The terrorists want to kill me.

  • Thread starter 1X83Z
i'd say sennafreak has some very valid points's too bad some people can't tolerate criticism too well here

The posts in question wasn't criticism. They were threats. Against people who may or may not even support US foriegn policy or the current administration. It was hateful, bigoted and narrow-minded (not to mention very childish): explicitly against the AUP.

Viper Zero
How is America "imposing itself upon everyone else"? Drunk with power? How so?

Who is killing innocent people? Last time I checked, it was the terrorists who blow up school busses and behead civilians.

Well like it or not, the U.S. war against Iraq makes more a lot more victims. I'm starting to wonder what kind of rosy vision of war you've projected for yourself. It was the terrorists this, it was the terrorists that, the only thing that separates you from terrorists is introspection, respect for the lives of all, and a conscience. If you can't show evidence of having any of those human traits, what separates you from them? The fact that you didn't actually do anything, except vote and pay the taxes, and provide mental support? You don't seem to tolerate this very well from those who support terrorism, but in the meantime I don't see you contribute anything useful when the U.S. accidentally bombs another wedding, or when a city is left without a decent water supply for weeks, or the sheer number of people that get run over by U.S. military convoys. And when reports come in that suggest the war may indirectly and indirectly take the life of 100.000 civilians, you don't bother to consider the implications of this, you merely and easily dismiss it as not being true conveniently choosing to prefer to believe whatever lower statistic is thrown at you. This comment goes for a whole bunch of similar people here, not in the least for someone who wished a big large rock to fall on sennafreak.

@ledhed: since neon_duke apparently cares about these things but has sometimes a bit of a blind spot, I'll step in. Why don't you stop acting exactly like the "miguided pysuedo- radicall/liberal powder puff looking for a cause to belong to" people you have issues with? In fact, though neon_duke took offense to being called redneck moron, you are the only person to use the word 'moron' here recently. I know you're a good guy, but the UAP applies to you as well as anybody else.

@sennafreak: I understand your frustration but like the two people above you're not going to convince anyone of anything here unless you show some respect and follow the rules of engagement on this board (in je eigen taal/in his own language, met beleefd argumenteren en niet schelden kom je echt veel verder. Ik heb hier een hoop respect opgebouwd en mijn standpunten overtuigen nog wel eens iemand, maar al dat werk maken mensen die jouw niveau van discussieren gebruiken heel snel weer ongedaan. Sta je echt voor wat je zegt, gedraag je dan volwassener, dan kun je misschien een steentje bijdragen aan een goede zaak)

@neon_duke, apart from what is obvious from above, I'd like to point out that sennafreaks warnings weren't all threats. The one where he talked with Osama was stupid and could certainly be construed as such - though compared to the big large rock wished onto sennafreak, at least Osama is in fact still alive and senna is right that you're not giving Osama any reason to change his mind, so senna's comment was less out of line imho. The others were clearly meant in the way that the U.S. would have to pay for current policy soon enough, because the consequences of them are dear. And this is not a threat but an objective truth, witnessing the large U.S. deficit, and I'm sure many people can see how Iraq isn't exactly lowering terrorists' motivation to strike against the U.S.

Anyway, the above are just some mindless rantings of a liberal progressive powerpuff girl with moronic tendencies, so feel free to ignore them.
You don't seem to tolerate this very well from those who support terrorism, but in the meantime I don't see you contribute anything useful when the U.S. accidentally bombs another wedding

accidentally being the key word there...not deliberate

or when a city is left without a decent water supply for weeks, or the sheer number of people that get run over by U.S. military convoys.

You are aware of course that cities like Basra didn't have a decent water supply for years before the UK contingent repaired the infrastructure.

And when reports come in that suggest the war may indirectly and indirectly take the life of 100.000 civilians, you don't bother to consider the implications of this, you merely and easily dismiss it as not being true conveniently choosing to prefer to believe whatever lower statistic is thrown at you.

as opposed to the reports of the millions that were dying during Saddam's reign. Some people refuse to believe in the mass gassings, and I'd also like to point out that the latest terror attacks in Iraq have been against Iraqi policemen in an ambush..not US soldiers.

