The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Toro I just watched your video. I like it. (Curse my brain for not coming up with more to say about it). I've never really seen Sunny in Philadelphia before but I might give it a try now. I always thought it was a stupid show, it probably still is, but I'll try watching it. :lol:

A few pages back someone wanted a gif of Dash failing the sonic rainboom. If anyone has Adobe Premier Pro they should be able to make it.
I'll give it a quick try before I go to work.

Edit: So I looked and it was MintBerryCrunch. How long do you want the gif to go for? Give me the start and end time and I'll make it.
Unfortunately it looks like it'll be low quality, I'm not sure how to make better quality gifs.

So here's a link to it, it's large 6mb. Here.

If you tell me the exact time you want it maybe smaller.

Edit (Again): Here's a smaller and shorter one.

Also I'm off to work.
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In case you're wondering, Applejack being the one in that picture is a complete coincidence.

Thanks for that.
Language Warning.

Also, it makes Rainbow Dash into sort of a sociopath, so beware.

*Insert Rainbow Dash Shipping Joke Of Your Choice*

That was excellent. I don't watch a lot of TV, but I've caught quite a few episodes of Sunny, and it never, ever fails to bring the sociopathic lulz. I loved the implied "Do not want" from RD to Twilight.

It was a cold and snowy night... The road was covered in black ice. A head on collision between two exotics occurred on the 6th kilometer of Shipping Road.
No one was seriously injured.


*Am I dead now?*

unit-one, never stop drawing, bro :D
Also, totally forgot last time, congratulations on getting your RD image on the fic page!


Nice vid, I really like how you used some of the Applejack's expression to enforce the funny bits, also the sync, well done.

Now, today's personal issue:


Ace Combat Zero + Ponies = 切腹
(There are no western words that can describe the actions that I could take after seeing that video, both things work in independent ways but both do not work together).

Apart from that, pics:




(much better now)

This comic, Go Go Pony Rangers!!!

That will make for a perfect fanfic, or supercar.
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Huh, I finished watching the first Tremors movie only half an hour ago which is a bit of a coincidence.
I considered watching the first one, but I just personally enjoy the second one more.

What I should have done is read the story and then watch Tremors 2, but one of my favorite heartwarming stories just got an update (plus I still have to read that shipping story from last week), so I'm good.

Oh yeah, I reckon you should read the update to that story, mind if I ask what it is you're reading?
The New Dawn of the Old Night.

A.K.A. The story where Evil Luna continuously and repeatedly terrifies me.

Remember the scene in TNTNE when Super Bitch outlined her plan to The Captain? That blood-turned-to-ice feeling when it became clear that her grand plan was scary-ruthless but really well-done with the absolute possibility of it coming together? Half of the story is told from Luna's perspective, and every scene is her basically acting like Super Bitch was earlier in TNTNE. The difference is, though, that Luna is not executing her plans by following the Vegeta playbook, so the crap she is pulling is working.

And, worse, I've been having a coronary every time a chapter goes up, but the 🤬 just hit the fan at the end of the last chapter, so this one is going to be loaded with the fallout.

Do you have any ideas for future videos?
Archer. Not sure which scene, but I know its going to be Archer.

I'm also going to take a little break, because I really want to submit the Sunny one, but I submitted the Johnny Bravo one this morning.

That was excellent. I don't watch a lot of TV, but I've caught quite a few episodes of Sunny, and it never, ever fails to bring the sociopathic lulz. I loved the implied "Do not want" from RD to Twilight.
It actually caused a lot of problems for me, because I had went to bed with the Johnny Bravo one not quite finished, and then I watched that episode of Sunny right after I woke up.

And I instantly knew that I wanted to do it and how I wanted to do it (even most of the scenes that I wanted to use to do it); to the extent that I wanted to start working on it before I had even finished the other one.

Edit: Oh 🤬.


Edit 2:


Edit 3: Damn it, no! Not Trixie too! 🤬
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Reminds me a lot of the 599, but a bit wider and with some sense of "Coquette" from GTA4, I saw a concept that followed the F40 tail with the Corvette (2005 I think) front, looked more Corvette-ish while this one looks more Ferrari-ish, this one looks kind of better though (but personally I hate that tail).

