The Rises and Falls of a Champion: Shall I end it?

  • Thread starter Skython
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Chapter 15: Out of Mind

“I only dream in black and white”

“But if I’m dreaming I’m still alive”



Nothing… Nothing, all I see is white… White… … White…
“As soon as you’re born, you’re dying”
“How can one find peace when they never rest?”
“Who is that?”
I’m you”
“Who am I?”
You don’t know!!!!”
“No, nothing”
“Oh, you probably have no memory, let me help”
“No memory of what”
“Okay, your name is Jimmy Veraan, and you are a race driver, your best friend is Greg Grayhart, and have other friends, Jim Green, Mark Flares, Eric Wheeler, Al Sharlin and Terry Carrera”
“Where are they?”
“In another dimension”
“What do you mean?”
“You’re sharing the same space as them, though for now you are not in the same place”
“Uuuum, okay”
“Now, let’s show you your old home.”
The white transformed to a hospital room, and a man popped up. He wore leather gloves, jeans and a black jacket. He had long brown hair and had hazel eyes, he looked as if he was in his 30’s.
“Who are you,” Jimmy asked.
“I’m you,” said the man.
“You can’t be, I look nothing like that,” Jimmy looked at him strangely.
“Only fooling, I’m your guardian. I influence each and every decision you make,” said the man.
“Why am I here,” Jimmy asked.
“You had a bit of an accident at a race,” said the man.
“What race, I don’t recall,” Jimmy sat down.
You don’t remember, at the Nurburgring,” said the man.
Jimmy flew onto his feet as his life flashed before his eyes suddenly.
“OH!!!! 🤬 WHERE AM I, WHY AM I THERE IN THAT BED,” Jimmy started panicking when he saw himself in the hospital bed.
“You’re in a coma,” said the man.
“What, NO!!!! Please no,” Jimmy slid down the wall and onto the floor.
“What am I going to do now,” Jimmy asked.
“Wait,” the strange man replied.
“Why should I wait, I want to live,” Jimmy shouted.
“Well you’re life lies in his hands,” the man pointed at Greg who was asleep in a chair.
“Greg!!!! What is he going to do,” Jimmy asked.
“I’ll show you,” said the man, he pulled out a cell-phone and dialed some numbers,
“My name’s James by the way,” he said.
“That’s not a very creative guardian name,” Jimmy said.
“I know, don’t expect much, it works a lot different than in movies,” James laughed.
“Oh, hey, Geoff; I need you to do me a favour”
“Just to make Greg do something”
“He doesn’t need to have Jimmy… Stop, Jimmy’s here now, so don’t say 🤬”
“Anyway, I need you to influence Greg to fundraise by racing”
“You’re the one who decided to make him afraid of speed, now you can stop it”
“Thanks a million, this could be entertaining. Hahahaaa, no worries, see ya,” James put the phone back in his pocket.
“Anyway, I’m getting lunch, you coming?” James walked off,
“Wait up” Jimmy quickly followed.

“Aaarrgghh, I’m awake,” Greg moaned.
“Damn, forgot Jimmy’s in a coma,” he stood up and walked towards the door just as Jim burst in the room with a smile,
“Is he… Oh, 🤬,” Jim said as his smile faded.
“Follow me,” Jim said to Greg.
“Jim, I have a random urge to race!!!!!!” Greg shouted. Jim raised an eyebrow,
“Why?” He asked.
“I don’t know, the voices are telling me to,” Greg added.
“Well, tell the voices they’re doing a lot of good,” Jim replied, he turned and walked towards the door.
“I reckon we could raise money for Jimmy,” said Greg. Jim stopped dead in his tracks with his right foot backwards in the air.
“Good thinking, let’s go,” they left the hospital and headed to a license center.
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Inception is the fan fiction trend now. :lol:

I dunno if it was just Jimmy's dream, but anyways nice chapter. And no, just answer my question with more chapters that would eventually explain everything. :P
Chapter 16: A New Beginning

After they left the hospital they were quickly noticed by some men in suites, there was a tall skinny one and a shorter fat one.
“Hey Phats, let’s see those dudes, see what we can get” said the tall skinny one with a strong American accent.
“Right boss,” they approached Greg and Jim.
“Greg, run into the Challenger and turn on the engine, you know the drill,” Jim whispered. Greg nodded and ran towards the car.
“Hahaa, that one’s scared out of his panties,” laughed the skinny one.
“Hello duh sir, you speakity England,” said the fat one.
“What,” Jim put on a slightly angered face.
“Let’s take his money,” said the skinny one.
“Right you are boss, duhuhuhuhuhuhhh,” the fat one laughed and went in to grab Jim, who stayed perfectly calm. Then a loud V8 accelerated in the distance. The men in suites ran for their lives as Jim still remained perfectly calm. Jim’s Challenger stopped right beside Jim, and Greg got out.
“Your turn,” he said. Jim sat in the driver’s seat and Greg jumped in the back.
“Stage one complete,” said Jim; they then headed off for the license center.

“Here we are, the GTALG,” said Jim.
“We’re not stealing a car,” Greg said.
“We’re not, it’s the Gran Turismo Association Licensing Grounds,” Jim replied in a smug tone.
“Oh, that’s all good,” Greg said as he got out of the car.
They walked into the main building.
“Hello, how may I help you,” said the man at the counter.
“I need to get my first three racing licenses,” Greg said.
Jim stood there with his arms crossed beside Greg, Jim tapped Greg with his elbow, and Greg went all red faced.
“Please,” Greg blurted out. The man at the desk rolled his eyes,
“Follow me,” he said with a monotone voice. He led them down the hallway.
“Remember what I told you to tell them,” said Jim. Greg nodded as the man led Greg through the door.