Anyway, the above are just some mindless rantings of a liberal progressive powerpuff girl with moronic tendencies, so feel free to ignore them.

Certainly not Arwin ;) although sometimes you do seem to focus on the "all war is bad" philosophy without looking at the bigger picture yourself.
accidentally being the key word there...not deliberate

But then a war is known to have accidental victims. It's not like the people are going to like you a lot better if you bomb them by accident than if you bomb them on purpose. Relatives and friends (if any survive) may well become the U.S.' latest arch enemies.

You are aware of course that cities like Basra didn't have a decent water supply for years before the UK contingent repaired the infrastructure.

Yes, I am aware of that, and this is partly why the lack of water had such an immediate impact. However, in the end it might be worth it.

as opposed to the reports of the millions that were dying during Saddam's reign. Some people refuse to believe in the mass gassings, and I'd also like to point out that the latest terror attacks in Iraq have been against Iraqi policemen in an ambush..not US soldiers.

Well, the 100.000 were estimated to be extra compared to the regular death toll that Saddam's reign was responsible for. A lot of people were killed by the secret police, locked up, and so on, agreed. And I'm also not going to say beforehand that the Iraqi people are worse off as a result. It may well be that over the years after this election, the death rate will drop below it was under Saddam for a prolonged time and make the war worthwhile. It may even be that the Iraqi will consider it a worthwhile price to have paid for their freedom.

But it may just as well be that Iraq will come under a similar (religious or fascist, or combined) dictatorship as some of its neighboring countries, that Saddam was responsible for 'only' a at most a few thousand political assassination per year, and thus the price of knowing for sure that Iraq was WMD'less would turn out to be 100.000 civilians, a slightly smaller number of soldiers and baáth people, a thousand-plus U.S. soldiers (plus some allies - remember, we have troops there also) and a few hundred billions of U.S. dollars on the wrong side of the year budget.

Certainly not Arwin ;) although sometimes you do seem to focus on the "all war is bad" philosophy without looking at the bigger picture yourself.

When the war started I was one of the very few in my social circles who didn't outright dismiss the war as an atrocious, terrible act. I don't like Saddam, and I was worried about France holding out too long. Although I was sure that France would eventually cave in (trust me, they would have), I read that the sand storm season was starting soon and that would make the war a lot harder and cause many more causalties. In short, I wasn't automatically dismissing the idea (which is my natural reaction anyway when others around me seem to do so on instinct).

But looking at the facts and purposes of this war, I'm a lot more worried today than I ever was, that the war was a bad idea at the time. Waiting until the U.N. would have given the all-clear would, in retrospect, have been the best idea as the policy has turned out to work and Blix and his team had done their job properly. I know that its easy to look at these things in retrospect, but taking everything into account, I think it's a bad idea, and I also think the Bush administration overplayed its hand and should have known better.

In the end I'm probably more worried about the possible negative effects for the U.S. than the effects on the world economy or to the Iraqi people. For the latter, there is at least still hope that the War will bring them a better life eventually, but for the U.S., I'm afraid that spending even a quarter of the money spent in the Gulf war on PR and the rest on internal issues would have had a far more positive effect for its citizens, and even doing nothing with the money might well have turned to be better.

I do try, you know, to look at that big picture. ;)
I just wanted to ask...
Did I read this right?
Waiting until the U.N. would have given the all-clear would, in retrospect, have been the best idea as the policy has turned out to work and Blix and his team had done their job properly.

Without the tragedy that is the Tsunami, the UN would still be under investigation right now (which it probably will be again once the current situation has been taken care of).

Oil for food = Billions of dollars for everyone involved in the scam.

Do I wonder why certain groups resisted removing saddam? No. :rolleyes:

People like you, Arwin, may resist the war on a moral level, but people like Kofi resisted it for the sake of his pocket book. Plain and Simple. :(
But then a war is known to have accidental victims. It's not like the people are going to like you a lot better if you bomb them by accident than if you bomb them on purpose. Relatives and friends (if any survive) may well become the U.S.' latest arch enemies.

I was only making the distinction between a terrorist organisation and a military. Terrorist's deliberately attack civilian targets, military attacks strategic targets. Bombing a wedding is very inneffective, but yes it causes distress and hostility.

