The Rises and Falls of a Champion: Shall I end it?

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I lol'd at Greg in "gangsta mode." :lol:
:cheers: Driftking

Chapter 8 Part 2: Qualifying TWICE!!!!!

Jimmy pushed the car out of pitlane, the V8 roaring behind Jimmy’s back. The temperature instantly rose as Jimmy went round a lap. Then he saw another driver come past him.
“Oh nononoo, you don’t pass me, I’ll take that back thank you,” Jimmy floored the pedal.

Jimmy kept up with the rival car
“Come on power, POWEEEEEER!!!!!!” Jimmy leaned forward a tad

“I’VE GOT YOU NEW,” he yelled.

“Dammit, I’ll take him through here,”

“Come on, please.”


“Take that, a win for the downforce,” Jimmy took off further away from the other Volvo. Jimmy raced another 4 laps and then decided to go in.

“Alright, how’d I do,” Jimmy shouted out.
“Good,” the engineers said sarcastically.
“Don’t listen to them, you did fine, you got a 1 minute 25.3 which puts you in the top ten. Now we’re going to get Don into the car and see if we can get further up,” Mark said. Jimmy nodded and walked into the back room.
“Dude, you suck, they’re all stock and you can hardly beat them,” Greg said.
“WHAT!!!! I thought they were mid-engined V8’s too,” Jimmy flopped onto the floor.
“Only joking, they just don’t have body-kits, but they have power,” Greg said, he then stood up and walked out of the room. Jimmy didn’t move for awhile, he looked at the couch.
“That should do fine,” Jimmy said as he ran to the couch. He threw himself onto it, and shut his eyes.
“What have I gotten myself into, I’m not experienced enough for endurance racing, I’ve never raced away from home,” he whispered. He dropped his face into the pillow, relaxing until Don finished his laps, at that moment Greg walked back in,
“Drink,” Greg asked. Jimmy looked back up and rolled himself upright.
“Sure mate,” he said. Greg passed Jimmy the glass,
“Cheers mate, I appreciate it,” Jimmy said; Greg sat down back on his chair.
“So, Jimmy, do you believe you’re actually ready for endurance racing. I mean you haven’t been racing for very long, only been half a year since your first race,” Greg said. Jimmy guzzled down the entire glass of water.
“I don’t think I’m ready, I need to be more fit. Those five laps were tiring,” Jimmy said. Greg just nodded.
“What are you, a psychiatrist,” Jimmy laughed.
“Maybe,” Greg looked side to side then laughed as well.
“Naa but seriously, do you want to get in some training after qualifying, or after tomorrow’s race,” Greg put his drink on the stool beside him.
“After qualifying,” Jimmy said as he sat up. Greg nodded in agreement.
“Why are you acting so serious and nice today? Usually you’re the madman out of us,” Jimmy asked.
“Well, this is your chance to shine, and if we act stupid and do something wrong, you might not be able to race tomorrow,” Greg smiled.
“Thanks mate, at the moment you’re in all my good books,” Jimmy said.
“Thanks, by the way. Don’s coming in,” Greg looked at the screen at the back of the room.
“Don beat your time and now we’re fifth,” Greg pointed at the time screen.
“I’ll beat it, and get us into fourth,” Jimmy said walking out of the room; he waited for the engineers to do some minor tweaks. They adjusted the suspension and replaced the tires, then let Jimmy get onto the track.

“Okay, once again. But let’s go quicker,” Jimmy said as he drove down pitlane.
He ran some warm up laps,
“I’m going for it this lap, here I go,” Jimmy shouted through the pit radio as he approached the start line.
Into turn 1 Jimmy pushed hard

“Keep it clean keep it clean”

“Perfect, come on now”

“You are two tenths faster than Don, keep it up,” Greg said through the radio

“I can keep it up and I will”

“Use every inch”

“Still using all I think”

“One more, I can do this”

“Aaaaaarrrgghhh, that was close”

“YES!!!!!!” Jimmy mashed another lap trying to beat his time, approaching the final few turns.
“No, where’s grip when you need it, COUNTERSTEEEEEEER,”
“Too much, aaarrrgghhh”



“HELP ME,” Jimmy held his head in place.

"I'm about to die!!!!!"

“Ouuuchh, my 🤬 ankle, and my back, 🤬,” Jimmy sat back in the car. Track marchals waved yellow flags and some ran towards the car. They ripped open the doors,
“Are you okay, anything feel broken,” they asked.
“🤬 man, I think I’ve hurt my ankle, and maybe my back,” Jimmy said.
“Can you move,” they started undoing the seatbelts,
“Yeah, it just hurts to do so,” Jimmy said. They pulled him out of the car as an ambulance arrived.
“You’ll be okay, don’t worry,” the marshals said as Jimmy got put on a stretcher, they pushed him into the ambulance, then Jimmy fainted. did he crash? Sabotage?
Not cool. Damn you oversteer that leads to catastrophic crashes, damn you to hell. :grumpy:
Never read any of this before, so I sat down, and read all. I must say, very nice. I can notice how the Characters have their personality's, keep it up. 👍 did he crash? Sabotage?

:cheers:, all will be revealed eventually

Not cool. Damn you oversteer that leads to catastrophic crashes, damn you to hell. :grumpy:

:cheers:, it's not cool, but you will have something to blame soon, and so will Jimmy and Greg

Never read any of this before, so I sat down, and read all. I must say, very nice. I can notice how the Characters have their personality's, keep it up. 👍

:cheers: man, I will and you've reminded me that I need to read your story, as I'm now focusing on everyone's stories because I'm not really doing stuff with my gallery ;)
Plus, it's good that I know my characters are different, because I was worried about them all being too similar
Chapter 9: What Now?

“Is he okay, let me get in there to see,” Greg shouted.
“We can’t do that Sir,” the doctors blocked the doors.
“Move it you imbecile,” Greg stepped back and smashed through them and into the room. Immediately he was dragged back out for his safety, even Mark was holding him back. Greg eventually calmed down.
“What is wrong with you man, they’re operating, you could of ruined Jimmy’s life,” Mark said angrily glaring at Greg.
“Sorry, he’s my best mate, I just don’t want him to die,” Greg bared his face in his hands.
“He’ll be okay, these guys are professionals, let them do their stuff,” Mark said. Greg sighed, and agreed.