Greg sat in the chair and the man left. There was a desk with scrunched up paper and drawings of little kid car drawings on the wall, and then on the back of the large chair was a picture of a cat. The chair turned around and the cat picture went flying at the window, hitting it and falling to the ground.
“Why is the glass so strong,” Greg asked.
“Because that cat picture kept on smashing through it, so we decided to fit in stronger glass,” said the man, he had a deep slightly grunty voice. He was short and looked quite stocky, he had a small beard and had long black hair which was tied back, and he wore glasses.
“Why don’t you have an actual cat for when you’re in here,” Greg asked.
“It just did the same thing,” the man replied.
Greg looked slightly horrified.
“Anyway, you must be here to get some racing licenses, right,” the man said.
“Yeah,” Greg said with confidence.
“Well, why do you want to race,” he asked.
“Because my biggest dreams lie in racing the Le Mans 24 hour,” Greg replied.
“Mhm, and what makes you think you can get there,” he asked.
“Because I really want to get there, and it is a proven fact that with the right training, we can do almost anything,” said Greg, still with confidence.
“What makes you think racing comes under that list of things you can, and not the things you can’t,” the man looked smug as if he’d confused Greg.
“Because I broke the record on the first two checkpoints at the Nurburgring,” Greg added.
The man looked amazed, he threw his hand over the table,
“Well, you’re in the GT License center until you pass, Greg Grayhart is it” the man asked as they shook hands,
“Yeah,” Greg replied.
“Good, I’m Alexei Tailor,” he leaned back into his chair.
“Are there any fears you have that we should know about,” he asked.
Greg thought a little while,
“How about a fear of speed,” Greg asked.
The half smile on Alexei’s face turned to a half frown,
“We can cover that,” he said in an even deeper voice.
“Excellent,” Greg stood up.
“Don’t leave just yet,” Alexei demanded. They continued chatting for an hour or so.

Greg walked out of the room and Jim was just coming back into the building, the light shone in the windows, the sun was setting.
“Hey, Jim, I’m in,” Greg shouted out across the empty room, then they met in the middle,
“Trust me bud, you’ll need this, I know you don’t like them. But it’ll come in handy,” Jim passed Greg a box.
“A cell phone, why,” Greg asked.
“Well, I need to go back home, the lady I hired has probably killed my plants and I need to get ready for the growing seasons, my number is already in it, and I also put in a number to the hospital so you can check how Jimmy is. And they’ve been ordered to contact you as soon as he wakes up,” said Jim. Greg smiled.
“Thank you, Jim,” he looked down at the phone.
“Oh, that’s your first smile in months,” Jim laughed.
“Yeah, by the way, thanks for everything you’ve done,” Greg stood back.
“No worries, thank you for supporting Jimmy, he really needed it, and I almost forgot, I packed your bags, here you go,” Jim pushed a small two wheeled Kart to Greg with some bags loaded onto it.
“Well, I’ll see you around, kiddo,” said Jim.
“Bye, Jim,” Greg replied. Jim walked away as Alexei walked up from behind.
“I’ll lead you to where you’ll stay until you learn to race,” Alexei led Greg out of the room.

They walked towards their testing grounds, the shadows slowly started getting taller.
“What the hell is that over there,” Greg asked in horror,

“That’s a car we’re developing with Citroen,” Alexei explained.
Citroen!!!! Of all things… CITROEN!!!!? What has this world come to,” Greg seemed slightly angered by the situation.
“Yeah, it’s called the GT by Citroen, and if you get to the special license you can drive it,” Alexei added.
“Wow, so where am I staying,” Greg asked. The got to the back entrance and walked out, there was three buses and 5 trucks. One truck was a car transporter, loaded with a Yaris, two Go Karts, a Suzuki Cappuccino, and a Nissan 370Z. The other Transporter had a Ferrari California, a Ferrari 458 Italia, a Bugatti Veyron and what seemed to be a Camaro race car with NASCAR wheels. The other 3 trucks all presumably had other gear in them. Two full buses sat there and there was a half full one at the front, which seemed a lot quieter.
“We’re taking you to England since this test track is being used for Citroen testing,” said Alexei, Greg was completely astonished at some of the cars there, he then snapped out of the trance.
“Um, yeah,” he said in completely unenthusiastic fashion.
“We don’t want you on either of those two buses, they’re for the rookies going for their first licenses,” Alexei put one arm around Greg’s shoulder in a fatherly fashion as he pointed at the buses.
“You’ll be on that one son,” he pointed at the front bus.
“But I am a rookie going for my first racing licenses,” Greg stated.
“Yeah, but you seem a lot less, well immature,” Alexei added; they walked to the front bus. Alexei helped Greg get his luggage into the side compartment in the bus’ side.
“Here we are, get some rest. When we get to England there will be some surprises,” said Alexei as they stood onto the bus.
“Wow, this bus is more like a motor-home,” Greg stated.
There was a sink and a toilet at the back, and even headrests, arm rests and blankets which could be pulled out of the overhead compartment, which had another compartment for some luggage,
“Wow this is flash, I wish Jimmy could see all this,” Greg sat down in his seat as the bus headed off into the distance.


