Cheers guys, and SVX, you made me notice a typo,

It's meant to say beard, not bear.
Well, since Chapter 13 the Chapter names have all been song names. But here I couldn't think of one to fit

Though my own album name I made might do

Chapter 17: Illusions from the Past
A small kid popped out of the NSX, his hair was scruffy and his clothes were clean but very un-matching. The NSX drove away, almost all of the other kids, turned their heads at Jimmy while the NSX brought the children out of their parents. All that was heard was the NSX leaving and the sound of childish fathers asking their wives if they can buy a new car.
Who is that kid?
The kids approached the young boy.
What car is that, they all asked.
Hey, kid, where can I find your daddy, one of the childish fathers had made their way in the want of a new NSX. The mob soon left and the child alone and he set off to class.
I still dont know who that kid is
Hello class, we have a new student here today, said the teacher. The unenthusiastic room of 7 and 8 year olds moaned and groaned.
Jimmy, would you like to stand up, the teacher added.
Jimmy stood up in the back corner and the class turned back and stared. Bits of paper and erasers flew across the room at him.
Dont be mean class, the teacher shouted. The class settled down.
Hes rich, the teacher whispered it loud enough for everyone at the front to hear.
Hes rich everyone, shouted a girl in front of the teacher. More bits of paper, pencils, bits and bobs were tossed in Jimmys direction.
Thats enough class, the teacher started teaching the lesson.
Hey, your dad has a cool car, said a kid beside Jimmy.
Yeah, he says I can drive it when Im older, said Jimmy.
That shouldnt take too long, Im already 8 years old, Jimmy added.
Yeah, youll be the bomb in that car, said the kid.
Okay, students, time to see what you guys are scared of. Starting in the corner, the teacher pointed at Jimmy.
Lexus, Jimmy called out and chuckled to himself, as did the other kid beside him.
Moving along, the teacher demanded. The kid beside Jimmy cleared his throat,
Im scared to go very fast, he said.
~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
Whats going on now, I just had the strangest dream, Jimmy shouted.
It wasnt a dream, Jimmy. Im just recreating your memories, said James who had popped up out of nowhere.
So what, this is just reality reoccurring, Jimmy asked
Yeah, itll be like a reoccurring nightmare haunting your dreams, literally, James he smiled and disappeared.
So thats strange, Jimmy sat down in the white space.
Suddenly the light Faded to black, quickly turning into a desert.
Why am I here, Jimmy asked. There was no reply.
Where am I, Jimmy said softly.
Damn, theres no going back, Jimmys voice sounded croaky and painful.
Theres no going back, he shouted again as he threw his fists into the sand.
Youre the one lost in a desert, only you know, said a voice. It sounded old and friendly, and he had an American accent.
Jimmy screwed his face slightly and looked,
This story is getting to sexist; I dont think theres been a single woman in this thing that hasnt been at a counter. Then again, they do belong at a counter, the kitchen bench fits better though, Jimmy said, he turned his face back to his normal expression, then looked around.
There was an old man sitting in a rocking chair next to a cactus.
Eat up, the old man pointed at the cactus.
I dont think cactus are edible, sir, Jimmy looked at him awkwardly.
Aww go on, thats how us folk get back to consciousness, the old man added.
He bit into the cactus.
Aw 🤬, still hurts though, he laughed.
You look like a good kid, please, go back to your friends and family, he smiled as he disappeared
Make the right choice, said a female voice.
Wow, a female voice, not behind a bench. Thats new, he touched the cactus,
For 🤬... Ah what the hell, Jimmy bit into the cactus.
Oww, for crying out loud, Jimmy spat out bits of cactus, and then everything started shaking violently.
Get me out of here, Jimmy shouted. Then suddenly Jimmy sight started going into whiteness again.
See you around kiddo, said James. Then all Jimmy saw was a room, it was filled with candles, and he was in a coffin. He tried speaking.
he couldnt say anymore, there were doctors standing around. A nurse sat down on the side of a coffin. Suddenly the room flickered into the hospital room, then back to the funeral room.
Hello, Mr Veraan, can you say anything, said the nurse. Jimmy could only stare, his eyes glazed as if he didnt see anything.
Give him another shot hun, the nurse turned to a doctor. The doctor approached Jimmy and put some chemicals into Jimmys blood stream.
What is he doing, Jimmy thought.
I think its working, said another doctor, they all stared anxiously. The room turned into the hospital room and it stuck. Jimmys felt his head start swaying from side to side, the room turned to the funeral room again, and then it flickered back and forth a few times; Jimmy blacked out again. The whiteness showed up again.
Jimmy still felt drugged up and then fainted.
Back to reality
Greg felt someone shake him awake.
Aarggh, whats going on, Greg saw Alexei standing there.
Weve arrived. Were just arriving on the test track, Alexei pointed out the window.
There was an Aston drifting around the track.
Oh my god, Top Gear, this could be one of the best days of my young life, Greg watched the Aston Martin as the bus turned onto the test track