When the war started I was one of the very few in my social circles who didn't outright dismiss the war as an atrocious, terrible act. I don't like Saddam, and I was worried about France holding out too long. Although I was sure that France would eventually cave in (trust me, they would have), I read that the sand storm season was starting soon and that would make the war a lot harder and cause many more causalties. In short, I wasn't automatically dismissing the idea (which is my natural reaction anyway when others around me seem to do so on instinct).

But looking at the facts and purposes of this war, I'm a lot more worried today than I ever was, that the war was a bad idea at the time. Waiting until the U.N. would have given the all-clear would, in retrospect, have been the best idea as the policy has turned out to work and Blix and his team had done their job properly. I know that its easy to look at these things in retrospect, but taking everything into account, I think it's a bad idea, and I also think the Bush administration overplayed its hand and should have known better.

In hindsight invading Iraq may not have been the best idea (the purpose being to stabilise the region, and the effect has been to destabilise...but this is a long term solution, not a quick fix, so time will tell**), but what were the other options.
I'm sure Bush's advisors turned every stone looking for a non combat solution.

Now the war is dragging on, and troops are being sniped and ambushed, money is being poured into the country that could be put to better use on a domestic level.
There are many here in the UK that would have liked to have seen Kerry elected as it would have allowed us to withdraw our troops gracefully, as we have made no promises to Kerry, we would not be breaking any. As it stands we are totally comitted. I don't doubt that Blair is morally commited to the war on terror, but it would have presented a perfect opportunity, and at the loss of very little political face, in fact it would win him votes.

Without a "smoking gun" found and more troops dying, there will undoubtably be more voices asking "why did we start".

The message already to the other countries in the region, such as Saudi, and Iran is loud and clear. Already Iran has shown ground breaking cooperation about pursuing nuclear weapons, without a shot being fired..(at them)

I have to agree with Kent on the UN thing....we'd still now be waiting for them to act ;)

The UN shocks me when the member for human rights abuses is from Saudi!

I do try, you know, to look at that big picture. ;)

You look at both sides, thats good enough for me :)

**Vast over simplification
the main point here is the utter hypocrism those war supporters live by, they implement double standards: they mourn their soldiers who died in a conflict they themselves started, but don't have figures for all the victims they caused with their random shootings and bombardements, they talk about saddam's torture chambers but what is happening in abu ghraib? they lie to the world about 'weapons of mass destruction', but who is using depleted uranium shells and cluster bombs? they want us all to mourn the 9/11 victims but their arrogant, greedy policies have killed millions of people during the last decades...

and muslim people live on the idea of honor, look how they break into houses at night, pull bags over peoples heads and then sexually abuse them in their prisons. they also lie in the media, they said they have taken falluja from the 'terrorists', but that is a lie, they even used poison gasses and napalm out of dispare, but still the men of falluja stand strong.
respect for men who defend their towns with basic weapons and home-made rockets against an evil giant that has state of the art murder weapons...
you may hate me for saying this but that is my opinion and i stand by it.
they mourn their soldiers who died in a conflict they themselves started, but don't have figures for all the victims they caused with their random shootings and bombardements
Random shootings and bombardments? Show me where a US solider shot "randomly" at anything? Show me where a F-15E Strike Eagle "randomly" dropped a laser guided munition?

they talk about Saddam's torture chambers but what is happening in abu ghraib?
Nothing. The terrorists are rotting away in their cells.

they lie to the world about 'weapons of mass destruction',
I suppose the UN lied as well, since they said Saddam had WMD too.

but who is using depleted uranium shells and cluster bombs?
Depleted Uranium shells are used to harden the ordnance. It is no way radioactive, no more than your computer monitor is in front of you.

they want us all to mourn the 9/11 victims but their arrogant, greedy policies have killed millions of people during the last decades...
How many has Al-Qaeda killed during the past decades? How many bus loads of people has Hamas killed? How many heads rolled at the hands of Al-Zarqawi and his thugs?

