The terrorists want to kill me.

  • Thread starter 1X83Z
Why is it so surprising for you guys anyway? Why should i like them any more or less than i like you? They never screwed around with us on lumber prices or fishing or drug laws. And what has the US ever done for Canada?

gee, so people who terrorize other people, show absolutely know respect for human life, mass murder thousands, blow up police stations, are better than us? you really do have serious problems kid..........i pray for you.
You can't really hate the US just because they raised the lumber prices for Canada and put heavy duties on taxes and levies on them too.

The issue at hand is if you actually want terrorists, not just attack the US.

I mean, for one second, think about it. Pretend one of our own provinces raised the taxes on anything imported. Would you want them attacked by terrorists? (I hope not, or else, I really do pray for the security of Canada)

No one is saying you should dislike them, but it just makes sense for one to want peace! And what are the terrorists (Not their fellow countrymen, but TERRORISTS) doing FOR peace? Nothing. They simply want to destory because they're fighting their so called 'holy war'.
First of all why was american forces in iraq? I never did find out why they were there...
what the americans are doing to iraq is unjust. All this **** going on these days is completely on the shoulders of bush and those retard terrorists.
Chevy all the things you sad are done by not only terrorists but americans, gangs terrorize civilians, people blowing up police stations, and what the us forces were doing, didn't that count as terrorisim.
If the best thing you can say is you are better than a terrorist you should be praying for yourself.

You quote M. L. King Jr. , himself a pacifist, brilliant. Maybe a couple more then:

"The greatest purveyor of violence on earth is my own government"
~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

"Those of us who love peace must organize as effectively as the war hawks. As they spread the propaganda of war, we must spread the propaganda of peace.
~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr."

"Our only hope today lies in our ability to recapture the revolutionary spirit and go into a sometimes hostile world declaring eternal hostility to poverty, racism, and militarism."
~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.
First of all why was american forces in iraq? I never did find out why they were there...
Did your mommy lock you in a closet? Ever tried picking up a newspaper, tuning into a news channel, or looking on the internet?

what the americans are doing to iraq is unjust.
Taking out a brutal dictator isn't just? Bringing democracy to the Iraqi people isn't just?

Chevy all the things you sad are done by not only terrorists but americans, gangs terrorize civilians, people blowing up police stations, and what the us forces were doing, didn't that count as terrorisim.
Unfortunately, US forces don't go around blowing up police stations. Canada has forces in Afghanistan, helping to bring democracy to the Afghan people. Are they terrorist too? Is Canada supporting terrorism?

I'm going to help you out undertaker. A excellent source is Global
If Iraq was the worlds superpower and it invaded the US trying to eradicate George Bush and all his followers I would dislike them for that. If I had talked to 100s of arrogant muslim guys afterward saying they were in favor of the Invasion and that they hated the silly american cowards still trying to fight back I would dislike them even more.

Don't judge all of us by the way Viper Zero acts!

And by the way, wellyrn, if you think that an "arrogant (American) guy" is 87chevy, you're way off-base. All he's doing is saying he hates terrorists after you previously were vague about whether you supported terrorism and anti-Americanism and after you called milefile names without knowing any of the facts about milefile's years of brave service.

The truth of the matter, wellyrn, is that you've got your mind made up about Americans and you probably did long before the war - you were just looking for a way to blame us for something.
Come live in the UK.

We won't get bombed (I hope), but our Government, in an attempt to make veryone feel safer by giving us all a pamphlet entitled "Preparing for Emergencies" (about what to do if you're caught in a terrorist attack), is creating the biggest massed streak of paranoia ever.

I haven't got my terror leaflet yet!

*runs around in state of panic*

Although it could be underneath the billions of capital one credit card letters I get sent each month.
What did I do ? I drowned my rice krispys ? Welryns on the rag again ? He thinks the terrorist are freedom fighters and the US is a gang of thugs ? So whats new ? I came to the rumble strip to relax and the war broke out. They just captured one of the head Al Queda dudes ...hmmmmmmm must be a coincidence that all this very detailed info is comming out now...They captured him in Pakistan..the dudes still got the electrodes on his nads if he still has any...Welryn go save him !
This immediately pissed me off. You half retarded flag waving waste of oxygen.