Anyway, back on topic, couple of pics I found recently:

Quite Hindu-ish:

(Maybe Bollywood winter wrap up?)

And the most wanted:

(Not Razor obviously, obscure reference BTW).

Edit: Oh 🤬.


Edit 2:


Edit 3: Damn it, no! Not Trixie too! 🤬

Uh, wow. Okay, now I'm interested in giving it a look myself, but I need to be up early again in the morning which means I can't read it now. I'm busy pretty much all day tomorrow as well, so it's likely that I won't be able to read it until Saturday.

Anyway, this constitutes as an early night for me (02:56), so g'night:




The neck is the only thing I can see that I did wrong, really. It actually looks good when you view it one at a time because the neck matches up with his shirt collar, but it looks really weird in motion.
I've been working on that since my last post. The only problem was I don't know how to use any of the software I have to make a gif.

I have this weird feeling I'm one of the only people who remembers this:

I wonder if...for one, placing Rainbow dash's floppy face over Clarkson's in the Atom would make a hilarious avatar, but...

EDIT: Also, this is my first time editing a .gif anything like this. The only other .gif I've ever made was a really awful one involving Pinkie Pie leading the parasprites.

A gif version of that would be great :lol:
EDIT: Also, Brando-K sorry for not answering your question about the times I wanted, I left the tab open while I was watching a movie.

EDIT: Just noticed I left in part of his neck in a couple frames. I'll fix that really quick.
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I need to start taking pills or something to get my heart rate down before I read this story. It didn't click with me until this chapter why it bothers me so much, because I had certainly read darker stories. Now I know the exact reason.

Whether the author intended any similarities or not, this is the prologue to TNTNE. The oft-alluded-to background events of TNTNE? The bits between the failure of the Elements and when TNTNE starts? The ascension of Nightmare Moon to the throne? The way she terrorized Equestria into submitting to her rule? The riots among the populace as they panicked at their new "leader"? Nightmare Moon turning Trixie into her second in command? That's the vibe I've been getting, and now I know what it is. That's this story. A story I truly never wanted to have told. And here it is, dropped in my lap.

Only it is even worse than that, because this story takes place several years after the events of Episode 2, so all of the stuff that happened in the show actually happened in this story, so the knife is plunged even deeper and then twisted a bit.


I'm going to go read that uplifting Gilda fic. I need to get my mind off of this right now, because I'm literally on the verge of a "Chapter 8 of TNTNE" level breakdown.
EDIT: Fixed the problem with Clarkson's head showing in the 2nd frame:

That story sounds pretty rough. Unfortunately I haven't had a reason to read any depressing fan-fiction. I was planning on doing that today, but I'm still in too much of a good mood after Ch. 5 of Macintosh.
And now Gilda is my favorite character.

Granted, it will probably only be for like a day; but she got my mind away from that cliff just before I fell into it, and for that I'm grateful.
^As long as it's only temporary to help him deal with that fan-fiction I've got no problem with it.

Anyway, Facebook now allows YouTube embeds in the comments, so I will now be using my "MLP: Reaction" playlist on YouTube much, much more often.
EDIT: Fixed the problem with Clarkson's head showing in the 2nd frame:

That's quite funny, however I will say that the neck looks a bit awkward, maybe because is a bit floppy, but aside that is quite funny.

Apart from that, I'm having the desire of making a fanfic, but I know that it will require big time for edition, however, the high concept has already been establish and along with the events, most of the plot, characters and dialogues are planned from beginning to end,and really is just a matter of put everything together. What stops me for making it is mostly the fact that maybe there is no audience for it, maybe because the audience for it is already covering other stories, for a long story its quite complicated since its unknown how many people will follow after chapter one, and its complete clear that most of the audience for such fic will come from the reception of the first chapter, is very likely that other people have already done this better and with more entertain value, and then there is the dilemma of making the first episodes appealing, followed by a good second act and try to find an appropriate ending that puts everything together without letting too much holes and without being simplistic.

Maybe I'm drowning in my preconceptions for fanfics, but its quite clear that potentially it will have some effect on people, the thing is to find the right moment to do it, and how to deliver it properly, something that I haven't decided yet, but after reading some of the most recent ones, I found something that can be exploited (not to ripping-off obviously).

