A. this is my first post in this thread forever even though I've still be lurking.
B. Finally watched Equestria Girls today and tbh, it was good. Maybe the fact that I went in thinking this will suuuuuuuck, but it had it's moments and was good.
I don't have a favorite pony of the six main ponies of "My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic." But if I did have one of them whom I'd want to meet if they were human, it would be... Applejack. Her personality and character is perhaps the one you can most relate to. Then too, I do like hearing her Southern/country accent. Applejack would be someone I'd most want to meet if Applejack were real and were human.
I'm still with Brandon when it comes to best pone. The only positions that have changed in the past year are AJ moving up to 2nd, with Pinkie 3rd and Twilight level pegging with Dash.
Everyone's going to have their favorites based on what fans consider is the best of the six ponies. In fact, I was looking around online last night, and there were those who would VASTLY disagree with me saying Applejack is the best. Comments ranged from "she never really did anything" to "she's just... there." One even agreed with her being good as far as being a workhorse. All I mostly said is that Applejack is the one I could best relate to and would like in meeting a real person.
But everyone who is a fan of any kind of TV series or movie or whatever has a favorite character of some sort.
See, I'll never shut up about how Twilight is one true best pone, but it annoys me when other people seriously try to convince other people their preference is wrong.
That said, here she is, proving she is best pony through Science:
>Zebra with a Mohawk
>All of Ponyville thinks she's evil but she gets over it
>Still friends with everyone even after they just about destroy her hut
>Nightmare Night
>Because I said so.
I kinda disagree with that. Yeah, I know she's not the more interesting ponies in MLP: FIM (last time I checked I think I'm the only one with Fluttershy as an avatar on GTP), but there is one thing that I can relate to. Being really shy. I think she still is kinda like that. Been a while since I've watched MLP due to the fact that I can't get the channel anymore. So I don't know if she is or not.
What I like about this show is that I can easily relate to every main character in different ways, so I don't really see a point in debating who's best. I mean everyone knows it's Rainbow Dash..
What I like about this show is that I can easily relate to every main character in different ways, so I don't really see a point in debating who's best.
I'm back! Well, I was never gone. Today I returned from my summer long vacation in Nakusp and am now back in Burnaby, where I live. Nothing like an 8 and a half hour trip in a rental BMW. Also, BronyCAN this weekend!