The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
I haven't got roudn to reading the rest of TNTNE, I may consider it later, but for now I'm having fun making Blender stuff.

It's ever such a long way away from being completed, but I have a plan for it. And boy, if and when I finish it, I might actually bloody cry.
I find it interesting that every Trixie "redemption" story paints things differently in regards to which of the three (AJ, Dash and Rarity) hold the biggest grudge.

Ballad had AJ hold out the longest (well, depending on how Rarity acts now that she's out of jail). Kindess' Reward had AJ hold out the longest (possibly only because Dash almost killed Trixie on accident and spent the rest of the story terrified at what she had almost done, though even then I think Applejack would have been the last holdout). Of Mares and Magic had/has Dash be the strongest holdout. I made Rarity be the one who reacted the strongest toward's Trixie's return. And A Little Piece of Heaven (I say being 1/3rd of the way through) seems to be leaning towards Dash.

I can see similarities between Super Bitch and Evil Luna, but Luna seems to be far more methodical in her approach to gain control than Trixie was in TNTNE, which is the likely reason why the stuff she has been planning is working.
Evil Luna isn't so concerned about her pride that she spends all of her time planning out her moves ten steps ahead. Super Bitch is so full of herself that she not only fails to adjust her plans accordingly when they go awry; but she refuses to even acknowledge when things haven't gone to plan when it is clear as day to an outside observer that they have, instead assuming that they will simply work because she planned them.

That's why Evil Luna scares me, and Super Bitch (to a certain extent) does not. And as of Chapter 3, Evil Luna has recruited her own Super Bitch to help her, so its like a combined terror.

I'm putting the room up now. Since Brando isn't gonna be here, we won't do the Kei Car races.

Edit: Everyone, I'm sooo sorry that I gave you guys the wrong time. For some reason when I said "3 hours from now" here I assumed that meant "3PM EST."
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And A Little Piece of Heaven (I say being 1/3rd of the way through) seems to be leaning towards Dash.

I dunno, maybe a thunderbolt to the flank is worse than being hog-tied.

Although either could be taken kinkily really.
I dunno, maybe a thunderbolt to the flank is worse than being hog-tied.

Although either could be taken kinkily really.
I'm both relieved and terrified that that conversation between those two brought me to that same conclusion.

Edit: Ciroton wrote a Trixie story!? Oh lawd.
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Small opening for ponies so:


(I couldn't care less about American football, but that cover is awesome)

Octavia gif:

(I'm starting to like Octavia a bit more than the other background characters, a bit more than Trixie even)

Words cannot describe the amount of cuteness:

And this made me laugh:

Also Comic, and no opinions until I catch up with some fanfics, but the amount of pairing between Twilight and AJ/Dash depends more on the context of the story (in the series I mean), in fafics this works in a different way, because the pairing is used to enforce some of the main character characteristics (A bit redundant I know), and this is more linked to the story itself and its events than the context of the story (I am confusing sometimes).
I'm both relieved and terrified that that conversation between those two brought me to that same conclusion.

It wasn't the conclusion I was aiming for. Again, I think looking back on that fic, it somehow went to hell.


My face when I realise Luna's Socks is a BSS fic...and decide to read it because of that:

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Since most of us don't actually post to ED, sound off here:
It's time to think wayyy back to months ago when brand new official content was gracing out monitors and TV screens. If you came from /co/, the best part of the week was always the thread during, or right after, the official airing of a new episode on The Hub. The amount of 20+ year old's squeeing like 12 year old schoolgirls over every little detail was beyond entertaining.

I'm pretty sure most of us went nuts when Derpy Hooves first popped up during Feeling Pinkie Keen, but what else made you blow your mind?

When I found out Spike's idea of "subtle evil plan" was to dress like Snidely Whiplash and twirl his fake mustache was my moment. This is of particular note, because I otherwise hated that episode.

Flutterage is a close second.

Someone mentioned Rarity whining. I hadn't considered that as counting, but if it does than that is my actual "blew my mind" moment.
Sorry, Calsonic GT-R Super Taikyu ver. won't be there this evening. Been distracted with a new LiPo battery and shock oil for my Losi Micro SCT. Is now FFFFAST.
I dunno, but in the meantime, I drew a picture of my pony gun design to help GraveKeeper understand.


Basically the pony flicks their ankle against the trigger to fire. The targeter paints a crosshair onto their HUD, and the pony can reload mags by biting them off the spare mag straps and loading them in by mouth.
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but what else made you blow your mind?

Good question, I was screaming like a schoolgirl in the moment when RD said:

That and Applebuck Season (All of it), that episode is a bit underrated, but having said that, I believe that its pretty pointless to determinate a really good bit that stands from the rest, there is always something good in each episode, except the episode with the owl and spike (I cannot be bother to check for the name, it was Owlowicious or something).
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but what else made you blow your mind?

