The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
^No, it's the name of coffeeGrunt's fanfic
Also, 10 minutes before I need to go to work. and I'm taking this test.

I got 76%, not bad, but I think I'm gonna have to turn more people into Bronies.

Anyway, now begins the great (and powerful) fanfic binge as I'm committed to reading through multiple stories over the course of the next 4 hours. I should join the GT5 Brony races when they begin (3PM EST?)
EDIT: I'd read it, but Im not touching anything else until I finisg Macintosh. TNTNE and TBoTS being exceptions.

Find out I showed up for work 30 minutes early? Pony music time? Pony music time.

Also, I get off at 1:30 so unless something unexpected comes up I'll be able to make the race.

EDIT: I was planning on using my GTR but with evrypony else driving one Im not too sure at this point.
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Just finished it. Looks better!

A small suggestion. Try to keep it in canon as much as possible. There are no firearms in Equestria. Rarity's rifle should be made by her, and only she can operate it using her magic. What do you think?
Who be reading my fic? :P

I'll get right to it then, plus I'll try to give critique on your story as soon as I finish reading it.

EDIT: I was planning on using my GTR but with evrypony else driving one Im not too sure at this point.

Well, I'm going to be using my "Big Mac" GT-R:

I mean. Rarity designed it herself. And she knows how to load, reload and operate it. It's a unique peace of equipment. Bullets can be cylindrical containers with needles (syringes?) like human's tranq-guns. They can contain a drug designed by Fluttershy? Twilight could help build optics for the rifle. Rainbow dash gave the idea? Applejack build a harness? Pinkie Pie... named this thing? i don't know, I think I got carried away xD
Who be reading my fic? :P
I'll read it right after I read the latest chapter of CoffeeGrunt's.

On that note: Shipping tag? Oh boy! Twixie time!

Edit: Oh, you ass! That's not Twixie. That's not Twixie at all!
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Ahm a gun nut. You can make the tip of the bullet from a soft material. It will burst when the bullet hits it's target. 💡
You can't lace "actual" bullets with anything. Realistically, anything you coat them with would boil off before the round even left the barrel.
I haven't read your story yet, but I will say if you are going for nonlethal, soft-tips aren't really the thing you're looking for. They leave messy, huge holes.
I haven't read your story yet, but I will say if you are going for nonlethal, soft-tips aren't really the thing you're looking for. They leave messy, huge holes.

We are not talking about open/soft tip ammo. Those are light hollow bullets filled with drug (jelly or powder)
Just finished it Tesla. There isn't much left to say that hasn't already been said, but I will give you some feedback:

As a first attempt, it's good. Some elements of it are well written and the overall idea seems pretty solid. There does appear to be alot of narrative and very little dialogue between the charaters, so perhaps you can develop that aspect of the story.

Also, I feel the urge to know more about the premise of the infection, but I assume you'll cover that in future chapters.
Right, one fanfic down, many more to go!
CoffeeGrunt Nooooooooo! Pinkie was there. Pinkie was there!


Edit: As of Chapter 6, Of Mares and Magic has basically turned into Ballad-light.

Edit 2: Chapter 7. Haughty Twilight is Best Twilight.

Edit 3: But really, really creepy. Holy crap. She out-Trixied Trixie!
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CoffeeGrunt Nooooooooo! Pinkie was there. Pinkie was there!


Ah well, I got it finished. Now onto my new project, I was just happy to tie up that story while leaving enough loose ends to piss everybrony off. XD

Like that guy who wanted Velvet Storm/Inmate 402 back.

I think A Little Piece of Heaven was as experimental as I could get. Was alot of fun to write.


At least I can read Of Mares and Magic chapter 8 to make myself feel better.
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I'd be lying if I didn't say I hadn't fallen into the same trap. Twice (because I didn't find out that Pinkie was present at the end and at the beginning of Boast Busters at the same time). Going to go read it now (you see, I read up to that part, freaked out, took a screen cap and then forgot to go back to it).

As an aside, I have to say that Of Mares and Magic is, in the most recent chapters, becoming damn close to being Ballad quality.
I agree, it's very enjoyable. Why are Twixie fics so good?

Also I just discovered that Blender got rearranged. I was one of few people on earth who could use the old Blender, now it's been swizzelled around for "ease of use."

I wanted to make an animation. Stuck back to extruding cubes for practice.



Okay I'll hand it to them. Blender is alot better now. I'm actually having fun making a prop crate.
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The New Dawn of the Old Night.

A.K.A. The story where Evil Luna continuously and repeatedly terrifies me.

Remember the scene in TNTNE when Super Bitch outlined her plan to The Captain? That blood-turned-to-ice feeling when it became clear that her grand plan was scary-ruthless but really well-done with the absolute possibility of it coming together? Half of the story is told from Luna's perspective, and every scene is her basically acting like Super Bitch was earlier in TNTNE. The difference is, though, that Luna is not executing her plans by following the Vegeta playbook, so the crap she is pulling is working.

This was one of the fanfics I decided to look at today, in fact, I've just finished the first chapter. I can't say that I'm as engrossed by this story as much as I was when I started reading TNTNE, but I want to see what happens later on, so I'll read the next part tonight (unless any of the other fanfics I'm reading update in the next few hours).

I can see similarities between Super Bitch and Evil Luna, but Luna seems to be far more methodical in her approach to gain control than Trixie was in TNTNE, which is the likely reason why the stuff she has been planning is working.

Magic-blocking gem. I literally screamed "That's too bloody similar to Trixies spell in TNTNE!" when saw that.