The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
Vulcan mind meld!

Edit: Bow chicka wow wow.

(I'm so horrible)

Edit 2: Oh lawd, The Sun is Tired is up. Sorry Ciroton. Your Trixie story will have to wait.

Edit 3: Okay, I just finished A Little Piece of Heaven. I think that the ending for it was rather... it was rather blunt. The scene before the ending was fine, but the final scene just sorta happened. And I know you mentioned it would be resolved in a future story, but I can't help but feel somewhat empty for not getting closure for what happened with Velvet. I will say in hindsight that the chapter ultimately went well clear of anything featured in Of Mares and Magic, and it ended on a believably high note considering what happened. The scene at the funeral in particular was quite powerful.

The next bit is spoilered because after I wrote it I realized that it isn't really a criticism of A Little Piece of Heaven so much as a specific element of it.

Also, Trixie Pie is still weird. I admit that you made it work for this, but I almost feel that it worked purely because of these specific circumstances. Now, even as I type this that doesn't sound like the most fair way to put it, because (ignoring Twilight) I feel Pinkie would be the one of the Mane Six who would go out of her way to accommodate Trixie more than anyone else. But it seems... hm.

When Avery Strange did Kindess' Reward, while it didn't replace Twixie as the OTP, by the end of the story you could really see how TrixieShy would work. Building Bridges did the same for TwiDash, which I had read in a couple of stories previously but up until it was written had never really bought.
At the end of this, it seems far more... Dammit. It seems contrived. And I really don't want to say that, because of the negative connotations of that word and because I can almost see why it works. To be sure, you've done a good job justifying it for this story. But in the end it still seems like the only reason it worked is because of what specifically happened in this story (and Trixie's backstory for this story) rather than any actual compatibility between the two, and that sorta bothers me.
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Edit 2: Oh lawd, The Sun is Tired is up. Sorry Ciroton. Your Trixie story will have to wait.

You know who's tired? Me...


I was going to call it a night, but I've suddenly realised that sleep is for the weak, so I'll go ahead and read the latest part of TSiT now.

EDIT: I said that I'd read part 2 of 'The New Dawn of the Old Night' tonight, but those GT5 races went on longer than I expected, so I didn't bother.
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So....I just saw Celestia and Luna hanging around a pile of dead humans.....covered in blood.

I'll go ahead and pretend that never existed.

EDIT: And on an related note.

Dolphins sleep with one eye open....sorry, I just opened a Snapple. Anyway, I went back to Chrome because FF like's to lock up on me once in a while. I was kind of getting bored with that Twilight theme and there weren't any others I really liked. And I missed the smoother look of the Tabs on Chrome and the "back" and "refresh" buttons being on the right side.
How do I move the refresh button?
Also, there are a whole bunch of little things that I just like more about Chrome. I don't feel like explaining everything, but I just like it more.
EDIT: I'm not saying Chromes better, just that I prefer it.


This is.....what?:confused:

Sup guys.

How do I move the refresh button?
Right click, "Customize" and then you drag it wherever you want.

So. A pretty short chapter, but, you know, damn. And I hate extremist Illuminati groups. They ruin everything.

I'm also getting bad vibes that the TwiLestia implication Celly accidentally gave off is going to come back to bite everyone.

Also, yay! Madmax is back:

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Anybody up for 3GBs of Pony Music?

Seriously, holy 🤬. And it's going to be updated sometime tonight.

Does anyone know if this has been posted on ED, because I'm considering sending the link to Sethisto if it hasn't.
So. A pretty short chapter, but, you know, damn. And I hate extremist Illuminati groups. They ruin everything.

Gardians of Celestia? I wasn't expecting to see an extremist cult appear in this story. They're pretty ruthless killers as well, so whatever happens in the next few chapters involving that group, it won't be nice.
I'm also getting bad vibes that the TwiLestia implication Celly accidentally gave off is going to come back to bite everyone.
Same here:
I thought it would "come back to bite everyone" later on in part 9, but it didn't. I expect it to later in the story though.
Gardians of Celestia? I wasn't expecting to see an extremist cult appear in this story. They're pretty ruthless killers as well, so whatever happens in the next few chapters involving that group, it won't be nice.
What stuck out to me is that they are culling the members who are not quite completely faithful to the twisted cause they think they represent, like a Stalin-esque purge. The members who actually have free will to think about their actions when Celestia herself says what she feels about them. Pretty Orwellian, methinks.

Which, based on the rest of the story, actually strikes me as kind of ironic.

Celestia completely blowing that speech is going to turn out pretty badly as well.

I've seen people being jelly before, but I've never seen it rain jelly.
Are you saying that we should not be jelly of such fantastic bubble wrap?

But seriously, look at that smug ass look. That's an "all of my money" situation if I've ever seen one.
I'm not saying we shouldn't be jelly, I'm just saying how impressive the amount of jelly really is. extract the 3GB of pony music and see what I've got.

EDIT: The whole thing is already organized into folders and albums.....I love this so much. I figured I'd spend hours sorting the different songs, but this is awesome.

EDIT: Holy crap it's got all of the OST, the acapella, instrumental, and original versions, it's also got all of the BGM.
This is amazing.
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The F-Grade Drinking Game
(*Takes a shot of Johnnie Walker*)

That was interesting, far more interesting than the picture, I like some of the elements and the paring, but is good because it covers shipping expectations.

Time to cover the new chapter of "I Wont See You Tonight", lets see where the bridge leads to.
It's even got the BGM? Now I'm interested.

That was interesting, far more interesting than the picture, I like some of the elements and the paring, but is good because it covers shipping expectations.

That makes 2 fanfics I've come across where Twilight drinks Jagermeister (I swear that's her favourite drink). I only read half of that story though, so I'll finish it off tomorrow.

Well, I'm beat, and I've found myself a new sleeping image, so g'night everypony:
Just found this while looking through the remixes in those files under "Rock + Guitar" and I found this piece of magnificence.

And how badass is that album art?

EDIT: Wait, it says Eurobeat brony, so I'm not sure if they're the same thing. I'll check.

they're there.

EDIT: Love your new avatar.

It's also got Winter Wrap Up and Cutie Mark Crusaders from the Bronies United.
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I'm downloading the songs at the moment. They look promising.

And in regards to album art, I'm gonna need to figure something out to use for when I transfer everything to my Triple.

Forgive my ignorance but what exactly is a Triple? I tried googleing it but nothing. (It doesn't help that two of the most popular radio stations down here are Triple J and Triple M.)

I guess that I cant get my head around the massive theoretical-practical problem that I have assigned to myself, So I'll just post pony pics instead, this time pairs:



Two comics:

One dramatic.
One funny.

And that's all until I manage to get my mind under control.


Anyway, I meant to be in bed 2 hours ago because I've got work early again tomorrow, but then I started going through the music and lost track of time, so I'm going to bed now.

G'night everypony.

Everything is downloaded and extracted. I'll check it over in the morning.

Do you have a triple monitor setup? Or do you just have 3 ps3's encase something happens?
That's actually a really funny story that I'll get into when I wake up in the morning.

Holy crap! Is it really quarter after 1?! I better hit the hay too.
Good night:


Just like I call this:

The Genny.

A Megadrive, I knew it!, haven't seen one of those in years, it still works?, I remember that the back ports made short-circuit (one that belonged to my uncle's did, it was the version with the attached drive).

Also brief pic mention:


ok, Lyra you are going too far.


See, you can make soup-operas (very rubbish ones) with fan art spread all over the internet.