I don't know about things that blew my mind, but I know that certain parts of the series stuck with me. For example I think about Rarities whining quite a bit.

@MercilessOne, S'up to you too. (I don't know what to say about that picture though) :lol:

We need pictures for waking up, we've got heaps of going to bed ones.
I dunno, but in the meantime, I drew a picture of my pony gun design to help GraveKeeper understand.


Basically the pony flicks their ankle against the trigger to fire. The targeter paints a crosshair onto their HUD, and the pony can reload mags by biting them off the spare mag straps and loading them in by mouth.
I still think the chance of barrel damage is too high with that setup.

Plus the chance of blowing part of somepony's hooves off when fired.
I still think the chance of barrel damage is too high with that setup.

Plus the chance of blowing part of somepony's hooves off when fired.'s pretty hard to avoid either. Although this sniper setup might work:



And so with his hours spent designig scifi weapons for ponies, he received the email that his fanfic was accepted, ignored the old one that had achieved all it could, then settled in for some pony-filled dreams.

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At once I find it adorable and am somewhat weirded out.

Perfect analogy for my feelings about Ace Combat+MLP stuff, both things are good it independent ways but both combined do not work, this case is more like a guy who uses too much women cosmetics, and fake hair.
but what else made you blow your mind?

For me, it has to be Pinkie Pie going Schizophrenic in "Party of One".
As for Rarity whining, well, I actually saw the clip of her doing just that before I even watched A Dog and Pony Show, so that moment didn't really blow my mind.

We need pictures for waking up, we've got heaps of going to bed ones.

I've been thinking about using such an image myself, although the only one I can find that comes close is this:


This is more of a "first post of the day" picture than a "waking up" one.

EDIT: Here's another "ED 20 million hits" comic:
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As for Rarity whining, well, I actually saw the clip of her doing just that before I even watched A Dog and Pony Show, so that moment didn't really blow my mind.
That clip was the entire reason I first watched the show. I started late enough that the first episode I saw was Green isn't Your Color.

It's time to think wayyy back to months ago when brand new official content was gracing out monitors and TV screens. If you came from /co/, the best part of the week was always the thread during, or right after, the official airing of a new episode on The Hub. The amount of 20+ year old's squeeing like 12 year old schoolgirls over every little detail was beyond entertaining.

Someone mentioned Rarity whining. I hadn't considered that as counting, but if it does than that is my actual "blew my mind" moment.
Easy. Cutie Mark Chronicles, when Twilight went super sayan all over everpony I flipped. It just blew my mind knowing that something so adorable could be so badass.

I got into the fan-dom late, so when certain in-jokes were made they went clear over my head.

Also, I'm not sure why, but the Rarity whining moment was something that didn't really catch my attention the first time through for some reason. I laughed, but for some reason it just didn't seem all that great the first time I saw it.
That clip was the entire reason I first watched the show. I started late enough that the first episode I saw was Green isn't Your Color.

And then I remembered the scene where Flutterguy sings Evil Enchantress. The first time I saw that clip back in March, it confused the hell out of me because I hadn't watched any MLP episodes beforehand, so I literally had no idea what was going on. Even so, I thought that moment was hilarious, and it only made me more curious about the show, so I decided to go ahead and watch one of the episodes.

That clip is one of the reasons why I started watching Friendship is Magic.
I dunno. I'm getting lots of Of Mares and Magic vibes as I continue digging into A Little Piece of Heaven.

I personally don't care, honestly, because you aren't taking the similarities in the same direction (I mean, obviously its not a Twixie story, so that's one rather major thing out of the way; and you actually talked about the importance of her cloak first because Of Mares and Magic didn't really explain it until Chapter 7), but I feel it should be noted.
The natural result of CoffeeGrunt and me discussing pony sniper guns.

Fluttershy x Derpy OTP Sniper/Spotter pair. I had to sketch it.


MLP: Behind Griffon Lines?
I'm getting lots of Of Mares and Magic vibes as I continue digging into A Little Piece of Heaven.

I've received alot of comments about this. Was gunna wait until tommorow, but Gravekeeper wanted to draw a comic, so here I am all tired and trying to type. :P

In all honesty I tried to do a Trixie returns to ponyville as differently as I could. Several things happen later on that hopefully throw it out of the water.

The natural result of CoffeeGrunt and me discussing pony sniper guns.

Still needs my sniper pony harness. :P

Right now I wish I could drink coffee without retching. For being 6/11ths of my moniker, I sure do hate the stuff. Anyway now I am genuinely going to sleep, and will give this thread and the very likely fifty-million pages that'll spawn while I'm asleep my full...buck...I can't think of the word...attention! Yeh.