Show me what these "greedy" policies are, show me the body count, show me where America hasn't helped.

and muslim people live on the idea of honor, look how they break into houses at night, pull bags over peoples heads and then sexually abuse them in their prisons.
That's exactly what Saddam's Fedahin did to innocent Iraqi citizens. I'm glad you actually posted some facts this time.

they also lie in the media, they said they have taken falluja from the 'terrorists', but that is a lie,
Wrong. The US Marine Corps is now in control of Fallujah and is rebuilding the infrastructure (something Saddam never did) and the citizens can now return home in peace.

they even used poison gasses and napalm out of dispare,
Wrong. The US military currently does not use Napalm. It hasn't for some 20 plus years. You (and Al-Jazeera) are being confused with the Mk-77 firebomb which, when detonated, appears to look like Napalm.

but still the men of falluja stand strong.
The civilians of Fallujah were evacuated and only the terrorists who were dumb enough to stay around and die remained.

respect for men who defend their towns with basic weapons and home-made rockets against an evil giant that has state of the art murder weapons...
You mean the home made weapons that say "Kalashnikov" on them... right?

you may hate me for saying this but that is my opinion and i stand by it.
Yeah, opinion, not fact.
Sennafreak, that is emotive nonsense

they talk about saddam's torture chambers but what is happening in abu ghraib?
Saddam tortured his civilians regularly, he saved execution for his enemies, have you seen the mass graves?
they lie to the world about 'weapons of mass destruction', but who is using depleted uranium shells and cluster bombs?
Depleted uranium shells are NOT WMD, nor are cluster bombs. Many countries use cluster bombs including Holland.

Countires using cluster bombs:
Eritrea, Ethiopia, France, Iraq, Israel, Netherlands, Russia, Sudan, United Kingdom, United States, FR Yugoslavia.

"During Operation Allied Force in Yugoslavia and Kosovo, the U.S. dropped about 1,100 CBU-87 cluster bombs (each containing 202 submunitions), the U.K. dropped about 500 RBL-755 cluster bombs (each containing 147 submunitions), and the Netherlands dropped 165 CBU-87 cluster bombs. The fact that the Dutch used cluster bombs is little known. A total of 610 cluster bomb strike areas have been identified across Kosovo. Using a very conservative estimate of 5% failure rate, NATO forces left behind some 15,000 duds, waiting, like antipersonnel mines, to take lives and limbs during peacetime."

Source Human Rights Watch

they want us all to mourn the 9/11 victims but their arrogant, greedy policies have killed millions of people during the last decades...

What are these greedy policies, can you clear that up for me?! Do you mean the Iraq/Iran war, the hundred year war or the Israeli Palestine conflict.

they said they have taken falluja from the 'terrorists', but that is a lie, they even used poison gasses and napalm out of dispare, but still the men of falluja stand strong.
Absolute nonsense! Two lies about what weapons were used, and one about the men standing strong :crazy:

you may hate me for saying this but that is my opinion and i stand by it.

Not exactly an informed opinion when you make up things. You call the US evil because they use the same weapons as the Netherlands.
Without the tragedy that is the Tsunami, the UN would still be under investigation right now (which it probably will be again once the current situation has been taken care of).

Oil for food = Billions of dollars for everyone involved in the scam.

Do I wonder why certain groups resisted removing saddam? No. :rolleyes:

People like you, Arwin, may resist the war on a moral level, but people like Kofi resisted it for the sake of his pocket book. Plain and Simple. :(

Sure, debase yourself to what you dispise in your political opponents. 👍
So are you saying I am morally opposed to the war or that I am fiscally opposed to the war based on my own vested interest?

An interesting question indeed.


btw, sennafreak, you're killing me over here. :lol:
they talk about saddam's torture chambers but what is happening in abu ghraib?

Court martials.

Comparing those two subjects is the perfect example to show just how off base you are in this discussion.

Think about it.
Were the people involved in the rape rooms punished for their actions? No!
Then take the US soldiers and look what happend to them... Court Martials resulting in the end of careers as well as prison time.

Rediculus that they would even be compared. :lol:
So are you saying I am morally opposed to the war or that I am fiscally opposed to the war based on my own vested interest?

An interesting question indeed.

No you sleeze a leader of an institution you oppose, much like the curriculum vitae of Bush that was once posted here.

