The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Well, I have snorted, as MercilessOne put it, the rainbow-colored crack. And, unlike most other people, I found it quite unattractive. OK, that's an understatement. It was terrible. It's like Pokemon meets slapstick comedy, which isn't a good thing in my opinion. In fact, I only watched a few minutes of the first ep, becuase I couldn't take any more. My thoughts after watching 6min or so are the same as they were before I started. They go something like "Why am I watching this?"

The first thing I noticed was the storyline as described in the intro. I was pleasently surprised, having expected it to have no more substance than a generic fairy tale. It's closer to the Pokemon level of maturity and area of content (X is supposed to happen on Y day of Z year/festival/period). But it still has a high immaturity factor, unfortunately.

Another thing I expected was simplistic dialogue, dumbed down for kids raised on "Frank had a dog. His name was spot." That's not entirely true, it's closer to the "Pokemon anime" level of complexity. Which is still somewhat simple.

The next problem is the characters. I've really seen Twilight, Spike (Might as well be Spyro), and Pinkie Pie. You have Spike's "clumsy guy" role. Twilight's "overworked, flustered administrative assistant/secretary/grad student?/whatever else you can think of" routine (actually, I'm not sure what she is). But Pinkie Pie takes the cake. All I saw of her was when Twilight tried to say hi and she ran. Fast. Justin and T-12 are right, she's definitely on something.

A typical character issue with children's stories is purposeless evil and causeless good. You've seen it before - the villain who's evil because... they are, or because they want to take over the world and... well... rule it, again for no reason except perhaps childish mean-spiritedness. The producers of MLP have made little effort to avoid this problem. If the dialogue hasn't been excessively simplified, the plot complexity certainly has, with Le Evil Pony attempting to take over and impose the Equestria equivalent of a totalitarian dystopia because that's destiny or something similarly cliche. Meanwhile, those ponies destined to align themselves with the "good side" live in inexplicable harmony normally impossible to achieve, running under a simplistic socialist monarchy with little mention of any authority except a highly cliche "princess". (Yeah, there are probably inaccuracies here, but like I said I couldn't watch more than about six minutes of it)

The environment is another turn-off. Castles in the clouds, idyllic children's book farm scenes, etc etc. It's so generic, and so immature.

I guess it's a testament to the increasing immaturity and dysfunctional public education system of our society that grown men can not only watch, but like, let alone make a meme out of, a TV show aimed at small children with a tagline like "friendship is magic".

If you didn't like it then that's fine. To go on a tirade about something that's supposed to be as simplistic and fun as possible is really taking the entire context of the show way too seriously. I also don't understand what correlation immaturity and the education system has to do with enjoying a cartoon. You do realize this is primarily a children's cartoon, right? What is the environment supposed to look like?

The next best thing would be marshmallow clouds and chocolate water fountains.
I guess it's a testament to the increasing immaturity and dysfunctional public education system of our society that grown men can not only watch, but like, let alone make a meme out of, a TV show aimed at small children with a tagline like "friendship is magic".

Well, the ponies are a waste of the creators time, the broadcasters money, and the viewers brain cells.. IN MY OPINION..

However what I would say, I learned right from wrong from a lorry that turned into a robot battling with a gun that also turned into a robot... the important thing is that it teaches being good is right, and being bad is wrong!
I also don't understand what correlation immaturity and the education system has to do with enjoying a cartoon. You do realize this is primarily a children's cartoon, right?

It's not just enjoying it. It's fine for small children (the target audience), but for grown men? That reveals the presence of a highly immature undercurrent in our society.

What is the environment supposed to look like?

Just like it does now. But remember, I'm reviewing it for the people of this site (ages 13-50+), not nessecarily the target audience (ages 5-10)
It's not just enjoying it. It's fine for small children (the target audience), but for grown men? That reveals the presence of a highly immature undercurrent in our society.

You are aware Jackass exists right? And that you are named after a Weird Al song?

Also, there is a saying, "All work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy". Most things that are fun are also immature to some extent.

Just like it does now. But remember, I'm reviewing it for the people of this site (ages 13-50+), not nessecarily the target audience (ages 5-10)

No, you are reviewing it for White & Nerdy.
I knew you bronies wouldn't like to hear someone say they dislike the show. :P

But it's true though, White&Nerdy, I think you were watching the show with a perception that doesn't match the atmosphere of the show.

