The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Also the MLP Lesbian Shipping group on DA requested my fanfic. Genuinely did not realise I just wrote an equine, homosexual, romance fiction until that point.

*insert "there are enough non-lesbian MLP shipping stories that there is a separate group for the ones that are?" joke here*


I like the idea of a sane psycho. I mean, Hannibal Lecter is almost a genius, but he's a cannibal. It's strange.

I also want to be able to write a character without refering to a sad backstory. A bona fide adventure story as Velvet does stuff as part of Celestia's plan.

I mean, she recieved an Alicorn Band while serial killers and terrorists didn't? ;)
You mean like a pseudo-Psycho for Hire story? Hm. I actually don't think I've ever seen a Pony one of those before.

I was under the impression that the Alicorn band was supposed to be like a reverse death penalty, though ("We'll keep you alive until we say you are allowed to die"); so implying that Celestia was working behind the scenes to orchestrate Velvet's escape as some grand chessmaster clashes with the content that we were shown in I Won't See You Tonight, and not for the better I think.

I do like the idea of Velvet roaming Equestria as some sort of "get's 🤬 done no matter what" mercenary, though.
I just got back from the most amazing day at SD Comic-Con. First the Hasbro booth was giving out free posters and looping MLP clips on their screens (which brought a good amount of bronies around), then I headed over to John Joseco again, who finished drawing me a free sketch of Rainbow Dash (which was totally epic; I just wish I could of thought of a more unique/special request), and of course the greatest part was actually getting to meet Tara Strong! She was part of an incredible panel of voice actors/actresses, and they were all so awesome. John is a really cool guy, too. cannot fathom how jelly I am right now. I would have raided my savings just so I could have flown over to SD and go to that thing. Hopefully you can show us that Rainbow Dash sketch John drew for you.

You will see a very sad picture in 4-5 days. It's so sad that I can't finish it today.

I'll do a free request to a Brony who will guess what's it about.
Toro took my first guess as well, so:
I'm gonna go with Soaren, more specifically, the moment where he's falling to his death in TNTNE.

And this is just too funny:


I'm still threshing it out, but I have a concept of how it could play out. I may do a protodraft for it at some point.


I saw the uncoloured version of that about an hour ago. Love it. :D
Music download is taking forever... Part 1 is not uploaded yet, so I chose to download Part 2. 1GB is downloading 1.5 hours...still 1 hour to go. Maybe it's because I'm downloading to a flash drive?
Just came in from my weekly grocery resupply trip, and what do I get?


I seriously need to speak to my local weather team...
I found it! It was in the Albums -> DJAelxs folder.

And my mom let me borrow her camaro today. So guess what ill be listening to with the Boston HD Audio on my way home.

Also, its so hot here that the buttons on my touch screen are set off when I touch near them. The only draw back of a temp. sensitive touch screen.

🤬 its hot out.
And my mom let me borrow her camaro today. So guess what ill be listening to with the Boston HD Audio on my way home.
As soon as I found it, I turned off my headphones and set it to dump audio into my big Onkyo instead on a loop while I read stuff.

Speaking of, The F-Grade Drinking Game (which is hilarious, by the way) contains Jägermeister, and yet it doesn't have the requisite "Friendship Lubricant" tag. I am disappoint. It also had a joke so Meta that even I almost missed it, which by itself is enough to get it the bold letters when I add it to the list.

Basically, Twilight and Cheerilee spend a night grading papers (for the CMC and a few other fillies) and getting hammered. It's also fairly short, so I suggest giving it a read, though beware that it is a shipping story. A parody of shipping stories, but still a shipping story.
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Ignore this, seriously, I'm bored with too much irrational thinking to spare.

Got it, Pinkie's personality is at first glance composed by just two entities, Ego and ID, in which the ID has a predominance role over her actions, but there is a reminiscent of the Ego in some parts of her actions, in Pinkie, there is an almost absence of Alter, this makes her vulnerable to some situations in which her ID cannot be satisfied, and the ego just doesn't know how to react, then is when her Alter comes in to play, this alter is commonly known as Pinkamina or sad Pinkie, her actions are commonly associated with the same characteristic of the actions from an Alter ego.

But she is not dissociative, her personalities are based on the same person and each element makes her personality, regardless of which one has predominance, which formulates the question of "is she really her Id all the time?", one thing that struck me is the background for her actions, which coincide with the actions from an Alter ego, which are aimed in this case to social acceptance, something that she wants to archive.

One part of pinkie is the real one, unfortunately is not the Party Pinkie as she is commonly known, not is sad pinkie, her true personality seem to be the aggressive-investigative-uncanny seen in Party of One, part of the sad pinkie but in tremendous aggressive manner, that's her true personality, but then she is a cartoon character, analysing her personality is rather pointless, in season two she could be Neutral instead of aggressive and that is still valid.
News from BronyCray.

July 24th: Here's your periodic update: I've had an insanely busy this last week or so (got my boating license yesterday, going to see gathering of the vibes today), so I haven't gotten as much writing done as I would have liked. The story for the next chapter is pretty fleshed out, but before I conclude it I need to make some decisions about where exactly I want the story to go. ETA right now is probably 4-6 days of actual work on it, but for every one day of work I get there's two where I don't even open Word. I'm pretty excited about it though, and I'll put out another call for prereaders as I get closer.

With each new update he tells something about himself...

And I too confirm, that the weather is extremely hot this year.
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^His updates always interest me.

The weather sucks...

Well right now we have clear skies here, although it isn't very warm (at least it's warmer than it is at the Nurburgring, 13C in the middle of summer seems exceptionally cold to me).

Also, even though The F-Grade Drinking Game is rather short, I was far too tired to read more than halfway through it last night, so I guess I should finish the rest now.
Here in Norfolk we have the short straw. It's raining right now. :|

I hate Norfolk.

I also still have to get round to reading summore TNTNE. :S
^^Are you complaining about it not being warm enough to rub it in our faces?

^I'd love some rain right about now.

Also, someone changed the bass setting in my moms Camaro to max an turned everything else down to minimum. I couldn't see 🤬 in my mirror and it wasn't even high volume.
Here in Norfolk we have the short straw. It's raining right now. :|

I hate Norfolk.

I also still have to get round to reading summore TNTNE. :S

Same with Central IL. Not Chicago, mind you. Peoria.

and they were supposed to have motorcycle races this weekend...
I was outside today, the tar on the asphalt melted and I had to clean my shoes when I got back.
My PC case is open, temperature sensor reads 70 degrees Celsius. I opened it, 2 days ago, when my video card overheated and showed 120C. !


No, the British can't comment on the nice weather. There's a 0.0001 degree Celcius difference between too hot and too cold.

What can I say, we're a nation of perfectionists. XD

Although there is that big accident we made across the pond. America or something? :P
Yay it's raining!

I love me some rain. I just hope it doesn't screw up my internet.
^Saw that one. The artist drew those perfectly proportionate. It almost looks like official art. And unit, when's the shipping pic (FerrarityxColtvette) coming? :sly:


^Yeah, that's about the where you should draw the line.
Anymore than that and shipping becomes Rule 34.

Not sure if posted, but here's some of the character animations from Fighting is Magic.



That explains a lot.