these weapons, you wouldn’t happen to be intending to see the flight attendants and pilots would you,” he asked.
“Uuuum” Greg looked at his book,
“Noooo, I don’t have any reasons to murder,” Greg laughed uncomfortably. The guards looked at each other,
“We never mentioned murder,” they both said. Greg looked at both of them, Jimmy laughed and walked towards the plane,
“Jimmy, how dare you just walk away,” he shouted, then the guards ran after Jimmy and tackled him.
“Ouch, that’s gotta hurt,” Greg muttered.
“Sir, do you know this man over here,” the security asked Jimmy.
“He’s my mate, and he’s got a brick,” Greg shouted as he was laughing.
“Yeah, I know him, just take his weapons, he’s too idiotic to use weaponry on living things,” Jimmy told him. After half an hour of arguing they convince the guards to let them onto the plane.
“Jimmy, isn’t there meant to be a sort of thing here to get us onto the plane,” Greg looked up at the plane,
“Greg, run away from the plane, before it starts up,” Jimmy shouted, and they ran back into the building, the guards immediately looked at them, Jimmy and Greg stopped, “Damn, Mark is going to be waiting for ages now, and he’ll kick us off the team,” Jimmy told Greg. Just as he said that a very wealthy looking man walked past, and looked at them,
‘Mark… Team, do you mean Mark Flares,” he said.
“Yes, yes, can you help us, we need to be in Germany pronto,” Jimmy told him. The man looked at the guards,
“Oh guards,” he shouted. The guards walked over to them.
“These boys have been given a top secret message by the government, and it needs to be in Germany by tomorrow, but missed the final flight there for the day” the man told him. The guards ran away again and got the owner of the company.
“Come with us, we’ll take you there on our private jet, your bags are all ready on the plane I guess,” he said.
“Yeah,” Jimmy and Greg replied. The two were immediately flown off to Germany on the jet, the workers at the German airport were told to get the bags into an office in the building, so their bags were safe. Jimmy and Greg enjoyed a ride of alcohol for Greg and just a lot of water for Jimmy, flash water. They also ate like kings on the way, and were sad to find they’d arrived in Germany, the land of serious cars that aren’t that much fun. Mark was waiting in an almost empty room. Greg and Jimmy were handed their bags, and Mark took them somewhere to sleep for the night.
They arrived at a 5-star hotel, Mark paid for a one week stay, and then headed off somewhere that the two had no idea about in his Dodge Ram.
“Now, what room are we,” Greg said,
“Check the key,” Jimmy started walking away. Greg looked at the key,
“It doesn’t have a number,” he shouted. He ran to Jimmy, who just used the almighty facepalm. They started knocking trying to lock and unlock every door.
“Nope… Nope… Nope… Nope… Nope… Nope… Nope… Nope…”
They reached the final door,
“didn’t work, what the hell,” Greg knocked on the door, and it swung open. The two had a horrific look on their face when they saw the person.
“Jimmy, is that a man, or a woman,” Greg whispered.
“Was wollen Sie,” the thing said.
“Okay, it’s either a man, or a woman with balls,” Jimmy whispered back. The two got more afraid.
“Nevermind, we got the wrong haha, dooooor,” Jimmy said. Greg pushed Jimy out of the way,
“Sorry for bothering you your ugliness… I mean, nevermind,” Greg ran away screaming like a girl, all the way to the start of the hall, Jimmy trying to unlock it. Suddenly Jimmy managed to open it, and they ran in and locked up.
“Okay, remind me not to go left when exiting this room,” Greg said from under the nearest table.
“We tried almost every door but it happens to be the first one. The one we didn’t try, typical,” Jimmy said from behind the curtain.
“Okay, I think we should rest,” Jimmy said as he unwrapped himself from the curtain,
“I won’t be able to sleep, I might wakeup with a hairy and very confused lady with… Man parts in my bed,” Greg said.
“I’m not coming out from here,” Greg added. Jimmy shrugged and walked off to go to sleep.
In the morning Jimmy rushed himself out of the hotel, dragging out a still asleep Greg, who is still wearing what we wore the previous day, in fear of getting changed incase the thing was watching. Mark helped them into his Dodge Ram, and they headed to the track for a lesson on how to drive Deep Forest Raceway.
They drove through the German streets, the people eating schnitzels and drinking a lot of alcohol. Eventually arriving at a no gutless zone, where only the fast succeed, Deep Forest Raceway. They drove under the underground passage to the small infield.
“Here we are, this is where you’ll be racing. This is a difficult track, so let me take you on a tour around it, in the Ram since I want you to be driving when you witness our race car,” Mark turned onto the track and started driving.
“Okay, this is the small jump, be careful as some cars can get twitchy here. Then through turn 1 it is a reasonably tight hairpin,” Mark turned the car with all his might.
“It must be hard to turn this 2 and a half tonne machine,” Jimmy said. Mark powered the mass powered heavyweight out of turn 1 almost completely ignoring Jimmy.
“Over this crest you might get air, especially in the faster cars with a lack of downforce. I know that my Chevy Camaro wheelies a bit over here,” he turned towards the grass and over the crest, which revealed a small turn.
“Remember that,” Mark said while driving,
“Hit the apex late here or have fun in the wall, then into these next turns you need to know. They’re harder than they look,” Mark said, as he braked coming through the 4th turn,
“Now through the 5th turn, the sharpest one on the track,” Mark then flung the wheel through the turn.
“The tunnel, this next turn you want to take easy, as it tightens,” Mark relaxed and turned in,
“Another tunnel and full power through here, the line is obvious, and brake when here,” he braked into the turn and continued.
“Well, this is like the previous major corner, take it easy or have fun fixing up the car,” Mark said. Onto the back straight they drove, there was silence, then the window started winding down,
“I’m going to vomit,” Greg said and dunked his head out of the window.
“Greg!!! I forgot you were in there,” Mark laughed. They drove through more tunnels and then a banked turn approached.
“You can get away with a lot here, the worst I’ve ever had is an off without touching a wall,” Mark turned through way too fast and went off on the exit,
“see,” Mark pulled at the wheel to countersteer a sliding Ram, Mark drove through a small full power turn.
“Now, the final corner, is similar to the previous major corner, but doesn’t have a tunnel before hand, and is a bit slower and less banked, so go a little too fast then start getting slower to find the max speed rather then slowly getting faster,” Mark explained. He then turned the corner almost effortlessly this time, then turned into the pit.
The three got out; Mark looked at the side of his truck, vomit dribbling down the black paint.
“Typical,” he muttered; and then approached Jimmy who was looking at a Volvo C30,
“Is this the car I’m driving,” he asked. Mark nodded,
“Can I drive it? Pwetty Pwease,” Jimmy asked. Mark nodded again, and Jimmy got in.