Be smug all you like, it's just sad. Ditto below, but in this case I mean sennafreak. Just know, Kent, that you're not always all that far above him.

@sennafreak: you're (again) making a fool of yourself and are obscuring things that need attention by mindless ramblings. Do the world a favor and defend the conservative christian right - or even better, just shut up, research your facts, and post again if you find any decent evidence.
Well arwin,
I think that the bush/kofi comparisons are going to come back to my biases vs your biases... So I'm just gonna leave it alone. ;)

However, I am going to ask that you try not to go too hard on sennafreak.
Although I do not like what he has to say, telling him to "shut up" isn't really promoting the idea of a welcoming, open, friendly atmosphere.

Then again, if I wasn't a moderator I would have probably said it myself. :lol:

Oh and last thing...
I don't really think it is nice of you to say...
Just know, Kent, that you're not always all that far above him.

I mean, come on. :rolleyes:
Plus, I never said, implied or thought about the idea of being above or below him... So what does that say about you? ;)
Viper Zero
Random shootings and bombardments? Show me where a US solider shot "randomly" at anything? Show me where a F-15E Strike Eagle "randomly" dropped a laser guided munition?

I think Viper Zero and sennafreak(nice name, by the way) are, in a way, both right and wrong on this.

I'm pretty sure the U.S. troops aren't trying to just fire randomly at anything that moves. At the same time, they hit wrong targets all the time, it's an part of any war. Sometimes, they even cause friendly fires and I'm pretty sure that we don't hear about half the friendly fires that occured.

P.S. There is no doubt the terrorists are evil, they kill many innocent people. At the same time, U.S. is no angel. Did the U.S. become the only super power in the world, because they have good economy? No, they are always killing people world wide, when they are not, they are funding others to kill for them. But in the end, aren't you glad it's the U.S. that won, and not the Soviet Union or China?
wie zoekt die vind, alles wat ik gezegd heb is al eens voorgekomen in de media, en geen snertmedia maar meestal de publieke omroep, misschien moet je maar eens wat minder naar al die commerciele **** kijken en een bredere kijk op internationale politiek kweken...

the rest of you: search a little bit and you will find that i wasn't rambling about nothing, you all believe what your media shows you in an ignorant way, lies occur daily in a media that reminds me of goebbels propaganda... (i hear em thinking, who's goebbels?...).
lies occur daily in a media that reminds me of goebbels propaganda... (i hear em thinking, who's goebbels?...).

Don't be stupid, you know we're pretty fricken' far from that. Somebody said it a few pages ago: You had your mind made up about America long before the war.
wie zoekt die vind, alles wat ik gezegd heb is al eens voorgekomen in de media, en geen snertmedia maar meestal de publieke omroep, misschien moet je maar eens wat minder naar al die commerciele **** kijken en een bredere kijk op internationale politiek kweken...

the rest of you: search a little bit and you will find that i wasn't rambling about nothing, you all believe what your media shows you in an ignorant way, lies occur daily in a media that reminds me of goebbels propaganda... (i hear em thinking, who's goebbels?...).

As long as you're not willing to back up your claims with facts, you are the one who is engaging in propaganda. And I prefer to read newspapers, more specifically the NRC and Volkskrant, which I receive both.

Als het je interesseert, dan wil ik je er even op wijzen dat ik een van de krachtigste Amerikaanse critici ben op dit forum, niet omdat ik hard roep, maar omdat ik zorgvuldig ben in het scheiden van speculaties en feiten, en oversimplificaties probeer te vermijden.
als je critisch bent op hun imperialisme dan moet je akkoord gaan met veel van de voorbeelden die ik al gegeven heb, dan moet je weten dat ik dit niet zomaar uit m'n duim zuig...

-depleted uranium shells stay radioactive for millions of years if not properly removed, and thanks to our 'freedom fighters' iraq is full off them...

-clusterbombs are a weapon of mass destruction because one filthy bomb explodes and leaves hundreds of smaller bombs spreaded all over the place...

