The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
I might just call all of you "addicts to zoophilia and bestiality" LMFAO, just kidding guys! Just having fun, nice little thread you got here!
I'm still awake.

I just got back from the most amazing day at SD Comic-Con. First the Hasbro booth was giving out free posters and looping MLP clips on their screens (which brought a good amount of bronies around), then I headed over to John Joseco again, who finished drawing me a free sketch of Rainbow Dash (which was totally epic; I just wish I could of thought of a more unique/special request), and of course the greatest part was actually getting to meet Tara Strong! She was part of an incredible panel of voice actors/actresses, and they were all so awesome. John is a really cool guy, too.
I just got back from the most amazing day at SD Comic-Con. First the Hasbro booth was giving out free posters and looping MLP clips on their screens (which brought a good amount of bronies around), then I headed over to John Joseco again, who finished drawing me a free sketch of Rainbow Dash (which was totally epic; I just wish I could of thought of a more unique/special request), and of course the greatest part was actually getting to meet Tara Strong! She was part of an incredible panel of voice actors/actresses, and they were all so awesome. John is a really cool guy, too.

These types of things make me wish I lived in the US. However I've seen how your government works, so I'm kinda glad I live here. (Then again the current government here isn't very good)

However... Can you upload a picture of the drawing? I'd like to see it.

I just got back from the most amazing day at SD Comic-Con. First the Hasbro booth was giving out free posters and looping MLP clips on their screens (which brought a good amount of bronies around), then I headed over to John Joseco again, who finished drawing me a free sketch of Rainbow Dash (which was totally epic; I just wish I could of thought of a more unique/special request), and of course the greatest part was actually getting to meet Tara Strong! She was part of an incredible panel of voice actors/actresses, and they were all so awesome. John is a really cool guy, too.

Amazing, makes me wish to be in San Diego, but no, anyway, I'll like to have a look to that drawing, and it must be nice to meet someone like John.

Also time to sleep, I got a bit busy, maybe I will follow this conversation tomorrow.

Goodnight everyone.

(Fun fact: I was looking for the "save" button for this post :lol: , I really need some sleep)

These types of things make me wish I lived in the US. However I've seen how your government works, so I'm kinda glad I live here. (Then again the current government here isn't very good)

However... Can you upload a picture of the drawing? I'd like to see it.

Sure, just as soon as I can get my hands on a scanner. I'll try to get my friends to upload theirs, too.
You will see a very sad picture in 4-5 days. It's so sad that I can't finish it today.

I'll do a free request to a Brony who will guess what's it about.
Do you have a triple monitor setup? Or do you just have 3 ps3's encase something happens?
At the time, I was VP of the college's video game club. As such, I regularly brought my Triple to school. One day, it was raining. I carried my Triple in a hard backed old-school suitcase from the 1950s. I didn't want to get wet, so I lifted it over my head to act as an impromptu umbrella.

I dropped it about 5 seconds later. So, nearly $250 later, I had purchased several parts with which to replace the exterior of the case, which was broken in several places. Including 2 other early-generation PS3s that had both YLoD, one of which cost me $150 and I never ended up using any of the parts from it. Because I would not let me beloved launch day CECHA model die on me.
I actually ended up using the broken case as a pretext to clean out the interior and replace the PSU/thermal paste, so it still runs better now than it ever did.

Ironically, I ended up transferring everything into the case for the CECHE (and stealing a bunch of others parts from it), so it is a weird hybrid model now.

A Megadrive, I knew it!, haven't seen one of those in years, it still works?, I remember that the back ports made short-circuit (one that belonged to my uncle's did, it was the version with the attached drive).
I wouldn't have blown $110 on the thing if it didn't work. I actually have 6 Gennys (a Mk I, two Mk IIs, a Genny 3 and a Nomad), but that is my prized one and the one I use.

I just got back from the most amazing day at SD Comic-Con. First the Hasbro booth was giving out free posters and looping MLP clips on their screens (which brought a good amount of bronies around), then I headed over to John Joseco again, who finished drawing me a free sketch of Rainbow Dash (which was totally epic; I just wish I could of thought of a more unique/special request), and of course the greatest part was actually getting to meet Tara Strong! She was part of an incredible panel of voice actors/actresses, and they were all so awesome. John is a really cool guy, too.
Curse my living on the other side of the country. Did you manage to grab one of them posters? A lot of people have been saying they look even better for real than they do when they were shown on Facebook.