This is so awesome
Never thought Id come here
Its coming to us
The DB9 drove towards the bus, and everyone was instructed to get out of the bus, Greg stepped out of the bus. The experienced drivers were lead towards the buildings, as the Aston Martin stopped about 10 meters away from the bus, and a man stepped out.
Hey guys, Im not from Top Gear, but I know how to drive well. I am your instructor and Ill be teaching you how to race. Youll start off with the basics of racing, like grid starts and stopping, simple turns and basic racing line techniques, he directed everyone to the buildings, Greg had a creepy little nerd following behind him.
Heeaaahahaha. All those practice hours on Forza Motorsport will let me set forward. I shall become the racing legend of the new millennium, the nerd said as he pushed up his glasses.
Oh god, I think Don has some family, Greg pointed and started laughing at the nerd. The nerd ignored Gregs existence even though Greg continued to laugh until they got into the building.
The next day (because the rest of the day was rather boring)
Okay, Greg Grayhart is it. Youre turn, the instructor pointed at Greg, who continues to point and laugh at the nerd. Greg backed out of the room, still laughing.
OW, said someone from outside.
What was that, a little girl, said a teenager in the bunker.
That really hurt, Greg said rubbing his arm.
Doesnt give you a reason to squeal like a 6 year old girl, replied the instructor.
They walked onto the track.
Oh please no, Ive had enough different colour Yaris in my lifetime, Greg complained.
The Yaris sat there, as if it were mocking him. Greg hid his face.
Okay, your task is to accelerate, when the light goes out, you want to keep it just under the red line. Changing gear is the same thing, under the red line. Then brake in between the last line and its previous copy, said the instructor.
Greg nodded then pulled a crazy face to show he didnt actually care, and then got into the car.
The lights started going out.
Greg floored it and almost fell asleep.
Tick tock tick tock, aaaaand BRAKE
That was pretty satisfying
The instructor magically appeared at the Yaris.
Good, very very good, never before have I seen a beginner have enough brains to think to do that, he said.
Now you must do it again, he laughed.
WHY, Greg shouted.
Because you need to go further in a faster car, the instructor replied.
Faster, umm; goodie, Greg answered unenthusiastically.
Greg noticed an Aston Martin at the line.
Is that what Im driving, Greg asked.
Yep, we have to DB9s here, the other one is specifically mine, the instructor led Greg into the Aston.
Ready. GO!!!!!
While driving Greg closed into 200 KM/H
Slow down, Greg, said a voice.
FASTER YOU IMBECILE, shouted another.
POWEEEEEEER, the second voice was Jeremy Clarkson.
Faster, okay, Greg floored it.
Not good
The Aston crashed through the cones, and the instructor magically appeared again and opened the door.
I am meant to hit the cones right, Greg asked.
No, the instructor laughed.
Greg continued doing the tests placing well and at the end of the day won his National B licence.
The next day
Greg woke up on the floor, looking up to see a pesky 17 year old had booted him off his bed. Greg stood up and threw the top bunk kids partially filthy liquid covered underwear onto the 17 year old thief, and then went out for breakfast.
Oooh, better check that phone cell, Greg pulled it his phone out of his pocket.
Whos this, a random number? TWO DIFFERENT UNKNOWN NUMBERS, Greg read the first one.
Hey Greg, its me, Alexei. Come down to see me in London, Ive got something to show you. I have also sent directions
Well thats all good, Greg flicked to the other message.
I know who you are, you only know me from Deep Forest, I succeeded this time, I knew it would work. All you know is that I made Jimmy crash that TVR. If you dont stop him racing, Ill kill him. That is, if hes still alive, hahahaaaa.
Oh, thats just great. I dont know you. But I will get you, no matter what, Greg rushed out of the building and took a taxi into London.
Greg reached the destination; there was a Pizza Hut next to it.
Why couldnt he have been in there, Greg sadly walked into the building and saw Alexei sitting at a table, Alexei pointed at Greg and smiled.
Hey, why do I have to come here, Greg asked.
I have something for you, and its outside, Alexei replied.
A car, I bet you, Greg still seemed unsatisfied. They walked outside.
Not any car, Alexei replied.
What, a ridiculously coloured Yaris, Greg laughed.
Yeah, you should know its yours from your home, Alexei laughed at Greg.
So thats what colour it is now, Greg said.
What, Alexei seemed confused.
Well, Jimmy painted it some mad colour changing colour, it started off silver, then black, then gold chrome, and so on, next time you see it the thing will probably be white, or green, Greg explained.
Um, okay, Alexei said confused.
Theres more to this too, I entered you into a race around the London street circuit, Alexei added.
Oh no, not a race, I hate having to go around and around and around. I wish I could just flick a coin, and it explodes and kills me, Greg moaned.
Stop trying to be funny, youre not, Alexei led Greg into the car.
The race starts soon, be here or else, Alexei demanded. He then turned and walked away.
Is the end of this chapter feeling wrong or is it just me?