I still think the "buckets of blood" is the best.
Especially if you've read...well, you know.
EDIT: Witch, by the way, I read just before posting that picture.
Well, I more read up to the violent parts, but I skimmed through the rest of the story. I think if I read the whole thing I would have nightmares. But that said, the parts I read were pretty good, and if it was a fanfic of almost any other series I might have read the whole thing. Seeing pictures of...things happening to the ponies doesn't phase me in the slightest, but that story, it just get's to me somehow. I respect a good story, even if it does involve mutilating one of my favorite cartoon characters.
EDIT: You know what? I'm going to read the whole thing, and if I end up having sick, twisted dreams, I'll have only myself to blame.
EDIT: “I know I can be a real pancreas, but you know I’m just kidney with you. You really got to learn to liver it up. Boy, these jokes are getting bladder. Guess ya gotta develop a stomach for them.”
Given the context, this is the most 🤬 up thing I have ever heard.
I've never even reacted to a well written horror movie that strongly, I had a genuine feeling of horror through the whole thing. The writing was fantastic though, it really made you feel like you were there. That says something about the writers talent. The memory of that will be with me for a while unfortunately, but I'm actually glad I read that. I'll probably have nightmares tonight, but that only speaks to the quality of the writing. My hands are actually shaking a little right now.
Damn me and my ability to visualize stories easily in my head.
I'm going to go lay down and watch some MLP to make myself feel better.