Thanks for reading guys. :cheers:
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I like where this is going. I bet Greg's license tests would be pure lols too.
All that Citroen needs to be in Bruce Wayne's garage is a black coat of paint...
Greg sat in the chair and the man left. There was a desk with scrunched up paper and drawings of little kid car drawings on the wall, and then on the back of the large chair was a picture of a cat. The chair turned around and the cat picture went flying at the window, hitting it and falling to the ground.
“Why is the glass so strong,” Greg asked.
“Because that cat picture kept on smashing through it, so we decided to fit in stronger glass,” said the man, he had a deep slightly grunty voice. He was short and looked quite stocky, he had a small bear and had long black hair which was tied back, and he wore glasses.
“Why don’t you have an actual cat for when you’re in here,” Greg asked.
“It just did the same thing,” the man replied.
Greg looked slightly horrified.

:lol: Great chapter, Skython.
Cheers guys, and SVX, you made me notice a typo, :cheers: It's meant to say beard, not bear.

Well, since Chapter 13 the Chapter names have all been song names. But here I couldn't think of one to fit :( Though my own album name I made might do :)

Chapter 17: Illusions from the Past

A small kid popped out of the NSX, his hair was scruffy and his clothes were clean but very un-matching. The NSX drove away, almost all of the other kids, turned their heads at Jimmy while the NSX brought the children out of their parents. All that was heard was the NSX leaving and the sound of childish fathers asking their wives if they can buy a new car.
“Who is that kid?”
The kids approached the young boy.
“What car is that,” they all asked.
“Hey, kid, where can I find your daddy,” one of the childish fathers had made their way in the want of a new NSX. The mob soon left and the child alone and he set off to class.

“I still don’t know who that kid is”
“Hello class, we have a new student here today,” said the teacher. The unenthusiastic room of 7 and 8 year olds moaned and groaned.
“Jimmy, would you like to stand up,” the teacher added.
“THE KID IS ME!!!!!!”
Jimmy stood up in the back corner and the class turned back and stared. Bits of paper and erasers flew across the room at him.
“Don’t be mean class,” the teacher shouted. The class settled down.
“He’s rich,” the teacher whispered it loud enough for everyone at the front to hear.
“He’s rich everyone,” shouted a girl in front of the teacher. More bits of paper, pencils, bits and bobs were tossed in Jimmy’s direction.
“That’s enough class,” the teacher started teaching the lesson.
“Hey, your dad has a cool car,” said a kid beside Jimmy.
“Yeah, he says I can drive it when I’m older,” said Jimmy.
“That shouldn’t take too long, I’m already 8 years old,” Jimmy added.
“Yeah, you’ll be the bomb in that car,” said the kid.

“Okay, students, time to see what you guys are scared of. Starting in the corner,” the teacher pointed at Jimmy.
“Lexus’,” Jimmy called out and chuckled to himself, as did the other kid beside him.
“Moving along,” the teacher demanded. The kid beside Jimmy cleared his throat,
“I’m scared to go very fast,” he said.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~


“What’s going on now, I just had the strangest dream,” Jimmy shouted.
“It wasn’t a dream, Jimmy. I’m just recreating your memories,” said James who had popped up out of nowhere.
“So what, this is just reality reoccurring,” Jimmy asked
“Yeah, it’ll be like a reoccurring nightmare haunting your dreams, literally,” James he smiled and disappeared.
“So that’s strange,” Jimmy sat down in the white space.
Suddenly the light Faded to black, quickly turning into a desert.
“Why am I here,” Jimmy asked. There was no reply.
“Where am I,” Jimmy said softly.
“Damn, there’s no going back,” Jimmy’s voice sounded croaky and painful.
“There’s no going back,” he shouted again as he threw his fists into the sand.
“You’re the one lost in a desert, only you know,” said a voice. It sounded old and friendly, and he had an American accent.
Jimmy screwed his face slightly and looked,
“This story is getting to sexist; I don’t think there’s been a single woman in this thing that hasn’t been at a counter. Then again, they do belong at a counter, the kitchen bench fits better though,” Jimmy said, he turned his face back to his normal expression, then looked around.
There was an old man sitting in a rocking chair next to a cactus.
“Eat up,” the old man pointed at the cactus.
“I don’t think cactus’ are edible, sir,” Jimmy looked at him awkwardly.
“Aww go on, that’s how us folk get back to consciousness,” the old man added.
He bit into the cactus.
“Aw 🤬, still hurts though,” he laughed.
“You look like a good kid, please, go back to your friends and family,” he smiled as he disappeared
“Make the right choice,” said a female voice.
“Wow, a female voice, not behind a bench. That’s new,” he touched the cactus,
“For 🤬... Ah what the hell,” Jimmy bit into the cactus.
“Oww, for crying out loud,” Jimmy spat out bits of cactus, and then everything started shaking violently.
“Get me out of here,” Jimmy shouted. Then suddenly Jimmy sight started going into whiteness again.
“See you around kiddo,” said James. Then all Jimmy saw was a room, it was filled with candles, and he was in a coffin. He tried speaking.
“W… W… W…” he couldn’t say anymore, there were doctors standing around. A nurse sat down on the side of a coffin. Suddenly the room flickered into the hospital room, then back to the funeral room.
“Hello, Mr Veraan, can you say anything,” said the nurse. Jimmy could only stare, his eyes glazed as if he didn’t see anything.
“Give him another shot hun,” the nurse turned to a doctor. The doctor approached Jimmy and put some chemicals into Jimmy’s blood stream.
“What is he doing,” Jimmy thought.
“I think it’s working,” said another doctor, they all stared anxiously. The room turned into the hospital room and it stuck. Jimmy’s felt his head start swaying from side to side, the room turned to the funeral room again, and then it flickered back and forth a few times; Jimmy blacked out again. The whiteness showed up again.
Jimmy still felt drugged up and then fainted.

Back to reality

Greg felt someone shake him awake.
“Aarggh, what’s going on,’ Greg saw Alexei standing there.
“We’ve arrived. We’re just arriving on the test track,” Alexei pointed out the window.
There was an Aston drifting around the track.