I mean, you may hate the friday song for its awful scriptwriting. While I don't like the song as a song, I do however conceive it as a joke video instead and have never been annoyed by the song ever since it always makes me laugh..
I knew you bronies wouldn't like to hear someone say they dislike the show. :P

I have no problem with people not liking it, I do however have a problem with people that take up the "I hate this and so should you" attitude some people seem to have.
I hate that too, my dad's side of the family is like that and it bugs the microscopic lifeforms out of me.
It's not just enjoying it. It's fine for small children (the target audience), but for grown men? That reveals the presence of a highly immature undercurrent in our society.

The only thing that reveals is that you did indeed take the show far beyond it's initial serious content. And so what if grown men enjoy a cartoon? I also enjoy smelling flowers and card magic...does that also hint toward an immature undercurrent? No. All it means is I have the interests that I have. Like I said, if you didn't like it that's fine but don't try and turn this into some type of social propaganda over a cartoon.
You are aware Jackass exists right? And that you are named after a Weird Al song?

The difference is, Weird Al parodies actual social issues, and he's quite good at it. MLP is just a sunshine-and-lollipops fairy tale.

Also, there is a saying, "All work and no play makes Johnny a dull boy". Most things that are fun are also immature to some extent.

OK, maybe maturity isn't the right word. Yes, most fun is immature, but it can be epic immaturity (the kind that drives you to do stupid, yet awesome things) and not small-child immaturity (the kind that drives you to latch onto a little kid's TV show like it's the best thing ever).

No, you are reviewing it for White & Nerdy.

The difference is, Weird Al parodies actual social issues, and he's quite good at it. MLP is just a sunshine-and-lollipops fairy tale.

Not really.

OK, maybe maturity isn't the right word. Yes, most fun is immature, but it can be epic immaturity (the kind that drives you to do stupid, yet awesome things) and not small-child immaturity (the kind that drives you to latch onto a little kid's TV show like it's the best thing ever).

So you're saying harming yourself and others is fine, but watching a kids show is not?

Also, nobody is saying it the best thing ever, just that it's surprisingly good. The fact some people are apparently bothered by that does make it funnier.


Talk about immaturity.:rolleyes:

Let me know when you can respect others opinions like a big person.
I respect your opinion, but that doesn't mean I have to think it makes sense, or that I can't make observations about the social connotations of the trend.
White&Nerdy, does it physically affect you, yourself, and your body that a bunch of grown men said they like a show that you don't like?
It's not just that I don't like it. It's that I can't get my mind around why or how someone over the age 10 could like this show. It's just... not on their level... something like that.

The more I force myself to watch the first ep, the more I get confused by it. It has a fairytale landscape, fairytale premise, young target audience, etc., but it has semi-complex dialogue with loads of pop-culture references. Just what are they trying to accomplish with this show? I dun get it.
It's not just that I don't like it. It's that I can't get my mind around why or how someone over the age 10 could like this show. It's just... not on their level... something like that.

The more I force myself to watch the first ep, the more I get confused by it. It has a fairytale landscape, fairytale premise, young target audience, etc., but it has semi-complex dialogue with loads of pop-culture references. Just what are they trying to accomplish with this show? I dun get it.

I don't get or like Anime, I've tried watching and understanding it but just can't get into it.

Now, go look at the posts I've made in the Anime thread.
As far as I'm concerned, trying to be "mature" is the most immature thing you can do. Lighten up a little, we're only on this Earth for a short while, so why waste time on something you don't like?

All of us bronies enjoy watching the show, it's just good, simple, honest entertainment, and I don't see why it's a problem to enjoy it. It doesn't mean that we have the mental capacity of a 10 year old because we like it.
As far as I'm concerned, trying to be "mature" is the most immature thing you can do. Lighten up a little, we're only on this Earth for a short while, so why waste time on something you don't like?

All of us bronies enjoy watching the show, it's just good, simple, honest entertainment, and I don't see why it's a problem to enjoy it. It doesn't mean that we have the mental capacity of a 10 year old because we like it.