You want people to be killed but are too chicken **** to do something about it. Period. You suck AND have no balls. I pray for karma.

You're right. I'm sorry. Terrorism is good. Blowing up night clubs, street markets, police stations, airliners and office buildings is good. Oh and hacking off heads on TV is good to. I mean, somebody has got to do something about the lumber prices! I'll try to breathe as little as possible from now on. I couldn't live with myself if some terrorist suffocated on account of me and my big, greedy, American lungs.
If the best thing you can say is you are better than a terrorist you should be praying for yourself.

You quote M. L. King Jr. , himself a pacifist, brilliant. Maybe a couple more then:

"The greatest purveyor of violence on earth is my own government"
~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

"Those of us who love peace must organize as effectively as the war hawks. As they spread the propaganda of war, we must spread the propaganda of peace.
~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr."

"Our only hope today lies in our ability to recapture the revolutionary spirit and go into a sometimes hostile world declaring eternal hostility to poverty, racism, and militarism."
~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

once again wellyrn you accomplish nothing with this post. yeah, i quoted a pacifist, i also said in reference to the quote 'but speaking aint gonna save you or anyone else from getting their heads chopped off.", meaning words aint gonna save you or anybody else from getting your head chopped off when captured by terrorists, well, maybe they would save you because you'd be kissing their feet and praising them for killing the real terrorists, Americans!!!

also, not only did i imply me and most of my fellow Americans are better than those terrorist scumbags, i listed specific reasons: we don't mass murder thousands of innocent people, we don't chop off the heads of prisoners for fun, we don't blow up police stations, and we don't blow up places of religous gathering of our own people then blame it on the french. so once again your selective reading fails you. why don't you join Al Queda as i've suggested before. You have nothing against them, and plenty against us, so why not go talk to your local recruiter? And as for you hoping terrorists come get me, i was shocked even to hear it coming from you, but you know what? bring it on! of course terrorists are to cowardly to try to take me on man to man, they'll probably blow me up with a letter bomb or something. but if they do want to come around, i got Springfield 1911 at my bedside, a Winchester behind the head board and an AK47 on the other side of the room, so bring it on Mother ****ERS!!!!!!!!!!!
You're right. I'm sorry. Terrorism is good. Blowing up night clubs, street markets, police stations, airliners and office buildings is good. Oh and hacking off heads on TV is good to. I mean, somebody has got to do something about the lumber prices! I'll try to breathe as little as possible from now on. I couldn't live with myself if some terrorist suffocated on account of me and my big, greedy, American lungs.

:lol: Good to see you around, mile.

If the best thing you can say is you are better than a terrorist you should be praying for yourself.

You quote M. L. King Jr. , himself a pacifist, brilliant. Maybe a couple more then:

"The greatest purveyor of violence on earth is my own government"
~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

"Those of us who love peace must organize as effectively as the war hawks. As they spread the propaganda of war, we must spread the propaganda of peace.
~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr."

"Our only hope today lies in our ability to recapture the revolutionary spirit and go into a sometimes hostile world declaring eternal hostility to poverty, racism, and militarism."
~ Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.

You know, I had one of my usual witty, anti-anti-American replies lined up for you, but then I forgot it. Allow me to call you a motherblitchin' dickflipper as a substitute.

Oh, and how can you spread the propaganda of peace by declaring eternal hostility on something? Just something to think about - If the leader of your cause is a hypocrite, you're doomed before you start.
Is helping people get prepared for a terrorist attack really a bad thing?

Doug covered it nicely. Getting people prepared for a terrorist attack is a fine sentiment - unless there isn't going to be one. Plus, by distributing a pamphlet to everyone saying what the Government is doing about the possibility of terrorist attacks, you're also telling the terrorists what the Government is doing about the possibility of terrorist attacks.

Now I can't say that there won't be one for sure, but when Osama refers to the USA as "the great Satan", you can guarantee his attentions won't be on our little island.

Besides which we've been living with the IRA and it's splinter factions for the last century. It's been rather quiet lately though.