“Oh my god, Top Gear, this could be one of the best days of my young life,” Greg watched the Aston Martin as the bus turned onto the test track

“This is so awesome”

“Never thought I’d come here”

“It’s coming to us”

The DB9 drove towards the bus, and everyone was instructed to get out of the bus, Greg stepped out of the bus. The experienced drivers were lead towards the buildings, as the Aston Martin stopped about 10 meters away from the bus, and a man stepped out.
“Hey guys, I’m not from Top Gear, but I know how to drive well. I am your instructor and I’ll be teaching you how to race. You’ll start off with the basics of racing, like grid starts and stopping, simple turns and basic racing line techniques,” he directed everyone to the buildings, Greg had a creepy little nerd following behind him.
“Heeaaahahaha. All those practice hours on Forza Motorsport will let me set forward. I shall become the racing legend of the new millennium,” the nerd said as he pushed up his glasses.
“Oh god, I think Don has some family,” Greg pointed and started laughing at the nerd. The nerd ignored Greg’s existence even though Greg continued to laugh until they got into the building.

The next day (because the rest of the day was rather boring)

“Okay, Greg Grayhart is it. You’re turn,” the instructor pointed at Greg, who continues to point and laugh at the nerd. Greg backed out of the room, still laughing.
“OW,” said someone from outside.
“What was that, a little girl,” said a teenager in the bunker.
“That really hurt,” Greg said rubbing his arm.
“Doesn’t give you a reason to squeal like a 6 year old girl,” replied the instructor.
They walked onto the track.
“Oh please no, I’ve had enough different colour Yaris’ in my lifetime,” Greg complained.

The Yaris sat there, as if it were mocking him. Greg hid his face.
“Okay, your task is to accelerate, when the light goes out, you want to keep it just under the red line. Changing gear is the same thing, under the red line. Then brake in between the last line and its previous copy,” said the instructor.
Greg nodded then pulled a crazy face to show he didn’t actually care, and then got into the car.
The lights started going out.
Greg floored it and almost fell asleep.

“Tick tock tick tock, aaaaand BRAKE”


“That was pretty satisfying”

The instructor magically appeared at the Yaris.
“Good, very very good, never before have I seen a beginner have enough brains to think to do that,” he said.
“Now you must do it again,” he laughed.
“WHY,” Greg shouted.
“Because you need to go further in a faster car,” the instructor replied.
“Faster, umm; goodie,” Greg answered unenthusiastically.
Greg noticed an Aston Martin at the line.
“Is that what I’m driving,” Greg asked.
“Yep, we have to DB9’s here, the other one is specifically mine,” the instructor led Greg into the Aston.

“Ready. GO!!!!!”


While driving Greg closed into 200 KM/H

“Slow down, Greg,” said a voice.
“FASTER YOU IMBECILE,” shouted another.
“POWEEEEEEER,” the second voice was Jeremy Clarkson.
‘Faster, okay,” Greg floored it.


“I AM”

“Not good”


The Aston crashed through the cones, and the instructor magically appeared again and opened the door.
“I am meant to hit the cones right,” Greg asked.
“No,” the instructor laughed.

Greg continued doing the tests placing well and at the end of the day won his National B licence.

The next day

Greg woke up on the floor, looking up to see a pesky 17 year old had booted him off his bed. Greg stood up and threw the top bunk kid’s partially filthy liquid covered underwear onto the 17 year old thief, and then went out for breakfast.
“Oooh, better check that phone cell,” Greg pulled it his phone out of his pocket.
“Who’s this, a random number? TWO DIFFERENT UNKNOWN NUMBERS,” Greg read the first one.
“Hey Greg, it’s me, Alexei. Come down to see me in London, I’ve got something to show you. I have also sent directions”

“Well that’s all good,” Greg flicked to the other message.”

“I know who you are, you only know me from Deep Forest, I succeeded this time, I knew it would work. All you know is that I made Jimmy crash that TVR. If you don’t stop him racing, I’ll kill him. That is, if he’s still alive, hahahaaaa.”

“Oh, that’s just great. I don’t know you. But I will get you, no matter what,” Greg rushed out of the building and took a taxi into London.

Greg reached the destination; there was a Pizza Hut next to it.
“Why couldn’t he have been in there,” Greg sadly walked into the building and saw Alexei sitting at a table, Alexei pointed at Greg and smiled.
“Hey, why do I have to come here,” Greg asked.
“I have something for you, and it’s outside,” Alexei replied.
“A car, I bet you,” Greg still seemed unsatisfied. They walked outside.
“Not any car,” Alexei replied.
“What, a ridiculously coloured Yaris,” Greg laughed.
“Yeah, you should know it’s yours from your home,” Alexei laughed at Greg.
“So that’s what colour it is now,” Greg said.
“What,” Alexei seemed confused.
“Well, Jimmy painted it some mad colour changing colour, it started off silver, then black, then gold chrome, and so on, next time you see it the thing will probably be white, or green,” Greg explained.
“Um, okay,” Alexei said confused.
“There’s more to this too, I entered you into a race around the London street circuit,” Alexei added.
“Oh no, not a race, I hate having to go around and around and around. I wish I could just flick a coin, and it explodes and kills me,” Greg moaned.
“Stop trying to be funny, you’re not,” Alexei led Greg into the car.
“The race starts soon, be here or else,” Alexei demanded. He then turned and walked away.

