The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
I guess it's a testament to the increasing immaturity and dysfunctional public education system of our society that grown men can not only watch, but like, let alone make a meme out of, a TV show aimed at small children with a tagline like "friendship is magic".

I have a problem with this. Mainly because, you have a problem with this. Frankly, it is my opinion that an increasing sense of immaturity, a dysfunctional education system and a decline in our society is preventing "normal people" like you, from enjoying cartoons, memes, and other nonsense. Frankly, I don't see your point.

I have to wonder how anyone who is so worried about how they are being perceived by people can enjoy anything in their life. Particularly when your preferences generally do not matter in the grand scheme of things. I get up every day and watch cartoons before I go to my full-time job, look at silly memes while getting my second degree in college, and act immature around my friends. And yet, I have a fully-functional social life, maintain a larger group of friends than I ever did when I cared about what I watched/wore/listened to, and ultimately am much happier with myself and my life because of it. Good thing too, because I have all that money to spend on whatever I want, whenever I want, wherever I want.

...No wonder why I went to Comic-Con and screamed like a little girl at the Star Wars booth...

Long story short... I can appreciate MLP for what it is, but I'm not nearly as big of a fan as some of the other folks on here. Still, I watch the hell out of shows like Adventure Time, The Regular Show, Pokemon, Spongebob, The Penguins of Madagascar, and all my old Nicktoon favorites.

Get over yourself, and grow up. Eventually, you might like MLP too.
👍 👍 👍

The fact that this thread is still going, speaks volumes.

Who cares what 'society' thinks, if you like the car. This says more about you, than it does about society, or your place therein.

So let me get this straight, it's OK to ignore society when it comes to cars, but not cartoons?

I would think it would be the opposite, I mean people actually see my car whereas apart from here and a few people at work nobody even knows that I've seen MLP let alone like it.
Please, no more hating (on either side)... or this may become the first kiddie-cartoon themed thread to get locked on GTPlanet.

Aside from the petition in the Feedback section, that is.


Watched several episodes the other day. On one hand, disappointed, on the other, impressed.

There seems to be a depth to the dialogue and characterization not quite expected from a cartoon... especially not one based on an 80's franchise that was so far below dreck that I'd rather watch the Carebears... but the first two episodes were rather formulaic... I mean... you could see the ending coming a mile off. (though I disagree with White&Nerdy's assessment as the primary villain being evil for evil's sake... quite far from it) The later episodes are better.

The animation is a bit webtoony for my tastes, but the characters and banter manage to make up for it.

Enjoyable. Definitely not targeted at a dual-audience like, say, Spongebob Squarepants... but there are some nice touches that should keep parents (like me) from falling asleep.

It's snazzy, smart and addictive. Definitely a lot better than most female-targetted toons. And having a daughter, I've watched lots of terrible Barbie-themed animation... and *shudder* worse.
but the first two episodes were rather formulaic... I mean... you could see the ending coming a mile off. (though I disagree with White&Nerdy's assessment as the primary villain being evil for evil's sake... quite far from it) The later episodes are better.

The first episode was rather predictable, but it was also necessary to explain why Twilight was in Ponyville.

Now if you'll excuse me, I have to go watch Rambo while lifting weights.:lol:
Consider me in the closet... unless I get outed outside this thread. :lol:

Not the greatest girl-specific cartoon I've ever watched... but I'd give it a 9/10 for cartoons aimed at pre-tween girls. :lol:
Watched several episodes the other day. On one hand, disappointed, on the other, impressed.

A sentiment I can echo. As I've said, the entire show is so mixed that I'm not really sure what the point is anymore. I'm beginning to wonder if it isn't actually a parody of the typical kiddie cartoon.

There seems to be a depth to the dialogue and characterization not quite expected from a cartoon...

True that, but most of them are overdone. Pinkie Pie in particular needs to chill, but Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Flash, Spike, basically all of them save Twilight could be toned down a bit. Maybe they did tone them down in later eps, I don't really know.

especially not one based on an 80's franchise that was so far below dreck that I'd rather watch the Carebears...