“You can not go in and see him if you like,” said a nurse peering through the door. Greg immediately rushed out of the room and down the hall. He rushed through the door, Jimmy was now awake, and he had a cast on his ankle. Greg wondered why there was surgery, just said,
“How are you feeling mate,” he sat on the chair beside the bed. Jimmy stared at him for awhile and then rested his head back on the head rest,
“🤬 man, I feel like I’m in a freezer, and I’m frozen in place,” Jimmy said softly.
“Just rest and I’ll tell you what happened,” Greg said. Jimmy just nodded trying to move his head forward but then wrenching back because of his back.
“There was a spectator in the area, who was drunk,” Greg said.
“I don’t think I hit a drunk,” Jimmy joked, and put on a small smile. As did Greg,
“No nonoo, he was throwing cans on the track, and you hit one with the rear left tire, it bounced up and for some reason the suspension just 🤬 itself and caused massive over steer, and then it flung the other way, you would have been okay in a normal situation,” Greg said. Jimmy lied there and then started swearing and cursing the drunk spectator, then a doctor came in.
“Um,” he said looking at his sheet,
“Jimmy, you will have to stay overnight, but by then you should be okay to go out racing since the injuries aren’t too bad. You just thought it was,” he said. Jimmy threw up an arm in celebration. Then the doctor left the room to break news to his next patient.
“Are you sure you want to race, you might further damage yourself,” Greg said.
“I won’t, I’ll just be careful on my left foot,” Jimmy replied.
“Okay then, have it your way,” Greg said. They created usual uninteresting conversation for the rest of the day until Greg left, and then Mark came in.
“Are you racing,” he asked.
“Yeah, I’m staying here for the night and then coming in tomorrow morning,” Jimmy said showing a smile.
“Alright,” Mark walked out of the room.
“Bye… Or not,” Jimmy said, he rolled his eyes and went to sleep.

Jimmy felt a something hitting his face, and he opened his eyes to see Greg slapping him with a flannel.
“We’ve got to go,” he said. Greg helped Jimmy get out of the bed and then Jimmy got changed and they headed to the track. Arriving to the large crowds of the race, all hanging around; they worked their way through everything and walked into the pit garage.
“Hey, Jimmy. Come here,” Eric shouted out. Jimmy limped over.
“Yeah, this better be good,” Jimmy joked.
“Sit down here, you need rest before the race, just watch the race on the TV here,” Eric led Jimmy into the comfy chair and then walked away. Greg walked over and sat down in the couch that sat in the area.
“Wooaah, comfy, better than the 🤬 we have at home aye Jimmy,” Greg said with a smile.
“Yeah, the toilets don’t talk as well, it’s not exactly nice to have a voice shouting, you stink and no, help, I don’t want your 🤬 when you take a dump,” Jimmy said. Greg laughed. They watched the screen.

“The race is going to start soon here at Deep Forest, and the top runners are feeling very confident,” said the commentator,
“except for Don Manchester, who’s second driver, Jimmy Veraan is injured from his crash in qualifying yesterday. Though he did get the team up to fourth for the start, and Veraan will be racing today but will have to drive with a damaged back and ankle.”

Jimmy turned to Greg,
“YES!!!! I beat Don’s time,” he yelled. Greg looked at him and nodded and then ran out of the room, and Jimmy continued watching the TV.

“The track is being cleared, and we are getting ready for the start.”
“They have all worked hard to get to this race, but now we are interviewing Jimmy Veraan,” said a second commentator. Then right at that moment a camera man and a tidy short haired man approached Jimmy,
“Would you mind if we asked some questions before the race starts,” he asked.
“Meh, why not,” Jimmy replied.
“So, what series were you in before getting here?”
“Um, that’s complicated, I wasn’t in a series, just the Team owner, Mark Flares liked my driving style and gave me an offer, and I met his requirements, and here I am now,” Jimmy wiped his face.
“Any doubts about the race?”
“Only that I might not be ready for an endurance race, as I’ve only been racing for half a year now.”
“How do you feel about getting here and placing fourth in qualifying fourth, which is better than some Professional Driver’s times?”
“I’m stoked, I’m just annoyed that I crashed because of a drunk in a place he shouldn’t have been.”
“So you know about that, anyway. How do you think you’re going to race with your injuries?”
“Just be easy on the brakes and avoid the bumps, which is hard on such a bumpy track,”
‘Oh it must be, well that’s all we’ve got time for, now we head back to the Grid for the race, back to you,” the reporters left the room, and then Greg came back in. He gave Jimmy a drink and sat down.
The TV showed the lights going down for the start,
“Come on Don you can do this,” Jimmy said.

The lights went out

Don drove off, but didn’t attempt to pass

“Why isn’t he passing, he has all the opportunities,” Jimmy asked, then coincidently Mark walked in,
“He’s preserving the car, I need you to follow suit,” he said.

Don drove a few laps of nothingness, resulting in Jimmy falling asleep, though Greg stayed interested in the race.

Don pushed on, and as he attempted to pass Greg was glued to the screen, Greg woke up Jimmy to show him what was going on
“Jimmy, he’s going for it, yeeeahahahaa,” Greg watched almost insanely.

“Dammit, stupid power limiter, I can still pass him though,” Don said focusing on the silver Volvo

“Yeeeeees, come on”

Don drove for another 45 minutes,
“Alright, come in after about 3 more laps, so Jimmy can get ready,” Mark said through the radio, Don’s visor was open and his face turned a bit of anger and he drove on.
“Alright Jimmy, you ready to race,” Greg asked. He also laughed at Jimmy’s helmet once again

“It’s not funny, it’s embarrassing,” Jimmy laughed.
Don came into the pit,

“Gotta go,” Jimmy ran off to pitlane.
Jimmy helped Don get the race belts off, and then Don rushed out into the garage, leaving Jimmy to belt himself up, wasting time and perhaps losing positions.
“Selfish 🤬,” Jimmy muttered. The pit crew finished but Jimmy still didn’t have his belts done, after wasting a few extra seconds Jimmy took off.
“Take it easy, alright. I don’t want you in pain the entire race, otherwise you’ll be driving slower, and we’ll lose time,” Mark said through the radio. Jimmy nodded ad drove a few laps easily. There were two cars in the distance.
“I just want to catch them and pass them,” Jimmy said
Jimmy pushed hard to catch them.
“Aaarrggghh, 🤬 that hurts”

Jimmy painfully caught up to the others,
“One of them is lap traffic, the Swedish Valves team car, in other words the dark blue one,” said Mark.
The Swedish Valves car let Jimmy through and then the red Black & Decker car had a new enemy

“Come on, let’s play then broken boy,” said the Volvo driver
“Don’t do anything stupid, just wait for the right moment,” Jimmy said
Jimmy stayed behind him for a few laps, on turn 8 the B&D car ran wide, so Jimmy made his move.