Is the end of this chapter feeling wrong or is it just me?
The end feels OK. As for the rest of the chapter, it was good. 👍
“Slow down, Greg,” said a voice.
“FASTER YOU IMBECILE,” shouted another.
“POWEEEEEEER,” the second voice was Jeremy Clarkson.
‘Faster, okay,” Greg floored it.


I fell off my chair for this one. Well I didn't, I was just exaggerating.
:cheers: mate, I felt it was 100% necessary ;)


Chapter 18: A fowl tasted debut

“I’m here for the race,” Greg said, trying to sound as cheerful as possible.
“Good, the race is three laps, and your car is, there wait what?” Alexei pointed.
“Oh for crying out loud; of all colours; for my first race my car is in the colour…”

“So, my car’s turned pink, I can do this,” Greg said as he rolled to the line.
The spectators stared and laughed at the pink Yaris, and then Greg leaned out the window and pulled up his visor.
“WHAT… WHAT… WHAT… WHAT,” Greg barked repeatedly at the spectators, who backed away and hid behind a billboard, and then Greg pulled his head back into the window.

“That should do it,” Greg muttered, and then the race started.

Immediately Greg fell behind with a lack of power only to gain it into turn 1

“Seriously, pink????” Greg continued grizzling.

“Why couldn’t it have been black or red, even yellow!!!!”

“What a fowl tasted debut,” Greg muttered.

“PINK!!!!!!! WHY, WHHHHYYYYYYYY,” Greg screamed.

“Oh 🤬 we’re racing aren’t we,” Greg snapped out of his anger for pink and got driving, just as the photographers decided to look the wrong way.

“I would have thought the photographers would thrive off a pink Yaris, stupid pink”

Vitz!!!! VITZ!!!!! Yaris sounds cooler than Vitz, MUST PASS”

“A little more to pass the dud car”

“That’ll teach you for being a phony”

“Stop perving at my pink butt, it’s pink in shame of seeing a phony, it’s not blushing”

“Let’s go Mr Frenchman”


“Two more, two laps, recipe for victory”

“PHONY… AGAIN… And a Civic, an overrated, pathetic, hideous, abomination of a Civic”

“The phony is blocking the Pink monstrosity from catching the leading abomination to mankind”

“Please, come back. Before I give you pink paint”

“Gotcha Phony”

“COME ON!!!!!!”

“A little more”

“Sooner or later”

“Now you’re done”

“Laterz Fony”

“Ah, time to pass the black turd”

“Or not”

“If you slow down I’ll give you candy”

“It’s working; I’ll give you a lot of candy”

“Dammit, not too much candy”

“Come on, I’ll give you some candy but not too much candy”

“It’s working”

“But it’s too late,” Greg watched the Civic cross the line to claim victory.
“Well, at least I’ve made second, better than any result Jimmy’s had, hopefully he wakes up soon”
Greg stopped next to Alexei who stood there with his arms crossed.
“I thought you’d lose places, not gain them, here’s something the marshals told me to give you, you earned it,” Alexei passed Greg an envelope.
“Come on money,” Greg opened it up.
“MONEY!!!!” Greg shouted.
“Yeah, I’ll be taking that,” Alexei took the money.
“What, why,” Greg looked cross.
“This will pay off some of the fees for race training,” Alexei replied.
“Oh, can I have my money now,” Greg pleaded.
“No, just head back to the license center,” Alexei replied. He gave a smile and walked away.


:cheers:, thanks for reading.
Chapter 19: The Enforcer and the Moron

Greg sat in the lounge of his small Apartment, which was half an hour’s drive from the Test Track. Studying in the books available for all to use; the room was very modern with glass tables and windows stretching right to the floor and the roof.
“8.30? All ready, oh well, got to go to school. Hee hee, I always thought I’d still be saying that at this age. Though didn’t think my work desk would be a cockpit,” Greg said as he walked out through the slide over door.
“I wonder what the airport does since their Airport has been taken over by us little buggers,” Greg said as he turned on the Yaris’ engine.
“Purple today I see,” Greg drove off.

(30 minutes later)

Greg arrived at the track to see A few new cars on the track, there was a Camaro race car, a Nissan 370Z and a Fiat 500, and a lot of “students” waiting around them.
“Oh, hopefully this goes like the way it usually goes in these fan fics, and I get a new car,” Greg said as he parked off the track. He got out and walked over to the vehicles.
“What’s going on here chaps,” Greg said in an English accent. Everyone looked at him oddly.
“What is there something different,” Greg asked still with the accent.
“The accent got you quick,” said an older driver.
“I take it my accent was convincing then,” Greg answered. The other students seemed angry and pointed rude gestures at Greg.
“Pfft, why are these imbeciles so serious,” Greg muttered.
Then the instructor walked out.

“Alright, today you will learn how to take turns. You will be driving a new Fiat 500 through the first turns of the track,” everyone bickered about the lessons. Then the line up was read out. Greg was due to drive at 2 PM, so he went to wander around town in the time there was left.

A few hours later

“Sorry, I’m a little late; I forgot you were meant to be doing this now. I’m Nick, and I’m your instructor. You’ll take the first turn of the track in as mentioned the Fiat 500,” Nick pointed at the Fiat.

“That actually looks quite good,” Greg stated.
“Mmm, now watch the lights and you know the drill,” Nick climbed onto a Yamaha quad bike and rode to the end of the section. Greg got into the Fiat and got ready to drive the stage. The lights started to disappear.

“Let’s go!!!!!”

(Insert long fart noise here)
“Aaaaah, that’s better”
“🤬, better brake”

“Get that painted apex!”

“This is 500 times more fun than the old one!”

“Wait, I’ve never driven the old one”

“Across the line!”