Yeah, yeah, I've heard it all before. Lighten up, enjoy your life, etc.

When I was a small child, I enjoyed childish shows like this one. Now, I enjoy other things. I guess I just never thought it was possible to enjoy childish shows once you were past that point. I'm still not entirely convinced that it is possible. It confuses and annoys me for many various reasons.

Additionally, I think the "brony" fad does signal some disturbing social trends. Specifically, it reflects a lowering of standards to the point where publically enjoying what is basically a kindergarten show, not much above the level of Clifford the Big Red Dog and other shows like it, has become socially acceptable for all ages.
It's not just that I don't like it. It's that I can't get my mind around why or how someone over the age 10 could like this show. It's just... not on their level... something like that.
If you don't understand why someover over the age of 10 is watching this, then why are you letting it bother you? Who's to say what one person can and cannot watch or do?

The more I force myself to watch the first ep, the more I get confused by it.

No one is physically forcing you to watch this. You're watching this out of your own free will.
Yeah, yeah, I've heard it all before. Lighten up, enjoy your life, etc.

When I was a small child, I enjoyed childish shows like this one. Now, I enjoy other things. I guess I just never thought it was possible to enjoy childish shows once you were past that point. I'm still not entirely convinced that it is possible. It confuses and annoys me for many various reasons.

Additionally, I think the "brony" fad does signal some disturbing social trends. Specifically, it reflects a lowering of standards to the point where publically enjoying what is basically a kindergarten show, not much above the level of Clifford the Big Red Dog and other shows like it, has become socially acceptable for all ages.

Or the fact people are disregarding standard archetypes that they need to be in. "Oh, look, he is a grown man, he can't enjoy XYZ because it will make him a child," is a pretty close-minded view to have.

And I think you mentioned something about South Park in another thread, which is targeted towards older audiences but is certainly less mature than My Little Pony. The fact you think grown men enjoying something meant for kids is an indicator of social problems is hilarious. Grown men also can't enjoy amusement parks (Disney Land), movies with younger audiences in mind (Wall-e, etc), candy, sweats in general, and so on. Just hilarious you think maturity is tied to the target age of media one enjoys.

I have to ask this again, how old are you?
Yeah, yeah, I've heard it all before. Lighten up, enjoy your life, etc.

When I was a small child, I enjoyed childish shows like this one. Now, I enjoy other things. I guess I just never thought it was possible to enjoy childish shows once you were past that point. I'm still not entirely convinced that it is possible. It confuses and annoys me for many various reasons.

Additionally, I think the "brony" fad does signal some disturbing social trends. Specifically, it reflects a lowering of standards to the point where publically enjoying what is basically a kindergarten show, not much above the level of Clifford the Big Red Dog and other shows like it, has become socially acceptable for all ages.

Alright dude. But if it really bothers you so much that we're watching this show, who's really the immature one?

"Do whatever floats your boat, as long as it doesn't sink mine"
To be honest White & Nerdy, it doesn't really matter, you either watch the show or you don't. It's obvious that you don't like it, or anything associated with it for that matter, so let's just leave it at that.
So much time wasted on hate...

Cartoons are meant to be fun and distract our mind from this ugly world.

MLP its cartoons in pure form: its fun, teaches values (which "grown ups" need more than kids nowadays - just watch the news) and in the end you enjoyed 22 minutes, not thinking or worrying, hopefully surrounded by two wonderful daughters (in my case) laughing with you.

Plus, Its beautifully drawn, matching voices and enough personalities so everyone in a family can get a favourite.

So, I admit it: I like MLP and this makes me a 10 year old girl just like the Balvenie I pour into a drum every night makes me a drunk.
I still like western cartoons, just that the current ones just don't interest me as much as the older ones, like Bugs bunny for example.

Now it's all Anime :D
It's not just that I don't like it. It's that I can't get my mind around why or how someone over the age 10 could like this show. It's just... not on their level... something like that.

The more I force myself to watch the first ep, the more I get confused by it. It has a fairytale landscape, fairytale premise, young target audience, etc., but it has semi-complex dialogue with loads of pop-culture references. Just what are they trying to accomplish with this show? I dun get it.

👍 👍 👍

The fact that this thread is still going, speaks volumes.