“POWEEEEEEER,” Jimmy shouted.
“NO, NO STOP with your Pirelli Gran Turismo car,” shouted a frustrated B&D driver.
Jimmy made it through and slowly pulled away, he was on the track for well over half an hour after that.

“This is getting boring, not a single other driver in sight. Getting hard to keep going though”

“Jimmy, pit in, now. It’s the perfect time,” Mark shouted.

Jimmy pulled in, the team got to work on the car, and Jimmy unbuckled himself without any help, resulting in lost time again. Don jumped in and Jimmy helped him buckle up the belts. Then Don took off.
“Why was it the perfect time to pit,” Jimmy asked Don.
“Watch the TV,” he replied. Jimmy shrugged. He limped to the TV, Greg was still there but was now asleep, Jimmy slowly approached him.
Gotcha,” Jimmy whispered and then flipped the lunch buffet onto his face, which made Greg immediately jump up and get his sandwich splattered all over the floor.
"Aarrghhh, what the hell!!!" Greg shouted. Jimmy starting laughing and flopped onto the couch. He watched the TV,
"And now back to the crash, here is a replay of what happened, the Black & Decker car was trying to keep up with the Pirelli Gran Turismo car driven by Jimmy Veraan, when it came off in turns 2 and three, sliding across the track"

"And into the wall it went, luckily it didn't hit any other drivers, but their day is officially over," said the commentator.
"Well that's a good reason to pit," Jimmy said
"Meh, the crash wasn't that big," Greg mumbled.
"Are we in second now," Jimmy asked.
"No, we've lost two positions in the pit, because you took so long to belt up," Greg said angrily.
"Hey, Don was meant to help me buckle up but he didn't bother, it's pretty much his fault," Jimmy raged.
"Oh really," Greg thought about it.
"You're right, he's such a 🤬," Greg said.

"And I have a solution," Jimmy and Greg instantly recognized that Scottish accent.
"Jim!!!!! Why are you here," Jimmy said happily.
"I thought you might need some motivation," Jim replied.
"I heard about the crash, sorry to hear about it. But you're still doing well, I saw the Crew celebrating your progress," Jim continued.
"Anyway, about that solution you had," Greg asked.
"Oh right, I think we need to bring him back to earth. He's very up himself and thinks that he's invulnerable, and we need to beat him at something." Jim wrote some words on a whiteboard.
"So we have to race him and kick his butt," Greg asked.
"Yeah, I vote we do it here tomorrow in old Porsche 911's," Jim requested.
"NO, they don't seem to exist in photo format so it would be a lame race," Jimmy replied.
"Just use the Volvo C30s," Greg suggested.
"Perfect, it's settled," Jim replied.
It's kinda anti-climatic when you find out that he crashed because of a hick throwing beer cans...

Nice chapter, BTW.
:cheers:. it's meant to be disappointing that it wasn't something better. Still if you were expecting a better reason I think something later on you will like ;)
Chapter 10: The Spirit Carries on

They waited for the pace car to leave, it had been 2 laps of the track behind the pace car, and then a man walked into the room, we wore a brown leather coat, topped off with a shady hat.
“Um, sir you’re not allowed to come in here, you’re a spectator,” said Jimmy.
“Get your butt out before I kick it there,” Jim stood up and approached him.
“I’m here to give you a message, you know that little crash you had yesterday,” the man looked at Jimmy,
“That was meant to stop you racing, I put the can there for a reason,” he continued.
“I’ll kick your skinny little…” Greg was interrupted by Jim covering his mouth.
“Why do you want Jimmy out of the race,” Jim asked.
“Let’s just keep it at this, you know me Jimmy and you can’t deny it, you know this face,” the man took his hat off and showed a poor looking man with scars and stitches on his face. He put his hat back on.
“Now I’ll be seeing you, but you won’t know I’m there,” he pulled out a knife, and pointed it at the three, and then he left.
“What is he, a stalker,” Greg asked.
“Or a murderer,” Jim added.
“I know that face, just not a name,” Jimmy looked towards the door the man walked out of and squinted slightly.


On the track Don had made no progress up the pack, and they remained fourth.

“Come on, where is everyone,” Don said

The track was almost as if it had been abandoned,
“How come everyone on such a small track can not be seen,” Don added.
“There’s only eight cars left, most of which are in a pack, the rest had mechanical failures,” Mark said through the radio.
“By the way, it’s time to come in, makes sure you help Jimmy buckle up, last time it lost us two positions,” Mark added. Don came into the pit

As the crew worked on the car Mark ran out to the lollyman,
“Don’t hit the car with it man, it goes in front of it,” he shouted. Don got out and helped Jimmy into the car, this time they lost no positions, and came out into the pack.

“Wow, better keep focused here,” said a refreshed Jimmy. He took a few laps for the tires to warm up, then it was on, he was trying to make some positions from the one he lost warming up the cold tires.

“Where is the leader?”

“Let’s focus on this guy for now”
“There’s no way you’re going to take my fourth place from me,” said the blue Volvo driver.

“Come on, please stupid power limiter, let me take him down here,”

“You can’t beat me wing-boy”

“Maybe I can,” Jimmy said as he followed down the straight. Jimmy tried slipstreaming.
“It has no effect, we’re not fast enough stupid kid,” said the blue Volvo in-front.
“I’ll take that place buddy, go back to your video games little boy,” said the next Volvo.

“How about I stay in-front of you aye, I’m not going into sixth for you,”
“I’ll get you soon,”

“Here I am, I’ve got you where I want you,” Jimmy sang a line from a Queensryche song
“You can’t tame me,” the blue driver sang the next line from Ronnie James Dio's part from the same song.

“Come on, I’ll get him,” Jimmy gripped the wheel even harder.
“No, he’s got the red carpet past me,”

“Take that, I’ll see you after the race,” Jimmy rocketed off into the distance.
“I thought that kid was injured, must be a lie,”
“I thought I was injured, but I feel fine, strange,”

“INVADERS!!!!!!” Jimmy shouted,
“I knew you wouldn’t hold up for long,” said the light blue driver

“I told you I’d get you back soon," said the Swedish Valves car's driver.

“What was that, you want my position? You’re going to have to be consistent buddy,” Jimmy laughed and continued driving.
“Tires feel worn out, must be time to come in, Mark, is it time to come in,” Jimmy said through the radio.
“Oh 🤬, yeah, come in,” Mark enforced.

“That was fun,” Jimmy said as he went to the pitlane.