Ah yes, Carebears. Can't mention awful girlie cartoons without that one somewhere. It can make anything look good by comparison.

but the first two episodes were rather formulaic... I mean... you could see the ending coming a mile off.

Very true.

(though I disagree with White&Nerdy's assessment as the primary villain being evil for evil's sake... quite far from it)

Revenge and power-cravings then. Whatever.

The later episodes are better.

I wouldn't know, since I've decided not to watch any more of this.

The animation is a bit webtoony for my tastes, but the characters and banter manage to make up for it.

True, the character interaction is pretty good, considering what it is. My favorite, if I can have one, is Pinkie Pie's party in the library. Specifically, the part where Twilight pours herself a glass of hot sauce, thinking it's something else entirely. That's painful to even think about :lol:

Enjoyable. Definitely not targeted at a dual-audience like, say, Spongebob Squarepants...

I'd say Spongebob is worse than Carebears, let alone this.

but there are some nice touches that should keep parents (like me) from falling asleep.

Yeah, there's just enough to keep you interested (with a little help from outside forces). I saw little that would invite me to watch another ep without some outside factor (such as kids, which I don't have) influencing the decision, however.

It's snazzy, smart and addictive. Definitely a lot better than most female-targetted toons.

Very, very true. The second part anyway. As for addictive, it's addictive in the same way as an annoying soap opera. You don't like it and you don't want to watch it, but you desperately want to see how it ends and witness the epic defeat of Le Evil Supervillain.

It's a temptation I won't give in to. This time, principle will win!

And having a daughter, I've watched lots of terrible Barbie-themed animation... and *shudder* worse.

I don't even want to think about that.
Is it a bad thing that I actually know what Lucky Star is? :lol:


Hahaha... principle! My only principle is not to watch things that insult my intelligence. Having very recently finally watched Disaster Movie from stem to stern, I'd say "My Little Pony" is more than fair game. And more than twice as intelligent.

Spongebob Squarepants is enjoyable. In an avant-garde Looney Tunes sort of way. of course, unless you imbibe a lot of mind-altering substances, it probably won't appeal. We don't let our girl watch it, obviously. :D
:lol: People getting annoyed because we like MLP is hilarious! There are no rules as to who can watch it and why, just enjoy your life and stop worrying so much about little things.

And have some fun, some people in here are clearly overthinking this show to ridiculous extents.
Hahaha... principle! My only principle is not to watch things that insult my intelligence.

That's what I'm getting at. I figured it would be an insult to my intelligence. As it is now, I still don't consider it that good, but the "hot sauce scene" is pure epicsauce. No pun intended.

Having very recently finally watched Disaster Movie from stem to stern, I'd say "My Little Pony" is more than fair game. And more than twice as intelligent.

I don't even know what Disaster Movie is. Of course, that's probably a good thing.

Spongebob Squarepants is enjoyable.


In an avant-garde Looney Tunes sort of way.

...which basically means it isn't enjoyable.

of course, unless you imbibe a lot of mind-altering substances, it probably won't appeal.

Contradiction much?

We don't let our girl watch it, obviously.

Smart move.

Personally, I'd say MLP is both more and less mature than your typical Looney Tunes cartoon. On one hand, you don't have so many of the distorted facial expressions and massive explosions that characterize an LT cartoon. On the other, it is centered around purple and pink telekenetic pegasus ponies.

It kind of scares me that I've even accepted it this much.
It kind of scares me that I've even accepted it this much.

I'm amazed you've put this much effort into disliking something.

Have you ever considered, man, that that is just like, your opinion and stuff? And people can have different opinions, crazy as that sounds. You seem to think you know what people should like and enjoy, when that whole idea is insane. Sounds a lot like what high school students tend to think like.
It kind of scares me that I've even accepted it this much.


It scares you that you've 'accepted' that people like a cartoon? Try opening your mind a little, it opens up a whole world of opportunities and life becomes a lot more enjoyable. 👍
No... it's the unicorns that are telekinetic/teleporting. The Pegasi type just fly. :D

And dragon's breath as a teleportation device? Why doesn't anyone try that? If Spike breathes on someone, would they be instantly transported to the palace?

