The silence of PD in the last days

  • Thread starter xpcmania
The Cyberpunk franchise is dead? What are you smoking? Also there will be multiple expansions for CP2077, already confirmed by the dev team.
Yeah, confirmed for 2021, then suspiciously never materialized. There is nothing concrete about CD2077 at this point. I'll believe it when I see it. They just announced they are working on a Witcher sequel, that does not bode well for CP2077's continued support. They are unlikely to be able to handle two big projects in parallel, heck they couldn't handle one as it was proven by CP2077's unfinished state at release.

I bet nobody expected Star Wars to be dead after the last jedi either. Now look at it. It's always the next product in the franchise that gets the axe, not the one that outraged fans.

GT8 can be the best GT game ever, blowing past every expectation, if they don't repair their relationship with fans now, it won't sell even as many copies as GT7.
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(Huge offtopic rant)

While i partly agree that a lot of the missteps with GT7 is PDI's doing and not Sony. I think people seemed to have forgotten that Sony have released games that are arguably less than stellar.

Everything from Days Gone, The Last Of Us 2, The Order 1886, David Cage games and also Driveclub during it's 2014 launch day. Heck, i would argue that even Death Stranding was a mixed bag for a lot of players (by Hideo Kojima MGS games standards, that is). Not saying they are bad games but still.

GT7 is really just a sad reflection of the current state of AAA Studios. Greedy Publishers, lack luster gameplay and lots of buggy mess.

Look at current day Rockstar Games and how they butchered the Trilogy remaster, milked GTA Online for nearly 9 straight years and how they been suing their own fanbase for simply making fan made mods. Look at CDPR and the disaster that was Cyberpunk. Look at EA with their latest Battlefield game and how low NFS have fallen. Look at sports games like FIFA & Pro Evolution Soccer. Look at 2K games and how laughable WWE 2K20 was. Look at Activision-Blizzard, Bethesda, Ubisoft, SEGA or even Nintendo. I'm not saying that they aren't any good games by AAA Studios because that's clearly not the case. It's just that a lot of Companies or game series have sunken too low imo.
Yeah, I get it. The gaming industry as a whole sucks to you right now. But I feel like you're unfairly grouping things with one another when they have nothing to do with each other. The games you listed, save Driveclub, in the second paragraph? I don't recall any of those launching broken or having greedy MTXs. Nah, they got lambasted for their own reasons, mostly creative decisions that piss only a section of people off. And that's an entirely different subjective matter altogether since people have different creative tastes, not to mention impossible to please all of them. So it's, again, unfair to group them with other unrelated gaming industry problems. =/

At least that's how your post reads to me, and man, these takes on this forum and elsewhere are getting weirder and weirder by the day. =/
It only takes one person to write up a post outlining their future plans and upcoming content. A few more people to translate into various languages. It wouldn't affect development in any significant way. Even less if they have someone whose job is specifically community interaction.

Didn't that happen already?
I don't remember if they actually hired one eventually or not.