I had also completely forgotten that John Joseco was actually a comic artist.

You will see a very sad picture in 4-5 days. It's so sad that I can't finish it today.

I'll do a free request to a Brony who will guess what's it about.
It be that Chapter 8?

I also submitted Rainbow Dash's Implication to Seth last night before I went to bed.

Edit: Sorting through the music right now. I know I've said this before, but it really takes talent to sing that badly when it is quite clear that you can actually sing.
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My review of A Little Piece of Heaven is on 331, if you're interested. I didn't put as much time into it as I did for my The Party Never Ended, Dangerous Business or Building Bridges reviews, but meh.

Hey, there is already album art in here!
Oh alright, you still wrote a fair bit of text. XD

Velvet's getting her own fanfic. I thought it'd be fun to explore the abilities of an immortal psychopath going her own way.

The thing was I needed to get Trixie into the afterlife, and as far as capping it off with a ship, suddenly it seemed unrealistic that Twilight would have feelings for her. The others inherently disliked her, and Pinkie seemed the most compatible.

I know the fic has so many holes I shoulda uploaded it as a sieve, but in all honesty the idea was for the series to end with IWSYT. I managed to extend it and make it feel somewhat natural, but I can't help but feel it's weakened the series as a whole adding onto it like this.

Velvet's coming back and I'm moving onto other ideas I have. I left enough loose ends to prompt the possibility of a sequel if I manage to think of a viable way to do it. I have an idea, but I'm leaving it on the backburner because the idea is more iffy than Trinkie Pie.
I just got back from the most amazing day at SD Comic-Con. First the Hasbro booth was giving out free posters and looping MLP clips on their screens (which brought a good amount of bronies around), then I headed over to John Joseco again, who finished drawing me a free sketch of Rainbow Dash (which was totally epic; I just wish I could of thought of a more unique/special request), and of course the greatest part was actually getting to meet Tara Strong! She was part of an incredible panel of voice actors/actresses, and they were all so awesome. John is a really cool guy, too.

Words cannot describe how Jelly I am right now.
I'm more Jelly than I was of the models Sethisto has. I tried to find a picture to describe how Jelly I am but such a thing doesn't exist.

I probably would have made myself look stupid when I met Tara Strong and squeed myself unconscious.

Actually, I would have looked something like this.

Until I passed out.

You will see a very sad picture in 4-5 days. It's so sad that I can't finish it today.

I'll do a free request to a Brony who will guess what's it about.

Since Toro took my first guess.
Is it Fluttershy killing/about to kill a bunny? I already have a clear visual of what happened in Ch. 8, so I actually feel like a good picture of Fluttershy killing something like that would hit me harder.
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Oh alright, you still wrote a fair bit of text. XD

Velvet's getting her own fanfic. I thought it'd be fun to explore the abilities of an immortal psychopath going her own way.

The thing was I needed to get Trixie into the afterlife, and as far as capping it off with a ship, suddenly it seemed unrealistic that Twilight would have feelings for her. The others inherently disliked her, and Pinkie seemed the most compatible.

I know the fic has so many holes I shoulda uploaded it as a sieve, but in all honesty the idea was for the series to end with IWSYT. I managed to extend it and make it feel somewhat natural, but I can't help but feel it's weakened the series as a whole adding onto it like this.

Velvet's coming back and I'm moving onto other ideas I have. I left enough loose ends to prompt the possibility of a sequel if I manage to think of a viable way to do it. I have an idea, but I'm leaving it on the backburner because the idea is more iffy than Trinkie Pie.
I thought she was only sorta immortal? Or immortal with a bunch of loopholes or something?

I agree that Pinkie makes the most sense based on the events of the story, because the only viable ships I can see anyways besides Twixie is TwixieShy and the setup wasn't right for that in this story. Therefore, already I can sorta see how Trixie Pie would work.

I just think that the way it happened would have benefited from more setup before the Vulcan Mind Meld, because it seems like the ship ultimately leans on that one scene more than anything else to sell the ending. The scene where Trixie wakes up and finds Pinkie crying in the kitchen was a really good one. The scene at the funeral was similarly strong. And I think with a couple more scenes of similar importance between the two (though not necessarily of the same kind of emotions that those two scenes had) would have really helped support it in the end. However, it was still just a bit too sudden for it to really work as well as you seem to have intended.

