Mah apple trees! Five of the young uns, right in the river last night!
Look, Applejack. I did what I could, alright? Storms like that are hard to control!
Twilight Sparkle had just walked out the front of her library, onto soft, somewhat muddy ground. Thered been a nasty thunderstorm over Ponyville last night, but it still didnt much explain why her friends Applejack and Rainbow Dash were arguing
Hey, guys, Twilight asked, walking up to them. Whats up?
Applejack sent a glare to a frustrated, frazzled, and tired-looking Rainbow Dash.
That storm last night, WAY off course! Too much rain on the slope beside th river! An those new trees we planted yesterday? Plop! Half em right in the drink
Rainbow Dash snorted. I did what I could, okay! I dont know how to move big storms like that very well! And by the time the Air Force cloud handlers would have gotten there it wouldve been too late!
She sighed, I was up all night working that thing. I tried my hardest
You know you shouldve called them anyway, Rainbow Dash
The voice wasnt Twilight or Applejack
but a grand white horse with a unicorns horn, Pegasus wings, and a Rainbow-colored mane made of what seemed to be pure magic. It was, indeed, Princess Celestia.
Your highness! Twilight, the princesss long-time pupil said, Its good to see you again!
Good to see you, too, Celestia said, But Im here to talk with Rainbow Dash.
Dash looked up at Celestia. I
I tried my best
You know youre not rated to handle storms of that magnitude. Only military pegasus are. It was unfortunate that got away from our hands, but you shouldve let us know when it entered your sky
what was it supposed to do? Rainbow Dash asked. Just sit there and let it run over us?!
Celestia sighed. You have a point. Thats why Ive arranged for you to be trained.
The Rainbow-maned pegasuss eyes went wide. T-Trained?! You realize what happened to me during flight school, right?
That can be overlooked. Celestia said. Its why Im sending you to the Pegasus Carrier ESS Luna.
A N-NAVY Pegasus carrier?!
Yes, and
Ah, here she comes now
There was a tearing noise, and suddenly, low from over the tree-library where Twilight lived and studied, flew a streak of blue and yellow, a Pegasus flying close to the speed of sound. She pulled into a steep Immelman turn, then came quickly in for a landing right beside Rainbow Dash. She had dark blue fur, with a straw-yellow mane, and almost gold-colored eyes. Her cutie mark was a blue and gold shield, split across the middle an angle, with two images of Pegasuses flying. She stood straight and tall, wearing a yellow helmet, and regulation armbands with her rank upon them Senior Lieutenant, an officer. She stood at attention, and saluted the Princess.
Lieutenant Blue Angel reporting as ordered, Maam. She rattled off, precisely.
Dash shook her head. Typical ramrod-straight military mumbo-jumbo
Celestia returned the salute. At ease, Lieutenant. I just wanted you to meet the civilian cloud handler youll be training. Rainbow Dash, this is Lieutenant Blue Angel, your instructor starting next week.
Rainbow Dash was aghast. Next week! With all due respect, Your highness
My word is final, Rainbow Dash. Ill put Spitfire of the Wonderbolts on your station while youre away during the three week training period. By that time, hopefully, youll be storm-rated
otherwise, Ill have to assign a military Pegasus here for you to report to
Dash was speechless.
Y-Yes maam. She finally mustered. She glanced over at Blue Angel, who looked at her from beneath the visor of her helmet. Dash did NOT like that patronizing look she got.
Alright, then
just gotta show stiffwings here I can handle this, learn some new tricks, and Im golden. I mean, cmon, Im Equestrias Best Young Flyer! I saved Wonderbolts 3, 5, and 6, AND Rarity! I got this!
As Celestia left, Blue Angel finally spoke to Rainbow Dash
Look, kid. I dont want to take any guff from you, alright? You do just what I say. Your first order is to be present and presentable at 0800 sharp, on the deck of the ESS Luna.Not a minute late. Got it?
Dash nodded, a grim, hard expression on her face, as her posture straightened. Got it. She said.
Blue Angel sent an unimpressed look, but was satisfied enough that she turned and left, leaving quite a gust of wind behind her.
Well, Twilight said, walking up. I guess youre gonna get your storm certs, huh?
Rainbow Dash collapsed to the ground. Why me!?