"Strange, the wheels were black on the track, and they're white in the pit"
Don willingly helped Jimmy get out and Jimmy helped Don get in, the stop was quick and they lost no positions, there was now only 15 minutes of the race.

“We’re third now right,” Jimmy asked Mark.
“4th, you got us from 5th and saved us from 6th, good work,” Mark then walked to the engineers. Back to the couch for Jimmy,
“That was my last stint, I can rest properly now,” Jimmy said as he sat down.
10 minutes went by and Don had the next car in sight, he pushed the little Volvo to it’s limit.

There was 1 minute left, and they were on the back straight, Don was close to the third Swedish Valves Volvo.

They crossed the line with 20 seconds to spare, and the white flag was out, it was Don’s last chance to pass, 1 last lap, he ducked and dived all over the track, the light flashing on the track, he couldn’t pass. They approached the final section,
“Don, pass him, JUST DO IT!!!” Mark shouted.

"Come on"
They approached the final turn
“I can do this, I just need to focus,” Don muttered.
“Come on, I know you can make the podium, GO GO GO,” Jimmy shouted through the pit-radio.
The final turn was in sight. The entire Crew for the Team watched the screen, hoping for the best.

“I’m going to make it, I’m going to make it,” Don continued muttering.

“Just do it”

“Nothing will go wrong”

“NO,” the crew shouted at the screen, a lot of cursing could be heard by everyone.

“Ooooooooooh,” they continued yelling at the screen

“YES, COME ON YOU CAN HOLD IT,” they shouted.

“YEEEEEES,” they all threw up little things and it floated back down

“No no no no no no no nooooooo”
“Yeeeeeeeaaaaaahhhhhhh” The team want nuts as Don made it back onto the track in third, and from the next garage shouting and cursing in anger began as the cars crossed the line.

Don drove into the pit to large groups of fans, enemies, teams and friends alike taking to the pitlane. All cheering for the winner, but Don was almost ignored by all of them because he didn’t win. He parked up and got out, hundreds of people all congratulated him on the podium finish and Jimmy just stood there wondering if anyone even noticed he was driving half of the race.
“I wonder if I was actually racing at all,” Jimmy said.
“What do you mean,” Greg asked.
“Look, Don with all these people congratulating him on his success, even though without me he wouldn’t have made it there,” said Jimmy.
“Well he finished in an amazing fashion, it’s what most people saw and were amazed with,” Greg explained.

Eventually the number of people in pitlane decreased to just the teams. The Team manager of Swedish Valves approached Jimmy.
“Congratulations on the finish, you did very well, considering you had injuries. Listen, I have a team competing at the Nurburgring 4 hour this year, in a TVR Speed 6 race car. Now I would like that driving talent on my team, you interested,” he said.
“Yeah, of course,” Jimmy replied.
“Good, my name’s Al Sharlin, now where do you live. Where’s the nearest circuit,” he asked.
“I live in…” at that moment Jimmy’s speech was interrupted by a very loud engine revving.
“What was that,” Al asked.
When Jimmy started talking the revving started again.
“And the nearest track is Addleton Circuit,” Jimmy said.
“Great, I’ll see you there next month,” Al gave Jimmy a sheet to sign and walked away.
“Jimmy. You. Follow. Party. Podium. Booze. Celebrate,” Greg explained then Jimmy walked towards the podium. He feels a tap on his shoulder and he turns around, and Don is standing there, looking a little uncomfortable.
“Great driving, we wouldn’t have made it onto the podium without you,” Jimmy thinks for while, and then says,
“I wasn’t the one who made that insane move on the final turn. That was freaking awesome, it’s you who got us the podium, and I could never have done that.” There’s a silence,
“Thanks,” Don says, then they follow the rest of the team.
“What did big dumb dumb want,” Greg walked up to Jimmy,
“He was just saying that I did well,” Jimmy replies, Greg looked confused,
“That’s odd,” he says. They stop, “I know,” Jimmy replies.
Jimmy continued walking up to the podium.
“How the hell do you do the epic squirting with the champagne,” and Don rolls his eyes.
“Just do what I do,” he says. They walk onto the podium, Jimmy looks around, he sees thousands of eyes watching and cheering. Jimmy felt the moment, trying to take in what was going on, then the champagne smacks his face, and he shakes up his bottle and lets it loose (Is it just me or did that sound dodgy)
Jimmy felt the tears coming from his eyes, his tears of happiness were covered by champagne. Then the bottles emptied, and it was time to interview the main drivers, so Jimmy left.
“Hey Jimmy, here is your prize for third,” said Mark,
“Don’t open it until you get home, and here’s First Class Plane Tickets for the ride home, I’ll keep in touch,” Mark said and then walked away to talk to Eric.
“Well, what are we waiting for, the PARTY AWAITS,” Greg ran towards the exit gate and Jim and Jimmy followed.

At the party there were a lot of people and a lot of food.
“I don’t know any of these people,” Jimmy said.
“Aaahh brighten up, have a drink,” Jim said.
“No, I don’t drink alcohol, just 🤬 up my system and gives me a bad headache the next day,” Jimmy added.
“Anything to add Mister Serious,” Greg said from behind them.
“Greg are you drunk,” Jim asked.
“Yeah, what are yOu going to do about it,” Greg said. He threw a punch at Jim completely missing and collapsing onto the floor.
“That’s why I don’t drink. Oh, and also, THE FOOD IS COLD, there’s no sausage rolls, no pies, no minis pizzas. Pffft,” Jimmy sat down on a chair.
“Alright, your loss,” Jim said.
“I’m leaving,” Jimmy says and then walks out and goes to the hotel.

Ahhh, good old releasing finished chapters

Thanks to AI Al for playing every other driver all at once throughout my repetitive races

Last edited:
Hmmm...A 3 part chapter? or three chapters?
Rather good, provided that they're all the same car:tup:
Chapter 11: The Challenger

It was 11 in the morning at Deep Forest, the sun risen right up, and two brand new Mazda MX-5’s sat at the start line. Don leaned on the car furthest from the pit lane,
“The bloody old man’s late,” he said.
A loud rumbling of a V8 could be heard in the distance, then suddenly