"Bet this will be a boring thing to drive, it's just a prettied up Volvo.

“This definitely isn’t stock, listen to that, it sounds like a V8. And where is this power coming from,”

“This can’t be a Volvo, it is about 5 times better than my pathetic Nissan,”

"Almost lifting here, far out"

"Not good, not good, remember what Mark said"

“Is this even front wheel drive!!!!?”

"Relax it, don't mash it"

"Jeeeeez, this thing just grips for dear life"

"I'm going so damn fast, how the hell does it do this," Jimmy screamed in disbelief

"Aaarrrrggggh, it's ripping my head off!!!!!"

"Don't kill yourself, Jimmy, take off the throttle"

"Uh oh, don't crash here, this is the most odd turn, the final one"

"Here I go"


"Another round of the office, let's go"

"Wow, this feels really fast"

"Yay, I didn't lock up this time"


"Nooo, I'm not afraid of that ravine, hee hee hee heee... I'm getting to the other side of the track"

"Aaaarrrghhh, that was millimeters from the grass that time"

"And over the line, now I need to go into the pit to see how much I beat the record by," Jimmy said feeling rather up himself until.

Then Jimmy came in.
“So, how close to the record was that,” Jimmy said smugly.
“About 12.74 seconds slower,” Mark said as he walked through.
“WHAT!!!! But that was soo quick, what the hell is in that thing, it can’t be stock,” Jimmy said following Mark.
“It’s not, it has a V8 with 350 HP, and it weighs 1.2 tonnes,” said Mark, Jimmy’s jaw dropped.
“I knew the sound, but how do you fit a V8 in there,” he asked,
“Notice the sound was coming from behind you, and the car wasn’t understeering,” Mark stopped and gave a smug smile.
“ooooh, so now it’s rear wheel drive and mid-engined,” Jimmy looked amazed.
“Isn’t that breaking the rules,” Jimmy asked,
“No, the other cars are like it too,” Mark said,
“Now that we’ve settled that, you need to test the car again, we need the best setup we can get. Then we’ll get in the second driver to test it for a set up and we’ll try and see if we can make a set-up the both of you can perform well with,” Mark walked Jimmy back to the vehicle and testing began.
*The next day*
“I don’t see how we can make a better set-up now, I think they’ll get the other driver in to test today,” Jimmy said as they were waiting at the track.
“Jimmy, how the hell did we get here, and why am I here. I didn’t have to stay yesterday,” Greg flopped back on to the wall.
“Hey, guys. I have someone for the both of you to meet,” Mark said. He called out a name and a tall uptight looking man came in, he looked disappointed,
“Ohh, newbies again, I’m sick of working with these retarded beginners, they always crash,” the man said.
“Don, this is Jimmy, and Greg, you guys, this is Don,” Mark introduced,
“Nice to meet you?” Greg asked. Greg reached out his hand to shake Don’s hand,
“Het your slimy grease pinchers away from me,” he pushed Greg back.
“Hey, don’t push him, or you’ll face will be inside a brake disc,” Jimmy stepped up to Don, who just turned away and left.
“Bye Captain Retard,” Greg yelled out. Then mark approached the two,
“Hey, don’t treat him like that, he’s a pro” he said.
“It was him being a prick,” Greg complained, and Jimmy nodded in agreement. Mark rolled his eyes,
“Anyway, we found your perfect setup, and now we’re testing for Don’s setup. So to keep you entertained I have something for you to do, I have something that you might enjoy,” Mark walked off, Jimmy and Greg following.
Over the bridge over the main straight, and over the shrub and past the grandstands surrounding the track they walked, eventually stopping in the car park.
“What is that,” Jimmy asked,
“I don’t know but it looks awesome,” Greg replied, Jimmy agreeing.
“It is a Japanese car, that is meant to release later this year,” Mark said.
“So what are we doing,” Jimmy asked.
“Taking it for a small road trip until we get Don sorted, and then we’ll try and make a setup in between the driving styles, so you can drive this car wherever, there’s a built in street map in the car, doubles as a track map, now go,” Jimmy and Greg smiled.
“Then it’s a deal,” they both said, and then in no time they were driving south towards Italy.
IS this better than the first one