And if Twilight really is telekinetic and can teleport, why doesn't she write and send her letters herself?

And in the interest of equality for all anthropomorphic fairy-tale creatures... how come they give the Ponies tongues and lips that allow speech but not hands? That's just cruel.


Looney Tunes is all about mind-warping. Which is why you're hooked on it as a six year old... it fits in right between bouts of ADHD and sugar-rushes. ;)

It scares you that you've 'accepted' that people like a cartoon? Try opening your mind a little, it opens up a whole world of opportunities and life becomes a lot more enjoyable. 👍

Actually, it scares me that I've accepted the cartoon itself enough to have a serious discussion about it and admit it has some good points. I shouldn't be liking this. I shouldn't be even close to liking this.

No. I won't become a brony. Ever.
Actually, it scares me that I've accepted the cartoon itself enough to have a serious discussion about it and admit it has some good points. I shouldn't be liking this. I shouldn't be even close to liking this.

No. I won't become a brony. Ever.

Join the Anime trend?
No... it's the unicorns that are telekinetic/teleporting. The Pegasi type just fly. :D

Which is probably a good thing. If Pinkie Pie could teleport, she'd seriously disrupt the space-time continuum.

And dragon's breath as a teleportation device? Why doesn't anyone try that? If Spike breathes on someone, would they be instantly transported to the palace?

It's a small flame, so there's probably a size restriction. Also, I could imagine it becoming a deus-ex-machina.

And if Twilight really is telekinetic and can teleport, why doesn't she write and send her letters herself?

I'm not sure if she can actually teleport, but as for the letter writing, I wondered that myself. Give Spike a reason for existing, I guess.

And in the interest of equality for all anthropomorphic fairy-tale creatures... how come they give the Ponies tongues and lips that allow speech but not hands? That's just cruel.

No comment.

I say again, why am I interested in this? Why am I talking about this :ill:
So, let me see, this should not be acceptable or enjoyed by adults because it is children's cartoon?

In my home are DVDs of Strawberry Shortcake, Care Bears, Fraggle Rock, Gummi Bears, Transformers G1, GI Joe season 1, and every Disney cartoon. All except the most recent Disney stuff were bought before my daughter was born. I also own episodes of Dexter, Arrested Development, South Park, Firefly, and The Three Stooges on DVD. I also own both Bill & Ted movies, both Wayne's World movies on DVD along with Citizen Kane, Singin' in the Rain, North by Northwest, and most of Frank Capra's popular films.

Last week I watched the Bugs Bunny and Roadrunner movie on HBO.

Sunday I attended Sesame Street Live, and enjoyed it. Then we came home and watched an Episode of The Cat in the Hat Knows a lot About That. After my daughter went to bed I watched The Colin Firth version of Dorian Gray on Showtime, then watched episodes of the 80's V on Netflix. Last night I came home and we watched Songebob, and then I watched Chuck and Castle. Every morning I watch Arthur and Martha Speaks. My daughter goes to Daycare before Arthur is over, which means I am watching Martha Speaks by myself.

And Friday I am going to go see Atlas Shrugged Part 1 in theaters.

I would hate to know what my entertainment viewing says about society. No, seriously. Judge me. I dare you.

To hear one, supposed, adult talk down to others for liking what they themselves perceive as too immature reminds me of when my father-in-law asked my brother-in-law if he felt uncomfortable buying a kids toy when he bought a PS2 and Guitar Hero. Or anything that comes out of Andy Rooney's mouth.

There is nothing wrong with entertainment for entertainment's sake. There is nothing wrong with taking a moment of escapism to remember what it feels like to be a child again. In fact, I think society would benefit from people stepping back and doing so. We would all be better people if we could remember what it was like to feel joy for the simple act of doing it without worry or cause. I see my daughter turn her face into the wind and smile and I wish that she would never grow old and worry that the wind my mess up her hair, wonder if gas prices have jumped up, if the current events in other countries will affect us in a meaningful way, or worry if that was gas or a heart attack.

