The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
I know I said I was going to bed. I've been conversing with someone in PMs about TNTNE. Sue me.

Guys, how long should a chapter go for? I've got my cliffhanger planned already, but I'm not sure how quickly I should advance the story in order to get there without making the first part HUGE.
I've found somewhere in the 4000 words area is just about ideal, depending on how long the story is.

Ideally, though, you should choose yourself which the best scene is to make the chapter break. Didn't expect to see you here as well... I thought the Tornado on here was a different person, but it looks like you're the one and the same as on TSS. O_o

I've only been here (well, lurking around here, anyway) since GT5 released, btw, but it looks like you've been here for...quite a while. o_O;
Its actually rather uncanny that you chose today to post in here, because just a few hours ago I Copy-Pasted that email you got from Seth and made the same mean-spirited joke about the Sonic fanbase that I did on TSS.

Good night (for realz this time).

New Profile Picture is Best Picture.

Edit: Also, remember everybody, GTP Bronies race tomorrow.

Edit 2: Oh, and Luna's Socks just got completed as well.
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EDIT: Thinking about it, it isn't too fanfic-y :ill: Something doesn't feel right. Even considering the situation I've placed them in, they still feel slightly out of character, and as a result I'm avoiding using dialogue too much..

EDIT #2: Tired of writing right now, here's the first chapter (doing short chapters because I'm too lazy to continue :P) First draft.

Looks quite promising, its has some cool elements like the "virus effects" bit, its really appealing and to be honest, I like it, is well written, and it has some cool moments.

But there are a couple of things that you could tweak, for example, you could control a bit the pacing so the events don't get too sudden (i.e. the bits between the virus explanation and the scenes with rest of the cast) , probably tweak a little bit Fluttershy personality to make it credible, but don't mind my opinion too much, is better that you base your modifications on the feedback that the other guys might provide you.

Apart from that, I like it, in fact, I like the concept and the presentation of it, a bit dramatic but good, is better than some of the stuff that I usually read in ED, maybe you can get some feedback by reading some of the fanfics featured there too, but that's my opinion.

Now time for pics:

Cool pony concept:

No comment:

And the disadvantages of being eternal.
I still don't get the pony in socks's...yeh.

Ok, you know what? Screw my social life. Screw work. Screw sleep.

It. Is. On. *Fires up LibreOffice*

Excellent, the plan advances.

EDIT: And now....I am sad.

Reminds me of The Centrepiece of my Collection.

Also I'm curious, we all know what happens during a zombie apocalypse, but what happens afterwards? I've always wanted to write an aftermath fic about a communistic military state taking over in the absence of old-world authority. (Army kills off zombies, saevs race, liberators become oppressors, etc, uprising begins.)

Would be a cool chance to write Tryrant Celestia vs NLR. Although this idea pre-dates ponies for me.
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Thanks 👍 The criticisms were what I was worried about, I've never been too good at controlling the pace of a story :indiff: Also, I know my Fluttershy needs work :ouch:. I'm planning for her to revert to her former self after [something ;)] happens, so it'll be easier to for me to write her after that.

EDIT: And I have never actually read anything off ED, nor have I written a fic before ;)

That's just my opinion, you will get better feedback on this once the other guys read your fanfic,apart from that, your story is well written, is interesting and it has potential.

Brush your teeth like a boss.

Get some sleep.

I own you guys the last pics, it's quite late and I need to finish the thing.


(That counts as sleeping Luna, somehow)

Goodnight everyone.
So hot outside... This winter was the coldest in my life and this summer is the hottest!

It's suicide to go outside, so I'll just sit here and draw some more =)
Ponies and zombies? No thanks...
*reads it anyway* xD

EDIT: How do you "kill" two with one anti-IP round? How do they work?

Continue writing! =)
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Those are .50 caliber rounds... even if they are non lethal they must sting like hell... I guess the shock from the impact makes IP's sleep xD
I'll check it soon. Uploading photos to DA.

I think the main 6 should talk to each other without saying ranks. They are The Friends. At least when they are all by themselves. But it's your story, so you can do whatever you want.
Why DA doesn't have an option to upload multiple files?? I guess it makes every deviation rare. So much work is made, just to upload a photo.

Almost done. A couple more... then I'll see what you have changed.

EDIT: All photos uploaded. Have to go away for an hour.
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That pretty much takes the Spike picture I posted, and slaps in the face for thinking it's sad.

In other news, MintBerryCrunch is going to kill himself when he wakes up tomorrow and realizes that Macintosh got its final update 15 minutes after he went to bed.


It sucks that it's ended, but in a way I'm glad to know I'm not going to be left 30 chapters behind. Looks like I know what I'm doing all day after work.....

Edit: Also, remember everybody, GTP Bronies race tomorrow.

......never mind, I'll be joining this instead. I guess I could spend every waking moment of my free time today racing and reading Macintosh.

Why DA doesn't have an option to upload multiple files?? I guess it makes every deviation rare. So much work is made, just to upload a photo.

Almost done. A couple more... then I'll see what you have changed.

EDIT: All photos uploaded. Have to go away for an hour.

After you upload each photo do you just start the process completely over from scratch for the next one? Because I know that(with FireFox at least) you can just hit the back button and it'll save the form information so you can just upload them quickly.
After much deliberation, I've decided to add that Cupcakes sequel to the list. Albeit with hugest, brightest, most obnoxious warning label ever conceived by mankind, but I'm still adding it. If nothing else, it will wash away the awful for those who have read the original.

Oh, then I check ED and now I'm 3 chapters behind in Of Mares and Magic. Damn.

Plus I Won't See You Tonight.

I wonder what were you talking about with that "someone".
He joined because he saw one of my posts about it, and he wanted to know some background information about it before he started reading it. I basically just told him a bit about it, and made sure to make him know about a specific concept that an awful lot of people on the comments page for the story missed.

Also, I uploaded an avatar for DA, so whatever you were doing yesterday you can do now (I guess?).

I've read Spark. Your attempts to instill sad using the consequences of immortality have no effect on me.
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As promised, I now have a GT-R SpecV to take TrixieR on with. I'm not gonna lie to you, it was expensive as hell, but Calsonic-style looks and performance was worth it.

Well, okay, it still needs some suspension work, but...
I'm not going to be in the race, it's too early and there's often too much hassle with my connection. Good luck to the racers.
@Tesla, I'll read you story in the morning, it better be good or you know where you'll be sent. :lol:

In other news, goodnight everypony.

So I guess that's pretty much everyone's favorite image?

Cereal Velocity
Dear Princess Celestia,
Today I learned that ponies are fooled by bad CNN logos, can indeed tell the difference between a German and an American tank, and don't know that blog time is two hours behind Central time.

You Faithful Student, Cereal

This is pretty much what I was thinking while reading those comments.

Also, 10 minutes before I need to go to work. and I'm taking this test.
I'm done the test.

Question 13 asked if I'd eaten apples more often since I became a fan of the show.....I hadn't thought about it until now, but it's actually true....

Anyway, I got 90% on the test :P

Alright, I've got to go to work now.

EDIT(from phone): Also, I meant to say "sleep image".
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