-those soldiers who were punished for the humiliations and torturing in abu ghraib were posterchilds, rumsfeld himself approved it and it is still going on daily...

there are many cases of random shootings and bombings by the americans, they just don't document them for the public's opinion sake, if they fired upon their own allies during the war what makes you think they would be more careful when it comes to iraqi civilians...

here's an example, your house get's bombed by them and your family is dead, on the news they say your house was a suspected 'terrorist safehouse', and all is good because they say it is...

fighting in falluja is still going on, although the propaganda says it was a swift victory, but there was heavy fighting yesterday in the an-nazal and ash-shuhada neighbourhoods...

greedy policies?
-american financial aid for the victims of the tsunami disaster: 350 000 000$
-daily spending for occupation of iraq : 129 600 000$
Oh dear...

als je critisch bent op hun imperialisme dan moet je akkoord gaan met veel van de voorbeelden die ik al gegeven heb, dan moet je weten dat ik dit niet zomaar uit m'n duim zuig...

Your previous examples were sadly misguided

-depleted uranium shells stay radioactive for millions of years if not properly removed, and thanks to our 'freedom fighters' iraq is full off them...
So is Kosovo, or any other country NATO deploys's standard ammo.
-clusterbombs are a weapon of mass destruction because one filthy bomb explodes and leaves hundreds of smaller bombs spreaded all over the place...
How many times....they are NOT you know the difference. As mentioned before the Netherlands use exactly the same ordnance as the US.
-those soldiers who were punished for the humiliations and torturing in abu ghraib were posterchilds, rumsfeld himself approved it and it is still going on daily...
Well you're not going to draw any sympathy from me on that one..but thats just my opinion.
there are many cases of random shootings and bombings by the americans, they just don't document them for the public's opinion sake, if they fired upon their own allies during the war what makes you think they would be more careful when it comes to iraqi civilians...
If they don't document it, then how on earth do you know about it??
here's an example, your house get's bombed by them and your family is dead, on the news they say your house was a suspected 'terrorist safehouse', and all is good because they say it is...
And you are saying they are wrong..ok
fighting in falluja is still going on, although the propaganda says it was a swift victory, but there was heavy fighting yesterday in the an-nazal and ash-shuhada neighbourhoods...
Please provide some proof for your stories instead of asking everyone else to you mean this story after reading it, it says 3 marines were killed in the heaviest fighting in weeks...hardly a warzone
greedy policies?
-american financial aid for the victims of the tsunami disaster: 350 000 000$
-daily spending for occupation of iraq : 129 600 000$

So they are spending more on aid than on their war effort, those evil men.

btw whats the Dutch contribution, the UK is at about £60,000,000 (US $114,000,000)

Edit: forgot to address this ;)
the rest of you: search a little bit and you will find that i wasn't rambling about nothing, you all believe what your media shows you in an ignorant way, lies occur daily in a media that reminds me of goebbels propaganda... (i hear em thinking, who's goebbels?...).

Why don't you search a bit and post some facts. If you want to talk WWII history, then you've come to the right place, but as Arwin already said, you are the one that is spouting unfounded propaganda.

And can I just remind you whilst we are talking about 1945, it was those evil greedy men in the US that funded and brought about the liberation of Europe.
-depleted uranium shells stay radioactive for millions of years if not properly removed

Where do you get this from? It's complete and total nonsense.

Depleted uranium is uranium which has been enriched for use as nuclear fuel and then had the enriched fragment removed. Natural uranium is roughly 99.3% U238, 0.7% U235 and trace amounts (<0.01%) U234. This is "enriched" to 1.5-3% U235 for use as a nuclear fuel, which is removed, and the remaining fraction (99.8% U238, 0.2% U235, <0.001% U234) is "Depleted Uranium".

It is classified by the WHO (World Health Organisation) as "weakly radioactive", giving about 0.6 times the dose found naturally occuring in the soil. That is DU is less radioactive than the soil your house is built on.

The primary use of DU is in counterweights in civilian aircraft.

Some fascinating facts about uranium:

"Intake of depleted uranium
Average annual intakes of uranium by adults are estimated to be about 0.5mg (500 &#956;g) from ingestion of food and water and 0.6 &#956;g from breathing air.
Ingestion of small amounts of DU contaminated soil by small children may occur while playing.
Contact exposure of DU through the skin is normally very low and unimportant.
Intake from wound contamination or embedded fragments in skin tissues may allow DU to enter the systemic circulation.