I can reach that state of mind for 12 minutes at a time watching the television shows of my childhood. A one dimensional bad guy who is bad just to be bad is a great in that I can just think, "he's mean," without wondering if my actions have in some way inadvertently caused him to lose his money or family and thus his actions are actually retaliatory.

This time, principle will win!
That's one of your principles? Wow. I have few principles in my life that I live by. The first is quoted in my sig file.
So, let me see, this should not be acceptable or enjoyed by adults because it is children's cartoon?

Yeah, this question is bugging me a lot. Whenever it was on, I watched an episode of The Powerpuff Girls. Last time I remember watching one must have been a couple of months ago, and I enjoyed it nonetheless. I'm no less mature for liking a children's (and if I may add, girl oriented) cartoon.


So, let me see, this should not be acceptable or enjoyed by adults because it is children's cartoon?

At this point, I'm not sure (see my "maybe it's a parody" comment in the other post).

In my home are DVDs of Strawberry Shortcake, Care Bears, Fraggle Rock, Gummi Bears, Transformers G1, GI Joe season 1, and every Disney cartoon. All except the most recent Disney stuff were bought before my daughter was born. I also own episodes of Dexter, Arrested Development, South Park, Firefly, and The Three Stooges on DVD. I also own both Bill & Ted movies, both Wayne's World movies on DVD along with Citizen Kane, Singin' in the Rain, North by Northwest, and most of Frank Capra's popular films.

No comment. I can't really come up with one. Note that some of this went over my head, since after I turned 10 or 11 I mostly stopped watching TV except for sports and occasionally news or gameshows.

Last week I watched the Bugs Bunny and Roadrunner movie on HBO.

Feh, everyone knows Looney Tunes and more or less enjoys it so I guess I can't say anything against that.

Sunday I attended Sesame Street Live, and enjoyed it.

That's a bit... hmmmmmmm...

Then we came home and watched an Episode of The Cat in the Hat Knows a lot About That. After my daughter went to bed I watched The Colin Firth version of Dorian Gray on Showtime, then watched episodes of the 80's V on Netflix. Last night I came home and we watched Songebob, and then I watched Chuck and Castle. Every morning I watch Arthur and Martha Speaks. My daughter goes to Daycare before Arthur is over, which means I am watching Martha Speaks by myself.

See first response, because I really can't come up with anything here.

And Friday I am going to go see Atlas Shrugged Part 1 in theaters.

What's that?

I would hate to know what my entertainment viewing says about society. No, seriously. Judge me. I dare you.

I seriously can't come up with anything. I seriously can't. You're just... I don't know... hmmmmmmm... I still can't get my head around it, but it couldn't be as bad as MLP (well, except Strawberry Shortcake, Sesame Street, and Dr. Seuss*).

To hear one, supposed, adult talk down to others for liking what they themselves perceive as too immature reminds me of when my father-in-law asked my brother-in-law if he felt uncomfortable buying a kids toy when he bought a PS2 and Guitar Hero. Or anything that comes out of Andy Rooney's mouth.

I wish I could lighten up, but I've already invested too heavily in the other side. I've already raged about MLP to several people I know, both in real life and on other forums. I've gotten most of them to agree with me. I've already made an irreversible decision to oppose MLP, and if I were to change it now I would fall foul of my own previous comments about MLP, not to mention my massive opposition to it in the funny pics thread.

*By the way, I bet you'd love to hear how Dr. Seuss came about.
White & Nerdy, all I will say to you prior to adding you to my ignore list is this.

Never have(or take care of) children if you don't like watching shows like this as it will only be worse. And by worse I mean literally watching the same episode of (Insert kids favorite show here) hundreds of times.
forget it. this has turned into a defending thread, no fun if its just going to be people coming in and moaning.
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White & nerdy, how old are you to already be this stubborn and judgmental? And do you also have issues with any group that doesn't fit in with your notion of "normal?" You seem like you think you have to dislike something because you're expected to dislike it, which is just silly.
forget it. this has turned into a defending thread, no fun if its just going to be people coming in and moaning.

And all this time I thought the Ponies were trying to capture more people than to push them away. :lol:

Wouldn't we have such a good laugh if you guys somehow manage to convert W&N?

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