Now, this is a danger for all one-shot shipping stories, especially ones that aren't built around the more common OTPs. Because I read basically everything on ED, I've seen even the "simplest" of ships like AppleDash get unintentionally sunk by the author by not building up to them properly.
But my problem with this one is that it was real close to pulling it off, but just didn't quite have the setup in place to make it.

Also, what means IWSYT does IWSYT mean? Some kind of TV Tropes acronym that I just can't remember at the moment?

Since Toro took my first guess.
Is it Fluttershy killing/about to kill a bunny? I already have a clear visual of what happened in Ch. 8, so I actually feel like a good picture of Fluttershy killing something like that would hit me harder.
You know, now that I think about it, there are a lot of things in TNTNE (assuming it is a picture of TNTNE) that most people would probably call sad, but we've become so jaded by Chapter 4 and Chapter 8 that our perceptions are skewed.

MintBerryCrunch, have you seen the DubStep version of the CMC song in there? I even found that one version that sounds like it was sung by Jethro Tull, but I can't find the DubStep one.
^I'm not sure. I'll have to check after work though.

And I'm assuming it's TNTNE because if I remember right unit said something about drawing more fan-art for each chapter or something like that. I might just be remembering wrong though.
@Tesla, I'm reading your fanfic at the moment, it's not bad, I could read more quite easily. It does seem weirdly narrated to me, but that's more than likely due to the fact I've been reading certain comical fanfics that involve Twilight and Trixie... (And ones about everyones favorite DJ, Vinyl Scratch). They're just written differently to your story. Other than that Fluttershy's attitude is the only thing that needs explanation, however as you said that would be addressed so it's not really an issue.

And good work on the brony problem. We need more of them.

And since I'm lazy here's a recycled image.

Goodnight everypony.
You will see a very sad picture in 4-5 days. It's so sad that I can't finish it today.

I'll do a free request to a Brony who will guess what's it about.

Correct answer will be visible, when the picture will be finished.
If you feel like it, you can change your guess at any time, I will write down your latest guess.

Anyways, want to read something depressing? I've added some stuff to my story. Excuse me for the amount of spelling errors. *click*
I will give yours and Tesla's a look over once I burn through these three other tabs I've got.

> mfw when I found Pinkie Pie Can-Can in the Mash Ups folder:

At The Winter Gala is also really cool (especially Rainbow Dash's part, which sounds like someone stuck a hand grenade in a synthesizer and recorded the results).

Though I can't find A Picture of Applejack Farting anywhere.

Also, what does IWSYT mean? Some kind of TV Tropes acronym that I just can't remember at the moment?

I Won't See You Tonight.


She's not just immortal, she's been eternally conscious for the last eight years. She's mildly insane as a result, so a fun character to write up. I'm going to expand on what happened to her after she escaped, because the fail-safe didn't work as it was meant to for a reason.

But yeh, I'm going to try writing less complex dramatic stuff. And probably avoid trying to write shipping again for a while.


Also the MLP Lesbian Shipping group on DA requested my fanfic. Genuinely did not realise I just wrote an equine, homosexual, romance fiction until that point.
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@Tesla, there is one more thing that needs addressing. When doing a change in location it should be indicated, it's the norm that most stories adhere to.
Either -------- or ******** between paragraphs will do. It will make those segments where you change location easier to understand.

Edit: I'm going to bed for real now.

I Won't See You Tonight.


She's not just immortal, she's been eternally conscious for the last eight years. She's mildly insane as a result, so a fun character to write up. I'm going to expand on what happened to her after she escaped, because the fail-safe didn't work as it was meant to for a reason.
Ah, okay.

Though I got a lot more than "mildly" insane vibes from her. She seemed to possess that Hannibal Lecter sort of lucid insanity, though not quite that extreme.

I wish that the Super PonyBeat songs had the versions with the lyrics as well as the originals.

Edit: They do!
MintBerryCrunch, have you seen the DubStep version of the CMC song in there? I even found that one version that sounds like it was sung by Jethro Tull, but I can't find the DubStep one.
I found it! It was in the Albums -> DJAelxs folder.

I like the idea of a sane psycho. I mean, Hannibal Lecter is almost a genius, but he's a cannibal. It's strange.

I also want to be able to write a character without refering to a sad backstory. A bona fide adventure story as Velvet does stuff as part of Celestia's plan.

I mean, she recieved an Alicorn Band while serial killers and terrorists didn't? ;)