The Thread About Ponies, Logistics and General Weirdness (And Gilda)TV 

  • Thread starter TommyWizard
I finally found out where all of those comics were coming from. The only problem is that I have already read almost all of them. :(

Edit: Also, guys, try to cut down on the image dumps. I know its all in good fun, but this isn't /co/ and I don't want anyone to get in trouble for slow chatting.
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Did anyone need more proof that Lauren is awesome?
Yeah I know you don't, but here it is anyway.

Explanations for the episode discrepancy have come out. They make more sense in hindsight, but aren't as fun as I was hoping:
The speculations! They are dispelled!

Apparently two episodes were already completed during season 1 for season two, and they are just hangin' out back in the vault while Topdraw finishes the other 24.

Guess that answers that!

Now someone go find out if Trixie will be making an GLORIOUS comeback and if Lyra is now a main character.


Though I suppose that doesn't mean that multi-part episodes definitely won't happen.
Yeah, we should limit it to only 5 images maximum. I don't want to scroll down for like 5 minutes just to view the next post.

You know, for kids.
Yeah, we should limit it to only 5 images maximum. I don't want to scroll down for like 5 minutes just to view the next post.

*sex implied by lack of context*

You know, for kids.


Oh, and I just found this in my subscription box.

So if you liked the other 8-Bits you'll definitely like this.
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Ok, so I just updated the YouTube channel with a few new playlists to help keep all of the pony videos organized so they are easy to access.
I wasn't able to get all of the videos in this thread right now, but as people link them I, or anybody who happens to want to, can add said video into one of the playlists.
Here's what I have so far.
My Little Pony: Music
My Little Pony: Movie Dubs
My Little Pony: Funny

Oh, MercilessOne, could you could put a link to the main YouTube channel in the description of the GTPBronies group?
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Perhaps an image gallery is required for the pony pics?

Well this thread is an image gallery of sorts, it's just that people shouldn't dump a load of them here in one huge post (especially .gifs). It would be possible to make a gallery made up of all the images in this thread, but that would take alot of time and patience to do such a thing. Instead, I think we should post some images here and perhaps make a thread in the Brony Group section for various other pony related pics. I don't know how the various pony images would be sorted, but hey.

This is just an idea based on what you've said. I'm not saying we should do this, but it could be considered at least.

I could actually put together an image gallery just for us Bronies.
I won't be able to do it right now, so it'll probably be later unless someone else decides to make one. But it'll probably be in Picasa or Flickr.
I could actually put together an image gallery just for us Bronies.
I won't be able to do it right now, so it'll probably be later unless someone else decides to make one. But it'll probably be in Picasa or Flickr.

Sounds good to me. I already have a modest MLP image collection on Photobucket, although they're only images that i've found and turned into macros.

Also, this is probably the best Super Ponybeat video created so far:

Imageshack kinda sucks these days, so I suggest using something other than it.

I've got something like 100 pictures saved to my PS3, so I could help out if need be.
I use Photobucket, but you better check what has the most bandwidth so we eventually won't get those obnoxious "Bandwidth exceeded" messages instead of ponies.
GTPBronies Picasa Account Info
Public Gallery

There's nothing yet because my pictures are on my laptop that's out for repairs, and my mom doesn't want me downloading anything to her computer.

EDIT: Damn, well those posts showed up fast. If you've already created the gallery that's cool, but if you just have the pictures but no where to upload them, I've already got the solution.
With any luck you would have downloaded the photos before creating a place to upload them. I chose picasa because it's the easiest to use and Google has monster servers, so bandwidth shouldn't be a problem.

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I'm not even sure what page 56 is. I have it set to 50 posts per page, so I've only got 47 pages.
What's there?

EDIT: Also, I just did a major overhaul on my signature.
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Let me rephrase it then. If you see Post #1111 in this thread, feel free to grab the picture in that post and upload it. Then go back to the top of the page and skip to the next one.

Here's the contents of Post #1132:

Post #1133:

Post #1145:

And Post 1148, because they are all theoretically on the same page as #1111:

Is it the default 20 posts per page? Because the only thing I see bad is that pic of Applebloom I found from the Cupcakes fanfic.


Well my fellow bronies.

Today has been just awful. On my way to the recruitment office, I hydro-planed my car today and almost killed myself. I almost spun out and hit several cars, but caught it at the last moment and saved it before it got worse. I, however, ended up hitting the sidewalk and riding up on top of it, which burst my front and rear tires on the right side. In the process, my brother-in-law ended up spending money that I don't have on new tires for my car. As a result, I didn't get to the office, and I missed a job interview because of the incident.

I'm seriously shaked up and now I'm feeling really crappy now. I feel like everything went wrong because of me. Ponies, please make me feel better tonight.

Is it the default 20 posts per page? Because the only thing I see bad is that pic of Applebloom I found from the Cupcakes fanfic.


Well my fellow bronies.

Today has been just awful. On my way to the recruitment office, I hydro-planed my car today and almost killed myself. I almost spun out and hit several cars, but caught it at the last moment and saved it before it got worse. I, however, ended up hitting the sidewalk and riding up on top of it, which burst my front and rear tires on the right side. In the process, my brother-in-law ended up spending money that I don't have on new tires for my car. As a result, I didn't get to the office, and I missed a job interview because of the incident.

I'm seriously shaked up and now I'm feeling really crappy now. I feel like everything went wrong because of me. Ponies, please make me feel better tonight.

~teh adorable~

At least you're fine and that's pretty much the only important thing. You can get another interview, can't get another life.

Also, I have a lot of avatar-specific pics that I can make in to...avatars and post them on the group page as well.
Yeah, just be thankful all you lost was 2 tires.
Also, you hydroplaned, that's one of the least predictable things that can happen when driving. The fact you managed to keep a small amount of control is impressive if anything.
Like what T-12 said, you can always get another job interview, but you can't replace a life.

Even though I posted it before, just stare at this for a few seconds and you should feel a little better:
I'm seriously shaked up and now I'm feeling really crappy now. I feel like everything went wrong because of me. Ponies, please make me feel better tonight.

You're okay which is the important thing.

Need to feel better eh? Well, how about a random video featuring of Pinkie Pie doing, er, whatever it is she's doing in this video, I dunno. It made me laugh anyway:
