The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard


Traditional art is best art.
Thanks, guys. Seeing that it was my 21st, if I didn't have work in the morning this post wouldn't be spelled nearly as well. :lol:

Also, here's some 3rd best and 2nd most beautiful princess:

Aaaaaand, then I had a new wallpaper:

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Sorry that I'm late, but Happy Birthday Ed!!! :D

On the other hand...

Ok, so I decided to get a Fluttershy theme for my PS3, which includes at least 12 different wallpapers all from the Deviantart and includes different icons for the xmb menu and this became my most favorite one of all.


Sorry that I can't put the picture on here. :dunce: to myself, still learning, but I'm pretty sure the link works. Tried it myself. But anyway, I seen her and I thought that she was really sexy. But everyone else's opinion counts and that's all that I'm worried about. :sly:

Edit: The texture is sooo fine, definitely on the feathers. 2nd edit: Figured out a way to set pics up. :)
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Wat :lol:

Also, has anyone else noticed the Hub logo has changed? I was just going through my channel guide (in quiet anger over seeing the FS1 and FS1 logos replacing Speed and Fuel) when I noticed it. Not sure why that happened.
Here is a forum I rarely show up in. However, let it be said... one of my newest guilty pleasures is "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic." Yep. Just don't call label me a "brony" though. I've learned about the whole series little-by-little and with all the different bits that make the cartoon series special. Everything from the six main ponies to Cutie Marks and all. Even if us guys have no point in watching a girly cartoon series, "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" has at least done something right to appeal to more than just little girls.
Hey, there's something I wasn't expecting. Welcome, buddy 👍

As much as I like the show, I'm still not even sure I would consider myself a Brony but it barely matters when the people here are pretty welcoming with open arms.
Yeah. I said on Facebook that "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic" is my latest guilty pleasure. It's surely been my guilty pleasure this Summer. I know I saw you rocking Twilight Sparkle as your avatar, RACECAR. Another fellow got Pinkie Pie as an avatar. So yeah... there's a little "Brony" in me. Not afraid to admit it. :)
I do call myself a brony sometimes. When I had posted my first post in this thread, I was a nervous wreck. No lie. But yeah, there are a lot of welcoming people in this thread. Last but not least, welcome. :)

Edit: above- that is true.
I crescendoed a little while back on the whole Brony Fervour thing. Never really been a, "march through the streets with a Rainbow Dash tshirt" type. I don't even have any merch, though I'd like a Chrysalis top at some point. She had a cool design.

I did however write a load of fanfiction a year and a half back, but not so much now. I've went off the show a fair bit lately, though Equestria Girls was pretty...middling. Seems to be gunning for High School Musical's market share, but Hasbro didn't have the courage to tackle it until five years after the series got dusted.
Well, "brony" just means "fan of MLP:FIM who isn't in the target audience".

And all of us fit that description, ergo we're all bronies.

Fans on any level refer to themselves however they wish really. Most (including myself) just go with Brony, not that I'm a massive fan like a fair few others out there. While a number of us prefer to be called fans, plain and simple. But we're all fans of the same phenomenon at the end of the day.

EDIT: MRW Lyn doesn't totally loathe EqG.
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