I suspect, what with the Government losing seats quicker than Fat Club and a General Election coming in the next two years, it's a "Look how the Labour Party protects you. Vote for us!" ploy. And in the process they're creating a nationwide fear that our lives may end at any minute by explosion.
Which one of you "moderators" moved this to the opinions forum? How about I come over to your house and move your face to your ass? There aren't any opinions here, except that the moderator who did this sucks. Yeah, I see you ///M-Spec. Don't think I don't see you!!!

I'd better get my obligatory fifty replies.
Which one of you "moderators" moved this to the opinions forum? How about I come over to your house and move your face to your ass? There aren't any opinions here, except that the moderator who did this sucks. Yeah, I see you ///M-Spec. Don't think I don't see you!!!

I'd better get my obligatory fifty replies.

I moved it. There is no question this thread belongs here. Based on the content and contributing members in this thread, it is in the same vein as numerous other threads in Opinions. By all indication, it is going to get A LOT more like Opinions very soon. You knew this was going to be flammable. Don't get all huffy with me.

Anyway, I'm scared, and I thought I should inform you.

The federal building and mall in LA that were supposedly targeted for terrorist activity are on either side of my apartment. Those threats turned out to be a prank, but for a little while there I was near an apparent target.

NYC is a pretty dangerous place to be, especially after 9/11. I sincerely hope that no more harm comes to you guys. Hopefully we can kill enough of these terrorists that they can't mount a serious attack.

The more of these bastards we shoot the better. I suppose wellyrn thinks that about Americans.

It's too bad these idiots like wellyrn can't understand the moral difference between the US and these murderers. Good luck M5, and good luck to everyone in the US and Europe (and anywhere else) who might be a target.

wellyrn, I'm sure that Al Qaeda would love to have you fighting for them, you should go join up.
This immediately pissed me off. You half retarded flag waving waste of oxygen.

You want people to be killed but are too chicken **** to do something about it. Period. You suck AND have no balls. I pray for karma.

Not accpetable.

If I wasn't a mod I would say more.

So consider this a warning about what is acceptable conduct.
Please feel free to reffer to my signature's link to the AUP.

The comment that brought about the above response... 👍

Now I also want to mention on a side note that I am not as patient about the opinions forum as other moderators.

If I see blatent disregard for the AUP and TOS I will take the appropriate actions to make sure that any individual member is dealt with properly. :irked:

With that said,
Have fun.
Keep those opinions flying back and forth, but remember to keep them in check!
Did some noob just call Eric a half-retarded flag-waving waste of oxygen? Can't he get banned or something?
He's not a noob (not that there's anything wrong with that), but that's not the issue anyway. It's that he's a half-retarded flag-waving waste of oxygen himself, but he refuses to see it.

And by the way, wellryn, you're not doing your side any favors by making comments like this. I know you pride yourself on intelligence but you have yet to demonstrate it very well. Practice makes perfect, they say. Keep practicing. Here's a hint: leave the personal attacks out of it. Note that I'm merely using your own words, above; and in response to something you said.
Hey famine , didn't I just read that the so called cease fire from Al Queda towards Europe has been declared " over" by the head mad bomber ? seems to me that little island you live on is right next to france ( or is it left ? ) so unfortunately that makes it part of Europe. so now the mad bombers need to make good on there threat. they have been threatning to blow us hither and yon since they knocked down the towers but this new warning comes on the heels of the capture of one of thier no. 1 guys in the mad bomber business. that and the specific information thats being leaked out , leads me to believe that there may be a reason to take it seriouse . Well that and the color thingy that was changed again I think its like "warning dark red we really mean it this time " up from " you never know orange " and they are naming actual buildings to be bombed and stuff,,,so you never know...someplace up there in all the text I saw someone with a great idea...something like kill all of them or alot of them before they blow stepping on a lit firecracker..wouldn't it be great if they all were on fire and running around so they could be properly died out ?
"And by the way, wellryn, you're not doing your side any favors by making comments like this. I know you pride yourself on intelligence but you have yet to demonstrate it very well. Practice makes perfect, they say. Keep practicing. Here's a hint: leave the personal attacks out of it. Note that I'm merely using your own words, above; and in response to something you said."

Wrong, wrong, i don't give a crap how smart anyone is and pride is a sin. I believe in virtue. Go ahead and use any of my words if you want.