Greg stopped at the start line again.
“NOW!!!! How was that,” Greg said as he rubbed his hands together in delight.
“Good, but could be better. Get your butt back on track,” Nick slapped Greg on the head and Greg got back in the car. Once again he set off, Greg let out an apocalyptic belch.

“Here we go again”

“Eeek,” Greg screeched like a girl once more.

“Wide, I’ll get a better exit”


“Is that good enough,” Greg said unenthused by his run.
“Yes, very good, you just showed the best example of the group. You used the needed technique without me telling you,” Nick clapped.
“What technique,” Greg asked.
“Don’t put on the power until you KNOW you won’t have to take it off again until the next turn. Anyway, your next challenge. You must repeat the challenge, but now in a Nissan 370Z, which is parked over at the line now,” Nick showed Greg to the car.
“Wow, never thought I’d drive one of these,” Greg licked the bonnet.
“Yeah, don’t lick the car,” Nick pushed Greg away and opened the door.
“Same as before, let’s go,” Nick said as he jumped on his quad bike. Greg got into the Z.

“Here we GOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!”

“Blimey this is quick!”

“Brake early”



“The cone gods won’t be happy”
“No we’re not”

Greg lined up at the line to try again.




As Greg approached the start line again he discovered something.
"Oh my god, TG's biggest rival is on the section"


“Golden,” Nick said without lifting his eyes from the stop watch.
"There's a problem over there," Greg said.
"What, please don't tell me old Stig is back again, where is he," Nick picked up a chair.
"No, worse, there's a caravan!" Greg pointed.
"Don't worry, it'll be gone soon," Nick pointed at the sky.
"There's a plane," Greg looked confused.
"That's not any plane," Nick pointed at the caravan.
"Wait for it"


"Thank you CarelessAir, thank you!!!"

“Anyway, can I drive the Camaro now,” Greg asked.
“No, that’s only for the experienced drivers,” Nick answered angrily.
“Come on, I can do it, I can almost guarantee it,” Greg demanded.
Nick smirked.
“Alright, you can try it. Race a full lap in the Camaro, don’t cut any turns or hit the grass,” Nick ran into the garage. The Camaro drove out onto the track.
“Good luck,” said Nick as he got out.
“You’ll need it,” Nick laughed.

"It’s not like I’m going to die,” said Greg.



“I got this”

“Uh oh”


“The cone gods are furious now”


“Turn back the right way… WITH POWER!!”

“That’s not right”

“When did I hit that cone? Maybe the cone gods are waging war!”

“Not again”

“I didn’t spin, now let’s not muck this up again”


“Damn cones!”

“The gods must be really angry now!”

“And I’m facing backwards again”

“POWEEEEEEER!!! I can still do this”


“I don’t think so Tim”



“I can hold it till the liiiiiiine”

“YES!!!!!!” Though what about the rest of the lap?”

“If I hide my face it won’t be so bad”

Nick approached the car laughing.
“Knew it, better luck next time, that was hilarious,” Nick dropped to the floor.
“Hahahaaa, you can go pick up the cones now,” Nick said as he stood up again and walked away. Greg sighed and walked down the track.

Sorry for taking so long to write this. And if your only reading this for sympathy, sorry for making you have to read this :P.

Thanks guys.
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I actually thought this story was dead because you hadn't posted any new chapters in AGES.
After a long hiatus of grammar nazi'ing, I now found the only drawback in your fan fiction.


Pardon me. But it's that I don't see much life in the chapters, putting the visual relieving photos aside.
Hmmm, and I must agree. I just had a look through some of it after I read what you said. I think I might try and add it into my writing if I can.
Chapter 20: You're my WHAT!!!!!!

8 months later

“Log entry: The Imbecile’s Guide to Motorsport"

At the training grounds, don’t bother taking your instructor’s cookie. You will otherwise learn that foot rot doesn’t taste too good. In all seriousness, ever since Jimmy fell into a coma, it’s been hard getting by. Ever since I got here I’ve been working my hardest to hide it, but people are noticing. Alexei has been checking in to see if I’m still emotionally stable. It’s been three quarters of a year now, and I’ve almost got my IA Racing license. But there’s a rumour that the GTA might be bankrupt! This could leave thousands around the world out of business! But I don’t think it’s true, since it’s such a big company, or someone in the company is getting beaten due to stuffing it up on such an epic scale. I also received a very embarrassing letter from home. My mum just had to send me something, it read:

Hey Greggity Poo, I heard you’re in the car racing things now. Love you with lots of kisses xxxxxx.
From mummy moo/this is your mother, not a fake. For proof, my name is Melissa Le Franz.

You may be confused about the last name, but it’s what the last name is. But my mum annoys me, and she divorced for a second time. I only ever met the second dad. When Dad #2 divorced I kept his last-name, because he was a cool dad. Unlike my first one, according to my mother, he was a lazy slob. And was too obsessed with racing and instructing at the GTA, I still want to meet him someday. He could teach Jimmy some things when he comes out of his coma. Well, that’s it for now.

Greg Grayhart, 27th September, 2011.

Greg stood up out of his seat and switched the lamp off to get some sleep. The next day would be the day he earns his IA license. He’d be able to race almost any race required he can get into a team or a car that fits regulations. He jumped into large bed.
“Tomorrow will be the last day I spend here,” Greg whispered as he tried to sleep.
There were typical footsteps from outside the doors, like a teacher at a school camping trip.
“Wait, that never happens, I’m the only one at this house… Ever,” Greg looked up and saw nothing and then dropped his head back down.
The door suddenly creaked and Greg slowly turned his head to the door. The door shut again and the light turned on.
“Alexei, what are you doing in here!! And how did you get through the door!?” Greg whispered.
“Shhhh, we have to leave. Pack up your suitcases,” Alexei started quietly putting things into the suitcase.
“Why do we need to leave now, I have my final exam tomorrow!” Greg looked furious.
Alexei looked at Greg and paused.
“I’ll tell you later, just pack up,” he said.
Greg sat there.
“Privacy please!? I need to get dressed,” Greg pointed at the door.
Alexei shrugged and left the room. Greg quickly got dressed. He looked at the camera as if he was talking to an audience.
“Not a nice site, I know,” said Greg as he opened the door letting Alexei back in.