The Challenger slowed to a stop beside the two MX-5’s; Jim stepped out of his most prized possession.
“Hello youngster,” Jim said; he picked the helmet out of the MX-5.
Hey Grandpa,” Don replied. Jim smiles,
“Look’s like the 12 year old is angry,” Jim mocked.
“Look’s like an old man needs to change his diaper, now are we going to do this or not” Don replied.
“When Lord **** is ready,” Jim said confidently.
“Who’s that,” Don asked.
“You’re going to need more brains than that if you want to win,” Jim clouted Don in the head to Don’s dismay. Don tried to throw a punch back at Jim missing and wrenching forwards almost falling over, causing Jim to laugh at him.
“I’m starting on the outside, so you can have an advantage,” said Jim.
“No, I’ll start on the outside,” Don jumped into the outside car.
“No, I am, if you don’t get out this is never going to happen, and it will be proven that I won, because you wouldn’t follow the simple rules and got disqualified,” Jim said smugly. Don jumped out of the car and into the other one,
“Get out of the car,” Jim said.
“What now, you old coot,” Don said angrily.
“What’s that,” Jim pointed under the car Don didn’t want to drive.
“Um, I don’t know,” Don replied.
“If you claim that you’re such a car person, then why can’t you tell me what that is,” Jim asked.
“Uuuuuuuuh,” Don couldn’t think of anything.
“Turn on the engine, go on,” Jim commanded.
“Okay,” Don turned the key, the car refused to start.
“Hmmmm, I wonder why the car won’t start,” Jim said sarcastically.
“It’s a mass oil leak, okay,” Don finally answered.
“How did it get there, these cars were checked last night, and had no problems. They were put into secret storage, with no access by anyone until YOU came and unlocked the doors this morning,” Jim smiled as if he were laughing at the situation.
“So what else have you done to sabotage the car,” Jim asked, his face turned to the serious face he had before. Don opened the bonnet, and admitted he’s detuned the engine, and taken out the radiator and air intake.
“So, why did you do this,” Jim asked. Don thought awhile,
“I… Iiii wanted… Toooooooo… Do a time trial competition, yeah that’s it,” Don tried to convince Jim, and Jim’s face showed he was still not amused.
“Riiiiight, we’re not doing that, I’ve got a better idea,” Jim looked at his Challenger.

One minute later

“I’m not racing an MX-5 against your barbarian Challenger,” Don argued.
“I take it you forfeit then,” Jim replied.
“NO!!!!! I get a 10 second headstart, and it will be one lap,” Don said.
“Only fooling with you, there’s two Opel Speedsters in the garage,” Jim said.

The Opels were ready.
“I’ll be in the green, as it makes sense,” said Jim.
“How does that make sense,” Don asked as he rolled his eyes.
“It’s my last name, Green,” Jim said as he put his helmet on.
“Keep it clean,” Don said.
“You’re telling me to keep clean, you’re more likely to play dirty,” Jim replied.

“Come on little Opel,” Don said.
“This Vauxhall, I mean Opel better work,” Jim muttered.

“Got the lead, this is how us older folks start,” Jim remained calm at the wheel, while in Don’s car.
“Come on you bloody thing, I can beat this loser,” Don’s anger didn’t help into turn one

“🤬 you,” Don shouted. Jim started laughing,
“I’ve forgotten how these little cars handle, it’s been so long”

“I’m catching him, COME ON!!!!!” Don shouted.
“I can hear him yelling, what a moron,” Jim laughed again.

“You’ll be crying your sorry ass all the way to Ireland,” Don focused harder.

“That’ll teach you for calling me Irish,” Jim said angrily.

“There’s been a racing revolution that you never followed old man, prepare to lose,” Don suddenly felt confident.
“Here he comes,” Jim looked in the mirror.

“There he goes, he’ll stuff it up, he’s going to quick,” Jim almost laughed once again.
“TAKE THAT, I WIN!!!!!” Don celebrated.

“What did I say,” Jim watched Don slide.

“Hahahaa,” Jim laughed as he passed again.
“I’ll get you,” Don focused harder.

“Gotcha,” Don sped up on the inside.

“Wow, he’s putting up a good fight for a youngster,” Jim said as he watched the Opel slip away.

“Don’t blow it Don, don’t,” Don said to himself.

“This is close,” Jim continued watching the Opel of Don.

“Or not,” Jim said.

“I have one more chance to redeem myself up here,” Don muttered. Jim stayed silent,

“Here we go,” Don imagined his course of action.
“One last time little Opel,” Jim tapped the dashboard.

“Slideways Don behind meee oh god,” Jim said nervously.
“I’ll get him now,” Don controlled the drift.

“This is close, come on,” Jim said.
“Aaarrrgghhh, POWER, I’M GOING TO WIIIIIN, YEEES,” Don shouted as they approached the line.

Who won? Find out tomorrow when all is revealed.

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Damn you, cliffhanger!
:cheers: guys, and thanks for the advice Zachary :cheers:

Chapter 12: Departure​

“Bye, guys,” they all said their goodbyes, and then Jimmy, Greg and Jim jumped onto the plane.
“Coming home, far away, when I see the run way lights,” Jimmy and Greg chanted.
“How did the race go Jim,” Greg asked. Jimmy soon stopped chanting to hear an answer. Jim thinks for a bit,
“They have three letters in their name, and five letters in their last name,” he said.
“Did you lose,” Jimmy asked. Jim sighed,
“It was by 0.142 seconds… And Jim won it,” Jim laughed.

“YES!!!!” Jimmy and Greg shouted; everyone on the plane looked at them. Jim and Jimmy hid their faces, and Greg started with his anger problem,
“WHAT!!!!” He shouted,
“It was a good moment, we found out some very good news,” Greg continued.
Jimmy covered his face, then a tall well built man walked up to them,
“Hello, I hear you’ve been making some noise over here,” he said,
“Oh, someone please help,” Jimmy said.
“Yeah, that’s them,” the woman behind us said,
“Come with me,” said the man. We stood up; Greg pulled the finger at the lady, and said to her.
“🤬 you, stupid cow”, and they all followed the man.
“Where are we going,” Jimmy asked,
“Out of first class,” the man said.
“This is your fault Greg,” Jimmy whispered,
“Well maybe people shouldn’t stare at us,” Greg replied,
“Well maybe you shouldn’t shout at them,” Jim said, and Jimmy agreed.
“Sit here,” the man said. The three were separated throughout the room.

Jimmy sat down, there was a fat man and a fat woman arguing and Jimmy happened to be in the middle, they had a strong American accent and were squashing him from both sides.
“Why are we here,” the fat man said,
“Maybe because you shot our neighbor,” the woman replied, Jimmy shrunk down into his seat, and covered his face.
“Well, he was the one who took my beer,” said the fat man,
“That’s no reason to shoot someone Andy,” said the women.
“Oh yakity yak, stop your nagging, Claudia,” said Andy.
“You shut up,” said Claudia,
“Otherwise the police will find you,” Claudia added.
Jimmy thought to him self,
“Oh why must I be put in the middle of a crime?” The arguing continued, that was when Jimmy finally managed to block it out.