No pic, I'm quite serious this time.
You know, its not even really that good. I mean, its good; but the author is trying things and implementing them before he has mastered them (some of his foreshadowing is almost painfully blatant, and the Mane Six tend to swerve between well-written and way out of character).
But everything with Luna in it...

Thank heavens for Gilda.

Anyways, tomorrow is going to be catch-up day. I've amassed about 120 images that I have yet to upload (not counting the past couple of Drawfriends), so there's that; plus I'm about 20 chapters (give or take) spread out over several stories behind in my reading. Not counting Macintosh. So, busy day. I've also basically decided to not bother checking IMDB for image updates anymore, because these days it just updates too fast for me to keep up with it.

Also, I'm going to bed. Good night:

This is my favorite one, so I'm just going to use this one from now on (probably).
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You all ready for something depressing? Well here it is anyway.

G'night everypony.
Well, you know what Bronies? I feel guilty! The last picture I made was bothering me all night shift.
First of all: My apologies to MintBerryCrunch for changing his Coltvette's genre without permission.
Second: The original (Narrow Road) picture will still show a colt Coltvette. While the the new one (Head-on Collision) picture will feature a mare Corvette that lives in MercilessOne's world.
I hope everyone will be happy.

I need some sleep...

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Time for the last post of the day (exactly at 2:59, just to let you know that I'm a complete psychotic).


Rainbow Shy:

Quite amazing:

(probably repost)


They got... caked

(I personally LOVE this image, *badum *tish, brilliant)

Apart from that, I was expecting something from the last 3 hours (2 hours 59 minutes to be precise), maybe it was out of my reach, maybe it had an effect on punctual hours, or maybe it was not to be, but most certainlly it will come at some point.


Goodnight everyone.
@MintBerryCrunch don't worry about it brony, these things happen. I'm glad I could help you.

In other news my e-reader came in so I'll start playing catch up with the stories soon (it needs to charge).
EDIT: Fixed the problem with Clarkson's head showing in the 2nd frame:

That story sounds pretty rough. Unfortunately I haven't had a reason to read any depressing fan-fiction. I was planning on doing that today, but I'm still in too much of a good mood after Ch. 5 of Macintosh.

Wow, I...never expected this to happen. But it's happened. and I love it. X3


First of all: My apologies to MintBerryCrunch for changing his Coltvette's genre without permission.

Well it's not like I'll be loosing the original so whatever you do from here on out with it is fine with me.

Besides, with that I'll have a stallion and mare version of my request. So that's even better to me.



Also, that Twilight one is painfully adorable.
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I personally like this one much more than the other one, and tried a bit harder to get it "right" as a result, but meh.

I skimmed over it the first time, then gave it a watch just now after I realised it was made by you.

I liked it more than your other one, the expressions and lip-synching made me laugh pretty well, and it was eerily in character for fanon, shippable-with-anything Dash to be trapping fillies.


Hell, I'd be happy to proof-read whatever you come out with. I'm sure it'll be pretty damn awesome.

You all ready for something depressing? Well here it is anyway.

I read that story...was sad day.

Also I realised that preparation pays off! I dumped my old Halo fanfic and let the idea gain momentum in my head for two weeks. Managed to tap out a whole 3k word chapter in the space of two hours as a result last night. I'm pretty proud of it too.

Also I think half my pre-readers are on holiday or something. :|

Might need to go to Ponychan with this one. Bugger.


What the heck are they Minty?

Well it's not like I'll be loosing the original so whatever you do from here on out with it is fine with me.

Besides, with that I'll have a stallion and mare version of my request. So that's even better to me.

*PS3 Themes*

I'm testing those right now! Some of them are too bright to see the menu.

P.S. I'm not going to do anything to the original picture. (At least without you knowing)
Oh...wish my PS3 wasn't currently a convenient dust-sink. Can't find any games that entice me to it. :|

Also that comic is easily the best I've seen in a long time. It fits because it's about EDaily specifically, not jsut general ponies.
That 20 million comic is best 20 million comic.

You all ready for something depressing? Well here it is anyway.
Ponyfied Star Trek II?

That's the only correlation I can think of.

You know, I honestly thought I would think it would be pretty awesome, but I just don't really feel the urge to use any of those because I think my current combo works well enough. Though the CMC one is pretty cool, so I dunno.