2 minutes of bickering later

“Let’s go,” Alexei helped Greg with some of the luggage.
“How are we going to get anywhere? We don’t have a car with the space for the luggage?” Greg asked.
“Yes we do,” Alexei pointed at the street.

“It’s a Hippie Bus!!!! But what’s with the pathetic bull bars?” Greg looked at it.
“Just liked the look of it,” Alexei replied.
“I like your tastes,” Greg said as he threw some bags into the van.
“Okay, let’s go,” Alexei said as he jumped into the driver’s seat.
Greg sat in the second row of seats, or the back ones, since the next row was all luggage.
“Wait, what about my Yaris!!!!?” Greg raged.
“It’ll be fine, they won’t be onto you, just me,” Alexei replied.
“Wait what, who’s onto who!?” Greg looked a little worried.

“You know the rumours, GTA has gone bankrupt,” Alexei replied.
“So I don’t get to get my IA?” Greg looked disappointed.
“I’m afraid not, but I do understand that your birth date is of course the 2nd of October,” Alexei smiled.
“Annnnd…..” Greg then paused for a second and let out a lengthy belch.
“I think you should get a present,” Alexei laughed.
“Cool!!!” Greg jumped a little in his seat and started rocking back and forth.
“What are you doing,” Alexei said fearfully.
“Weeee heee hheee HEEEEEE,” Greg slowly squeaked louder and louder.
“MAKE IT STOP!!!!!!!” Alexei shouted.
“There’s no present!!!!!” Alexei added.

Greg instantly paused while leaning right forward, his smile flipped over.
“Oh no, here comes the waterworks,” Alexei laughed.
Greg stopped and then relaxed back in his seat.
“Hee hee heee,” he snickered.
“What have you done,” Alexei asked.
“Nothing,” Greg smiled.
“Really?” Alexei focused back on the road.
“Ha ha haaaa,” Greg laughed again.
“Oh god what’s that horrible smell,” Alexei shouted as he wound down the window.
Greg looked away and whistled.
“And I wonder who it was, hahaa,” Alexei looked back.
“Bye the way, Alexei. Why would someone be coming after you?” Greg asked.
“The GTA is going bankrupt, but they want every single worker there to help create a new company. But I refused, and then Zen Mizonuri, founder of the company said that if I don’t he will kill my son!” Alexei replied.
“You have a son?!!” Greg asked, shocked at the situation.
“Yes, I don’t know where he is now, since the divorce I’ve only seen my son once. Then I came here,” Alexei replied.
“Um, where did you live before? And what happened?” Greg asked.
“Well, we divorced in late 1991. I was working in the GTA, and my wife, well ex-wife now got sick of it. She was pregnant but still got rid of me. Her name was Melissa Le Franz,” Alexei’s face was blank.
Greg thought for a second.
“Um, I know who your son is,” Greg replied.
Alexei looked back.
“Really, where is he!!?” he said quickly
“In this seat, right now; Hello dad,” Greg’s face was amazed, shocked and happy all at once. Alexei looked back confused.
“You can’t be, you have a different last name! Good joke,” Alexei laughed sarcastically and accelerated a little more.

“I’m telling the truth. Mum got remarried. We took the last name, Grayhart. Mum divorced again. But I kept the second dad’s last name. I guess my last name can be Tailor now?” Greg asked.
Alexei just looked back, amazed that he is meeting his son.
“Keep your eyes on the road!!! Umm, dad,” said Greg.
Alexei turned back around and looked to the road.
“Stuff it, I’m getting you a proper present,” Alexei said.
Interesting plot twist...
Oh, so touching... *weeps*

Greg and Alexei, sitting under a tree, eating ice cream, spending some F-A-T-H-E-R A-N-D S-O-N T-I-M-E!
Chapter 21: Nightmare to Remember

Ring ring… Ring ring… Ring ring… Ring ring…

“What the hell could it be at this hour in the morning?”

The ringing stopped. Then static faded in and out three times. Then a television turned on. There was a news report showing a mob of people standing outside a hospital.
“Wait, I recognize that place!” Greg noted.
“And as the mob of Nurburgring fanatics protest against the decision; the plug is going to be pulled on driver Jimmy Veraan; who is driver who has been in a coma for 10 months after a large crash at the Nurburgring,” said the news reporter.
“WHAT!!!! NO!!!!” Greg shouted at the screen.
The screen showed the plug being pulled and as each device turned off Greg felt himself dying inside a little more. Then after that, Jimmy stopped breathing.
“This can’t be happening!!!”




“GREG!!!! GREG!!!! WAKE UP!!!!!!” Alexei shouted.
“What, when aarrghh,” Greg shouted.
“What was that!!?” Alexei asked angrily.
“Just a nightmare… We have to go to Germany. NOW!!!!” Greg shouted.
“Why!? We’re going somewhere else!” Alexei argued.
“NO ALEDAD!!!! We have to go into Germany, Nurburg to be precise!” Greg replied.
“Okay, okay, Greson,” Alexei replied. They took off in the VW towards Germany.
“We really need to get used to calling each other dad and son,” Greg added.
“Mmmmm,” Alexei added.
“By the way, where are we right now?” Greg asked.
“Still England, but not for long,” Alexei said as he pointed out the window towards the now visible sea.