Greg sat in his seat, and he was next to the window. A little girl sat there staring at him, “Hello little girl, where’s your mummy,” Greg said. The little girl said nothing, and continued staring. She smiled,
“Uh oh,” Greg said, the little girl jumped at him and bit onto his arm,
“Aaarrrrgghhh, get it off me, aaaarrgghhh, BABY BITES!!!!!” A lollie smacked him in the head, and he managed to catch it before it was lost. From the distance he heard,
“You can thank me later,” and it was Jim. Greg used the lolly to distract the girl as he set up protection; he held a pillow to his side.
“That’ll do the job,” he said, still terrified. The girl growled and screeched at him, and Greg kept the pillow there for an hour, than he heard a voice,
“Why are you hiding from this little girl,” a man asked from in front,
“She was eating me,” Greg said in fear of the girl.
“Her,” the man asked. Greg looked, the girl was fast asleep,
“She couldn’t hurt a fly,” the man said, and then he turned around again. Greg looked at the girl, her eye opened, and she smiled,
“She has the laugh of a Child of Darkness,” Greg whispered, and put the pillow back up.

Jim sat down, there was a man of about the same age as Jim, and he started talking,
“Hi, what’s your name,” the man said. Jim turned towards the man,
“I’m Jim. Who are you?” He said,
“I’m Terry, what do you do for work,” Jim thought,
“This guy a bit odd,” but still he continued to talk,
“I’m a manager, and part time racer, what about you,” he said.
“Wow, I’m a full time driver, coming back from the Deep Forest Volvo endurance, got 5th,” said Terry, Jim laughed,
“My driver got 3rd,” he said.
“Holy 🤬 was he Don, or that other guy.” He asked,
“The other guy, Jimmy Veraan,” Jim said.
“Oh, I talked to him, he was pretty nice, didn’t expect him to be a top runner,” Terry said.
“Ah well, he’s only been racing a little over half a year, little guy practiced every weekend of those six months.” Terry looked a bit amazed,
“Really, he’ll go far if he keeps it up,” he said. The conversation continued throughout the flight, while Greg bled to death from bite marks and Jimmy tried to block out confessions of a murderer.


“Stop or I’ll shoot you,” said Andy.
“I’ll report you if you’re not careful,” Claudia replied.
That’s it,” Andy leaned over Jimmy and tried strangling Claudia,
“I CAN’T BREATHE,” Jimmy shouted, the fatties ignored it and continued throttling each other. The man who escorted Jimmy to the seat quickly ran over and started pulling at the man to pull him away, which didn’t work. Then another came in to pull him too,
“🤬, This is a heavy-weight,” they said as they pulled the man from his seat.
“Aaaahh, air, lovely air,” Jimmy leaned back in his seat.
“Sorry about that young man, he needs to learn how to take care of his drinking problem,” Claudia said. Jimmy remained slightly terrified of the return of the fat man.

Greg now had a pillow fortress to hide from the little girl, it just laughed maniacally, and Greg remained afraid of the 7 year old.
“It’s getting ready,” Greg whispered. The rest of his flight continued like this.

“We’ve got a test drive for a team who’s racing at the 4 hours of Nurburgring this year, how about you try and get in too,” Jim asked.
“Yeah, sure; When is it,” Terry asked.
“I don’t know, just stick with me when we get off the plane,” Jim replied.
“Great,” Terry replied. Jim’s flight remained like this.

The plane landed home, the plane was shaking massively,
"Aaaaarrrgghhh," Jimmy woke up from his sleep giving the people behind him a fright.
"Sorry," Jimmy looked back at them. They looked at him disgusted at his apology. Jimmy looked them strangely and turned back around.
“Yes, finally home,” said Jimmy, he got out of the seat and approached the exit, he saw Greg stepping backwards with a pillow,
“What are you doing Greg,” Jimmy asked.
“The little demon’s somewhere,” Greg replied, his eyes wide open and bloodshot. A squeaking noise came from the outside, and the pillow flew away, and Greg screamed like a girl. Jim got up and shoved his foot out and tripped over Greg, Jim laughed at him then they all moved on. They got out, later followed by Greg.
“Guys, this is Terry Carrera, he’s a race driver and wants to drive with us at the Nurburgring 4 hour race,” Jim said.
“Hi,” Jimmy shook hands with Terry and Greg remained too horrified to do anything. They quickly got their bags and rushed away.
"How do we pay for a taxi," Jimmy asked.
"We don't need one, the Yaris is here," Greg pointed.
"What colour would you call that," Jimmy asked.
"Looks like multicolour," Greg replied.
"Orange and green, sheesh," Jimmy helped Greg load his bags into the back.
"Let's go," Greg said as he drove away.
Jimmy opened the envelope; he found $30,000 in there and some keys,
“Dodge? I like where this is going,” said Jimmy,
“Well, if those are the keys, then where’s the car,” Greg asked.
“Hopefully we can find that easily,” Jimmy said, they finally got home.
"Home crappy home," Jimmy said.
“Did Jim come here in his Hemi,” Greg asked.
“No, that looks different than Jim’s one,” Jimmy replied.
"I like where this is heading," Jimmy looked at it as he left the car.

Sorry for getting out so many chapters recently, they're just not taking long to write
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It sucks when you're between 2 fat people on a plane. :lol:
Chapter 13: I will Remember​

The Challenger sat there in the sun.
“SRT-8, this is the new Challenger. Is this my prize,” Jimmy pulled out the key, he attempted unlocking the Challenger.

Bleep bleep

“YES!!!!!! A Challenger,” Jimmy opened up the garage and immediately drove the Challenger in there to hide it from the neighborhood.
“Jimmy, hurry up we’ve got to sort out mail,” Greg said in a joking way.
Jimmy pinched himself, and shook his head violently and walked inside.
“Oh 🤬, what’s this,” Jimmy asked.
“Your fines for a large number of murders involving gases from your rear end,” Greg threw a letter at Jimmy, he opened it up.
“Um, so Greg, I hear you are being fined for intentionally wiping boogers on a particular old lady’s head,” Jimmy threw the letter back. Greg looked at the table and saw a DVD sitting there, it said put me in the DVD player on it. Greg rushed it into the DVD player.