When certain people have opinions so disgusting and predjudice I have found they are usually so morally distorted that nothing i say will do anything. I would like them all to know that they are part of the problem not the solution. If i offend such people Im not going to loose much sleep. Anyway it's only coming from a mornic dickflipping pacifist (and thats the worst kind of pacifist i guess).

"It's too bad these idiots like wellyrn can't understand the moral difference between the US and these murderers. Good luck M5, and good luck to everyone in the US and Europe (and anywhere else) who might be a target."

No, i don't believe you are any better than them as a culture. I am tired of trying to give you the benefit of doubt and why? race and location? There is nothing that makes you better than them.

If i lived and preached contradiction i would be half-retarded. If i worshipped a piece of cloth used to promote war and consumption i would be a flag waver. If i gave up moral optimism for convenient, self serving realism i would be a waste of oxygen. Im not perfect but im doing the best I can and thats what feels right to me.

Call me a utopian, pacifist, terrorist, anti-american, nutcase or whatever else you want. Anything but the same as you is a compliment.
Everyone come to Swansea. there sorted. We have an Airport, a motorway and a port so no complaining about transport.
Yeah we were bombed in WW2 but only because it was where teh Americans were entering the UK.
I was wondering about why my guinea pigs are scared $***less at the moment. My Auntie must have got the terror leaflet while they were there.
I went to Richard Zagara's funeral today. He died while protecting a convoy in Iraq he was 21 and served in Kosovo before his two tours in Iraq. He and people like him make it hard to put Welryns type in perspective.
I like living canada thats for sure. America is in a messed up state right now. I went down to the us just a few weeks ago and lots of people show uneasyness. The only people that seemed happy and didn't care about terrorists were a hobo and a lady who worked at burger king. And viper zero the only reason canadians have to support terrorism(us) is because your our allies and we can't say no.
Call me a utopian, pacifist, terrorist, anti-american, nutcase or whatever else you want. Anything but the same as you is a compliment.
And that's exactly where you fall short. You are precisely the same as the worst of the people you describe - you just come at it from the opposite side of the question. You are every bit as closed-minded, self-righteous, stereotyping, and blinded as you claim we are... it just so happens you've been brainwashed by your side, not by our side.

Once you realize this and learn to deal with it honestly you will move up a notch in being taken seriously. I realize that you pretend not to care about that, but if you truly didn't care, you'd have disappeared from this forum long ago.
"And by the way, wellryn, you're not doing your side any favors by making comments like this. I know you pride yourself on intelligence but you have yet to demonstrate it very well. Practice makes perfect, they say. Keep practicing. Here's a hint: leave the personal attacks out of it. Note that I'm merely using your own words, above; and in response to something you said."

blah blah blah self-righteous hippy babble blah blah

I notice you failed to reply to...

Oh, and how can you spread the propaganda of peace by declaring eternal hostility on something? Just something to think about - If the leader of your cause is a hypocrite, you're doomed before you start.

I guess it's easier to ignore the facts and continue to spew what's popular at the moment, right?
You are every bit as closed-minded, self-righteous, stereotyping, and blinded as you claim we are... it just so happens you've been brainwashed by your side, not by our side.

And so if you think about it, all he did was hold up a mirror to milefile.

Anyway, I agree that terrorism sucks. Not only that, but it is a highly ineffective and blunt apparatus for dealing with injustice. Only justice can deal with injustice. If someone truly wants to be a martyr, and be heard by the world community, he could sacrifice him/herself alone. I'm willing to bet that will be a lot more effective, especially in todays world of mass-media. Imagine if the Palestines in Israel would just hold massive sit-ins, and then those people who blow themselves up in busses and killing random people instead only sacrifice themselves, quietly, proudly. Israel would find it much harder to defend itself in the eyse of the world.

I can't understand why people don't see that. The only reason I can see is that the pain and fear of repression has lead to blind hate. And hate, as we all know, leads to the dark-side ... of the spoon, or whatever. You all know what I mean. Seriously.

I think Wellyrn is trying to say (some times not as elegantly as other times) is that terrorism is rarely a hobby that springs from boredom, and that, to quote Buffy among others, with Great Power comes Great Responsibility.
I pledge allegiance, to the flag, of the united states of america. And to the republic, for which it stands, one nation, under God, Indivisible with liberty and justice for all.

I have no further comments your honor.