"Why are we heading to the Nurburgring?" Alexei asked.
"We have to go to the hospital there, you know who Jimmy Veraan is, don't you, dad?" Greg asked.
"Oh, the driver who crashed at the Ring, yep," Alexei replied.
"Get ready to meet my best friend," Greg added.
"Faster, faster!!!!" Greg demanded.
Let's hope it just remains a nightmare...
Chapter 22: A Touch of Evil

"More POWEEER!!!!!" greg yelled out.
"There is no more power, this thing is so gutless," Alexei argued.
"When you made it look bigger and better with the bull car and wheels, you didn't bother with tuning! Typical," Greg argued back.
"I didn't expect for this to happen," Alexei replied.
"Well, you could have at least gotten a Queensrÿche CD for us to listen to," Greg muttered.
"Queensrÿche? Who's that?" Alexei asked.
Greg sat there confused out of his mind.
"Did you even live at any point in the 80's?" Greg asked.
"Yes, and I found this," Alexei announced. He pressed the play button on the flash stereo.



"Woe to You Oh Earth and Sea
for the Devil sends the beast with wrath
because he knows the time is short
Let him who have understanding
reckon the number of the beast
for it is a human number
its number is six hundred and sixty six."

"MAIDEN!!!!! You really are my dad!" Greg shouted in happiness.
Alexei smiled as he kept an eye on the road.
"What else is on here?" Greg started looking through the player.
"There's a lot, but you can check that later, we're at the hospital," Alexei stated.
"🤬, I forgot we were going here," Greg said as he got out of the VW.
There was a huge mob of protesters split into two groups. One was shouting shut down and save and the other was Learn to Live and Learn to Help. Greg pushed through them all.

"Hello, we'd like to see Jimmy Veraan please," Alexei said politely. Despite the typical murderous look on his face they were let in. They were lead up a countless number of stairs until they reached the correct floor.
"I guess you know where you're going?" Asked the nurse.
"Yeah we do, thanks," replied a frightened Greg.
"Amazing how his mood can change so quickly," Alexei muttered as they headed down the wide hallway. The windows showed the sick and broken, and even the dead. They continued walking until they reached halfway down the hall. Greg turned right and looked through the window, but there was a curtain blocking it, Greg slowly opened the door. A man stood next the bed, he had a black hood over his head and was holding an injection needle. He swung around and looked at Greg, and then ran down to the back of the room. Greg ran for him.

"Don't you even 🤬 try and do that you little 🤬. I'll kill you myself!" Greg shouted.
Alexei ran into the room and they both headed for the man who ended up cornered. He stood there and looked around, Greg and Alexei ran at him, but when they got to him he disappeared. They both turned around. The man stood at the door, and he pulled off his hood, smiled and laughed.
"Face it, he's gone." he said, then he ran out of the room.
"I think he poisoned Jimmy!" Greg said, he then ran out of the room to find Doctors.
Greg soon came back in dragging Jimmy's Doctor with him.
"Run all test possible, someone was injecting him with something, and they weren't from here. They fleed before we could catch them." Greg demanded.
"Do you have the funds?" the Doctor asked.
"Yes, now run the tests!" Greg demanded.
The Doctor then set onto work.

Greg and Alexei waited for the next 2 days. Occasionally Alexei would go and get some food and bring it back so they could eat. Greg never left the building.
"Okay, Mr Grayhart? Your friend has been poisoned with our own poison, we have created it as a cure for some diseases. That's all we can tell you," the Doctor said as blankly as possible.
"So is it deadly?" Alexei asked.
"To one without the disease, yes, but luckily we have a cure for it. We have already injected Mr Veraan with the cure." The Doctor added.
"Thank you, do you think he's going to wake up at some point," Greg asked.
"Well our readings are showing that he's holding strong, Jimmy is a good fighter in this," the Doctor said with a slight smile, he then walked away.
"Well, Greg, I now need to take you to Austria, for something you might like," Alexei slwoly stood up.
"Come on," he added, then they walked down the flights of stairs and left.

(One long while of driving where nothing interesting happens later)

"Here we are, Hangar 18," said Alexei.
"WHAT!!!!!" Greg shouted.
"Oops, I mean the Red Bull Hangar," Alexei replied.

"Pheew," Greg sighed.
"Anyway, time to show you why we're here," Alexei said as they walked towards the Hangar, they walked in to be greeted by a few men, who were almost salesman like.
"Oh now, salesman, let me handle this," Greg said.
"NO!! They're not Evil Salesman, or Salesmen," Alexei pulled Greg back.
"Welcome Alexei, here are the cars we have on offer, sorry fo the shortage, we would of gotten a third but Horacio wouldn't give us anything. However Stephan and Amedeo did. Here are the cars.

"Greg, which one do you want?" Alexei asked.
"Really? I can have either," Greg asked.
"Yep, Happy Birthday for tommorow," Alexei said cheerfully.
"Thanks Dad!!" Greg screamed.
"Yeah, now he calls me Dad," Alexei laughed.
"I choose... The... Yep... Do you have it in silver?" Greg asked.
"Hmmm, yes," said the man who waited for Greg to make a decision
"Okay, now we can go to Italy and earn some money," Alexei rubbed his hands together and they left the Hangar.

Yeah I'm back!!! And just as annoying as ever!!!
*trembles* It's...ALIIIIIIIIIIIIVE!!! *cackles crazily*
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