“Howdy, the mail yaw sey is nawt all of yaw mail, tayke a look in the pantry of yaw kiytchin,” said a Texan man on the screen. Jimmy walked to the pantry.
“Here we go,” he opened it up.
It was full to the brim with mail. It came tumbling out.
“🤬, how the hell did he get into our house,” Jimmy shouted, he could still hear the DVD

“Baa the way, yaw need to louck yaw doows,” the Texan continued. Jimmy burst from the pile of mail.
“Greg, I thought you were meant to lock the door,” Jimmy threw a letter at Greg.
“AaAArrrrghhh, paper cut,” he screamed like a 5 year old.
“I may have lost the key when playing tidily winks with it,” said Greg who was looking down in shame.
“Typical, I’m going to check my emails,” Jimmy sat at his computer.
“Nothing, nothing, more 🤬, nothing, here we go,” Jimmy clicked on the message, it read.

Hi Jimmy

It’s Al Sharlin, from Swedish Valves, and I as I told you I am coming to Addleton to give you a test drive, come this Saturday for a drive in the road version of the TVR you’ll race, if you know anyone who’s willing to join the team, bring them in too,

:cheers:, Al Sharlin

“We’re going to Addleton on Saturday,” Jimmy shouted out.
A large crashing burst from the kitchen,
“Aaaarrrghhh, IT’S CAPTAIN CAVEMAN,” Greg shouted. Jimmy ran into the room.
“Oh god, don’t touch it, eeeewww,” Jimmy threw a boot at it, then realized what it was.
“Greg, that’s no Captain Caveman, it’s a sandwich,” Jimmy picked up some rubber gloves.
“Where did the hair come from then,” Greg asked.
“We were gone for three weeks, believe me. This is a dangerous stage,”
Jimmy threw it out the window and quickly threw the gloves out as well.
“Well, I’m bored now… To the PS3,” said Greg.
“What about the mess, I need help to… 🤬 it,” Jimmy followed Greg to the PS3.

2 days later

Greg woke up to hear the sound of a V8; he then looked at the time.
“9 AM, and Jimmy’s up, that’s new” Greg got dressed and walked outside.
“Hurry up Greg, before your brain gets exploded by this thing’s power,” Jimmy shouted from inside the Challenger. Greg got in and Jimmy floored it drifting onto the street,
“Yeeeeehaaaaa,” Greg shouted.
“I thought you wouldn’t like this,” Jimmy shouted back.
“We’re not going fast so I’m happy,” Greg replied.
They drifted towards Addletone for a test drive in a TVR.

“Where is he, he was meant to be here at 1, it’s now 1 30,” Al sat on the TVR, then the American V8 burst into sight.
“What is this, the Dukes of Hazzard,” Al laughed. Jimmy parked in the pit-lane.
“Here we are,” he shouted as he got out.
Two other men got out.
“Who’s that,” Al asked.
“Greg is here just to watch, and this is Terry Carrera, who also wants to drive in the team,” Jimmy replied.
“I know Terry; okay then, so you first Jimmy,” Al threw the keys to Jimmy.
“British car, home track, just like the Jag,” Jimmy said as he approached the car.

“But now it’s this”



“Wow, I never thought I’d be a chain smoker,” Jimmy laughed.

“Turn one, and wow this car is amazing,” Jimmy said.

“The colour is distracting”

“Oh the memories”

“I thought these cars were meant to do everything they can to kill you”

“He’s using more track than he used to,” Greg noted, the others looked at him.
“What, the author couldn’t think of a line for Jimmy to say, so I decided to improvise,” Greg said.

“Only a few turns to go now, and I am happy to drive this car”

“Three more turns,” Jimmy raced through the final turns.

“Aaaaaaand across the line,” Al stopped the timer,
“Good, very good,” said Terry.
Jimmy came in and stopped beside everyone. Al gave a thumbs up,
“Yes,” Jimmy threw an arm up as he got out.
“Now it’s Terry’s turn,” Jimmy gave Terry the keys.
“In fact, you don’t need to drive; I know you can do it. You were on my team last week,” Terry didn’t even take much note of what Al had said.
“So what now,” Greg asked.
“Germany… Uh again,” Al replied.
“We’re off again, thank god I didn’t unpack,” Jimmy smiled.
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Shamefully I went lazy, that's why I missed out your chapters, but I just read them now, they're good. 👍
How the hell did the Texan get into Jimmy and Greg's house?
Chapter 14: A Change of Seasons

“Back in Germany, but now we’re at the Ring, wow,” said a cheerful Jimmy. He’s only been racing for just over half a year and he’s already at the Nurburgring. Accompanied by his best friend, Greg, his new friend; Terry Carrera, Jim Green and Team owner Al Sharlin.
“Who knew we’d get a limo to the track, what’s next. We get an automatic toilet cleaner,” Greg said leaning back and looking around the limo.
“You’ve done well, son. Just wait for what happens soon,” said a voice.
“Who said that,” Jimmy looked around.
“Did you guys hear that,” Jimmy continued looking. Everyone looked at him with a confused look.
“Hear what, yeah we hit a cyclist so what, that should teach the bloody road hog,” Jim laughed.
“What’s wrong with cyclists,” said Terry. Everyone turned towards him.
“Okay then, let’s all hate on cyclists,” Terry added in fear.
“Thought so,” Greg said.
“Must just be going mad,” Jimmy relaxed in the seat.
“You’re already mad,” Greg stated.
“Yeah, but I’ve got nothing on your insanity,” Jimmy laughed back.
“No one’s crazier than the Grayharts,” Greg said.
He picked up a plate and smashed it on his head hardly even flickering.
“You’re cleaning that up,” the limo driver opened a hatch and threw a brush through.
“Here we are, the Green Hell,” Jimmy said as he threw his head out the window.
“Wow, it’s so… Green,” Jimmy added.
“Now, are you going to get out and pick up the head you threw out the window,” Greg asked.
“The author didn’t mean it literally,” Jim threw another brush at Greg.
“Do I really have to clean this up,” Greg tried to look pathetic and threw a brush back at Jim.
“Of course poofter,” Jim threw the brush again.
The limo stopped, Jimmy rushed out and everyone slowly followed.
“Hurry up guys, you’re taking too long,” Jimmy continued like a little kid. Greg stayed back to clean up the plate and then dispose of it. Eventually all gathered in the pit-lane. Al had already arrived and was sitting in a flash chair.
“Took you long enough,” Al said, he stood up and walked out of the room.
“Now what,” Terry asked.
“You’re meant to follow,” Al shouted from outside the room, everyone followed.

“This is the TVR you’re driving; it was going to be a multicolour but Jimmy said it was distracting. Anyway, Jimmy needs a lecture about the Ring, Terry drive the car,” said Al.
“Don’t mind if I do,” Terry said as he ran out-back to get ready.

