The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
May I ask for THE avatar featuring the coolest pony in Equestria (read Twilight) *cough*cough*

I'm unable do one due to the lack of skills and software and Google is not helping. Can't find one that Sparkles :D

And since i'm asking, my daughter asked me If I could get her Rarity as an avatar for her Google account...

I'm pushing it now ain't I? :D

PS: Band of Bronies is the best clip editing so far.

Just a very quick one, no animation (I'm not sure if I could find a reasonable size for an image with her sparkling anyhow). What are the dimensions and sizes allowed for a Google account avatar?
My google avatar is 200*200 pixels and 13k but Google help just say upload a picture and then use their tools do resize/crop...

Regarding Twilight, one with animated sparkles is what I'm looking for. I doubt that such an avatar fits within the GTP limits but I haven't lost hope :D

For now, I'll use the one you posted. Thanks
Does anyone have a good non-Premo avatar of Derpy Hooves? :dopey: My one's not that good :indiff:
Edit: I've got one of the highest rated comments on the first episode on Youtube :lol:👍
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Whilst looking for an avatar for you I ran into this: MLP: FiM And then I ugh...I ugh...made my own pony. :crazy:

EDIT: What's the maximum size for regular avatars? I've been a Premo for so long I know nothing other than 120 x 120 now. :lol:

Anyway, try this...

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Wow. This is amazing. From a social science perspective.

"The show's main focus is on girls 6 to 8 years old (but girls from 3 to 11 like the ponies). As they watch the show, girls learn about their own lives through the colorful, four-legged citizens of Equestria. The ponies have very different personalities and behaviors, and most girls identify with at least one of them. "

Yes, I did watch the first episode, after opening this thread to learn more about what's up with people's avatars and what a bronie is, etc. The above quote totally sums it up. How the heck this has sunk so deep into GTP is worth some serious study by some college educated folk, because it is beyond me...
Wow. This is amazing. From a social science perspective.

"The show's main focus is on girls 6 to 8 years old (but girls from 3 to 11 like the ponies). As they watch the show, girls learn about their own lives through the colorful, four-legged citizens of Equestria. The ponies have very different personalities and behaviors, and most girls identify with at least one of them. "

Yes, I did watch the first episode, after opening this thread to learn more about what's up with people's avatars and what a bronie is, etc. The above quote totally sums it up. How the heck this has sunk so deep into GTP is worth some serious study by some college educated folk, because it is beyond me...

Another one with their head up their ass.

The thing is, compared to a lot of cartoons today, Friendship is Magic is quite entertaining. It actually has a subtle plot every show, the characters actually have a personality and it doesn't have some stereotypical guido dude in it. So it's good 👍
Oh and thanks for the better avatar, T-12 👍

Yes, I did watch the first episode, after opening this thread to learn more about what's up with people's avatars and what a bronie is, etc. The above quote totally sums it up. How the heck this has sunk so deep into GTP is worth some serious study by some college educated folk, because it is beyond me...

Don't care if it doesn't make sense :lol:
Consider me bronified 👍
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I don't think he's hating, I think he's astounded. Guy may not like ponies, but he likes anime... so i really doubt he's doing what you guys' think he's doing.
I give up. I can't make transparent animated GIFs :D Even my new avatar (got it transparent already) doesn't show as such and its a single image.

Better watch one more episode to relieve stress :D
Wow. This is amazing. From a social science perspective.

"The show's main focus is on girls 6 to 8 years old (but girls from 3 to 11 like the ponies). As they watch the show, girls learn about their own lives through the colorful, four-legged citizens of Equestria. The ponies have very different personalities and behaviors, and most girls identify with at least one of them. "

Yes, I did watch the first episode, after opening this thread to learn more about what's up with people's avatars and what a bronie is, etc. The above quote totally sums it up. How the heck this has sunk so deep into GTP is worth some serious study by some college educated folk, because it is beyond me...

You're taking a big risk. Believe me when I say the show is more addictive than you think. I already got waaaaaaay too close for comfort, don't let the same thing happen to you.
I give up. I can't make transparent animated GIFs :D Even my new avatar (got it transparent already) doesn't show as such and its a single image.

I don't think uploading any animated gif from your computer will animate.

Have you tried an image database
You're taking a big risk. Believe me when I say the show is more addictive than you think. I already got waaaaaaay too close for comfort, don't let the same thing happen to you.

Say what?!

I have a friend who's 22 and he thinks Sesame Street is hilarious. Is there something wrong with him?
I don't think uploading any animated gif from your computer will animate.

Have you tried an image database

It will animate provided it doesn't get compressed or anything. Assuming this is all through the forum's avatar upload system. How else would I get animated avatars to work?

And :lol: at that Old Spice meme bit.

You're taking a big risk. Believe me when I say the show is more addictive than you think. I already got waaaaaaay too close for comfort, don't let the same thing happen to you.

You mean he might admit he likes something that isn't super manly?
I had a badass gif I wanted to use 3 weeks ago and it was 120px. It got in (through Forum Uploader), but it didn't animate, most likely because it was well over the size limit. Your stuff is under 25kb?? No idea how to reduce the file size without killing the quality.
I had a badass gif I wanted to use 3 weeks ago and it was 120px. It got in (through Forum Uploader), but it didn't animate, most likely because it was well over the size limit. Your stuff is under 25kb??

Yup, else it won't be animated. And it takes some time to get them to that size and look decent still. I've removed 40 layers and frames from some gif's that I've had to resize... time consuming process.
And :lol: at that Old Spice meme bit.
This is what I mean by amazing. 10 years ago I discovered semiotics and memes and it was like an unknown concept to the general public, but recently I'm hearing what I thought were deep concepts discussed in a very everyday fashion. This is good, but it kind of weirds me out, like what's going on in the world that I missed? I guess the internet is accelerating things faster than I thought possible.

You mean he might admit he likes something that isn't super manly?

Too late for that, I got suckered into watching Clannad, and now I'm an admitted otaku! If you bronies are into adorable, Clannad is your next logical step. Be prepared for head explosions.
I don't think uploading any animated gif from your computer will animate.

Have you tried an image database

The problem is finding the one i'm looking for (the one that does not exist probably):ouch:

I need to check at the size and compression.. but some other time. There are some things I'm not meant to do and this is clearly one of them. BUT i won't give up 👍
Is there some type of joke here that I'm totally missing, or what?

We enjoy the show for its cuteness and simple entertainment. I can't explain it exactly, but every time I watch it, I get a warm, fuzzy feeling on the inside and forget about all the BS I've dealt with today. Consider it a guilty pleasure for grown men who are kids at heart.

Also, the episodes are littered with some many great scenes that you can pretty much make a meme or funny caption out of it. The internet has taken a liking to the pony madness. Even the creators of the show acknowledge and encourage it.

White & Nerdy
You're taking a big risk. Believe me when I say the show is more addictive than you think. I already got waaaaaaay too close for comfort, don't let the same thing happen to you.

Hahahahahahahahhahahahahaahah, and we're the immature ones?

Sorry, I ought to stop now and go outside and play football with grizzly bears. Don't want anyone thinking I'm (gasp) gay or something.

This is pathetic.