No comment. I can't really come up with one. Note that some of this went over my head, since after I turned 10 or 11 I mostly stopped watching TV except for sports and occasionally news or gameshows.
It was to show a contrast. Dexter = serial killer crime drama. Serial killer is the good guy. Arrested Development = teenage boy secretly in love with his cousin. Firefly = best gorram Sci-Fi show, canceled way too early. The ship's captain shoots first, asks questions later. And a prostitute, which is legal in that universe, rents out a room on the ship. And the Reavers...ugh. Malcolm Reynolds is my hero.
That's a bit... hmmmmmmm...
I believe the word you are looking for is educational. It was the first live show I ever saw that included a closed captioning monitor.
Atlas Shrugged? Atlas Shrugged Part 1 is a movie coming out this Friday based on my favorite novel. The novel is where the quote in my sig comes from.
I seriously can't come up with anything. I seriously can't. You're just... I don't know... hmmmmmmm... I still can't get my head around it, but it couldn't be as bad as MLP (well, except Strawberry Shortcake, Sesame Street, and Dr. Seuss*).
Try well-rounded, well-versed, and someone who enjoys a bit of everything. When it comes to movies I have one rule: I will watch everything once. I haven't taken the time to watch the new MLP yet, though I imagine it will be something my daughter and wife enjoy once my daughter gets older (she's only 13 months now).
But what is wrong with Dr. Seuss? He has important life lessons, as well as a development of language skills, and does it all while encouraging you to be a free thinker and not pay attention to what others say you can and cannot do. People give "Oh, the Places You Will Go," as a gift to high school and college graduates. I read it to my daughter now.
I wish I could lighten up, but I've already invested too heavily in the other side. I've already raged about MLP to several people I know, both in real life and on other forums. I've gotten most of them to agree with me. I've already made an irreversible decision to oppose MLP, and if I were to change it now I would fall foul of my own previous comments about MLP, not to mention my massive opposition to it in the funny pics thread.
In general, don't take small things so serious...ever. That would be another life lesson I learned from Dr. Seuss.
*By the way, I bet you'd love to hear how Dr. Seuss came about.
Which bit, his political cartoons and outspokenness in support of the US entering WWII, not thinking that Communism is all bad, or his support of the internment of Japanese-Americans, accompanied by some not so sensitive remarks, during WWII?