“Okay Jimmy, the Ring is a very dangerous place, as any car freak should know. I almost lost my father at Flugplatz, so be careful there,” Al pointed at Flugplatz on the track map. Jimmy got bored and stopped listening,
“The jump is a dangerous part before, slow down there until you get a feel for the car. When approaching Aremberg you only need to lift off the power and you should be sweet; braking just after the apex,” Al pointed at Aremberg.

10 minutes later

“And that’s all there is, and now. I don’t think people are going to like your pink helmet, and grey and green suite, here’s some money. Get some more,” Al gave Jimmy some money,
“Thanks Al, I’ll get the best,” Jimmy said walking out of the room
“Hey, Greg, get back in the limo, we’re going to get some stuff,” Jimmy said. Greg turned back and started walking with Jimmy.
“Hey, Mr… Uummmm, limo driver, where can we get racing gear,” Jimmy asked.
“Okey dokey, I know just the place,” he started driving.

A mind numbingly boring 5 minutes later

“Here we are, streicheln Schutz,” the limo driver said as he read his newspaper.
“Let’s go,” Jimmy got out.
“Wait, isn’t that German for… Eeeew,” Greg said as he followed.
“Wow, hopefully we don’t get mobbed by salesmen again,” said Greg.
“That should do,” Jimmy pointed at the first thing he saw.
“And that,” Greg picked up something off the shelf.
“Looks cool, let’s buy it and get out of here,” they chucked it onto the counter.
“These please, I’ve got money,” Jimmy spent awhile shuffling through his pockets.
“Don’t worry, he’s not playing pocket billiards,” Greg winked at the lady.
“Here we are, the money,” Jimmy dumped it on the counter awkwardly.
“So that adds to… Just the right amount, here you go,” the lady passed them the gear.
“Greg, why did you tell the lady I was playing pocket billiards, my hands were in my jacket pockets, not trouser pockets,” Jimmy said smugly.
“Because you smell,” Greg laughed.
“I smell? Isn’t it true that you once forced the neighbors out of town by farting in your own room,” Jimmy’s face remained smug.
“Yes,” Greg looked down in shame.
“Thought so,” they got into the limo and headed back to the track.

Yet another mind numbingly boring 5 minutes later

“You ready to drive Jimmy,” Al asked.
“You have to come out now to drive,” Greg added.
Jimmy walked out, looking very nervous.
“I’m ready,” Jimmy walked towards the car,
“See ya later guys,” Jimmy said

He sat in the car, and drove away.

“Please, if there’s a god, keep me alive today,” Jimmy said.

“Focus, focus”

“I don’t push you moron,” Jimmy hit himself.

“Feeling better now”

“Blimey, I’ve only just noticed how fast this car is,” said a refreshed Jimmy.

“Let’s go”

“Two wheels, yeeehaaaa”

“The Nordschleife, I can take it on,” Jimmy shuffled himself.

“This thing’s holding for dear life”

“Sticky tape tires”

“Flugplatz, Al told me about this one”

“Gotcha, I can do anything”

“Where’s the turn”

“WHERE IS IT!!!!!!!?”


The TVR took off, once again tumbling over, just like at Deep Forest. All of pit-lane watched the #57 TVR roll over and over.
“Not again,” Greg held onto his head.
“Not again,” Jimmy tried to hold his head in place.

“Not the wall,”

Gasping could be heard from everywhere, the ambulances had already set out to the scene. Greg jumped into the safety car and drove out. The track marshals ran to try and stop him but Greg was a man in a rush.

The TVR landed upside down at the wall, just as the ambulances arrived. They ripped the doors open.
“Can you hear me, I repeat, can you hear me,” they said. There was no response, then the safety car came skidding to a stop, and Greg rushed out and ran towards the car. Everyone was helping out as Jimmy was being taken to the ambulance. Greg was pushed back by everyone, other drivers, spectators all covered the track to help out. Greg got into the safety car and followed the ambulance to the hospital.

“Clear,” the doctors were trying all they could to keep Jimmy alive. They quickly got to Nurburg hospital. Rushing Jimmy in at full speed; Greg arrived as well and followed into the hospital. He lost them, and approached the service desk.
“Where did the guys with a race driver go,” he asked in a panic.
The lady pointed and Greg ran in the direction, but was stopped by some security guards.
“Security… In a hospital, oh come on,” they pinned him to a chair.
“Calm down, CALM DOWN,” they pushed Greg back and forwards, then Jim and Terry burst into the room.
“Where is he guys,” Terry asked.
The guards ignored them and then more guards came in to watch them.
Greg sighed.
“Please be okay,” he looked up.
“Please,” he then threw his face into his hands.
They waited for hours, it was now 8 o’clock at night, and then a doctor walked in.
“Hello, are you here to see Jimmy Veraan,” he asked.
“Yes,” Greg looked up.
“Well, I’m deeply sorry to tell you this, but…”
“What, IS HE DEAD!!!!?”
“Calm down Greg,” Jim shouted.
“I CAN’T 🤬 CALM DOWN!!!!!!”
“Don’t worry, he’s not dead,” said Terry.
“He might be,” said the doctor.
“He’s in a coma, if you like you can see him,” the doctor stood back and allowed them to enter. They walked in,
“There he is,” said the doctor. Greg looked in the window, and tried to hide his emotion.
“Greg, he’ll be okay, these guys know what they’re doing,” said Terry.
They all walked into the room and sat down, Greg looked out into the hall through the window. A man looked back in at Jimmy, and smiled, almost hidden under his hood. Jim rushed out of the room to get him.
“Hey yo… Where is he?” the man had vanished.
“What are you doing,” Terry asked.
“There was someone out there laughing at Jimmy,” Jim answered.
Greg sat almost dead in the corner,
“Whoever he is, what ever his reason is, I’m going to get revenge. Some day, SOME HOW, I’m going to find him,” Greg stood up and then just sat down again.
“Pfft, there’s not point, he’s just going to hurt us more,” Greg added.
It was now 11 o’clock, and everyone was tired.
“Alright guys, I’ve got to go,” said Terry.
“Me too, I’ll be back tomorrow,” said Jim as they left the room.
“Why must they take you away like this? WHY??? If I were King, I would trade all I have to have you be awake,” said Greg. He then leaned back in his seat and fell asleep.
A lot of bad things seem to happen at the 'Ring...
That thing grips for dear life. I can't even get mine to fly on Cape Ring!
Yeah, I had to resort to handbrake to make it to that, I still don't understand how I made it fly like that
If I were to do a scene, my car would look like a teacup. You know those rides?
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