My cutie mark? This, but with angel/Pegasus wings:
Why? Well, I had it on a lucid dream, in which I was a unicorn colt without a cutie mark (grown colt, not fillie colt), that had two friends; one with a deterministic personality, and one with a cynical and "sometimes-you-think-too-much", but good at the bottom personality (my previous personality schemes, they had marks). I was good at fixing things -Just as I am IRL-, but it wasn't my mark, so, one day, I decided that was going to change and built a flying suit, that resembled the Carbonox armor in Ratchet & Clank 2. I reached Mach 3.7 on it and a ceiling of 104.6 km. It was fueled by alcohol gelatin obtained from distillation and processing of applejack and cider, with a hydrogen peroxide tank for high altitudes. Upon landing, I had my cutie mark. I believe it represents the ability I -and all of us- have to change our destiny using our skills, and get past the limitations of our body, or social status. The presence of the previous personalities, in which my current is based, serve, in my opinion, a deep philosophical purpose, considering their involvement in my dream. I could write a good fanfic based upon it, if I had the time.