Too busy racing the PD BMW on real tracks and going places.The silence comes from Kaz being on an eternal vacation
Thats Sony posting, not PD.They were posting a ton on social media until the outage. Sometimes they posted a few times a day. Now it has been silent for a week.
Hopefully the next post is addressing their fans.
Either way, the official GT page is silent.Thats Sony posting, not PD.
Not a chance. Clearest answer you get is when the companies put out their quarterly reports & the press picks up on it. That's how people find out how much money COD or GTA rakes in from their microtransactions.I think our answer lies in how much money they're making from micro transactions. Is there a way to find that out?
If they are going to charge real world pricing and the prices are current they should have AT LEAST PUT IN CURRENT CARS, NOT CARS FROM 2017. What a JOKE!Bud PD and Kaz have two decades of incompetance out of touch bad decisions lacking features BS excuses and delivering underwhelming results that tell us its all them. Plus they already tried this **** with GT HD.
Also there is the simple fact no other sony games have any of this BS, even ones that just released.
MTX pricing would not even matter had the fool Kaz not made the price of cars reflect real world markets. Thats all him bud, typical unnecessary bs that everyone hates in a long list of Kaz wants.
That's actually a third-party PR firm posting, not Sony or PD. Probably Engage, as usual.Thats Sony posting, not PD.
Mine still shows updated March 18.The Known Issues notice, updated March 24 (Tokyo time), contains a small fraction of the actual Known Issues. So for me, confidence is pretty low that PD will address anything meaningful. 👎
The PS5 GT7 Home Screen shows an updated KI notice, dated March 24th. So it was updated by PD in the past 4 hours or so. The key point is, regardless of whether it’s the 3/18 or the 3/24 notice, the known issues listed are not representative of the actual known issues.Mine still shows updated March 18.
Irony being that weirdo nut job actually trhinks hes on out side, that his dumb ideas is what we want.I prefer the one where Kaz intentionally boycotts GT7 with terrible updates (knowing full well the outcome) to shove it back to Sony then gets his next paycheck buffed up to his standards (finally!) and slowly but surely fixes the game and the outrage. Kaz' been on our side the whole time fellas! Win - Win!
One can only guess at this point, but personally I think thatA lot of silence on the part of the PD these last few days. Is this an indication of an update bringing new events with better prizes or is it more of an empty update fixing minor bugs? What you think will gonna happen in the next months?
This would reflect in the real world though. A highly modified and tuned car will always go for less money than a factory pristine one.The pricing in this game has some flaws, you can get that fully tuned RX7 for less than the stock one . And the RX8 and R35 are CHEAP cars depsite , arguably, being monsters for what they are .
New cars?! The entitlement...If they are going to charge real world pricing and the prices are current they should have AT LEAST PUT IN CURRENT CARS, NOT CARS FROM 2017. What a JOKE!
This would reflect in the real world though. A highly modified and tuned car will always go for less money than a factory pristine one.