Absorption of depleted uranium
About 98% of uranium entering the body via ingestion is not absorbed, but is eliminated via the faeces. Typical gut absorption rates for uranium in food and water are about 2% for soluble and about 0.2% for insoluble uranium compounds.
The fraction of uranium absorbed into the blood is generally greater following inhalation than following ingestion of the same chemical form. The fraction will also depend on the particle size distribution. For some soluble forms, more than 20% of the inhaled material could be absorbed into blood.
Of the uranium that is absorbed into the blood, approximately 70% will be filtered by the kidney and excreted in the urine within 24 hours; this amount increases to 90% within a few days."

So don't just spout crap you found on anti-war websites, without first checking it.
Ah - the standard response from someone who just soaks up everything published which supports their viewpoint without bothering to critically analyse it first.

DU is less harmful, radioactively, than soil. Or, for that matter, sunlight. It is only used in weaponry because it is twice as dense as lead and makes for some decent kinetic energy. Also, it ignites above 600 Celsius, so can amplify conventional explosives nicely. But it is NO MORE radioactive than your own spine.

These are facts, not opinion.
Belief is not required. Opinions do not matter. I am a scientist. I only care about facts.

Fact: U235 has a half-life of 4.5 billion years. This means that in a 4.5 billion year period, one atom of U235 has a 50:50 chance of decaying and releasing ONE radioactive emission. BIG half-lives mean very, very unradioactive materials

Fact: U235 is used in nuclear fuels because when an atom of it captures a single neutron and turns into U236 it becomes highly unstable, decaying into two smaller atoms, a lot of energy and three neutrons - each of which can be captured by another atom and restarting the process. Very short half-lives mean very, very radioactive materials.

Fact: Scoop up some soil. From anywhere. Take it, in a container, into a nuclear power station. Just inside the gates will do. Now turn around and try to walk out again. They won't let you - the soil around you is so radioactive that it would be classified as medium level nuclear waste IF it were to come out of a nuclear power station and as such cannot be carried out and must be subjected to the same treatment processes as the rest of the medium level solid waste.

Fact: DU consists of 99.8% U238. Which is stable.

Fact: DU is 40% LESS radioactive than the soil around you - and by extension, 40% less radioactive than you.

The WORLD HEALTH ORGANISATION (you know them? Big independent organisation. Interested in health matters) say that DU is NOT a concern in Kosovo. And guess what? They've been over there with "freaking" Geiger-Muller counters.
....................................... :banghead:

From your posts, I'd say you've already spent too much time banging your head :lol:

Joke for Famine:

"If the US wanted to find WMD in Iraq, all they would have had to do is bomb all the houses and then see what colour the flames burnt, it's elementary chemistry"


Disclaimer for the slow;)
The joke is satire...and not a viable military strategy.
als je critisch bent op hun imperialisme dan moet je akkoord gaan met veel van de voorbeelden die ik al gegeven heb, dan moet je weten dat ik dit niet zomaar uit m'n duim zuig...

As Famine is showing you, mindlessly copying the lies of others doesn't make them more true than when you make up lies of your own. If you read back in this thread, you'll see that I've already given a lot more compelling arguments than yours, ones that aren't so easily deflated as yours, and therefore also ones that actually help the cause of those suffering from this war.
the rest of you: search a little bit and you will find that i wasn't rambling about nothing, you all believe what your media shows you in an ignorant way, lies occur daily in a media that reminds me of goebbels propaganda... (i hear em thinking, who's goebbels?...).

That was Pathetically uncalled for. Comparing a free-speech news system that has multiple stations and access to almost any information they want and being able to report the government's shortcomings without government interference to a NAZI propaganda minister? And you also pretty much assumed, once again, that all of america is a bunch of uneducated slobs with out a clue about history. You shouldn't be talking, I can't understand Dutch, but from reading what Arwin posted in English, You believe everything your media tells you .
"If the US wanted to find WMD in Iraq, all they would have had to do is bomb all the houses and then see what colour the flames burnt, it's elementary chemistry"
